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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]Jaril'ill GOt \lei I,,~~:,:.~~'~,::'~.JI~"::~'~:i: OF nOOKS, A .REVIEW PLAYS AND LIFE 1 ~:!(J~!:~~,;o(11/ S~UI(~:~:C~}I:~~{l!oo;e;(J/!;:I~: COLLEGE WEEKLY lorr.llt.! an (1)port1ulily to give vowe to By BOYD H.Al.I.SlIBMWEIl. The trne FRENCH of the PLAYS of 11. play is test worth Official uewepepcr of Western Marylnlld College, published 011 Thursday during ~~~~~,::r/tt~1!/!:~~:~ti~./~!~~i/!:SP~!!ldQ~~ repeated production throughout many tile aendemle yenr by the lItU\lcnts of Welltern Maryland College, Westminster, write. E1JC1'Y0711: is taNlCstl11 6'11.-lJouroged The aumll college has both the prob ycnrs in many languages. Modern audj- Mllrylnnd. Entered 119 aeeond-alasa matter at tile Westminsler Poatofflce. /0 conil'i.Z,utc Iris or her views, but the ( often seotl' at revivals, ficeking to editors '1IlUlit reeorcc tile 'right to blue lcm of news and uocuce. In the college see 11. new play of mediocre calibre, Subscription Price, $2.00 Po Year peneil- libelous anrl insincere manusoripts, of t.hree hundred or less WB moat uuiver- rather tuau a clasaie {If proved wort]!. Th6 fol/owing leiters lIu'I,'1; been rcceiucd sally hear tlus ery. It is 11 problem thnt b_l/ til8 617itor !1llriflg a.e past week (lm-d must he met aurl dealt with by eacn edit TIm two plnys reviewed below have mct IILANl\GTNG STAFF tire offered (U; [olld {or coUegiate iug group ill its own p.1rticular way. a double test-ng(lllnd interest. Though EDITOR-IN-CmEF . . .C. \V. Koockogey, '32 thought.) 't'he news of a small college is the neil'S both of retain these the are geuulne revivals human of classics, both rnterest MANAGING EDlTOR ' .. 'I'homas \V. Otto, '32 Tuesday, April 8th. of everybody beforo the day ends. Eacll thnt will, through all ages, druw box· nutl with ASST. UANAGIKG EDITOR .. .William H. Sparrow, '33 Editor . student before meets he quils talks his work. other The stu edi- office emwds. The faet that both of dents BUSINESS MANAGER. ..... Duncan C. Murcuisou, '32 Dear To Sir: say that at its best things arc atilt tor finds t.ljat befur e his copy is sent to these are truuslatious from the Preneh AnYER'flSING :MANAGER ..... David Truudle, '33 in a 1,)[1(1\l'ay is going to sound pessunia- preS8thenewsisu univcrsnldtem. It makes them undoubtedly intercating , CIROULATION MANAGER . . Wayue Moore, '32 tic to some of the readers of Llris. artjcl~. ill cnll' when an iDlportant announcement Camille Howcver when we stop to eOllllNrc our is gil'en to the papcr directly tllut the ASST. CIRCULATiON 1\fANAGERS (The Lady of the Oamelias) campns with tllos.o of somc of tlw ethel' stml~l1t body gets its l>urprLse. 'l'h~ Maurice C. Fleming, '34 Arthur i Downey, '34 Inside the Civic Repertory 'flleatre, ex- college$ with wllieh oue might be .1C- storie>! and jokes usually pass n heavy Lora 111. Ontten, '34 eitemcnt leaps from row to row as an quain!cd J we fire prone to wond>.>r WIly Iward of censors ao that thllY nrc BO dry electl'ic spark. 'I'he play by Alexander R.EPOR'l'ORIAL STAFF rnllnotlookflsnefitasthQsc and scholastic that the llvcrage student DnnHls a. picture of Preueh life 'l'heallsll'ertothis lWI'er rearla them. 'l'he stuaent thus NEWS EDITORS the fact that the gets his paper:md eilhcr sellds it ilomc or in the of Auteiul, nbout the year t-o tlieelassical M, Susan Strow, '33 C. Rw;sell ITel'bst, '33 '·~Spollsible for Ule throws'it WHy. 1815. in In the plll}', "Camille" g-iycs inter· )Jiss est apprnrallee of sul'tounilings. If it 'l'healumniantlfriellilsofthecollege ASSOOJA1'E EOI'rORS LIJOalliClUle all opportunity to exhibit II ilnl'eu of desire the Olles who Mary Lee Sb.ipley, '32 Robert L. Rodgers, '32 is ncat the looking campus, tllcstudcnts resu.!t to will1!e a arc 'rhey the :Ire scntten:(l1'nr profit out by Ol'er the pnp~r. vibrant ehar:leterizutioll that is mostilll the coun- llellter looking canlllllS lil;lU wo have at tT~' nud their number ia limitc(l. Tho pressil-C. As Marguerite Gnutier, or SPORTS EDITORS C!Jlllille, as tho heroine is callod by hcr Beatrice Cl'owthcrs, '32 'fhOlllas],f. Ocaley, '33 present. puper is the (}nly source by whkh the friends, Miss LeGallicune dominates the To a sirunger wonld our ellmplls gi\'e smail call~ge can I,cep in touBh with its 1)1<1."y~t blends her characterization into ilEPORTERS the alumni and bold lheir There lheplayasawlu,.le. Weshareourtenrs Evelyn E. Collison, '31 J. Wcsley Day, '31 ,,-ith ~tnrguerito as she saerifiees marry· Margaret E. Hamilton, '31 George E. lIIcGoWftll, '3J the llIall whom she rellily loves to Victoria D. Smith, '31 Howard A. Boltoll, '32 the $oeial standing of his flLmily. Ruth E. Woolcott, '31 Samucl G. 'l'ownshelld, Jr., '32 dual I~eon:1 work, Roberts, wil.h :1. her ol'cr stride indil'i· in bustle acqnirc~ Winifrcd S. Bush, '32 ITowllrd 111. Amosfl, '32 ller as "Prudence." lI!iss Roberts Sara B. Robinson, '32 Stanford I, nofi', '32 that there is more charaeter in a M. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell ITerbst, '33 wnlk than Illost people imagine. Her Betty Allen, '33 Thomas 11. Gealcy, '33 serions eh~ratt~rizatiolls nre the work of Martha Harrison, '34 William G. Pyles, '33 r1. real ~r!i~t though lhe result is often very fu~ny. Only through years of ex· perience blOS lofiss R()bcrl.s be~ll able to build up Iler marveJous t.echnique. Although there nrc the outstnniling perf()rmanees of the produeUon, the whole prr.scntatiou makes a pcrfect revil·al of a.wonderfnl classic. S. REINECKE. Morituri ,\Vhich, being freely trrBlslated. means, "\fe who ate Te Salutamus about to die salute thee." With thi1'; issue of the Gold "Cyrano de Bcrgerlle" gal'e "'nlt\'r Bug, tIle eighth Managing Staff takes eomnl reseet1ed tltis plol of grounll, so it is np And the \J:lnjoes b~ng lwn,]some though cxtremely stupid young liS platforms ill CIU'l'Cllt politi{'lll ci]'cle~. \\'e dare 10 ex- til nll of. us to give tho grass a ch:mce '1'hdr ~lang, ~lnng, dang; man. Cyrano throngh his Chivalry, "gl'c~d press one of our 0\\'n-110t through any idea of self-npology £01' futul'c to grow alia to get rid of sueh an eye· And the dancers go g~ze at the moon. to write Cllristinn's 10\'0 letters to Rox· mistakes, but simply because we feel t.llflt the undergraduate body bas sore. Let us think of this when 11'0 urc :llte, who 101'ed !bellltter nlll.he more for a right to some hint of the editorial poliey wllieh the !lew ::;tnif plans apt to take a short cut, and USB the the nl'(lcnt phruses written I)y Ius ril'(ll, \'-nlk~ instead. We will be well pleased E"l'rr state :md nine foreign conntries ihe bard Oyrano. EIIL then camc thc to follow. Here are OUl' planks: "r~ rcpresented on lho Johns Hopkins WlH, separating Hoxnne from Cllr.istian, wilh this il~hicvClllent and s~tiafied with First: To fight ngninst ever.\' condition 'Yhieh is detrimenfal 01' the impro"ed ~VllClU'nnCt) of O·U·R "/llIll)US. E'il'elhous:wd,n\'ehundrc(land nOlI' her husbanil, (lnd from Cyrano, per, unproductive in OUI' CAmIlllS life. C·A·M-P-U-S. OIlO students arc enrolled nt the Uni· li.1ps her best friend. While lI",ay fight· ANON. l'ersi1.,\' iug Cyrl)nO continued to write CI)fislillu '6 Second: To fight. just as hanl for evel'y policy 'or plan which tendf\ letters. Deceived ily tlleae letters, Rox· to improve the gl'OUP activit.ics or the undergraduate body. tine imngiJles site Il1l'pS Christian's soul '1'hird': '1'0 promote a stl_.onger system of )fen '$ Rtudcut Goyel'll' PROF. HOLLOWOY DELIVERS eO;~i~;ll~;eD~:~r;;V!;e~~O~~~d$:~,~~s:Oc~ I)S well liS his benut-y. Roxnne, Cllristian ment., especiaUy as regfll'ds thc conduction of examinations. ' FIRST SERMON TO SENIORS Unil'ersity. 'fllo inerensed power stlllllle(l by was loss, killed, eutercd and It convent. her Poul'th: To promot.e, in evcry way possible, closer rclations be- . -- obtailled by ~ higher educll.tion respon. During fOllrteen long yellrs Cyrano visit tween the Administration, the FllCult,y, nud tlle stndellt-bocl,\'. (Contlllnrd from Page I-Col. 3) I Rible for the lligll figure. cd her oach week, bringing iuto her life Fifth: To provide A means for disseminating among the students TILO cities or Egypt, Bnbylonia, Persin, -- - t.he only brightness tlHli entered it. such products of collegiatc thought as arc apt to incite honest, pro- and Rome II-ere groat l'Timarily beeause dealer. We cannot afferd to be les.~ '.rheu (lAme the day when Cyrano knew of tlwjr kings. Tho HennnisBallce and lenil'nt of our own eharnetera. Thoso ho would die. Mort:!lly in,inre!l by a ductive reasoning among the members of our OWI1student-body. R"for'llatiOll wero movclllenls centereil who left Jesus HatHr:,lly fol· sll'ordsmnn, he went to the conl'cnt for Sixth: To live up to the Gold Bug slogan, "WOl'tllY Opinion; l\lod- lllB last I;iait with the wom:1H he loyed. ~bout individnllls more than principles, oHer, nnd nndoul)ledly leBa 'el mana.gement; Correct ncws," to thc last OUllce of our nhilit1es. R{lxRnc knew nothiug of llis injury /lnd and "'co -lind the samo tIling bull' inl1lore f('r.ellt American history. when she asked to see the last letter ,Yo !lIny thrnst nside or di~regard our Christian Imd written her. In II fading light Cyrano reeites the lettcr "Yer- "hoiee of prineipleB, bnt lho ehoiec of Vox Tn the last, issue of the Gold Bug, a eoll1l111'1\\-,,>; illl1ugn- batim", find at last Roxan~ diseovers the COlllp~lnions is somctlling' ll'e !ue unable Campus ratcd which we hopc wilt have a real "(llue to the Ull' to Tn the field of for truth. She knew now that the Boul ahe dergrn(l'uate-body. The tolmnn_ arose rather SPOIl- IO\'crl was the s()ul of CyrallO. story. briefly taneously-~l1Ccl'ly through letters _from students to tbe Edilol' if arc ullscliish, [lnre, honeat, juat, I eom' pIny, 'fhis, as weli as the is the expres~es poig· The the amount and frequency of idcns fOl' the impl'ovemcnt of the col!ege 1l10~t important; bnt it is striving to be mend Jeaua Christ, for we nlllst follow llanily the ehara~ter personality of whieh we eonsumtly henr suggested in "l)uU sessions" arc I1ny criter- like your itleu,l composer of music. The sume thing is true in all otiLer fields of rmd He is the onl~' one wor, I the mtlH, Cyrano. M. }lARRISON. ion, wc suspect thnt snch a colUllln \\'I1S sorcly l1eeded aucl will fiIJ 11 e",lelll·or. "We seek peraolls, not ii!eals, definite place ill student life. "Free Press" is one of the fundamental except when I hes1~ p~rson 'lre linke.d np principles of ow' American democl';~er lind. so fal' liS is possible, tho with ~ertaill principles." That porson Gold Bug wishes to promote honest. eon~truet:ive criticism of om cam· \\'1'0 says 1I~ tlln \.)(' ,,"ithout fol· lowing some person lI'orking against Class of '31 . pus life and habits. o,'el'Y law of lifo, for everyone follows HoweveL', we wish to stress one important item :ill tlds connett.ioll. some person, }'or tillS Tcnson we should We like to think of the Gold Bug as It liberal college paper, but not a follow Jcsus Christ for His is the best Thinking of Graduation Gifts? What could be more radical one. This is jllSt another wn.l· of reminding you, in CAse you penonnlity 1I'bi<;li lI_nyone {:an follow. appropriate to the big "sheepskin" occasion than an feel that yon have a suggestion 01' a gl'icvHnee to contribute to "Vox We must givp up our son Is to Christ OFFICIAL CLASS RING-by Balfour? for wc nee(l him to scni! us to the task Campus", tllat Dlauy a callse is lost simply because its protagonists L. G. BALFOUR of upriJ!llt living. went oft' half-coel{ed. If yon have something to say (or, rather, to Most persons :.~(' more lenient in re- 'vr1te) weigh it eare£nUy, consider the oth~r side of the argument, gnrd to their OWl illterpretatiOll3 tlwn ATTLEBORO, MASS. a~d then present it in decent, I'cspect.l\hle English. "\Ve'll be glad to of otllC'rs. A fau ty automobile or some C, W_ KOOCKOGEY, '32 Campus Representative publish it, small article is 30011 returnod to tluJ
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