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GOt COMMANDER COBE1; BASEBALL LECTURE VARSITY VS. DICKINSON SATURDAY ALUMNI HALL . I APRIL 18 FRIDAY, 8:00 P. M. Vol. 8, No. 19 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 16, 1931 SENIOR STUDENTS ARE 10th Eastern Shore Trip I College Calendar Curtis Student - Artists PLANTATION THEME IS Present Music Recital INVESTED WITH THE is Made by Jesters TO BE CARRIED OUT IN" be will Curtis ACADEMIC COSTUME which The marks tue tenth Shore anniversary '1'onr of noted (Athletic 011 the events page t,his fonnd tutu Student·Artists presented of tl'e 11 rcettuI in Instt- MAY DAY FESTIVAL 1931 Enatem wcek. sports AI· of Music the tho Jesters was ruadn dnrillg the week 'l'he next issue cppea of r on Gold Bug is U1l1ni H~lI, on Friday e"euing, April 10, MISS DOROTHYE TODD ELECTED May;.) to scheduled CARL SOHAEFFER DELIV- of April 23. l'llis is the second tim'} at 8 c'ctoek. This was the second eon- this represcututin:s ERS INVESTITURE ADDRESS that the Jeetere uave been allowed to cert by conservatory t.hi9 of couegc wC'll- MAY QUEEN known year, lIIake 0 tour while school is still in ses- Ou Wednesday morning, April 8, thu sion, t.he other being in 1928. The trip, the first. Imving occurred ill November. Pinus for II "Plantation MIIY Day" to m~mbers of tile class of 1931 wern fOT- as a whole, was very aucccsafu). Start- The artists composing the group were be held 011 Hoffa Pield Friday, May 8, Oordev, mnlly invested wit.h the academic cos- ing lit Milford, Delaware, on Moudny SUNDaY, APRIL 19- Miss Thibault, IYTi" aoprano; Mr. Mr. Con nre Todd, progressing May rapidly. and :MiS!! Dorotbye till" atten' Qlleenl Lndislnus her fad Qllrituue; tume of eap and gown. '.Po the strrtillS llight., and ending at Snliabury 011 the College Sunday Schccl ; Baker Steinhardt, violinist, und iIlr. Joseph da nf eourt, wore elected before Spring of "A l\iigilty FortNss is Our God" the following Fridar, the Jesters played to Chapel; 9:00 A. xr. BubuIH)if, accompanist. These al·tist.s "aeation at II meeting of aU women class filed into Baker Ohapef, display- capac+ty crowds in each town except B~ker Chapel senice; 7:15 P. M. an' ~l]]{lents of Madame 1>farClelln Bem- students. illg that air of solemn dignity which Cnurbridgc. TI1i" small nttcndanQ.C thero ln-ihc, Mr. Emilio no Gogurzn, ]Ill'. sa. cliHrn<' thnt period in the col- was due probably to the plnco wucrc MONDAY, APR1L 20- win Baehmnnu, Ilnd Mr. Harry Kauf- Garden Party lege career of those who ure SOOIl to tile arrow was given. At Salisbury, they Women's Literary SotietieG; 6:,j,5 nHln, respectively. Thcir program WIlS A garden party celebrating the rc- utt rueted the largest audience which 1'. M. 1,11"" of tile men from hunting and the t.ake Ill' their duties in the outside llU~ ever been in the auditorium of the Men's Litcrary Societic~; 7:00 as charming and wcll·exocuted as the subsequent crowning of the queen of world. Immediately preceding tits Se- cnca niors marched the choir and the Dean State Normal School for a performance P. M. formcr IUI\'e been. TIle following the manor will be tile setting for t.ho of Women and Dean of Men, while tlle of thi~ kind. The Eastern Shore ngaill TUESDAY, APRIL 21- numbol'~ were pr ceonted . lioy Day. A bllekground that will give members of t.he faculty, clnd in the reo pro'-ed itself the "Home of Hospitality" Soeinl Clubs; 7:00 P. lIL 1. First :Movement from thc "Sym tIle offect of a formal garden will be galia symbolic of thei.r neadmnie at· and it was nc\'er more ileeply apprc· phonie cspagl1ole" Edonard Lalo <,-onstructed on Hofi':t Field. More mOil' tllinmC'nt, followed. Presideut A. N. ciated. \VJ~Dl\rgSDA Y, .'\'PRIL 22- Allegro non troppo ry will be expended this year than be- Ward and Prof. Carl T". SeIHlefi'el', who The Jesters hayc hir('d th~ local Y. ill. C. A.; 7:00 P.i\L 11[1'. St.ei.nhardt fore on buckgronnd ("(feels, Whjei, will wss to deliver the message to the Sen· Opera House for two perfOTmanl).e8 1.0 Y. W. C. A.; 6:45 P. ill. n. Rceihl!i,.e and Aria: "Diane impi be so !Juilt Ullit they CIIIl be used in :fu· iors, entered last. be given 011 the ovcnings or April 29 'rUURSDA Y, .APRIL 23- from "Iphegenie en Au tureJ'ears. Dr. Ward de!i"(Jred tho TllV(}Cation, aniJ30. 'l'hc schedule for tl,isycar \\'ill }'ashion Show; ; e'eloek. ....... Christopher mnek All thl» 1mbitallts of the plantation lind nfter the re~ponai"e r~ading and thon be eoncluded when the Jesters Plaisir d'IID10Ur Giovanni Martini including the lady of tho. manor (the SUNDAY, APRIL 26-- the singing of the Gloria, he lutroduced lIlak(l1l journcy to the neighboring town (Continued Oil Pagc 4-Col. 2) lIray !Jueell) :Ind her friends (tile College Sunday Schoo!; BakuI' the speaker, Prof. Sclmeffor, a member of Uuion Bridge on May 1st. court), theeilildren 01 the householl1, Chapel; !J:OO A. H. of the facult.y of Western Maryland a troupe of visiting players :from a College. MR. J. R. BROWN SPEAKS Baker CiH1jlol; 7:15 P. M. DISf1NGUlSHED ALUMNUS nellrby showboat, will approllch tile Professor Schaeffer Speaks .\lONDA'L, APRIL 2;- gurdon, down the Clollege. After this Prof. Sclmeffcr fi1'l;;t congratulated ti,e ON SINGLE TAX QUESTION WOl11cn'~ Litenny Sodoties; 6:45 WILL TALK ON THE NAVY group has arrived, und various dances members of the class of 1931 on having P. lIf. are boing given to entertain the gnest~, nlllchcd the first milestone of thcir aca· Mell's Literary Socktie~; 7:00 the gentleman of tho lIlanor will roturn demic career. He reminded them that Mr. James R. B"Own, President o~ P. ilL OonlllHlll'der E. A. Coboy, '01, will de· from the day's hunt. These gentlemell they "ill be expected to do at least :l. I '],UESDA Y, APRIL 28- liver n lect.ure in AJulllni Hall tomor· will accompllny tile lady of the manor ~~~edM:~:lh;~:i~~~ ~:~leoIlT~~~'id:l;h~f~:~: 1'0"- nigilt, interC$Ung phaslls to the grandstand, wl,ere she will be little more than the average man who Social Clubs; 7:00 P. ilL of the work of th~ United Statlls Navy. has not been fortunate enough to seenre neon, April 10, on the subject of {hc Commander Cobey is eonuected with crowned queell of the day. After she such «11 opportunity. In tile words of single tax. :Mr. Brown, wl,o is eonsiil· WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29- the Bm'can of Aeronautics und will il has retnrned to her throne, the feature the speaker, "You aro not to be excuse<.l I.[, C. A.; ;:00 P. ].f. Ual] Pllrlor. Ext.ensive advertising will the graduating class tlHLt success and '==========:! \vlmt the hilS done." The present bc done thronghout Westminster ana honor (Ire aims to bo striven fcr; but ::~;;'O,;l C~I,~,I;:;~I:.ll~t~~~~lr:ll:::,n~h~O(~~.~Bh' iilca, that a is a colleetion, i~ nil· 1)UI11,Yvisitors are expected on the Hill "tile grellt.esr achievement is charaeter. fortunate; n t:.x is, or should bc, rath· of PROF. HOllOWAY DELIVERS forthiseclebration. And if yCll would know the defiui· Friend of Sec. Wilbur er, a vnymcnt neel.lrdil1g to thc value ticn of character, you will find it in the acrviees relHlered. As Ilbilil,\' to pny Tbe speaker hilS been (letailcd 111 Cast Christ. lie defines a~ no is \1!\'dci.erlllinanLof tnxcs1111dcrthe FIRST SERMON TO SENIORS WuslJiIl!!,'ton, D. C., during most of his 'fl,,,, queen's court will iuclude; words can express it." Jlr~scnt system, thn eity is actually Naval c'II'eer, where he WOll the high Dnehess: Mi~s Rut.h Davis. Senior Attel1dllnts: Mi~8e8 Mildred Dr. Ward Congratula.tes Seniors Clharging for servicns whieh it does ren- On i;lIl1Hja:', April 12, Professor HoI. <.'stee111 of former Secretary of tile Na· Before delivering the IlenedictiC11, Dr. der :.ecordillg to the "alue of the sor· Raulll Junior 11)][1 Betty Cain. Miss Evelyn Ryon. Dnehess; dcc~ it does not rendor. ~Of":)se~~~:\ :;~~rtl~o~:~t l~e~JaOI;~r t~!'~~~~~I~ . of brCI\I:~~~i:~" th~i~r~::~I~r:ei~; Ward 1I1so congratulated the Seniors on John -6':'68:_:' Junior Attendllnts: Misscs Mary Me- "nnt," said tho speaker, "Nature IIls text "flS tnkcn from Alumni Hall tomorrow nigllt is free and hllving renched this stage in their col Comas IIIHl Elinor Ebaugh. makes pro\'i~ion for measuring tlle vul· legillte carecr, Hnd wished that the dHys 'Ihelo SI!110n Petcr ans>lcred ~'~'~I: nre l::.;e(;h~ ~::~c,ol;ottl~~ll)~t;'~I~:~~,S; Sophomore. Dllehes8: Miss ),[ary Ellen that follow nllly bc the lwppiost ones of ue of society to the indi,·i(lu~1. Whllt SClnat. spcak, but alumnus their lives. He reminded them of tli(;ir ,,"c'ru after is UIC social senice fT(>11] !;~:d~';;d~' 1~~lIIe:!~l::ll'\~f!.~,' tl ou I, 11 dislillgnishcd Ilntertaining 1)1'~Scntntion also of Sopholllor(: Attendants: )_lis~es Helen i.o heal' his present position of dignity lIud respoll laud. J~lllld value is not the value of "Man fonow~ pcrsons nlt.her lhal1 the wOl'k of our Navy, pnrticulurly Lu Doenges and Dorot-hy Billingslea. sibilit,. among thc otlwr students, tim land at 1111. It is low where therc is ideals." ltiellotao Hlneh a. (jlwstioll rclutioH to Aerollllllties. (C(!lItillued on Page 4-C~1. 3) (Continued on Pllge 4--Co1. 4) (ContinuC'il on Pnge 4-001.1) of idcal~ bnt wllllt persous we ~haJJ trust. Persolls as embodimonts of prill Home Economics Club to Sponsor o::iples (Continued on wl,at Page we 2--Col. in 3) life. Annual Sophomore Comprehensives arc determin;) Fashion Show on Thursday, April 23 Are Being Held Today and Tomorrow Late News Flashes The annual Sophomore Compreheo· Should be the equipment of overy high Hocllsehlld, Kohn & Comj)any, of uuder the supervision of reprl'Bentatives D. CamerOll Murchison and Stuart si,'o EXfl11liulltions arC' being held to- sr.hoolgraduutell·hohascolllplc.tedthe Baltimore l will give a fashion show on from lioehschild, 1';:01111.Purehuses may D. Sunday have been elected Editor· day and tomorrow for tl,e clllss of 1933, sophomore .reflr in eollege. Nat:urllJlr T!Jnrsday, April 23, at·; o'clock in Ue- be mn,de at this time. Ole first day's work eomes neuter 10 in-Chief and Business Manager, reo nl1.:1l1bet~ of which must subject them- Dani(?'l nnll Parlor. The HOIl1t' EeonoHl' Twenty of Western Maryland's 1110sl !lpIlctively, of the 1932 "Aloha". ~clns to the tests hefOre registering filliug tbis definition, while the "spo- ies Club will sponsor this eventl which distinctive types will be used as models for J\llliol' ('onrses net ycnT. The reo cial~" are dc~igned to give some indi- is all IIn11u(l1 oteurencc unil has alwl
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