Page 66 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE'l'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Canaan, were done. by Robert Edmund Jones with a simplicity and effective- ]Iaril't!! GOt \lei Arnuntt t~l'illampun A REVIEW OF BOOKS, of evident. mechanisms employed are quite ness which is never ludicrous though some the For example, whea Noah and PLA YS AND LIFE the .Lord are toward walking Noah's rooently Students in educanca have pacing a trclldmill, lind beeu the pas~ing seenery is moving on another Warnl weather should be just teallh." admonished to "clinch aoI you "THE GREEN PASTURES" home thcy are a different rate. This trick treu«millut around tho corDer. the back campus "TIle Green Pastures" hat memf)ruble sights of 'Western ~iar.i'- BUG readers as might be interested: in White lHnd College carried in the memories of old students is Supplement your liberal arts education with Tuesday, March 10, 1931. a specialized college-grade business training I t.hat of the c.ampns dressed in a robe of white. Tllls Executive Secretarial courses qualify To the oceupant of room number 17, winter it seemed as though we were to be denied the privilege o£ view- college students for responsible business I..evine Hall, positions. ing tbis seelle. Marc.h, however, could not bear to see ns disappointed, Western Maryland College. Accounting and Business Administration courses the and gave us the first blanket o£ snow that we have had this wintcr. Dear Sir, degrees leading in to Strayer B.C.S. and of M.C.S. offered College Ar.- True it lasted only a little wbile bnt during this short time its beauty After reading your announllement post eountanr.y. Able staff of C.P.A. instructors was dazzling. "\Vho can ever forget the calm resignation o£ the pine ed this morning on Olle of the bulletin and attorneys at law. of Lewis Hall, you in ",hcih boards t1'e2S at the College Inn bending t.heir branc.hes nnder their load of stated the desire or lwed of a Battalioll Two Hundred Fifteen Colleges and white? It must linger in Ollr memories, Sponsor, T have dellided to apI)I~' for Universities Represented by AnnuaJ this po~ition. Enrol1ment 01 1600 Students_ I feel sure that after you hase lleard my many merit~ nnd seen my illustrious Address Registrar for Catalog A COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION photograph you will consider no other ap- Fo, The Gold Bug The issue of the Gold bug .£01' this week c.ontains a bal- plicant. BUSINESS TRAINING Ballot lot fol' the elec.tion of next year's Gold Bng staff. We Besides tho required eharaateristies, are taking this opportunity of advising everyone to namely those of taste, personality and think eal'efnlly before marking the ballot. The candidates' fitness for good looks, I hllppen to be endowed by Mother Nature with s good shape, braiIl8, the office, and not the voter's friendship for him should be considered s~-appeal, good-looking clothes, alld A person who is a member of t.he present staff and has been selected needless to say a very good line. Knowing that you will beaIlJ[iou~ to ob· for the ballot should receive more consideration than any other. The tain such a desirable sponsor, I shnll ex· persons whose names appeal' on the ballot were selected after careful peet Hn immediate answer. Hoping you consideration by the present stllff. .Anot.her fact tlHlt should be men- will not delay, I remain, tioned is that the Gold Bug is niter aU the student's paper nnd the stu- d'ents should exhibit c.onsiderable interest in it. T..mst yenr about fifty I ROO:ov4:,g:~~:~;~~~:II. per ('ent of tile student body east ballots in the election. It is to be ]>. S. I am enclosing a very recent hoped that this pCl'centnge will he larger this year. A mlmher of the photo of myself which I am sure will less important offices have been left off tile ballot this year. It hfl.~ mnke.your aelection of me only ti,e faster. been the experience o£ this staff and other preceding staffs that t.lle ad- We regcrt very much that space does uot permit a. reproduction of the picture, ministration of the Gold Bug works more smoothly if these are speets it did bear out the eredentials out Easter Candies but in spite. of the fact that iu seme re· fillAd by appointment by the elected members of the staff. lin~d above, "'e r~ny suspeet the young lady in question of rank subterfuge! -FOR- Mother - Father - Sister - Brother The Bull Again we return to the old topic, "The Bull Session". EVERHART Session 'rhis fundameJltal part of college life has been discussed so much, pro and COil, by c.oUege students, college of· BARBER AND BOBBER Chocolate Animals of All Description fieials and othel's who were in a position to know something or per- At the Forks haps nothing abont this institution. The topie is bronght up again at Fancy Baskets - Chocolate Babies this time because of the fact tha.t. 11. bull session that was 30mewhat SEE above the ordinary took place in one of the rooms in Levine Hall re- R. Mark Reed, '31 Nut and Fruit Eggs cently. The topics were immortality and' the effect of riches on hap- piness. These topics are somewhat disconnec.ted but the one foHolI'ed l7 LEVINE HALL on the other after a brief period of diseussion of other topics. Nothing OR Whitman's Candies was proven, nobody cOllvinced anyone else of anything, no opinions E. N. Hassell, '33 in Special Easter Wrapping werc c.hanged. The question may be asked as to whether this was not ROOM 135 WARD HALL FOR a waste of time. It can be answered very definitely tbat it was DOt II. CLEANING-PRESSING waste of time. Nothing that starts an intelligent human being to thinking ean be a waste of time. This is t.he flmetion o£ the "bull ses- Representatives of BONSACK'S sion". It is an integral part of coUege life and we would have a dull U. W. Miller time without them.
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