Page 61 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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BOXING j COL BASKETBALL WASHINGTON COLLEGE U. OF WEST VIRGINIA VS. W. M. C. VS. W. M. O. OHESTERTOWN MORGANTOWN SATURDAY SATURDAY vet. 8, No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 5, 1931 INTERESTING ADDRESS Senior Speech Students College Calendar College Orchestra Will DEANISANOGLEATTENDS IS MADE AT BANQUET Will Present Program Give First Recital [DUCAnON CONFERENCE 7- BY W. M. C. ALUMNUS The second speech rec.itnl of the year s.'\'rURDAY, Boxing; .MARCH Western Mary- chestra Western present Maryland its first College or- of HELD IN DETROIT, MICH. The vursify will recital Smith Hall, ,,·ill be held Ff-lduy in lnud College vs. Uniy(]rsity of evening, at 7;SO P. M.. The program the vear ill Smith Hall on Tueeduy MR CHARLES R. MILLER REMI· will be as follows; West Virginia; Mcrgnutcwn, "\V. {Ivoniug, March 10, at 7;30 c'clcek. 'l'h.n N. E. A. MEET AND AFFILIATED va. NISCES ON COLLEGE Dr Dan }'otherah Vn "$i 1:.1' Basketball; western progrum is ns follows: SOCIETIES DRAW LARGE SPEECH 'I'lle Widdy's Mite Beethoven Turkish Mnreh ATTENDANCE Miss Roop Maryland College I'B. WMhiligtOll Wag"or Pilgrim'a Chorus College; Cli~stertown,Md. },[,-. Chnrlcs R. 1.Iillcr, a graduate of The Master Salesn"'n . \Villiam Upson Tnnuhl\nspr The Dep.~.I"t.lllcnt of Supcr intendcuec weatcm Maryland in the ctaes of '81, Mr. Day SUNDAY, MARCil 8- Orchestra of the N/ltionnl Educnt.ion Association College Bunduy School; Baker held its n.nnunl !lIcetillg in Detroif., President of the F'ldelit y and DCIlOSit Muzn rf ..... Sonata No.6 in G major Peter Pan James U. Barrie Ccmpnnj- of Baltimore, made a vary Chnpel: 9:00 A. :M. Mozart. .. Allgegro con Spirite Mlchigau, Februarv 21-26. \\'estern Miss Eckard Buker Ohapel Survleca; 4:30 P. M. at interesting addreaa at the mid-winter n-. Allegro Maryland College "':IS represented banquet, of the Alumni, whieh wo.s held 'rho Piper . .... .Joscphiuc P. Pcabody . ),IO:NTIA Y, ),[ARGTI Hiss Gesner, Mr. Royer this meeting by :Mr. Alvey M. tsonogtc, in Baltimore at the Lor-d Baltimore ho MissRlIllTH Lecture by Col. Dlnreuee Deems; Schubert Unfinished Symphony Dnan of thc Oollog of Education. It tel on February 13, 1931. His address Pnullnc Pavlovun '1'. B. Aldrlch Smitl, 11all; 3;10 P. M. (Exeerpt. frQm First Movement) was quite upproprtute tlwt Deall I9.1n WIlS SO timely none thn t II'e take pleas- MiuGlIllion Literary Soeiet.ics; 7:00 P. 1L Drchcstrn ogle, who ia n Life Member of the Nu- uee in reproducing it here. 'l'UESD.'\ Y, M.AHCR 10- Bnlhm~ Sonata in G mn jcr tiOllal Eduen1iou Aasoclation and nn ac- The Green Goddess ... William Archer live member of tile D<'parbncut of Bu Vivace, MR. PRESIDENT: J\Ir. Newcomor Soc.ial Clubs: ,;00 P. l'II. Fir$t Miss UOllunu.'nt -;lfr. Royer via Typpo perinteudenco.1]]{lfi,·eothcrnffillnting: Gesner, Rcei tuI "The ot.her day when you called to Hot Lemonade .' Coho Clements bv College O"el,esha; Sehubcrt March ),[ilitaire soei{'ti('s, should represent. the eollegc Bee mc to remind me quite tactfully UissHobby Smith Hall; 7:30 P. ltI. Orehestra :It this meeting. ~\mlint!.'(l with tho Dc nnd tBll(1erly of Illy old age, nnd inquiro WEDNESDAY, MARCn: 11- parhnellt of Superint.entlenfe in the i.f I intended to be here tonight, I ce.r· Y. W. C. t\.; 6:45 P. ?II Fobrnar.l· meeting were fifteell lIlnjor tainly received the impressi()n lhat no it PRELIMINARY CONTENTS Y. .iiI. C. A.; 7:00 P. ],f DEBATING TEAM DEFEATS ~ducatiollnl orgOllizntions 011(1 more speellh was int~nd(.'d. Now, I leavo FRlDA Y, :MARCll 13- thOl! fort~' educational soeil'tip~" COIlJ- to thi~ distinguished lawyer if this dues WILL BE HELD SOON W 0 men' 5 Debating; Wostern LEBANONVALlEY COLLEbE missions and couuails, bringing togeth· not (lol1stitute II l)f('nell of the eondi CoH~ge 1'8. I,cbnnon er mare 111lln fifteen lI,onsHnd UI~U nll(l HOllS l'ntering into I.he a.rrangOUlent Collcge; Smith H~l1; 7;30 women, most of wholll nrc IC'Hlers in lind thus cle1"lrly rolieve me of all reo It is the custom lit Western ·Mary· West~rn Mnrrlalld Mell's dl\buling lhoirsevctalficldsofeducatioll. Tho sponsibnity for the misery I am about land College to hold annual preliminory S.<\'['UTIDAY, MA.ROn 1-1-- teams \\'0]1 Ii dual meet. with Lehal10n constructive work of thr schools of t.hc to inflict upon you. I (lannot. assnro essay contests in e!wh o£ thc> W()l1Icn's Boxing; Western .l\Iar.rI~lId Col· College 011 TIIt,rsduy, Fobruory nation is plnnlled b.l· committees of the you that the operation will b(' painless, Liter:ll·.v Soeieties, preparatory to the lego vs. tl,c Naval Aen:dem~'; An both the negative and the .1£. Nntional Educntion ASSociation ond of but I .:an llromisc that it will be brief. final Inter-Society contests, in a mao I1Hpolis,Md finllativll teu11ls on the queBti01l, "Re· the Department of SuPOrintCl,dellce, The Past our Future Guide solved tloot the nations IIhould adopt :l twd diflcuased at {he winter meeting of jor activity of the eOlllmencement IHo, "]<'iftr yelirB frorn sehool days is (I gram. Members of both Browning and PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST of Free Trode", triulllpio5d over the" affiliated organizations. long, long timo to look forward; to representllti"csof thc rival college. Many Meetings Scheduled Philomathel\n soeieties aTe showing those who have nHHle the journey it is TIle affirmati,-c team of Western The In.rge number of ossociations and rnark(l"d interest in these contests which SAYS CHAPEL SPEAKER short and fleeting-how shorLand fleet· soieeties coming together £0\' the \\'~ek are now in full swing. illg only a. few of us here tonight know. makcs the program of the llleetingqnite Prospect versus ret.rospect-what a dif- For Browning'S preliminary eompeti· The Be". J. L. Greell of Baltimore, eompl~.x. The program of the Detroit ferenco in f('e\ing and in me,dilation! lion, the ,,[isses Allen, Brinsfi.eld, Cock· preached the r~gular Baker Chnpe1 scr- was rllll e.hairlllan for floe ovening. meeting is a booklet of six!y·Q{}(l pages One with hones t("l he rNl.lize<1, ambi- ..~' 1~h.1ngh, Edl, Bllirolt, "Fr ...y, Gille· WesterlO }[arylnml WIIS relJrescnleJl h~' and g;"rs time ,Iud pl"ce schedules 1II0ll on Sunday :u.terllO()Il, )Tareh the tious to be gr~ti.fied, good to l)e {lone, lau, Gilbert, Horrison, Herring, A. Hal" nrst. For his texl hc lIsed Matthew 'l'!'UlHlle, J:;l'nns, nud "Murchison. Lcba· of llIany meetings. It hequently usefulness to be developed-all beck- ner, J\. Johnson, Kimmey, Kephart, "Seck yc first the Kingdom of God nOll V:llle~' was repl"('sented lly Jerald happened tha~ six or mare oning the eourageolls heart and deter- Kauffmou, Little, R. Lci(ly, :Moore, Ry· His righteousness Hud HII the rest sholl HeilmaH, Rob('rt W()IIlN, nnd :Edmund were scl,edul~d for the arune hour, Ulined wm to mnreh into life's work H. Umberger. 'rh~ judges of the de"bIlJe ing it diffienlt for the persons attend- Oll, T. Suadcr, ~1. L. Shipley, SCII'(\1'd, bClld(kdlllltO)"OU." H. C. and problellls and carvc out for oneself were Ihe R(!". G. i\fl\rtin, :Mr ing th~ mc(.'tings te decide whieh pro· :lnd Wickes, have been chosen. "All desire to 1lI:(kethe most of life," a eoret'r. The ather looking bock on s~id )'ir. Green. "'Ve must make clloiees George )'[Ilthor, nud Mr. M. E. Walsh. gram to aUeHd. battles whiel, llavc b(.'en lost, (In aspirn- It is exr~e.tod thot. careful :llld meri- aud these choiees (\etl)rmine our livcs. We A two to one deei$ion in f.a'-or of the IntEresting Exhibit:; tions which have heen crushed, on olis- lorions work will be donc on rhe~e es search in nmny fields to find ont whnt we aftirmative I\'as renderecl. Til a(lditioll to form:;1 il"og,ams, there takes whiel, lmvc been committed-n snys which not represcnt the so w:mt-to select the best from the thing8 The leam that rcprcsllnted were ]36 6peei"n~' scheduled breok- retrospect of regretft for errors, mingled eieties in one of major fnnetions, that are. The best, however, is ll()t found \\"estern at .Lebanon Valley fflsts,luliclico]ls!,nddinnersof('duca- with it lit,t\e sntisf~etio" over the suc- but also give remark:l.l)le opportunity in lI,ateri~1 things n~ true happiness is tiolll(1 societies, couneils and associn· (le~ses. 'fhC'sc aro the lessons of ex- forindi\' ofillitiatinl, not found in surh. Our nppetite grows tions held doring the weel .. Another in- perienae learn('d ill the harll school of thought. teresting fcutul"e of Ihese IIlectings was, am1 with whnt we now l'~BSeS$. Hut we (lOll· ronflieting and adverse condition~. In tIll' Educational "Exhibit, showing and long fo]" more th:!n that. We thehestofusthereflretingesofre- re~liy of !luskin's statellleut; demonstrating eYcr.\'lhillg used i)' the direet JESTER SHORE TRIP IS moroo f()r Ihings done (lr left undOl,e. 'There i~ D<) 1'~111\\"enHl, bnt life.' s,' hoo I hu ~iness from S(~hool hous~s au t1 I Wallt to snggest that you so !lfr. Grren weut on to sa~' tllal "our in- WAYNESBURG DEBATERS sehool !tu~ses jo tlriukillj!" cups and ste,,1 your thoughLs an(1 energies Ihn! these NOW BEING ARRANGED t1u~nee for good tnkes us iuto U,e r~allll pens. The Deiroit exl'ibit occupied iingC's of regret may be few :wd slight, of Jesus. Person:lIity nml chllrn~tcr, to DEFEAT W. M. C. TEAM four hundred sejll\rrJLc bootlls and ill for you e~n talg'_, )lell'H d,.l/iltiug troit for nll,- {'(Iueator. ill thQexperience of th(lpust. cut purtR of the progralll nrc lleing held charneter. If Jesus comes into our life, tl.'!llll, Hrglling II,,' {lne~tioll, "Res()lI-od Edncational Books published ".Last yenr 1 reforred to pnr- alonost daily. The ]lrogrtllll will COII- ne \I'ill t.1ke us iuto n WI1.'· of li,-illg that that tlie lint ions ~honld n polky" of the ~ssociutiQlls alld ~odeties lor"-tllat rendez,'Ou~ of and sist of. musicnl numbers by the O"CheS-1 de8ire~ the 1l1Ol"e .lIbu,,~nllt life-t.he lif~ of .Jol·ee defeated represl'''' publish SO]ll~ wceks hefore the wint.e.r at our lonight is tl,o oecuptl.nt of lr" :lnd glee cluh, :1 ""mber of short, that IS seeking the JOY of ossoeinting M:lrylHHd in :t de. mN'.ting yenr booka whi"h :'I"e. cften the the room in "sk.Y ]larlet" which was suhjects by vtlrious members of the with Him. His supreme .io~· was to b"te lield ill Smith H:dl ...n Thursday cuhniHutiOIl of y{'ar~ ef ~tlldy. 'rhe that pllrtieular rendezvous. troulle (Ind will he l'uded by n one net 110\\"n Dis life thnl we might hllve II !l[an:h:;. 'flle :dnrmati\'(, was u]lhci{; I :carbook of the Deptlrllllcnt of Super- "Westminster I Few of yon here Doctor Theodore },L Whitfield, er life. 'I :l1l1 the wa~·. the hrend of know that T firl:lt ~aw the light of day History DCp(lrtlllelit hilS heell 011- life.' And to know Christ is t·o know in Westminster; that my father, who f~,,~g;~:':::~;~:~;;:;i::'::::;:·:;,:;,::~~;t::~~:f~::;:;;~:,",,,",,":~;~:;I:,:,::,:!.~ noulleed liS fl\eulty advisor. Tn :oddi. God :lnd th~1 i~ life eternHI. woul(1 be OI'N a hundred yeors of Hge tion to thc duties of advisor Dr. Whit "Thos~ who \\"~nt the best eon h~I'e if he wero Ih'ing, was born in West· ii," the spe(lker continued. "Therc is Nation:ll Society for the Stully of bdn fidd will sing in thc glee club. Busi· minster. III the old \Vt)stminstel' ceme· no grenler barricr than ourselves. 'Ve are Clition's thirtieth Yearhook '1'.1$ ]lub- ncss Managor 'V. C. Rein has an tcry lie the remains of ~neeBtors both lished in two pllrts; l'urt T, '''rho. Status noun~ed the following tcntnti"c sehe paternal and lllatenu).l, a.nd I ClIllllOt dule for the EnSlern 8110re tour: of Runll Ednca1iou" alld Pm·t II, "The lhink it possible that I should ever sought to put :I nie!.' dish before Qnist. 11'llS r~prcscllted liy i\TcPhcrsolL, Textbook in Alllericnll "Educution·'. hal'e 0 tllOnght that wa~ inimicol to Monday, March :!.'j, CRmbridgc, lmt1l1arysollghl to know Rim better. It and I·'anell. Both of the$e ycarbooks :Il,d the PHI- lhat denr old town. is eaaier 10 pick out n cheap IUligazine Thc nllirnUltivc argued that "l~ee gr!,m of the Detroit h:ll'c been pl:ltled 'l'uesd~y, Mnn'h ~-I, .1IliHord, D~I,,· Athletie Teams Important Up!.n to wch'o into :t wortliwhile book. It Trude would prolliote ,,"orld pence", ill the Library. warc. "You hear a great deal about foot \YeancsdIlY, U" I'~ h ~5, Seaford, is easier to IYaste nwn~' life tI,nn to build thnt "Free Trade 1I'0uid iuerellse aeon· Maryland Educators Attend ball, :llld I want you to understand that o solid tloarncter .. (,mi" prospcrity", an\lthaj ".fo'rre Truda Deon Isullogle wa~ II. m~llIbcr of a Maryland. would eliminate the exploitation of the in my young dnys \\'e had II tenm of ill, :.M,uy "Build a complluionship II'ith Jesus J\I~!r)'h)nd Delegation of more thnn si:x- '1'hursd:I~', :M:lr~l, :!IJ, Ruo\\' peellie liS it e:d~ts under the prl)lccti\"~ bllllcbaJl plnycl"S thnt perhops sproad nlHl lie will suppl~' your neec1s," said t~·, eomprising superintend(lnts, super- I~nd. tariff system". lhe nome of Westminster n~arly as far }o'ridtl;\·, J\i:areh ~" Salisbury, I\Tnr~" Mr. Green in cOllclusion. "Those who visors, school board lIIembers~ prineipals and well as has this footb~ll team, so 1 lllnd. (Continued on Page +-(Jol. 5) 'rhe negative argued thnt "Frec nnd teaehers. This delegation alld that fccl that from a aport point of view in Other ('llgagelH~lJts in Baltimore and Trail" would not protect illf~llt indus· of Washington, D. C., occnpied t\\'o our day we contribnted something to· elsewhere :Ire expP\"Ipd 10 be ~lIl1ollnccd COLLEGE SENIOR WRITES POPU- tries", lhnt "Free 'fl"ll(lc would uot pro· joining couehes on the trip to Detroit. w:nds the revutntion of old Westmin· later. Tile lllllllllli ]l~rforll'!lnce at thc LAR SOlfG TUNE mot<:: national defente", and thnt "l·'re.e IIotel spaee in Dct.roit wa$ aomewhnt ster. e.olleg"e will be gil'Cli after Spring ,'a· 'l'radcwouldresult in the ereatioll of limiteJl and Dean TMlIogle along witlo "Doctor \\'Ilnl, there are so many callan nnd will he eagerly ~lItieipalcd Pearl Brittillglonm, a member of th~ illtcrnotional mouopolies". snperintendcuts Ungl'r, Wri~lit, ond young men hore tonight 1 would like by c\'('r), student. sen.ior ehlSS, is till' compo~cr of the The \\':'.\'lIesburg debaters ([l,d their Rulol, of Maryland, were nssigned to l\,(l t.o gh'(l them Il. word of ad\'iee. 'l'he JC'stc"I!, by the quality of thei,' wor
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