Page 68 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 68
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md BROWNING WEBSTER IN THE SPRING FRIEND VARIETY (By Marion Clong],) By Robert B. Holder A WHicty program, arranged by Viva Officers for the final 1931 term have l"l"icntl, when 1 am Itmely, then, (Continued from Page 2-Co1. 5) Reed, was the feature at Browning Mon- been elected as follows: H'sa ;jo.vjust to belivillg, 'l'hongilts of yon come tripping in, a simple narrative style, as it is always In the SIlTing. dny night. Datherme Hobby wag two PrcS"idCllt. . ..... Joe O. Newcomer We jecl peppy and like living, Tile wiud, tlte sun, the very ~ir, taught in colored Bundaj- schools in all Seem 10 make my soul aware songs, aeeompanied by Eva Dryden. Viee·Prcsident. . .N. Amos Penuewell III the spring. Of vou. the Southern States. The play begins Hannah Hecht reviewed the recent stage Secretary J. D. StillWUgOll Nature wllkos to voice of bird, with Mr. Deahee, an old colored preacher, 8lleCOB~, "The Barretta. or Wimpole Critic Howard M. AUlosa Sweetest voteo you've ever heard, Perbupa becll.use we spent those hours describing the beginnings on this eartb to Stroot." A piano selection was played Chaplain. . .. Earl C. Hissey Man ill happy, car~free, jolly, TastiJlg Ufe 'neut.11secret bower's, Il. small Sunday school elasa of inquieitdve by "Martha Harrison, and Ruth Ellen Sergeant-nt-Arma .C. L. Wittington With no thought of care or folly ~~~~~n~o:: ~ve::;__:j!~~d:~~r:o b;~:i: little ptckaulnniee. This scene fades out Woo\aott gave a synopais of a book." TIl the spring. Lady true. and we see the angels marching around and singing at the Lord's "fish fry." BLACK AND WHITE Its a .joy _just to ba Iivnig, W.W.NEWS In the spring, ~~1::~;r~"i8th f;~tl~~~;%~~~t:righL; I ~~y t~e play progresses we are occasion- PledgesGary Ualvert, '34, C. S. Wil- Just to 10\"lJand just be happy t.~~;,:1~~!~)~n~;(;I!ttr~~hle;:~I~~n~~~~~~:;by rO:~~~dba:: ::e t~~li~:~~: :::::! The W. W. Club had II bridge party in liams, '34, and R. E. Sliker, '34, have In Iht) spring. their club room on Tuesday, March the been admitted into fun meml;!ership in Flowers sle-eping in the dell, Meant nothing to me; from a darkened stage. Wake and find that all i~ well, seventeenth. Mrs. Hobby, Mrs. Speir, the Fraternity. Brooks are singing, laughing, falling, For with you ill my arms charms, It is amusing at tamee; it is always your And soul-t.ingtlug and Miss Anne Rcifsnider, were the Brothers W. G. Eaton, '30, and R. M. Robins to their mates are calling, TI)(1rewas nothing to see deeply religious; and it is amazingly gUe>lh of the Club. Reed, '30, were reMnt visitors. Tll the apring. But j-oul wonderful-"Tbe Green Pastures." SlDoke a FRESH £igarette! Eigaretpce inprime condition have n moiature content ofabontIO%.Itwill be eee n by the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory Chart thntcigarcttesin the ordinary wrapped package Ioee more than half of their total moisture in thirty days and that only the Camel Humi· dor Pack delivers cigarettes to you in priIne condition of HE whole country i8 about the throat- aroma the choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos T easy mildness and the prime freshness of Camel of which Camels are blended. Cigarettes in the new Humidor Pack. ltlake thesc tests you.rsclf The above chart prepared by the Pittsburgh Testing It is so easy to tell the difference between parched dry Laboratory tells you why. cigarettes and fresh prime Camels that it is no wonder Please examine it carefully. It is an unfailing guide to cigarette selection and enjoyn:aent. everybody is -:-each,ing for afresh clgareue today. Your fingers id~tiJy stale, d.ried-out tobaccos at once. As you can quickly see by the three upper curves on While a Camel is acxible and pliant. this interesting char~ cigarettes that lack the protec- Your ears can tell the difference too. For a dust.dry tion of the Humidor Pack lose their moisture rapidly cigarette crackles under pressure. day as this moisture disappears,the from the day they are manufactured. And day by But the real test is taste and there is simply no com- smoke from these cigarettes becomes harsher, hott.eT, parison between the rich mildness of a Camel and tbe leave th. more unkind to the smoker's throat. ho~ brackish smoke from a stale, dry cigarette. Switch to Camels Not so with Camels! tomorrow if you can. jnst for today then The Humidor Pack is moisture proof and sealed air- tight at every point. It protects the rich, flavorful R. J. BEYNOLD' TOBACCO COMPANY. w~.~~"•. N. c. : : • CAMELS • ~prr:::!:!~,:!~~~r:e:;,: 'UTe out of cigareuefl wrapped the old/_Maned way. It is tlw llUlrk 0/ a considerate hOirtess. bymeansoftlteHumidnr Pack. to ff Serve a jreIJh cigarette." Buy Camel.! by tlw carton-- this cigarette toiU remainjre31& in you,. home and offu:e. @U31.R.J.Reynold.Tob._c:o...PIll1. WimtoD..s.J..... N.C.
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