Page 63 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE [SPORTS! BasKetball Boxing [SPORTS [ TERROR MITTMEN PUNCH CO-ED BASKETBALL FROSH CONCLUDE MOUNTAINEERS SURPRISE THEIR WAY TO VICTORY TEAM DEFEATS ST.MARY'S I Punch Drunk Sez UNDEFEATED SEASON W. M. C. BASKETEERS The wester» Maryland boxing team The Co-ed basketball team avenged its When lhe l"l'osli quintet, defeated The v,usity bnaketeers dropped It close defeated the University of Pennsylvania defeat of last week by winuing from St. Today the boxers swap punches with 1) the Mt. St. ?'1ary's 'ycarling$ last Sat- game to Mt, St. Mary's at Emmitsburg rnlttmen last Saturday at the Pnleatru. powerful team-West Virglnla Univar- last Saturday. The score was 31·24. Mary'~ Seminary with a score of 44·23. urday, their basketball seaaou came to Although the finn l score was 5·2, only six The pla.r was rather slow in the first half, sity. Thesil mountain boys I,a"e had au end. Victories usunlly being the 'rhe victory for the Monntaineers even- houts were contested. Pincurn, of \Vest· the score being only 16·1,5 in faYor of quite a successful sea~on so far and the 111l'!lSUre of snccess, the Fresh had a ban ed the lnS1 home-and-heme series, for ern Maryland, won the heavyweight bout Western Maryland. In the second half, setup looks like II good one. ncr year. N(lt 1\ game was lost in the the Terrors held a previous win over their by a forfeit. however, the team got into its "~stride"~, West Virginia is particularly strong in eleven played. Their record: opponents. Two of the Terrors' victcrtes Clime as and a very dceiaive and well eo-or- the fifteen, forty-five, sixty alHl heavy· Western Maryland was nnnble to g...t the result of knockouts. The remaining game. The spceraeurae euote of weight dtvisicus. llawkins, the "big W.11. Frosh 20-Johns Hopkins Fro~h 16 started in the entire first half. Time bouts went the full three·roun(llimit. Pat Murphy all!l the steady, dependable mnu"! on the has scored technical W .• \J. Frosh ::£--8t. John's F'rcsh 20 after timc the bsll would be worked Peuusylvania started (lff well whcn W. :'If. Frosh 31-Loyola Frosh 17 within scoring distnnee but tbe try-for- shooting of Whitey Ebaugh were the knockonts in his with Carnegie W. M. Fresh 30-:'Irt. St. Mary's 26 Charlie r-i:aznersky, Quaker Jl5'poumler, high points of the playing. Never before Tech, Peun State Army. Dr.inkley, goal would be "ide. During the entire won a close decision from Cameron },lUI' W. ~1. Frosh 34-Md. School for Deaf 17 initial period the Terror nffense could ac- ha,'e the two forwards worked as ,,".ell to- of Na\,.y, pulled a surprise and K.o'dhim W. '!II. .j'rosh ,HI-Md. School for Deaf 15 ellison. In the first round the Penn boxer gether and wit.h the rest of the team in the Nu\'y·W. Vn. mccland so-it looks IV. M.Prosh38-JollilsHopkinsl'rosh12 count for but ninc points, while the op· gained a. little lead by his shaqwr llit· backing them stendily, they made the like the heavyweight tussle will be ju~t W. M. Frosh 2!!-St. JoInt's Frosl\ 28 position was tallying seventeen. This ting. The second was even, bnt in the gamc bighly enjoyable for the spectators. as enjoyable as any this season, with W. :'If. Frosh 32-W8ynrsboro High 2:: slo\\" start eost \Vestern ~laryland the third round Kaznersky ~howed more ago Pincurn in fine shape. \V. ?l. }~rosh H-Blue Ridge College 7 detory, for she mora than held 11er own gressiveness :md WOlle the bout. 'l'he.line·up: inthelastbalf. '\'he line·up will prolHlbly be: W. !II. frosh 24--)rl. St. llar~"s Froal! 9 A real slug·fesl. devdoped in the 125· Western St. Mary's Only in one eont~at were thcy hard Cllanowski totaled se,'cnteen points in pound clasa, when Capt. CMI'in Shadel, Maryland Seminar), Western "!I!.~I",'·I~nd West Virginia pressed. After dofcating the St. John's the encollntcr, to lead the scorers. Five of tile Red and Blue, decided !o swap Ebaugh H.l~. Blackstone Murchison 115 M.orrison ,TUlliOI' V~rsity in ~ tilt at WCstminst,er of his points were from the t:harity punches with Pete Flater. Shadel had Murpby L.F. Pntterson Plater Hamiltou :1 ~afe margin, they .journeyed to strip. Raleigh Brown, with fonr ficld the ad\'~nt~ge in the first two rounds, Hogan C. Reaney Crosby 135 Hesse for a return gam~. Thi$ one goals and four fonl shots, wss close on largely because of his effectual use of a Cockburn S.C. Gardner Borchers H5 Stunkard was a uip and tuck affair. The John his heels for high 8~oring ]lOllors. tantalizing jab. Flater landed some real Sennt It G. Spalding Brubaker ]60 Latham nks lI'('rc in tossing bnskets Capt. Wcllinger of Western 'Maryland, solid punclles in the last round. Slwdel's Todd L. O. Beny Ekaitis ]75 KMr frOm fhe but the Terror Frosh fin· played acie"er gallle throughont the lead w~s too mnell to overCOllle and the Substitutions: 'IV'. 1J., Dnl'is for Mnr· Pincurn Heal'yweight HnwkinB ally eked thronghnone point m:lTgiuon contest. This was the next to the last yerdict'went to tho;, Penn boxer. phy; St. ~brr's, Little for Patterson. aeCIII'~!e fonl shooting. basketbnll game iu which "Varsity" This Idt the s~ore Penn, 2; W. )I., O. Gonls: Ebnngh, 11; Mnrphy, 16; Blaek· A game wilh WllsuingtoH {'Alll~ge Ilt One game was pla~·ed with will partieipafe as a player. Captain Doug Crosby, of Western stOlle, 10i Plltterson, 1. l~olll sllOtS: W. Cllestcrtown tonight fiHishes the bnsket iJoro High, ,,-hid, is coached i'.IT. ST. MARY'S G. , F. T. Maryland, proved the statement thAt M.,6(lutof 7; St. Mary's,] out of ... ball for the 1·llrsity. Welling· Englr, forUler W. "r. V.1rsi!y Chanowski, f. 3 5 17 champions can punch when he knocked er has consistently good Ulroughollt CIHllkle)" c. f. 0 8 1 Hopkins, out Irvin Glass, Quaker represelltntil'e, in SEASON SCORING the sea~on. SEASON SCORING Connell, g. 0 0 the third bout of the meet. VARSITY Ji'IW8li. Lyuch, g. 2 4 In tIle first round Doug was content to G. F. T_ Get yOlll' hitch.hiking thumb pntchNl G. P. T. Bonner, g. 0 1 feel out his opponent. The fight looked up. We're hCllding-for points out next Totals 11 4 . 31 Brown, f. " 28·38 120 Sadn"~k.v, e. 8·15 102 fairly close dnring this round. Early ill week-nnd converging at Annapolis. 'fhe WESTERN ~!D. G. F_ T_ Hnmmill,c. 35 20·39 90 "Hurl ...)" g. 3.1 ..·11 '" BI'
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68