Page 62 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]Iuri!'t\! lInter-illnllegiute GOt A REVIEW OF BOOKS, News I Arnultll tile illUlltPll6 PLAYS AND LIFE stu· The final ehnpter more intelligent are today W. myatery lUl9 been to the .!treut C. 1. ''YEARS OF GRACE" dents One of tbe best proofs that college than and completed, like moat mysteries, this one had n those of former years might be had in baffling "surpt ise-endiug." In fact, ac- Whether you consider this book as u the pr(lctice of acquiring au edncation Onidal newspaper of Westeru Milrylallll College, publislled on Thursday during psychological study of family relntion- without books. Some may observe, of cording to all indicntions, !lUlU), ]1I1\-c, tile acndemle year oy tho students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, u't solved it to their aat.isfnctlon yll-t. ships or 3S!l fascinating norel, you will euuree, that this is impossible and over' Murylund. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Pcatolfiee. forget nil les$ons and shirk all work uu look the many ways it may be done. Subscription. Price, $2.00 a Year With t.hoappointment of two worthy til ron l11n"Ofinished it. It has a grip- Take atmosphere, for inatnnee-cthere ta Economics students to the hypothebica l piug style that earrfes you through its a big factor. Cigar coupons rustle in five hundred and (lighty·ono pages as your pocket just like gold-baeka when position of labor representatives. We MANAGING STAFF understand the origin of tho platitude, though it were a short story intended to you step into an expensive baroque movie one at braid hear gold EDITon-TN-CHTEF ..... ".Roy T. Edwards, '31 "Pitr the poor working girl." be Grace," read by Mnrgnret sitting. Ayer "Years has of palace brass and buttons flunkies their in heels tcgetb- click Barnes, and Thomas W. Otto, '32 no other clmrneteriaties of a short story. Evcrybody's for AIA"'AGING EDITORS. "•. "•• ".. "•• ". . { Robert L. Rodgers, '32 Great r c'uthusiasm for the game of la- Tn fact, it is magnificent in its scope of er just at the your race benefit .. Every henpeek a jockey track. BUSINESS :MANAGER. . Paul L. Bates, '31 crosse has been shown in tlH~ informal ehnrncter, and places. Through ed husband tries to expand his chest and ADVERTISINGMANAGER. " C. Robert Etzler, '32 }Jracti(lCs, and seycrnl new recruits arc four deendes, gi"e us close eoutact itches for n gun when the marines go CIRCULATION MANAOER " ......... " Wayne W. Moore, '32 reported. One, especially, is said to be Ivith three distinct generations and a marching by. Shakespeare merely held playing a very "smooth" game. glimpse nt tho fourth generation, this horses in front, of a theatre, and turned ASST. CIRCULATIONMANAGERS novel shows th!) reader tue distinct out to be the world's greatest dramatist. Maurice C. Fleming, '34 Arthur J. Downey, '34 The weather gets colder and the euonges from the Victorian attitude of So at college. The pervasive atmos- Lora 111. Outten, '34 • David 'l'rundle, '33 cheeh of tlH~ little Freshman lassies the 90's to the post-war radicalism in phere of learning slowly but surely turns grow rosier, every day. The girls at- morul stnndnrds. every dunce into a scholar. An occasion- REPORTORIAL STAFF tribute tbcir new glowing eomplexiona Though this is Mi-a. Barnes' first long 11.1 glance at imposiug rows of books in to a few good.heartcd boys who enforce novel her ehnracters show growth and the library Ilffects that deliberate am ASSOCIA'rE EDITORS adequate ventuation by making per- bushing of trlltll and that judicious 'I'halmu Reid, '31 Duncan C. Murchison, '32 manent apertures in the windows. frown whiel' everyone knows to be char- acteristic of the learned. Every lecture is H Ionic for that high school ambition to SPORTS EDITORS "Being a good loser" is not such a Indeed worhl. Catherine W. Cockburn, '31 John O'Leflir, '33 diflicult job ordiuarily, but keeping a reform the inescapable, given the education at is pro}ler simply pleasJlut mieu whon t.htl whole world's COpy EDI1'ORS against. you, in~ludirig your fllllo\\"·elass- mosphere. 1\Iary TJeeShipley, '32 Stuart D. Sunday, '32 mates-well, that '8 a different mntter. n c.omprehenskc, in- Then there's the roommate--thut dear Ask the sophomore girls. terested one; so render sees the ~it.u· old griad, Ilnsinging and unsung! Notice REPORTERS ati!!n with tolerance aud real iHquiry. how he has ~'enr math problems and your Evelyn E. Collison, '31 J. Wesley Day, '31 We're prepared for nn elopcm(lnt from "Year of Grace" is the story of Jane survey chart all ueatly finishod when you its :Margaret E. Hamilton, '31 George E. McGowan, '3] "Bu7.zard'- ony tlmo now. All the tra.- Ward's lifo ill Chiengo before the turn return from the dance. but trIke Oh, good not care both· of er ~t alT, he says; Victoria D. Smith, '31 . llo"'ard A.. Bolton, '32 ditional nppnratus has been set up and of the century, when archite~ts had !lot his health for e,-en II slight !lola might Ruth E. Wooleott, '31 Silmuel G. Townshend, Jr., '32 nicely adjusted; the only requirement yet reclaimed ,'ast portions of lnnd from send yon empty.lwnded to class some of Wini.fred S. Bush, '32 Howard .l\L Amoss, '32 nOlI' is nn immediate proposal. the called lake. "Andre," The first gi,-es section an cxeellcnt. the book pie· morning, and not having the oold yonr· Sara B. Robinson, '32 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 Just add to C. I. W. thi~ <'combination ture of the fine social distinctions built self some to produce as in evidence there your might ex; difliculty be phrasing .1\1. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 of letters significant to the giggling up in the Viet-orian ern, besiiles Betty Allen, '33 Thomas 1[. Gealey, '33 girls: S. S. S. But there seel11S to l)c the first love 01' Jnne's life. Besides ~'ou can't blame some students Martha llarrisou, '34 William G. Pyles, '33 no hesitance about fl.dmitting that this Four parts this book into the for not bU~'ing books, for, HS they plaus- signifies "Society of Sandwich Sellers." four di\-isiolls of 10"e in Jone Ward's ibly explain, some of the books alllligned This organization, though just started a life, "Andre," "Stephen," "Jimmy," are uo good. The books art' not the best Worthy opinion; Mod~l management; Correct news. week ago, has had a "mnshroom and "Cicil~', J cnney and Steve." Ench possible books; ergo, no books at all. growth" (not to mention CTeam'el,eese, gains a momcntmn thnt enrries to Whiell is surely a profoundly Bensible at. pcanut·butter, and minced·ham growth!) end. Cnlminating ill n situntion titude. And it must be remembered that IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI And the membership hus increased 80 r.nd of whieh the reader students beginning to study !l, subjec.t are rapidly that no one knows who will and ponder loug after the already better able to judge than are pro· the ranks next. With all due reading, "Years of Grace" handIes fessors ""lether a book con()erning that H~lcyon Days 'rhe term "halcyol1 d,,:;"s" was giyen by the Greeks to given to thei..nilustrious young ladics who nn interesting of history with an subjeet is acceptable. the bl'ief period of calm that ocellred during all other, work so bard to ko~p the wolf from the unusual style ullusualunderstauding Still this method of acqlliring an edu· wi"e stormy season. During tbis time the halcyo11 or kingfisllcr, whose dormitory, Jet shed a tenr for the loug that should recommend thi.!; book to all Clition has cerblin disadYllntages. For rcaders. lmdergrotlnd nest, had not been discovered by the llatl\l:alist of that suffering patrons who Sllpport the llumn· inst.ance, someone might ask a question. time, was supposed t.o nest in the foam of the sea. College days may be ousenterprises. ''UP THE YEARS FROM -:lIIarqueUe Tribnne. called the halcyon days of life. During this time most people are a BLOOMSBURY" little freer from restraint and worry than at any other period of life. Tbf' comparison may be can'ieel farther. ACCOI'dil)got the myth the Someone asked us tonight, in all sincer- This column seems to be specializing Westminster's Leading Store llalcyon made the best acTvantage of the period of calm. 'Ve, likewise, ity, whether Ule campus wns any differ in books th~t. fenturOJ yenrs in the litle, as college student.s, should make the best adVAntage of the halcyon ent in spring. ourseil'es Well, unable if you to can explain imagine, the but both of these books slip by much we found da~'" of our ilfe. 'rhey should not be wasted but turned to the best ad- trausformatiou which occurs, and affects morn quickly in the reading than in the Yf!TItngefor future life. \Ve are 110t building nests but foundations so strongly e"ef)'one and everything. At happening. In "Yenrs of G"aee" June and we are building on something stronger tllan sea foam. TIlC'bnild- anr rate, it won't be long now till this WlHd isn rcul}lerson to the rcader and ing is OtH" l.ife and we alone arc responsible for its construction. A poet magic time will be upon us, Hnd then, fiction becomcs life; while ill "Up the said, "Come, make 1he best of what yon ret mar sp
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