Page 67 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 67
The Gold Bug, Western Maryl&nd College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I NTER COLLEGIATES \SPORTS I FRIDAY AND SAT U R 0 AY I SPORTS I Green Terror Boxers Set New Record FROSH BEAT SOPHOMORES CO-ED BASKETEERS END By Fighting the Navy to a Draw Punch Drunk Sez IN ANNUAL COURT TILT SUCCESSFUL1931 SEASON (Coutinued from Png(l I-Col. 5) In one of the hardest fought contests The eo.eda bronght a suecessful sea- Dick Harlow sent in Chandler to fight the 1st PLATOON, COMPANY B, Well,adeagainstNavyafterallthesc of the season, the sophomores conceded son to a close by defeating the "Ala" Iris first bout of. tho season, and years is not.hing to be ashamed of, and the rear's annual grudge battle that was Athl<'tie Club of Wa5hillgton, D. C., last second of his career, against Wright, ANNEXES BATTALION TITLE yet, it seems to Puneh Drunk, that the Snturdny by the HC(He of 21·18. The tho Nnvv's l15·pound contender. The finest phase of the meet was tile insptr- attended by a large crowd in Yingling "Ala" Atlrlefie Club WIlS the only team Terror flyweight easily took the first ing evidence of sportsmanship on all Gymnasium Wednesday evening, Mnreh to defeat the Western Maryland to·eds round, having a bit more trouble in Playing before the cadet, corps of tbe sides. We'll venture to say that no meet 11, to the Vursity Yearling team that thut the. victory was well appteeiated. the second and just holding his own R. O. T. C., in Yingling Gymnasium on has ever resulted in deaner, harder fight- has gone through an undefeated season. As in the at Washington, the In f.he Iuat. TUCl!day afternoon, Mnruh 11, the cham ing than that displayed by the Terron For a time it seemed as though tile te8111 could not show pionship inter-company aggregation rep- and the Tars last Saturday. Sophe were well on their way to vietory. the" Als" any serious opposition until Na.vy Takes Three Bouts resenting the first platoon of Company B Got no time for post'mortemll-there's The score at tho half wasI5·13, but they the second half, but in timt period a de· In the 125·pound das~ Flater met outsmarted the OfficeTll Club and won the work to be done this week. All set for faltered in the second period. The clsive spurt was made and !lUl'phy, true Fitzgerald, the Navy's best bet. The battalion championship by a 23·10 aeore. the trip to Penn State' The team is" Freshmen took advantage of this und to form begun running up the eeore. Tar's flawless ability led him easily the ccech is-will you be there' The In reviewing the pant. season, iuueh Tbe officers held their own for about some speetaeulnr shats to gain the through the bout, in spite of the ex· jaunt to State iBn't far to membeu of credit must lJC gi,'en to the as a half the game, tying the score 6·6 just an(j hokl it unt il the final whistle. cellent fight which Flater put up. the thumbjerker elan; or a ear-load can before the period ended. They weaken· for the excellent and Captain Crosby, f Ss-pound Terror cd in the second half, however, and the "eommunize" the gas and oil bills to Brown was the outstanding player IIf whieh prevailed. The indivlduala ace, lost his bout to Fulmer, a slugger platoon eagera forged. into the lead which great advantage-let's gil! I the evening caging seven baskets lind a no less credit. In Murphy aud from last year'a plebe tc-um, on a tech they increased as the game progressed. The E. 1. B. A. is experimeutlng this foul. Sadusky starred for the Fresh Westeru Hnrylaud mllycOllsider uieal knockout. Although this bout Frequent fouling halted the contest which two of the best forwards in was 11 keen disappoiutment to mauy, it W8S an interesting struggle. ie:a;i:;it!'o~~:nf!~: i~f :ac~:e~~:~g~:lei:o:~ ~~:nac:~:l t~~O~!h p~\~t~S' hal~i:sad~::~ its history; Todd and Senat stand out as """ proved the oeeasion for a fine display effort to reduce the drudgery of the points apreee. Mahoney eecred fj\'e pomta. being I'ery capable guurils; and TIogau of sportsmanship. Summaries: energy·sapping preliminary struggles of Line-np: and Cocl
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