Page 65 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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INTERCOLLEGIATE FACULTY MUSIC AND SPEEOH RECITAL :BOXING GOt TOURNAMENT ALUMNI HALL PENN STATE COLLEGE TUESDAY, MAROH 24 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8:00 P. M. Vol. 8, No. 17 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTHINSTER, MD. March 19, 1931 Col. C. E. Deems Lectures to R. O. T. C. College Calendar Western Md. College Boxing Team Students on "First Battle of Bull Run" FR1DA Y, MAlteR 20- Fights Naval Academy to Even Draw Speech Plays; Smith Hall; pre- ARMY OFFICER CONTINUES SERIES OF ANNUAL LECTURES sented by College Players; 7;30 P. PINCURA TIES SCORE BY EARNING DRAW OVER NAVY'S ON FAMOUS BATTLES M. STAR HEAVYWEIGHT BUNDA Y, 1>L4.RCR 22- Colonel Clarence E. Deems, U. S. A., former bend of the History College Buuday School; Baker The Green '1'01'1'01'boxing team cmue within nn inch of sinking the Department of the 'I'rainiug School of the United States Army at Fnrt Chapelj 9 A. M. Navy in their home waters, a feat which has never been accomplished Leavenworth, lectured to the R. O. T. C. battalion and a number or Baker Chnpcl Services; -L30 P. }'L by an;' team during the twelve vern's which the 'l'nrs have engaged in intercollegiate boxing, when the Midshipmen were held to a 3'h-3~~ members of the faculty and student body in Smith Hall on the after 1IIQNDAY, :MARCH 23- last in Maeljonough noon of March 9. Colonel Deems selected as his subject, "The Firat Literary Soeieticsj 6:45 and 7;00 draw .A capacity crowd Hi111 at Annapolis thousand Saturdnv night. hall of nearly five jammed the great BAttle of Bull Run". The speaker ',"I)S intr-oduced to his audience by P.1IL Dean Samuel B. Schofield. TUESDAY, MARCH 24- to its limit ill order to witness whnt has become the flnul climax of the Before opening the discussion of the battle Oolcncl Deems said Phi Alpha 1'.1uMid-winter Sports mid-winter sports season in the State of :i\IarylHud Best Record I ========== Can]ivlllj Mc Dantel Hall Recep- I ~1;~t~:r:]~:?'~:I~!~e:ta~l:n~~a:th:V~'~:~ L. M. PINCURA ELECTED \.";;YI:~i;"w:: ;;;:",~;"'.ot~':t,,:Y='~::,:' ""W"' frleud wloon he was here. C,I FORMER W. M. PROFESSOR tion Roolllj 3,30 1.05,30 P. M. onel Deems begun the lecture with u Soci"l Clubs; 7;00 P. }J. 1931 FOOl BALL CAPTAIN 1',,,,,. """g "P the best. rceord whi"h , in former seasous, the er level than :o~:~~:::t:::ll;faltl~~e e::;il~;,~:g o:f ~::~ STUDIES IN GREECE I.e Ccrcle Francniae ; "McDaniel -- thc:rharowontodato the War Jf the Secession. The precedent Hall: 7:15P. M Ludwig M. Plueurn, '~2, was elected llllving COlllC out on short and advice of Washington hllil not been Professor John B. Edwards, who wan Pneurtv Recital, Music alld Speech of Ihe Green Terrors for the (J 5 to 2 and .j. to :l scores, reo followed. The army was amnll and iorm,-,rl.r Asststuut Professor of Latin Dcpnrt.mcnts; Required Atton- in 1929 and 1930. 'I'hc meet scattered and was used mainly to de- 'Ind Tllstruetor in Mnt.henmt.ica ut West· fourth timo that the Navy fend against Iudlans. A large mobile College, vi8itcd Greece daucc ; Alumni uou, 8:00 P. 1\[. army and navy would hu ve speedrly on his reeve from Wulls Col I\·EDN.E:SDAY, a anon 25- wiped out the insurrection. lege last Y():Ir to mnke " special study .Toint "Y" nHJPting, with Dean Political Situation Confused of Greek Literuture. His journey ill' Graham at Ohelin "s speakcr ; lire· y('ltrB] ill .\thcns, eluded soveral month's atuy 'rhe speaker continued with a discus- where he lllet mallY lending poets an,] Dnllicl Hilll; j,~O P. M. de iuter- collegiate boxing. ~ion a~ to the boginning !'f seeessien. author~ of the lllodern era, and m"dll Bkaitis Stars The partiB~nship was 011 religious, class several interesting trips to other and politieal bases. South Carolina and of tI]e eOllnt.ry. On one of these George Ek:dtis, the Gre~n Ten-or the Gulf states withdrew from tiM Mr. Edwards attoll{lc.d tILe Delphic. CHAPEL SERMON URGES 175-ponmler, putOH whatwllB easily the Union undor President BueJlltnan. Lin- wlHlre I>romcth01l8 Bound I'-nd most finished exhibition 01' the (l1'en- coIn inherited a delieatesituation. There the gre:lt Aeschylus, "PURPOSEFUL LIVING" hy a W('slern ~Inl"y ing in ~Ibout wl]icll resulted in the on- were two political factioll~ in the were ginm. were staged in the land tcam wit.h eonfidence i!1 ly complete knockout whieh the Tel'- North, one fln'oring a pnssil'll stand on ancient maImer from a n)(li!ern Greek tile man who will captain tile team. rors have met in tILeir 1931 campaign. Continuing Ids series of Serlll()nS, the sec('ssion, the. other favoring vigorous translation by lhe poet Gryparis. Hev. .T. lJ. Grcen preached in Baker During his two years 011 the varsity, ,Toll1lson,light hcavy for the Tars, was action to bring back the states that had A week was sji(nlt in idyllic Areadin Chapel Sllllrl:lY nfternoon, },{arell Pincur:> has time-and t.ime pro\·eu no m:>tchfor tllCfofmer-Westcrll-Mary- On been withdrawn. If secossion were ,per' (w1l.11 LI'1l not..)(] gflOgrnphe.r Dr. Ens· 15. As n basis for his S('flllon-I]c used I' a mainstay ill upholilil\g splondill lall'1 quo.rterbaek !LDd W
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