Page 71 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 71
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS/ Boxing Lacrosse \SPORTS I Green Terror Mittmen Duplicate Feat of Placing Second in Intercollegiates with Two Title Holders (Continued from Pag<; l-CoL 5) Brubaker Takes Title and Pincura, hud been selected by tlie SPRING SPORTS Dill you k'IOW' All Time Intercollegiate Team B. 1. 1I. A. before the opened ..... That George Ekultis set a new .lIji-pound class Collins (Navy) world record for economy of lime by 12."i-pound ejoae . . • Pinsky (N. Y. U.) 1931 BASEBALL SCHEDULE clinching the HI31 intercollegiate light- 135-1)Ound eiuss Crosby (W. M. 0.) April 10 Blue Ridge at Weatminster heavyweight i.n just 15 seconds of 111"- H5-pOllnd erase Gertn (Navy) April IS Dickinson nt Westminster tunl fighting. Ieu-pocna ClUB . _.Wolff (State) April 22 hla.ryJnnd at College Park .... That :Red Oooper, hl. T. T. HiO 1.fay 2 Mt. st. ~rary'a .. at·Westminster pounder, who was on the other end of 175-pouud class O'MallE')' eM. I. T.) May 9 Dicktnaon at Carlisle Brubnker ts knockout blow, needn't Ht'a\'yweight Lassman (N. Y. U.) May 16 Na,'Y. . at N,wy worry, for he will inherit some thirteen May 20 Mt. St. 1[.'I.1>:<·'s .. at Emmitsburg million dollars one of these Ru- "Did," was confronted with a harder mor also hath it that he tnsk in selecting an all.thne Western down to State from Boston by Mnrvland "se\'cll" in view of the fact 1931 LACROSSE SCHEDULE 'plane. Wo-tta lile! that the Terrors have only entered teams April 1] ... at Navy ... That, aC(lording to. Penn Sbt.o in the ring during the laat "five rears. Llcre are his selections, but he reminds Drcsby Dong April at 18 Park I scribes, College as known is 1\lldJ'~wsJ Nnv.\" finnli~t, was confined to .\lay 1 Pcun at West]1)inst
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