Page 70 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAUl~ 'I'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]Jari~t1J COL \lei I,",:~:~:::,:~.:J',_1J_i:_~_~,:_~_:_:_~~v_~g_c~_~~_l'_1 A .REVIEW. OF BOOKS, LIFE PLA YS AND ~:e:I~!I~o:;~18~u~;~:e~~i:!o~;o;e8~U:;Tho majority of .atudauts showed them- THE COLLEGE PLAYERS 11(1'110{II. to 'l)OU;O to selves eo-educntlon, at Ran.dolph· Clf.madill waa the successful presenta- tion of the religious group of songs, omcret Ilcwspaper of Western MurylaJld College, published on 'l'hureday during wlwtll1lef of our ~~fI:~~~~l~~;:d~: ~~t::a:t~~~~,,:o~~: and dances on Frilla), evening, ~~l:r;l~~nd{~.mi~l~~:~:db;st~~eeo~;~~::: ;,~t::s:~r~ll:r~~~~~~ns~:~le::~t~~~::.minster, :a:;~~~~~~:~::~i:l:~r!~~IIYi=!:I:~g;~ for prohibiting cc-eda, 52 for eo-educn- the twentieth, ill Smith Hall. Tbe tlon, nnd 39 in favor of allowing girls performallce bj- the combined forces of Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year to cOJltrib'l.te Ids or lIer tliBws, but the living jll Hanover eounty the privilege the Girls' Glee. Clnb lind the Gollege editors m~lst reS(lT'I)1JthB Tight to "bbu.e of rrttendauce. Players was greeted hy the most critical MANAGlNG STAFF 'I'he second question ot the ballot: "If of ~11 audiences, the student body, with :l.u nppreclative spirit tbat was inspiring. EDI~'on-IN-CHIEF ____ . _ . Roy T. Edwards, '31 this college is to become a co-educational The previous periormnuccs of the season that institntion I agree dormitory a Thomas W. Otto, '32 should beconatrueied to house co-eae ' have been entirely but Pri- -r.."fANAGING EDITORS. '32 . { Robert L. Rodgers, brought a vote of response of 67 votes day night WU$ the high msr.k_ BUSINESS MANAGER _ Panl TJ. Bates, '31 To the Editor, fortheaffirillative. Everyone is looking forward now to the ADVEU1'!SlNO MANAGER C. Robert Etzler, '32 T1:lli GOLD BUG, The third section question, "If girls last production in June week as the per- CIRCULATION I'I1ANAmln • Wayne W. Moore, '32 Sir: lil'ing in Hanover county, alone, are gil" feet "swan song." ",Vaiters, like all worms, have the privi- en the privilege of attending classes at With the return of our nhln director, Ass~'. CmCULATWN l\IANAGERS Randolph-Macon Gutter; _youswipe silvcr ware, g!.1sses At the University. The sus- tainment, lind the second groups on tence structure, spelling and pUllctnatioll ill the Ilrticles presented fOl' 3nd water pitchers for Jour room-nnd pensions will e.onUnue for ellc11studellt 1I.larl:hthcsixlh ,,'as menSllTably equal by lll:blication. yet ~·ou expect ~llOUghsilver and until he re]lorts to the counsellor of men the s.~mc criteria. Several outstanding To tIle 'rimes "Publislling ComJ)ll11Y_ pl"illtel"S of the Gold Bug. who '~nter rite.hers fpr the mC1l1S-:lnd yet 11n(larranges to "face the music." performances, and an appro]lriateness of gn\'c mucu praetical advice and assist(lnce. vou expect to bo waited OJ1 like ladies and selections to speakcrs havero'arked these In parting, we wish to congratulatc the lIew staff on its selection ~entlemen. You say, "·Why I am a lwo presentations. for' their respectiYe positions. We wlsll also to assure the student body lady!" and "1 am n gentleman." student waiters nnd dining room force The Thanksgiving plays in Alumni nnd all other interested persons tllf1t they are all worthy persons and Mark Antony als said that Brutus was will "put forU! t.heir bcst to treat you like Hnl! h~,-e faded into II p1easnnt memor]" thoroughly capflhle of filling tbe POSitiOlH; for which they been se- HO~ORABLE-- ut we all 1mow too l:ldies alld gentlemen. except for the members of the andie.nce laded_ Om' earnest bope is tllflt tllCY will profit by Ollr mistakes ilnel well thnt ~Iark ll{ VJ.'rmeant a word of it. AT LEAST DID YOU EVER TRY who suffered frostbite on that bl4lak pnt out the best Gold Bug in the histor~' of 'Vestern Maryland news· When )"on shc'~ SODl
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