Page 69 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COL SPRING RECESS THE GOLD BUG BEGINS MARCH 27th WISHES YOU ENDS APRIL 6th A HAPPY VACATION! Vol. 8, Nu. 18 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 26, 1931 Dean T. W. Graham, of Oberlin, College Calendar Green Terror Boxers Take Visits Campus as Guest of Y.M. C.A. Second Place in 1931 Tourney T'ltIDA Y, :MARCH 27- Spring Vucatiou Begins; lZ:OO "M:. LECTURES AT ASSEMBLY. TO STUDENT FACULTY GROUP, TUESDAY, APRIL 7- EKAITIS AND BRUBAKER EARN INTERCOLLEGIATE AND AT JOINT "Y" MEETING Vncuticn Eude: Dlusscs Be· CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES A. U. Thomas ",\T. Graham, Dean of Oberlin Graduate School of The- State College, Pa.-'rhe Green 'I'errors emerged with second place WEDNESDAY, .A.PHIL8- ill the 1931 Intercollegiate Boxing Championship 'I'oumament f'or tho olcgv, Oberlin, Ohio, visited Western Maryland College, Wedueedav, Investiture Servicesj Buker Ohap- Mnreh 25th, as a gnest of the college Y. i\I. C. .A el; 8:20 A. M. second successive year. The D_ S. 1\'a\"l11 Academy finished fh-st, gar- Dean Graham is a wcll-kuowu speaker lit student conferences not Y. w. C. A.; 6:45 P. M. neriug a total of twenty points, as compared with the Terror's sixteen. only in the East and Middle West, but also on the Pacific coast. Heis Y. M. C. A.; 7:00 p, M. Again Western Maryland produced two Intercollegiate champions. ,,·,,11 acquainted with the religions and moral problems Ineing the col- FJU1)AY, APRIJ~ 10- titles being clinched by Steese Brubaker, in the Hlll-pouud class, and lege students today. Reui!ul by Ihn-tls Lnetitutc Ar b:t, George Ekaitis, in the light heay.'{\veight division. At present Dean Graham is chairman of the National Student Di- tista; Alumni Hall; 8;00 P. M. POl" the first time ill the history of the Intercollegiate 'l'oumn- vision Committee and a member of the General Board of the Y. 11. C. A. SUNDAY, AP1UL ]2- Jnf'nts, PCllll State failed to land in one of the til·st two ulnces, being He presi{lcd at the nationnl St.udeut Ooiloge Sunday School; Baker I tied for third. this yeur by SyrI1.CH8(l. Faculty Oontereuee held at Chicago last CURRICULUM REVISION Chapel; 9:00 A. xr. '";:;~:" :':':'~':f::00;':;:;' Baker Gimpel Scrvtees ; 4:ilO P. "11[. R.C.HARLOWRE-ELECTED I year. HEAD OF BOXING ASSO. During the \\"eek of March the twcn- COMM. MAKES REPORT MONDAY, APRIL 111- wltuesscd the Ii"",, c tho tour ty-t.uird Deau Grnhnm is tl"a\-eling Literary Societiea; 7:00 P. M. Junoag the colleges of the Mldd}e AI. 'l'UESDAY, APRIL 14- lantie States and addressing Y. M. C. 'Til!.!committee flppointed hy Preai- Social Olube; 7:00 P. M. A., student, and fl\cull~' groups. dent A. N, Ward to study the eUlTieu" \V'l.'dnesdny IlI01·lling Dean Gr~hfllll lum, and nil lllnttors feInted to it, au<1 spoke to thl! students Hnd III from the in.forlllatioll obhlinell to make Smith nnll at 10:30. 11e Buggestions eoncernillg d esira b Ie REV. 1.L. GREEN CLOSES It\) was throughly familiar with student changes hns se\'cra] l"ecomll1endlltionsto ulld tlont he unde.rstands thcir offer at this time. 'I.'h1)seI"ecollllllendn CHAPEL SERMON SERIES The advice and eounsel he tions, nB re"e~le{l by DenIl gn\-e lI"as of all npplicnble nature. His chuiroHlll of tho committee, Tho Rev. J. L. Green, of Baltimoro, wide cxperi~IJeo and \'aried (lareer rell" exc.e]ltioll~,become effective th~ dol.iv~rcd the last of his aeries of ser served to ml\kc hia talk inf.orma!.inl ~-car 19a1·]9~~, and will he inellldeu ill ll1on~in Bnker Chnp('l, on antleducational. 1.\1(}sc.1wdulo of tlll' nolY ct!lllioguo, tel"lltlon, March 22. He based dis· Wednesdn;v afternoon at 3;05 Ii spe· which is llOWb~ing printed. eours!! on St. .Tohn12:32-"Bnt.l, when cinl group of st.udents and facuit~· pri In Cl1cmistry, ns announced prcvious I ill1l1ifled up from the eurih, will draw mal"ily interested in y, M. and Y. \Y. ly, there will bo an alternation hctwcon nll men to myself." N~vy'a other crowu aoeruing ,,"ork (lonfencd with Dean Grah:·Llll.He Ohcmish.v 9-10 (Ph.l'sical) !Iud Ohcm· "Just bofore Jeaus 1I'3SalJout to die At 111(.'IlrCliellttime six colleginte ill- Fulmer defeated Captain Doug Crosby, W"'e ullIlly practkal hint.s nnd idcns istry 1l.]~ (Org-unie). Bolh oro beiug SOUl(lGreeks waut~d 10 seG11im," began ~tit,uti"ns cOlllJlose tho of Western i\[aryl~nd, in the IS5·pound 1'01\' to eltrlpel services more d· offered tl,is year, but noxt year Pllysi· 1\1r.GreeH. "'I.'hey lLOdcame nt an op· II"hich cOI·erg tho Nell" Englnnd dass. The other three {liv;siollS ,,·e-rtl fective. Plnns ror making "Y" work cal Ch(,lllisU-ywill not he presentod. pOTtunetime to see.k the central figure Middle !\tlllntic Stot~s. Of. these six, topped by rcpre-.~entatil'es of three dil· n more worlu\\"hile and integ-rnl 01' All Education course in "Junior High of CllrisUa.nity. They had heard of Penn, )'L LT., nnd POlm Stnt~ fer~nt iustitutiOl13. Carl ()rlemnll, of 1)l"!.'Sentday college life \\"ere School", by Ginn, is being given this lis works; they aaw peoplc testify of l·hartcr members of the As- M. I. 'r., nnnexod the ll5-pound tille, £~rlier in He nft('ruooll Dt'n.n Gralwm Sellioster for the first time. It will be- lii~ and they so bolie\'od while Al Wertheimer, of S."raCllSe IT., ViSitEd ProfeasOT Lewis H. Brum· 1)010ea part of the regular {lul"l"i(;ululll. took the featherweight c.rown and /\1 haugh's ~thics class. Next YClJr,German 5-(; willmllke ih tournament w~s Lewis became oft1JeH5·pounddi- , "\Vcd1)cstlnyen:oning al ·7 o'clock n Jesus sig· in ]92-!. ~nd frOlll l'i8ion ior tlte team's only 1931 joint meetiug of the Y. l\I. ;lui! Y. w. i.niti!!1n]lpoarl\I1Ceamong the l~nguage nified to the Greek ILowlio wns to die: tl".tt time until tILeenrrClJt tOllrlle~·,tho crown. cours,,:;, if lhere is su(fieient demand for was addressed by Denn Gr~hnm. He has it. Sineo l!'reshmeu areuow allowed lo "A.~Moses lifted up tll(\ BCrPllntin tiLe NittallY Lions and tlLCTars had divid- Terrors Plaee Four Fi.nalists m:Hleon extensive study of "1:" orgoni- take- German it seems probable that Wilderness ~n will 1 be lifted up." ed the tcam championships be- Fil"e 1'error l,o:;;er; in the person;, of zatiOllS nnd their wodc in (ll;llieges,and this higher eoursc will "bedesired by an declaration docs not meall univcrsal ~al- Orosb.\', Borchers, 13ruba.ker, Ekaitis, ILisable coullscl contained lnallY \"alu~ adC<"jlllltellulllberofatudellts. vntion. But it It is entirel." fitting thai "Dirk" (Continued on Pnge 3-Col. 1) hle suggestions for a t)lJO of Ohristi:lll willbcno "Flnrlowshould !ill the highe~t olllee ill \Vorl. in colleges tllnt is more lI]lpealiJlg Tn History, the course in American the Assoc.intion whieh he has donc ~o The inilintor !lIuch to promote. lind to a. "ide circle of Jlot()nti~1 lllelllbor~. Tereign Policy (13-H) lI"ill be changed first eoneh of illtercollegi~tc boxing at CURTIS INSTITUTE WILL .A. Calladinn by l)irt.I., he is n grad from a year, to a aOlnester conrse, bit- n.'lle of McGill U1\inlTsity, 'roronto, n.nd I'oming 13. In of 14 'l. oourse in Iln:paro n I'la(l1)for ,1"ou." P{·lln 8!.nte in Hnrlol\" 11l~yw~ll SPONSORRETURN RECITAL of the l\l{ICormiBk 'rheological Se-m· Latin-,.\merie,,,, lI"iUI.e offered. "Thece is certainly in Christ's prom· be culled one of fathers of this in[[ry in Ohicngo wh(lre ho won high 'I.'his will nltenmte with IIistory ises," continued the speaker. "We IIro hmneh th(' sport. l1e coached sue- Artists from the Ourtis Institute oi' acholnstic iJOlIQrs. For a number of (Continued on Page 4o-Col. 4) (]('pendent, in a Inrglllll1)f1SUrC,upon thl' cessful teams :It State Illlti! :'IIU$ic,uf (Oontinued on Pugc 4-Col. 4) I'romis('s of men who IIr(: vacillating pioneered tho ''Rill'' 011 tenlllut Speech Dept. Stages Play 3lld often fniling elltirelr, 'lint I, ,dlon lI"iththiscol- they will present n in Alumni 'l'lle lll·UstS who will take part fbll. MUSIC, SPEECH DEPTS. in Smith Hall (Coutinued on Page 4-Col. 5) ure as follows: Edna GorulI.'", Lyrk GIVE FACULTY RECITAL A recital of ullusunl iut!);n~st\\":11'1giv 1932 GOLD BUG STAFF Soprnno; COllnJ{l Tilibllolt, BJl,.jtol\~; Ludilaus Steiuhanlt, en by the Speech nnd l\[u~ic Dfi~~ row; Assoc;iatoEditors, M:H.I'Lne Ship rrll cspoi.'ia.llyenfrrl:,;ning and iut.!Tl'Sl- light her sudi~nce. l:;!ltllorSmith. 'l'he work of Miss Ship· 1(':- find Houert L. R011gcu; Bnsiness The 1931 Jester Orgnl1i~.(,tion lecfl ing progrnm will be Vtcsenled. Tho vocal numbers were gh·on b.y ley nnd 1-fr. Ne\\"comer is espccinlly 10 Manager, D. Camoron i\InT1·1.i~1)n:A,l l\londnr morning for the uUllual tour of 'fwiee in the pnst two .I'ear~, Curtis lIHss Ruth Sherman .lonns, accompnniml b{\ to tl.o 1111 be.n were received with much enthu- dience in the form of two sell Herbst and SUS.'lllSlrow; Circula.· J\bnager; G. ll. Usinger, Stng(' Man· fU"st these perform[[llees w!.ls gi"1'11 Bl:JSlll. dUlIcesby the studClih of tion "Manager, Waylle ~[oore. nger: W. M. Reichcltl)oeker, .Assistnnt on MOllday evening, NOI'ember 25, 19:!9, The program for the evening consist· Some of tho ahove positions were Stage Jl[nllageri D.·. T. M. Whitfield tiS the first purt of the sf"l!~dulet1pl"fJ ed of thcfQllowing !lumbers: first, The Priestesses of filled b.1'tl.e clcctiou of last Friday; the Fneulty Ailvisor, und l\res.~rs. K1)SlllO· graIl! for 'I'hauksgi\"ing" week ~ll' tILq Uy Heart Ever .Fait.hful from "Ponte rest filled uy nppointmcnl.. Pow del, For\ines, Pisl,pt1\I·, BUSS[[Td.·Elrler· yellr. The :Irtish who look part in tho cost Cantata" . . ... Bach I~ruceflll IllOI·elllcnt; tho second, Ave or offices wero mndc eleeii\·e this yenr dice, Borchers, Kntz, Ellert, I,amb, progmlll at tlmt time wer~ tIm follow- !Te(n Ye, Israol from "Elijall" Mnria, lI"as a dired, contrast iII iu beenuse expericn!lo showed that closer llrilehe-ll, Sprague, Sliller, Bolton, Rath ing: Helnu JepSOll, soprl;LnOiClnrenp~ 1liondclsso!m heantiful simIJlicity. cooperation resnlt"ed if the e{litor hilS mnn,OHo. Hc.inlmrt, hnrit(llle; und Pu,,1 Gersh- MisBJones The Girls' Glee Club, directed by the privilego of selecting a considerah!r 'fhc 1)Q,I"s,\"ill spread their mes~age uf IUlln, \·iolinist. 'fhe second of tho two Quality Street, Act 1 J. l\I. Barrie "[ias Ruth Shern"ll1 Jones, snng t.wo ae· portion of 11isassistants. 1'lle peraons good oli('er to n llllmber of prominelll preyious performances ",ns preseute!1 l'IUSSMUll1l "Ye SellS of Isrne1" nml ''By whose names were placed on tJ!e l.Hlll(lt IOWIlSof the Silo' where they are sure Oil }'riday evaning, November 14, of CII(lnSOllD'Amour 1[atsllyama \\"avc." w('re selected after careful (>onsider.1 of nn 1'1ltlLusi:Jstiereception. TILepro tile last yeAr. Olwnson Do Yedn ilfa!.suyama 'I.'he east of "The Gift" \\"ns: lion b.y tho old staff, I!.TlIlll cellsistsof lllusicaillum· The 'Htists tlmt took part in the pro· Die Mainacht Bl"(l.lullS M!lI:Jchi :Ur. Al1lo~$ Tile election last Friday was unevent· bers b~· Green ~lld Gold Pnnoh, gram ]lr~S('"tNl were Mr. lTnrms. piau Vcrgehlicl!es Standdlen Brahmll Joel. .. Miss Sldpley ful ns elections go. Four ballots wcr~ the recentl~· organi7.etl college orr.hes i~t; lIfr. Holmgren, bnss-bnritollej allit Erl King. . Schubert Gabriel. . ",[isa Snader thrown aut by the judges. Two of thesc trn, (11,,1tILeglee club, 1"0c1\1and instru· Aliss Gomberg, vill1inist. The nccom- ]'[i~s Jones llllldnh ,. . ,\IiS6 Bishop lI"{ltewithout the names of tiLe voter. ment:!l solos, d~ncing and other Jlani$t for thi~ reeit:.l was iIlr. Helmer. TTnlf::t1lHour. . J.},[. Barrie A Stranger. . .. Mr. Newcomer The other two were Rifl"nedby the sam<- n\lmbrl"~ :!Ild a onc net pln;l·. r('- 'I'IJe rL'\:ital~given 0.\- fhe Curtis In- :!IUss?Iann ~1:artlla . .. }.[i~s J\f. Johllson person but I-ot.cdfor tlifferent persons I·iscd seh('al\l~ for the trip announced stitute of Music nrc lJart of the rt'gulllr 'l'ltJ' Bcanling Eyes. . . .MacDowell ThOBetuking pllrt i1\ t.he.dances: The as follows: yearly program of lectures and reeital~. Someone. . Bosloy Priest.esses of the Temple - ~Iiss"s ~; ~1:rf::~tOfo;'1~h:rnstde~~B8b!:;~.n:::t· Mnrch 23, Milford, Dehl\\"(He. The arTists who hare 'l"isilrd tire "ITill-' III the Luxmnbourg Ga.rdens Todd, A. Johnson, Poist, Ebsworth, ballots. 'fhe majorhies were large Us.rch 24, Cambridgo, ~far.\·laud. in the past from the Curtis Institute (If Manning Bowen, Helmstctter, Erb, M.vers, E"e- c.nough,]'OIVel'er,to '"'jrrantthO couclu· March 25, Parksley, Virgi,';a. Mllsi" hal""eueen students I)f such fam o l'hut Tt Were So! . Bridge kard; Ave. l\Inria-l\Iisses Raum, M. !lion that the opinion of the student ].[nreh 26, Seaford, De.1uware. out m~lsters as Josef lIoffm11l1,Madam" Mis~ JOIl{lS Johnson, Bush, M. Humphreys, Hobby. hody II·ere aeclll"ntcly epresented. )'fafch 27/ Sali~Qllr.y,hlar.vland. Luuosilutz, and Horatio Counoll,
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