Page 64 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 64
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md PHILO BROWNING AT SEA REACTION But a poet is not IIlwnys eineere, Hia verses may be not what he be- 'I'he program 1!enday Right opened It is not often thut u Browning meet- ~rion By Robert B. Holder lieves- with a review, given by Vic Smith, of the ing centers about the soctetv's namesake, Olough, 'M Yet 1111docs good nevertheless New York Theatre Guild 's latest play, so this meteing on Elizabeth Barrett I have never been iu love B," the thought which iu other's "The Lonely 'Vay." This was follow· Browning WIIS instructive as well ns inter· Rocking on tile dipping waves But sometime hope to be bear ta be Icevea. ed by nn amusing debate, the question be- esting. Alverta Dillen read 'Mrs. Brown- .Ii. fishing sehooner glides It uruet be a wonderful tl'ing ing, Resolved: that ecllegu girls should ing's life story, lind Peg Hzunilteu add- With hlown wblte canvas sails From whu t IlJenr nnd see. marry early. The debaters were Betty ed a few words about the love affairs She's ealllug to tI,e sky. PUT FIRST TlITNGS FIRST SAYS Cain, affirmative and Helen M:ycrs uegu- of t1JC poetess. Several of !JeT poems, CHAPEL SPEAKER Hve. The victory unanimonsly went to rend by Cleona Brjuseld, ended this meet- At C~'cning I rather Jil{c the way it works- the affirmative side. (Query: how is ing. The sails nre druwn-c- Ittiekles me-sometimes, (Continued from Pnge I-Col. 3) this going to affect W. M. C. ec-eds s) And the masts '1'0 see how some lonesome lover shirks feast on His words of wisdom, ehallenged While the contestants were pondoring Of the llloorlcas boat- His duties to write uuroroua rhymes. by His life will find the best. 1:1OII"O)I'er ovcr the rebuttal, Pat :!IInrphy entertain· Whrn there seemed to be thick dark- '1'0 the dark heavens Heaven .. and all the rest will be ad· it is record- ed willi one of her lively tap dances. ness over the land of Egypt, thl"children of Where hazy He does not know thnt it is but a sub- dark the way, great the handieaps, there "all edill.Exodus that Israel h:)d light in their d\\"~lliugs.lJThe. Gra~' douds float. vcralcn is One to crown the triumphs. 'I'he God light of divine Love breaks through the Of the nffeetion 1'0 is nfrald to re 'I'be advantage of leisure is mainly that density of mortnl thong!Jtj it clears np 'I'he steady smooth spJ:lsh of the tide who led Washington to Yorktown and we have the power of ehocslng our own one's mental state, nnd so trnnsfcruis Rocks the sleeping ship to and fro, veal, Lincoln to Gettysburg will lead us as tha.t many times it is a ruveraiou, work; not eertainly that it eonfers any difficult situati(Jns.-Cilristinn Seicnee ,V!Jilc tim eveniJlg st~r shines And well. 'Seek yc first the Kingdom of privilege of idleness.-Sir John Lubboek. Journal. Brightly abov", the bow. To something he does !lot feel. acduntoyou'." to put ~AMEL cigarettes in the new HUMIDOR PACK • WE have ken in the tobacco hns'h;('ss a long of t.he t.....bacco in Cam('h, whether you buy air-tight seal could gjye thc desired protection. tilne down here nt ",'inston-Sulf'ln and we take theTl1 in \Yinston-Snleln, D(,ln'er or Tim.hue- (D) This measure, while costly, could be relied n lot of pride in the quality of the cigarettes we Loo. But up to now Lh~r(' has been n very real on to keep Camels in prime condition for at JUake. difference in the ('onditi.on of the cigarettes by Jeast three Jnonths ill- any elirnate. the time they reached the smoker. While we hu"e spent a Aooel :many million If you have a technical bent. the graph below dollars advertising Camels, we',·c always he1d The flavor and mildness of fine tobacco m.ade by the Pittsburgh Testing Lahorat.ory to the old fashioned idea that the thing that de~nd upon the re-tentioll of its natural, not will show you the exact results of "their ex- really counts is wblIt we put into our cigarette odlled, moist.ure content which is prinlc at haustive study. and not wbat we say about it. nbout ten per cent. In spite of our great pains always to m.ake If we know anything about tobacco, and we sure Camels left the factory with just the right think we do, Camels contain tbe choicest Turk- amountofnatural nloistllre, no cigarette pack- ._,., Un"·"'ppe
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