Page 60 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Ma.ryland College, Westminster, Md IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY W. W. CLUB NEWS HOME ECONOMICS CLUB WAYNESBURG COLLEGE WILL :MR. HURT LEADS Y. M. C. A. IN DEBATE WITH WEST. MD. MORALITY DISCUSSION On Monday evening' Jrvillg Literary The W. 'V. Club wishes to announce The Homo Economics Club met 'I'hura Society held its regular weekly meeting. tlwt MiJlSca Louise weaver lind Eileen day last, February ]9. The Sophomores (Continued from Pagc 1, Col. 4) (Continued from Page 1-001. 2) The following program was rendered to "Evans have been accepted into rull mcm having charge of the program, present- chain store is more dotrimental than but to mature minds virtue is of itself an apprecinttve audience: bership. ed a fashion show. Betty Cain gave a bcnefleinl to society"; and "Resolved u sufflctcnt reward. The Club had breakfast on FebrUll.ry moSt Current Events Lora. M. Outten iuterestiug talk on "Color and that the- several states should adopt Thcr.e fire two kinds of religion. One t.ilc fourteenth in houor of its naw mem- Debate: Ucso]vcd, That married life is Lines." Ma ty Parks W.18 elected the compulsory unemployment insurance." is ecclesiastical religion, the other is bers. Refreshments better than single life. Freshman representative. nH\urlll religion. Ecclesiastical religion W. W. Club entertained a number of were served. The lattcr will be debated four times, A,ffimllttivc Mr. D. C. Murchison guests at a rush party on February tho the second fl.1'etimcs, and the first will is a religion of doctrines aud dogmas. Negative Mr. Robert B. IIolder twenty·fourth from four to seven. be used in the remainder of the de- Natural or pure religion is a religion of (The a ffirmntive won by n close decision) bates. In cvery ease Waynesburg will ethics, ideals and the like. All people arc -- "Ad"lllltagcs of a Good Home EnvirOll- BROWNING uphold the negative side of the quea- instinctively religious, but not all reli ment ' 'I'uekermnn PHILO tlon .. giona will survive. "Difficulties of a Program Composer" Browning's mueh-adrertised Doll Show Evans At the meeting of Philo Monday was a huge success Monday evening. DELTA SIGMA ~PA DELTA PI ALPHA "The Honor System" Dr. Whitfield night, one of those enjoynble miscellan- Thelma Reid rend "The Doll's Play A motion was made and seconded that eous programs WI\S held. Dot Hull and r(lom," and the story was enacted clever- Sue Cockey and Emilie Brown enter- Delta Pi Alpha is plea-sed In";ng Society have a joint meeting with Jerry Furrnr Sling several popular BOUg ly by a number of girls dressed in th~ tained the club members and a number nounce that Messrs. Downey, Slicker, Browning sometime in the ncar future. hits. Margaret Lee Nelson also eaug proper costumes. Let's have some more of guests at a, bridge tea-en Thursday and Zimmerman have been pledged to Berne discussion preceded this motion. ael'eralBolos. meetings like this ! afternoon, February ]7. tha Erateruit y. The ~AM~LS' a,.e comIng. 50,000 REWARD for the best IUlswers to this questio,r: • - --- ----- What significant change has recently been made in ---- - - --- the wrapping of the CAMEL package containing 20 cigarettes and what ~ its advantages ~ the smoker? • First Prize, $25.000 Second Prize, $10,000 'Third Prize. $5,000 For 'he five next best a";swers •$1,000 each For the five next best answers. $500 each Forthe25 ..extbestanswers. $IOOeaeh 11'e,'aesdag Night COIJ.ditioRS Gover"ill9 Contest: J,ulges: Tune in. tl..e Camel Hour OR N.B.C. NetrtJor/~ I Arrswers limited to 200 words. 2 Write on one side of the paper only. CHARLES DANA GIBSON 9.30 to 10.30 Eastern Time Famous Illustrator and 3.30 to 9.30 Central Time 3 No entries accepted that hear a poatrnark later Publisher of "Life" 7.30 to fl.30 . . . Moun tain Time Ulan midnight, March 4, 1931. 6.30 to 7.30 . Paeific Time 4 Contest open to everybody except employes and Roy W. HOWARD Orer StutionA WJZ, WBZA. WBZ, WHAM. KDK,I. W]R, executives of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco COlnpany and Chairman of the Board, WGAR. KYW. WLW, WJlVA. WSJS.KWK, WJA_""{,W1-'U., WIOD, WRF......'. their families. Scripps Howard Newspapers 11.15 to 12.15 . Eastern Time :; In case of ties, the full amount of award will be 10.15 to 11.15 . . Central Timc paid to each of the tying parties. 9.15 to 10.15 IHoulllain Time RAY LoNG 8.15 to 9.15. Pacific Timc President. International 6 It is not necessary to buy a,package of Camel ciga- Orer Stullons rettes in order to compete. Any store that sells lUagazine Company, WITAS, WSM, WSB, WMC, WAPI, WJDX, andEditorof"Cosmopolitan H WS"B, KTUS, WTMJ, KST1', WEBC. cigarettes will per:rnit you to examine the Camel WKY, WBAP, KPRC. WOAI, KOA, KSI., package containing 20 cigarettes. KFsn,KGW,KO:'t10, KTAR,KGO,KECA, KHQ,KFAB. .-tll cornnn..n;eut;ons r"ust be addressed to Contest Edlwr- ANn STAFF conte5~w~~~~,~~!!~~~~~·?E~~~~~~~~ 4,1931
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