Page 59 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THll.EE \SPORTS \ BasKetball Boxing i SPORTS \ ST. JOHN'S TRIM W. M. C. CO·ED TEAM IS BEATEN INTRA - MURAL LEAGUE BY A SCORE OF 31- 28 BY "ALS" ATHLETIC CLUB CREATES MUCH INTEREST In a return engagement playcd at Thc girls' varsity team met their first de- Rein of the Senior B's is leading for Annspoljs, Western Murylandts basket- feat last Saturday evening, at the hand~ Spring football praetice for the pur· Last Saturday when Crinkle), of the high honors ill the interclass bnll team lost to St. John's lnst Sntur- of tho ""Athletie Club of W:lshing· pose of shaping 1Jhe 1931 edition of the NII"Y kuoeked out Hriwklna of WcstVir league II total of eleven points. day evening in the final minute of play tall, D. C. The game was a moot excit· 'I'error Tell In will begin about March gmjn, to the majority it came as a sur Woolley, Werner and Brown are only u by a score of 31·2.8. ing one, the final score being 23·21. 10. Gridiron paraphernalia wnt be is prise, for Hawkins has just abont had point behind. Competition is unusual The Terrors kept in the lead through TI.e first half was rather slow, and sned on Mouday,the day hero-c. his way as far as heavyweights were con rr close among the six leading scorers out the major portion of the game, dis' Western Maryland could not obtain the cerned. Ina~mutlll (IS tllis II'as Orinkley's and either of the runners·up may take playing the better brand of basketball. necessary "fighting spirit" to prevent debut, the viutory over the West Vir the lead in the games to be played this 'I'hny played the last half without Ihe the "Als" from running up a score of With SOllie seasoned mnterial from last ginian, who is more exp~icnced, cstab afternoon. services of "Hammill, their lallky center, 16·7. In the second half, however, tllC yellf n nd likely prospects from the fresh- liahes him as a leading eontendar for In the R. O. T. C. League the list is who was ousted before the first frame- team was working per1ectly, and, due to mlln class, 10 take R better the baseball this team year is ex hca"yweight honors. beaded by RO~'d of Ist Platoon of 00. than field peeled ended. the able shooting of Ebaugh, asnisted has represented W.M. C. fOl'quite some B wifh six field goals and 2 fouls. Tim· Snowden Hoii' of the J'ohnnles featured by Hull, the score was pulled up to 21· time. The problem this year will be get· mons, Buzzard, Bates, Campbell and Tay- tlnoughout the game with his shots from 20 in favor of Western Maryland. With ting some gaps filled on the infield, cs lor are tra"cling behind but are in the the outer court and was responablle for only two minutes left 10 play the "Als" pecially at third and short. If a couple IS is ineligible, to lhe suctrhar WOIl tI,e gtunu for his team- Club made a final and decisive spurt. The of infielders call be developed, the team haspla.;·ccl mntee with the score 27 to 26 in the 'I'er ball was snapped from their center to the of POB will take the field with a degree rca favor, with thirty seeouda left. to forwards, and a. goal was making sibilities, and should get inl.o winning Brown was tho lrigh scorer for his the final score 23·21, just as whistle form. lI'iUI tlHec field goals and blew. The line up, four for a total of nino points. Leading Scorers in Cla~s League: The summary: WESTERN MARYLAl'.Tl) both away, the basketball team G F T. G. F. P. ne» ST. JOUN'S COLLEGE Ebaugh, r. f. 4 16 nine, while Bowlmm or Dixon tlwir uniforms in !l1ot.hballs Woolley 11 10 G. F. T. xrcnoae, I. f. 3 care of the keystone sack. Werner 10 }.lacCartee, f. 1·2 Hull, I. f. A.n outfield thAt. will cavort and hit Lucrosse pra.etice will shirt in the G. S. 10 Balles, f. 0·0 liogan,c. with the best of them will be filled by very ncar future. ]I[any sticknH)" HOW 8 Hoff', f. 0·0 14 Cockburn, s. e. Lawrence, Doughty and Wellinger, stars are out limbering up. Tl,() prospects U~inger Wol>\nske, c. g. 0.6 0 Senat, r. g. frOIll lt'st ye~r. for tho spason look bright l,,'en though Day, J. W. Ziegler, c. 0.1 'rod!l,l.g. we ha"o some tough foes to face. There )ltGOW:lU Fader, g. 1·3 5 Cooling, L g. are a. few regulars from last year's Xeweomer Carpenter, g. 1·4 Tuesduy c\"enillg when Waynesboro team who will be in the liH("up this 'j'owllshend Total 10 played against theW. M. C. freshmen, a ycar. B(1teB Totals 3·}6 31 former gradnate of W. M. C.dirccted the BOltOll ALS ATHLETIC CLUB G. F. P. activities of the visitors from the side· ·WESTERN ~rARYLAND Douglas, r. f. o 14 lines. From the showing the Waynes 'Ve would like to see some familiar Willey G. F. 8 boro fi"e maile, it was apparent that Western :'tfarylnnd rooters lI,l\'o ring Kimme) T., r. f. Murray, f. 0·0 6 .Mahon, I. f. o "Rip" had learned a few tllings at his side seats at Philmlelphia Satunb.\'. Le:lders in R O. T. C. League. Brown, f. 3·3 9 Clapp, I. f. Alma Mater along the lines of coaching, G. F. P. ilammill, c. 0·0 2 Spencer, e. as his team showed remarkable ahility at Patterson Boyd 14 Lawrence, g. 00 Reid, s. c. o basketball. Leitch Timmons, J. 8 Koppe, g. c. 2·4. Leach, r. g. Kimmey Buzzor(j Wellinger, g. }.;\ Clapp, I. g. The boxers will go awa,\" to Pennsyl .Tolles Bntes Godfrey, I. g. o vania, and Penn will not cause the Ter· Kohuut Totals 28 rors much trouble, from indications Bolton Totals o 23 gathered from their past performanees. Day, J. in Precedb.g Column) CO·ED CLASS BASKETBALL PRO· GRESSES RAPIDLY Interclass basketball, spousored by the 'Vomen's Athletic Association, is pro gressing \'Cry With the Il..'
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