Page 58 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE'l'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \Ie; [Aroutlll t111'(1laIltPlt.5[ A lIE VIEW OF BOORS, 1Jlttl'r-Q1011rgiatl' 1Iarid!! Nl'W.5 LIFE PLAYS AND 1laynard you Are tnodemixed 11 so, of Ia nguagea tired offet-ed of the Oil tile limited Rill' number .At the desk ill the Periodical Room in dlins Hew lias President Robert education by Hut- his you may be fortunate enough to be ad- the New York Public Library, "Var latest. innovation at the University of mitted to the exclusive class studying is nlwaya in demand. Stand at Ghi('ago is tho subject of the edltoriul Oftieiu.j uowepapor of Western Marylund College, publtahed on 'l'hursday (luring "Lithuanian Love Lyrics", which al- desk for hut live lllillUtcs and every Pili ricin Reilly Foster in the March the nendcmic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, ready nnmbers t,,·o earnest womeu stu- type imaginable from the stage world of Coll{)g~ illUII(}f. Mrs. Foster Marylnud. Entered as aeeend-alaas matter at the Weatmin9ter Postofliee. dents. will request this paper. Perhnps you have eeeu copies of "V:nicty"-a very "The playgrounds of America-tho Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year Another faflll of literature "'hiell uas low-grade theatr-ical weekly, but con eoncges and universitlcs reserved fur the gained a sudden and startling popu- taining news that does interest a eer pleasures of youth ill this country, where- 1\'IANAGING STAFF larity, lit least in 1I.[QDaniei Hull, is the tain erase of readers. "News" is the in may dwell in luxury for four years expert drinkers and dllnC' rending public the "mystery thriller", EDlTon-IN-CUlEF . ..... Roy 'f. Edwards, '31 ers and dilettantes in jhe grand manner Thomos W. Otto, '32 voraciOllsly devours this Bomewhat light -these elubs uf the educaficnal ~IANAOlliG EDITORS. mental food, an(\ the speed record so . . . . { Robert L. Rodgers, '32 this. is, our problem and Hot our world nrc to be done ever so that far rcmeius at two per day. COllie on, any fellow the strange hallucma BUSYNESS MANAGER. .. Paul L. Bates, '31 girls! is that the best you can do! tion that he would like to go to school ADVERTISING MANAGER. ..... C. Robert Etzler, '32 Birthdays--our own llarticuJarly-nrc to learn something may noll' be permit- CmCULATlON MANAGER. Wayne W. Moore, '32 Not SI'CWaI literature, but bits always iut.cresting. AbrllhQm I,incoln of sacred seem to be widening their harl. a birthdnj- tllis mouth, so did Wash ted to do so. ASST. ClIlCUl,A'rIQN MANAGEnS ington and so (lid "Green Pastures"- "One of the most forward steps in sphere of influenee Oil the campus. Onc Uauriee C. Fleming, '34 Arthur J. Downey, '34 certain young sophomore seems to be Marc Connelly's prize winning play in education in country has just been Lora TIL Outten, '34 David Trundle, '33 particularl.\, impressed wit-h the lines New York. A year ago, Icebruary the taken ..... tho studious person who of an old hymlI, tweuty-alxtb, the Lawd came to the wishes to himself to research or a REPOR'I'ORlAL S'l'AFF "Andy walked wit.h me Mansfield Thcatre, a good tl11d noble perusal of arts will new be permit· An'l.Y talked with me, llll"', in the frock cont and tie of a Dc_ep ted to go ahead as fnst as possible and ASSOCIATE EDI'rORS South n~gro p:ll'SOll, crented the earth, ('I-en be gil'en a degree at the end of II Thclma Reid, '31 Dnncan C. Tlfurchison, '32 Professor G. D. L~lllb has reeentl.\' ordered lite Plood, s.w" the choson peo· yellr if he call do the four year's work pIc OHt of Egypt nm1 into the laud of in tllilt time. SPORTS EDITORS editecl II n(lW book on a 1l10.~t interest- Cauaun." The New YOl'k Times cen· "Prcsi(!ent Uutchins !Jns brought Clltherine W. Cockburn, '31 John O'Leair, '33 ing phnsc of p$yeholog'y, hitherto re tinllOS to tl,nt since- that first nigllt freedom t~ educatiun and if your little gal'ded fiS being relatively unimportant. spectat.orshal·cseun"the loafing game has been spoiled you can COpy EDITORS The work is titled "Cave 1I[1ln 'I':I(~ties" angels their fish fry"-and, as Jilllll bhme him." or "i\Iy Power O\'er "'omcn", aud deal's Mary Lee Shipley, '32 St,uort D. Sunday, '32 and incontestable el'iclence, that the with methods of courtship, utilizing tllC the east cach RmpoR'rERS principles of "treat 'em rcugh cherubs an ill indl." All h:\I'o which grown tall· The Trinity Collegc Jesters are pre· proves eon· of tell 'em nothing," along with ap· Evelyn E. Collison, '31 J. Wesley Day, '31 plied psychology. Follcwing is an ex tlmt '''rhe Greell Pastures" is paringforlheiran!llUllprcdllction.'l'hc Pigcon" Galsworthy J\[nl'garet E. Hamilton, '31 George E. ~'[eGowan, '31 ccrpt taken from the jj,'st chapter on juat on ilsmirnculousrull,aud piny be "'I'lle preseut.od by bJ the John organization will be Victoria D. Smith, '31 Howard A. Bolton, '32 ''Persomliit,y and the Dallce": "Select ary that tI,e it will probably Leforc anotlleT Febru aftcr the Easter recess of the College. Baltimoreaus twenty·sixth Ruth E. Wooleott, '31 Samuel G. '1'owllshend, Jr., '32 tile young lady with ,,'110 you eare to will hal'e a chance at this classic (lrama. Winifred S. Bush, '&2 Howard M:. Amoss, '32 unns swinging "In the mirl.stof the dnncc, tlmLon.ely The first Sara B. Robinson, '32 Stnnford 1. Hoff, '32 light cmanuting from your with eyes, a onil fiery if Wny stretches uhend for each of us." niol'O- Coll('ge college was Collection in the of Swarth· held Clothier !IT. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 she is seated inn ChiliI', swing the chair Considering the fuct that most ef U3 are ~Jemori(ll Februnry 18. Short tnlks were statement Betty Allen, '33 'I'bomas :U. Gealey, '33 around, sei~e tl,/l' young lady by the gregurious th:Ul creutures this Thia is only is not Presidont Aydelotte of Swurlh· depressillg. oue other Murtha Harris.on, '34 Wj\Jiam G. Pyles, '33 right hand, pulling her roughly from bit of not so pleasant philosophy !!.lowly :Morris L. Clothier in bl'lmlf of her sent, !lnd sUJ', 'Danec with at a:-:J)oullded in "The Lonely -War." We fnmily IUld Wilson M. tllC- away Worthy opinion~· Model management; Correct news. the music, samc being time Bure glidillg to keep your liked it beeause we hail not been of IIIan· fixcd upon hers througllOut the dauce. insirlc bet a that the cast fcr gave \I'eeks, the and for the If you pursue tllis procedurc carefully, tremendons boost-----otherll'ise we the yOUllg lady should litcrally wither say th~t the 'I'heatre Guild Ul3de a under your vibrallt. person:dil.y." The take (a remarkable admission) in try· entiro book is lllost interesthlg and ing to product! Schuitzlcr's "The Lone' All Junior and Scnior students at Comments Robert LOllis Stevenson once said, "'I'he world is so should prove of value to sevcral per· ly Way" at Ford's ]nst week. It was An,CI'iellll UniVel'llll-y who receivo- class full of a number of thing's, I think we shonld all be SOilS "on the Rill". Girls! beware of interesting psychology, but nut good hCllors during fI givcn semester will be theneddnnce. gil'ell the jibed)' of unlimited cuts in aU happy as l,ings." ,Ve won't comment on the happiness of kings but "theahe" (if you understand that lim· rcgular elnsses during tho following se· we are going to cliscnss a number of things. So Humy that each can- biguous crilicism). We nrc sorry that mester. 'I'hey are nlso allowed double :Measurcd by the stalld:nd reeently Ih", Guild season in Baltimore ended thus· not receive a full size editorial but only a pnmgl'aph. npplie(l to General Grant, wc haye a Iy-but liS we look back it began so the regular number of cuts. The basketball team llas been meeting with varying success. It has llUlllber of promising young mcn ou tIle with "Elizabeth the Queen" Frcshlllen and sophomores receive played n number of very fine games nnd lost a number of close d'eci· eampu8-ill fact they l)romisc most "Gl'Cell Groll' the Lilaes" was class hOllors npallly with "Dl'aeuln" lnst week at Ihe Maryhlncl No alllJOnllCemcnts of the Greater Western )fal'ylancl building I.ho editorial coneernillg the llining llttraeted a good crowd with its spccial sponsible for all writtC-lIclass 11'orkat the program have been IIllllouncecll'ecently. '1'his progl'lllll is one that hns room aud tlw.t we 8hou1(1 be morc low prieEB. "DnJCula' 'is Jirst·rate myS' disr.retion of tile instructor. the support of every shldent 11ml alumnus of \Yestern l\[al'yland Col- tolen\nt our eritiei$lll. In fao:ot., when tery, but do nol go 'if you have all)' tcu· onc re~llizes the ~tUpClld(\\ls t.ask 01' at- (lency to 1,1' frightened casily. EVERHART lege. Everyone should hope and '\'ork for its early eonsummntion. temtping to l1l~ke horse me:1t edible "Strictly DishOll(lrable" is cheel'ing T.Jacro~sc practice has started llnofficially. 'rhis is a comparative- (sometimes we are prono to believe i~ Baltimore crowds depressed last week ly ll(HY sport for Westel'l1 '!\ffll'yland but the work of the team ill the Hot even of equine stock bllt ratllcr a "The J~l)nely \Yay." You It(l\'C BARBER AND BOBBER la,.<;ttwo years shows tbat we Brc taking to it very well hybrid, namely mule), we shonld be tile eomment lt is in the making bnt it is to be hoped that it is anotllcr tude, lIas seerell.\' revealed his one allcl ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, only IJtlsaion, !l. eertaill young person, COLD DRINKS ed football team. "with Im;r as shiny as fl crow's fenth Open Nite Until 11 :30 The "ruoluner's bench" ll/ls come to be almost a college t.rac1ition. el's,"wlltliSnolleOtllOrthan--' Every Smith « Reifsnider In fine weatller the jlldges sit thereon daily and mfllly arc the noble be ~ SUBSCRIBE ~ A featuro of lhe Junior Prom will ~ de~isions handed down. theme ~ \'V'estminstet, Md. the voelll illtC1·pr~l>l.tioll of Dirk's R(ls~," ~ TO THE ~ The. debaters 11R"e been very active lately. Both boys' alleT gil'ls' sonl! entitled, "Uy Wild IriBh tenms have lleld a. llUmhcl' of meets. The dehating team is a great based upon the original mnnuserijlt. ~ ~OUI l1lug ~ LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES ~ place to get pl'actieal experience. Who lmo\\'~ but, that the halls of ~ ; AND COAL Congress will sometime l'ing with the voice of some -Western lIfary- Nows Flash! Anuther genius dis· ..... ~ Pro· ~ land graduatc, discnssing the same question upon which he Ollce cle- eoverad ~mong the rnllk and fil(l (most· TELL YOUR SASH, ,DOORS, BLINDS AND ly raull) of the Freshman cla!l!:l. ex ~ ~ cbimed as a college debater. fCBBor AJonzo Fisllpaw, the noted has ~ FRIENDS! ~ GENERAL MILL WORK The fare in the dining ball is the subject of much comment, pro ponen! of the Torp~iehorcan art, anti con. Perhaps a tour through the kitchens dllrillg the pl'eparntion becn llllear!hcd 11Il{1 has consented to l)resllt 11 series of eXllibitions of hia llR of n meal would bring some of the cl'itic.<; to a better realization of the Westminster's Leading Store tivc ahility iu ~reDalliel Parlor, every D. S. 6EHR « SON prohlems facing tllOse ill charge. Sl!tul'du.,· night ~t 7 P. M. The latest Senio!'s Ilre beginning to think of cnps and gown!>. \\'hiel] reminds step to be presented will be the "Fish· us that it will not be long now until we will be ont of college illto the paw nop". (Established 1866) \\'01'1£1. Of course the world is \\'aiting for us, but with what. '!\fost will Wholesale and Retail face the world in the same way tlll1t tllf'Y il,n'e fnced collega. This i;; Notice: on feceipi of selI·addressed, stllmped envelope, the author will fur· HARDWARE som,ething to ponder about. dcpided nish evidence of auything ill An early issue of the Gold Bug \I'ill carry ballots for ncxt yeat"s this C01UIlIll. He will also be happy to Phone 318 staff. These positions are important and the~' should be filJed by thc answer letters frOlll fan~, admirers, Md. I'ight mell and women. Thilll{ on'l' carefully those "'hom ~'ou think lovelorn, Olinkrupt., cisil1usioned, teaeh- Westminster's Leading Store Westminster, be~t qualified and sec that you yote for tllem. era, children: an~ qeg~sr$.
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