Page 57 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COl VARSITY BASKETBALL VARSITY BOXING 7. M. O. VS. MT. ST. MAltY' W. M. C. VS. U. OF PENN EMMITSBUR.G PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY SATURDAY Vol. 8, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 26, 1931 Western Maryland Triumphs Over College Calendar Dr. Ralph Maqottin Speaks to College' Virginia Polytechnic Institute Boxers on the Aneid, and Virgil and His Time FJj:mA Y, FEBRUARY ~'i- Women's debating; Western Mnry· THE FINAL SCORE AFTER MANY HARD FOUGHT SCRAPS WAS land College va. Uralnns College; THE LECTURE IS HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE CELEBRATION 3.4; PINCURA SCORES KNOCKOUT dual debate. OF THE BI-MILLENNIUM VERGILIANUM Junior Promenade; MeDanicl Hall Partcr ; 8:30 P. M. Western Maryland's boxing team invaded Virginia. Polytechnic DI·. Ralph Van Deman Magoffin, Ph. D .. Professor or Classics and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY ~8- Iustituta's stronghold at Blacksburg, Virginia, last Saturday evening, l:(,~ld of that depru-nnent at New York Ul~Yersity. spoke to the stu- February 21, and were accorded a rousing reception by the school which Varsity Basketball; vs. Western St. dents and faculty in Smith Hall Oll Tuesday, February 24, at 7 :30 Ooucge Mt. Mnrylaud was at one time the scene of the Ter-ror mentor's coaching activities. Mnrv's Collegc; Emmitsburg, o'clock, 011 the subject or nVergil, From Then Till Now." When the smoke of the hattie bad clear-ed away after all of the pre- Mnrylnnd, Dr. Magoffin is connected' with the American Classical League, liminary ceremonies were over, the score stood 4 to 3 in favor of the Varsity Boxing; -Western Mnry- wbich is sponsoring these lectures-about 6,000 or which have been Terrors. lnnd College vs. Universit-y of giveu over the United States during the past year, £01' the Biruil leuium Pennsylv!lnia; Philadelph.ia, Pn. 'I'he meet started off with two wins £01' V. P. I. when Reavis, the Celebration of the birth of vei-gil. Because or the fact. that some stu- veter-an Gobbler Llb-pouudcr, took the decision from Murchison of SUNDAY, MARCH 1- dents of vecgil say that he was born 01] October 15, 69 B. C" lind some de- Western )!arylaud, who fought gamely, College Sunday School; B a k e r cture tliat he was born on October 15, but due to lack of experience Will; out- ClInpcl; 9:00 A. "M. 68 B. C.-tIle celebration WIIS planned Baker clnssed by a more clever opponent. In DR. LAING, IN ADDRESS ,r. Chapel Scn'iees; 4:30 P. MUSIC STUDENTS GIVE to extelld ever two years. the next bont, the 125-pound cln~s V. P. Dr. lTagoiIin was President of tho I. again eeored with a vietoty by Foil" ATTACKS PRACTICAL ARTS MONDAY, IILoI,nCH 2- RECITAL IN SMITH HALL VeJ'gil Cruise last summer, He has fol- ler over "Pete" Flater The cont.cst Literary P. M. IOII'ed in the very foohteps of Aeneas. was closely fought, with Fowler gaining Societies; 7:00 A student music reeital wus held ill "Two fhouennd yen ra passed," the advantage in the closing round, 'I'eauhers at 'Vestern Maryland Col- TUESDAY, ],[ARCH 3- lege are commenting upon the speech of Smith Hull, Iecbrunrv ~O, ut, 7:30 P. 1If. ~~~gi~\;~~ag~::.~ "i~:~l:';es:helo~!rt~e:! Crosby wins Social Clubs; 7:00 P. 1If. Dr, Gordon Jennings Laiug, deall of the Tho following progrrull wna pl'escutcd: shown tllis pust ."c~r over Ihflt Captain Crosby then cilrried the Green divisioll of tiw hUlllanitie$ at the Uni· 'I'ITURSDA Y, MARCH 5- No, and Gold Mlors to a victory over Priteh· venit>, of Chicago, at the commemora· Men's Debatillgj 'Vestern 1If~ry- ErotikOIl Stunuel 1 ]\[nson Spragui) S.jogren at UIl,)' time during the ard. "Doug" forced the fight to the tion dar exereiss of Johns Hophns lalld College vs. Wayllesburg Col- Dr. Ma-goffin Laud!> Vergil hard hitting South(lrner throughout the University. Dr. Laing attaeke(l the lege; Smith HIIIl; 7:30 p, M. SOlllltn in _!,'. Sharp MillOl' (first 1Il0,'e- "Ve-I'gil ()l'entcd t.he first nation]!l fight, him at his mercy in tlle present day tendency to introduce pure- nlent.) . . Schumann e.Olltillued Dr. Magoffin. "The last rouIl(1 but displayed unusunl sports· ly praetical arts into the eurricululll, .~liee CntllUrine Hobl)~' was written in 19 B. C. l1nd has manship in nllowing his mall to finish, nnd said that he felt in many in· in LIVEA LIFE OF SERVICE IS Prc-lude ill 0 Minol CbOpiJl lind was applauded by the speetators on stances edueation was not so good Iradng lheringnfter the fight. the modom higl' sehonl as in that of a CHAPEL SERMON THEME Prelud(l ill C SI,arp :'I.[inor Druper Chopin Eva Hebeeen Hard Fight in 145 ClaS!! genQration ago. Dr. L~ing's speech was Sonata Puthetique (first movement) In what proved to be the Tw.rdest fight 10f especinl iuterest to students aud Be(ltho\'Cll elaimed ancestry baek to of the evcning, iIlehnff'ey, the V. P. I. teachers of edueation in that it was In Bilker Clll1.pel all. Suud~IY after- .-\.euens. It. is llOW generaUy necepted noon, February 22, the Rev. J. L, Martha Augnst-n IIarri'SOll thut Acscanius was refill}" Augustus. e.:~::;;:, ~~~t1!r:~~::g~leth:::rofrUr~::~ :l~e a~::I~.e;;ti~:g OfOfth~~:~t~~~eSa:! Green, of Baltimore, preached another AId .le veux vivre from "RonH'o and This poem created a strong national ;ounds, 8wnpI,ing puntlies ,,'tihout (lIiU' that praebc~1 arts ~hould be l)(lft of tho sermon ill his series wIdell he is deliyer· Juliette" Goullod feeling-it helped make tIle people be- jng this wintAr. <\s his text he nsnd Winifred Swtt Bush lieve lhaL IJellc(l was coming and com· ~~~~r I~ht;;. ~:~h;;:u~:,e:~i~~gt~~e!h~r~:~::l~ ~:~lr:~;~hll;o:orB;:;it:liJl ;;~::S~:l~!)n~i.;d tho forty·third verse of tho tenth Imvromptu in A flat ChOI)i.n ing in a good lime. It also helpw to 80 shall ~:~e:l~at w::w u)~::~~~l a~: ~~ ~~!~:~: rounds, the nod was given ot the Gobbler trades have been growmg rapIdly III ter among of St.. Uark: but "But whosoever it not be Eva Frances Dryden set the st~nd"l.rd of charaeter and pur will you; readillg, Roman captaiu, great among you, shall be your min· Rh~psody in F shl)rp millor .. l)ohn~.nyi ity. ill the The poem, were ancestors, Brubaker WlnS against this tendency. ister." Ch~rles Willi!l;nl Fortines Scoring his third victory for Western tllemselves, aud their descendants." J\fr. Green began his sermon by des· Mnryland, Brubaker assumed the offen· cribing tile higll1y dmmatie nnd menno Dl\lstra.tes Vergilian Geography sh'e sgainst Hoffman for three rounds, MR. HURT LEADS Y.M.C.A. ingful con\'ors~tion between Jesus anrl WAYNESBURG COLLEGE TO Pollowing this introductory speeel!, and outpointed the V. P. I, representa- two of' His disciples, Jrunes ~ud John. Dr. Mngoffiu pl'esented some very beau· IN MORALITY DISCUSSION He said that these diseiplea asked to tiflll alld slides of s(lenes tive in the 16Q'pOlllld class. DEBATE WITH WEST. MD. Ekaitis Scores Techniea.i. Knockout be nllowed to sit 011 the right and th<) takon along path through tile Ekaitis, the 'l'error light·heavyweight, RELATION OF .RELIGION TO left IIf Je~us WIIOD tliey shall hnyc en· THEY WILL MEET LOOAL DE- Aegean to Cnrthage .'1.lId then to Rome. scored a teclmicnl knockout over Eisen in MORALITY DISCUSSED ~:~ei~gth~l!il~~'~l:~~IQfr!~I:::n;he~u~l~~ BATERS ON MARCH 5 Some of tli(' slidrs are very rare and the seeond round of their fight And tied tllCseoreatthree'all, At Y. M. C. A. Ilist nigllt Professnr ~~:e~r.\~:ll~g t~:IC:~il~!tr:~~i(l~lo/~~:::n h~~ 'rhe Waymsburg CoUt:ge D~bating ~::nl~~! f:;ll~;,\:~ to thll al-crage studt:ut Pineura Krux:ks Out Stark Frank B, Hurt, of the Soeilll Science His servieeful living. Consequently te:lm will visit Western Mnr,ylalld 011 Among the slides showu were: Stal'IlO With the score even, and the outcome DepHtment, lead one of the best di6- Jesus told them tlint it was 1I0t in lli~ Friday, Mnrch 5, to meot the ilion's af of Vergil ill l\Illntull.'1.; Mural of Ver of the mect (lepen(ling on the result of cnssion meetings of the yellr, consider· power to graut such favors. firllmri,'c teu!ll. }'r('e 'fraile will b(l Ule gil nnd the Muses; idf':llio;e(l head of the heal'y\\'eight clash, "Tiny" Pineum ing the relatioll of religion to 1lI0rlllit.y. The relation of t.his seeno t.o llUmn.ll question for discussion. 'rIle WnynflS' V{'rgil on n coin, i8~ued in 19:19; Con. faced Stark, the Gobbler unlil1lit~d rep Professor Hurt traced the history of life was Jloint~d out b.\' the speaker. hurg debntcl's [Ire at pr('scnt 011 a tour test between Venus, JUliO, and )finer' resentati\'e. Stark with an impressive encll in tho aevelopm€nt of the humnn '''We!tll hal'e a desire for (list.inetion of the South. 'I'hey left 011 February I a for the golden apple, a sculptured string of "ietorics to his credit nnd rnee, nnd h> approprIate qneabOlllllg We en~o, the honors of seeular hVlllg, 16, ~lld met tIll> Weat V,rglllia Wesley head of JUlnter, and of MlnervlI, the "Tiny" equally formid:lblc, although helped the group to tlllllk for ltsolf of socl!.ll reeognllion nnd pOSltlon But nn Oollege represelllstnes III deb!tte 011 Wooden Horae, Lnoeollns, the 1,,11 01 lighting in his second fight of the year, fought for two roullds, with ,.-jetor)" for :~~:: ::::lre:~~::l:~l~l:I~S e::~'h °l~::r:ll:~~ I ;e 11[1\e e!~~t sens~~ "he~e t~e sou:~e e~! ;~:mijar';:el~(':\I,e';'~:I~I"tl~~e:V~~~e~~n~~ 11II1e eltlCs-tlLe Sixth from the bot1om either school resting in their hnnds. to Ihe "olfl1re of our race c::~~otgrbe ~:::Id "l~ pOII~:~ ::Oln"UI I their II l\ nortlm lTd FollOWIng the ell \I ns l',OY of Illls penod, portraIt of "Tiny" settled tbe issue just after the The op~nlng venod of the meetlllg dustn It IS dlseovered 'II nn entne eounter wltli Weslc,n :-'!~Tllnl\d T.oeu \rne"$ crunlllg \ncluses Grotlo of opening of the third round, when he con· was brIef, eonslstmg of a hymn reelt Iy dlffereut sphere-the realm of use IHlon Vnllcy Cellege nnd Sus'luehanna I Delas, the TOllle 'I'emple 011 the "-ero lieetffiaterrifielefthooktothejnlv,nnd edlllconcert,pro\erl)y:Mr Stllh,agOll, fulnes Men ,,10 hft cl\ll,z((tIou a UnneuJ!, will be met ]!QI,s, II I)lttule of the scnport tOlln his opponent went down for the count. (lnd a BIble relHllllg b) 1Ifr. Rnsa~ll, bit higher eOllle into position anil [low- .'\nl1uall.,· for fOUl" j'C:lrs Wn~'ne5- of Ostia, th(l to!l11~1~ to V()IlO~ nt Rome, This was the WClitern Maryland's sec· Professor Hurt then made a few I." er by service. Jesus reeognzied tlmt uurg debnten ha~'e mude a tour of the II Jlietnre of the stutue of Roma witli ond I,ie!.ory ol'er the Soutberners, 1,ll,I' troduetory rC1llQrks, and begall the dIS the Son of Man came not to be minis. SOl1l.h. Hewever, the l)rescnt trip is the her foot 011 the globe, whieh Ims been won a decision ol'er them last year at e08si(l!l. tered unto, but to, and to givo Illost extensi\'~ one taken b~' the (leba· found rceently; :III idelllized heud of 'Vestminster in a similar manner, and "Is mnu a moral being!" wns the age His life a ransom for mBn_,-! The Gos- ters in the histor.y of the College. A Augustus-who rcstorrd Rome to pow· whcih Wfill decided by Pincura, the Ter old question with "'hieh he ehal1enged pcl of God will gil'e eyer~'Olle II dcsire tot~I of 3000 miles will be covered. Tho er, spread Romau culture throughout ror heavy, by whining the decision over the milld~ O:nl~~: l~~:r~~~e~~~c:S I::;,~'eie~; fO~'l~hi~I,~i1:~~,~: ~::;i:~;:'ellt, wc must ~~~i~i~I:e\~1c~~tu~~.r~he'I';1~~:~9ae:' \~:: :Jl~:u~'t:rl~h:ll'~e~~[!d~ great deal to per- hisrivnl. right wrongf" quiekJy followed it make the (lontribution of scrvice to the sis6ippi, Alnlmm3, Georgia, South Oaro- Large Crowd by way of rcst.ntemen1. After some di~· worln," :-.rr. Green went on to say. "It linn, North Carolinn, Virginia, :Mary- Stresses Hnmlln Characteristics A eaplleity crowd witnessed thf;l meet, cussion the group concluded thllt Ulan i~ our usefulness to lmmonitr that fi. l.'1.nd, and Pennsylvania-eleven in all. and accorded the boxers grent o\'ations has 11 potentilllity for morality, but it nnlly det~rmi\les ",1I11t onr plu('.a in the 'I'ho group is bcillg aC(lompanied b~' Dr. Mngoflil1 lms a thorough kno'" throughout the mutch. Western Mary· is developed only with suitl>blll environ· Kingdom of H('flVen will lJe. It is tme Prof. A. "M. Mintier, who is eomploting ledge of his subjedand prcsentNl it in land should feel proud of its suece~s as lnent ond troining. ihat son' ice costs somethillg. But thOM his fourtl] ~'e~r as eoaell of Warnes· such n \\'9y that mnde os rt'nlize that this is the fint defeat suffered by V. P. the people lidng in the ern B. C. were "What Ilbout the ralation of morality that p~)' tILe price reap monumeuts burg's tf'III1lS, The te!lm will t;ollsist of 1. thiB season. jnst ns humnn as we are and reull~' to religion'" '1'0 help llnswer this ques· more lasting til"" tllhlets of tile)' CIUlrlo,>s FalTell, CIIJ!tain; Erie EllotrOll, 119 pounds-Rends, V. P. I., won de· tiou Professor Hurt trlleed tho moral erect lUOIlnmcnts of of lIwnuger or lI[eu's Deb:lte; Kenneth "'ercjvstlikeus, cision over Murehison, (Hl(l religious ideas, pre\'plent among lives that hllve b('ell changed for the McPherson, and olle or two others froIn Dr. Mag-offill w~.s born in Kans,u. He 129 pound~-Fowler, V. P. L, won de- the l1n(lient .Hebrews, Greeks, l~omans, hetter by their whole'!!ome influence ~lld tht' drbaling ~quad. This team recch'ell his DOlltor's Degr~ at Johns eis1illl over Flater, and of the Christillns up to the present guidllnee, We lIhould let the i\Ia.~t~1 will Hot thc experio,>l1cc that some Hopkins Ullil'ersit:-' and wa$ a nHl;l1l' day. Onl,v with the Hebrews :lnd of all mell t.~II~h n8 how to li\'c under uf the teams of former year8 hD,-(' had, 139 pounds-Crosby, Western Mary· ber of the faculty until ~bout ien years ChristinllS was llIor~lit.Y II pari. of re· the will~omeness of His love [llId the but, II ,-pry gooo ahowing land, won d!!Ci&1.on ol'er Pritchnrd. ago wilen lie W1lS cnlled to the Profes· ligion, 3_1ll0ng the important religious sublimity of His l)o\l·er. Christ ('an the deoates thus f:lr 149 pounds-Captain Mehaff(lY, V. P. sor!;\Jill (If Cl~~sies nt New York Uni I., won decision o,'er Borchers. groups. multipl? our life by touching it. By this ,"car. ,·erait.l'. "ShOllhl we seek virtue for ~.-jrtue's that ton(lh we wilt lit last find n plue.e Thrre qu~sfioll~ will be de\:Jilh'd Ull(.1 160 pounds-Brubaker, Western Mary sake, or beeause of n s),stelll of punish· at the right hand of God. lw{'uty·eight ae1iooIs willue met oy Ihe On M01ldn.'·, FI'h1"nHI"Y 23, Dr. :1Ifago.f land, won deeision over Hoffmnn. fill presrnted " bust of Dr. Harry Luug- m\1"llts nnd rewardsi" The group opin- "By forgetting ourseh'es ~nd putting '\Tn~'nesburg debating team. 'I'he ques· 175 VOllnds-Ekaitis, Western Mary· ion here wss thAt infllnt ci\'ilizatious all onr resonrces into onr work we come tions tlmt are being argued lit the nr ford Wilson, late professor of Roma]] !nnd, scored technical knockout over Eis· nnd human illfllnts both may need Ule into the realm of real service, He who iOlls sdJOols arc as follows: "Resolved Al"cluH'olog:o" and Epigrnphy h.l· J. 11:1)(· en (3). of rewards nnd punishments ,,"oult! ~11\'e his life ehall los(' it, but tlml the Mtions should adopt n policy well .:\lillt'r Lo Johns Hopkins Uni\'er- Heavyweight-Pmeura, Western :Md., tim", and drive tllcm to a moral life, whosoevcr will be greflt alllong you of Free l'rade"; "Resolved thM tILe ~it,\' NI its fifty·fifth Commemoration knocked out Stark (3). (Continuell all Page 4--Co1. 5) shall be your minister!' (Continued on Page 4, Col. 4) DiLY·
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