Page 56 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 56
~/! r i DEFEAT Ii PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md I (!Ilali5rli, Q!1Ubli,anll ~nridi:rli I CO·ED BASKETEERS llIapp:rningli Amnn !l t11:r Alumni I LEBANON VALLEY The girls' varsity hasketball team won a bitterly contested vi!ltery over Lebanon Peg Hamilton, '30 Valley College at Annville last Saturday PHI ALPHA MU DELTA SIGMA KAPPA afternoon, by the dose score of 22·19. Dr. J. Robertson James, '92, Mme Miss Emma Dunkin, elnss of '03, sent 'I'he game was ebaractertzed by tu- down from New York to attend the ban- Ill! an interesting lctfer nnd inclosed no de- Delta Sigma Kappa entertained a nuru- numerable fouls on the part of both quet last Saturday night. Dr. T. Paliner scnpnon of Homo Coming day at Red Phi Alpha Mu elected the following ber of guests at a party and supper on Treadway, '06, of Erie, Pa., was present lands Uuiversiby. A study of their pro- officers for the second semester: r'ridayevening. teams, which slowed up the game eenaid- also. gram will help us make our 193) Home erably. Mary· In theflrsthalf,Western 'The Club sponsored a "Delt" home· laud had the advantage, leading Lebn.non Coming day more enjoyable. President Millie Rnum coming over the week-end in celebration Valley by a score of 16·8. Iu the eec- The c.lassof. '29 is endeavoring to raise of the ~Iub's birthday on Saturday, Feb. money to present the college witb a flag- Tho Class of '06 celebrated their Btl- Vice President Catherine Hitchens ond llll.l£, however, Lebanon Valley, hy H. The members look breakfast at Col ,·ery determined efforts prevented West· pole. They bnve been working on this ver Jubilee. Among those present wero: Secretary Mllrgnrllt Fountnine lege Inn on Saturday m
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