Page 55 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 55
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I PAGE THREE iSPORTSi BasKetball Boxing iSPORTSi TERROR QUINT PLAYERS LIONSANDTERRORS FIGHT U. OF M. TRIMS W_ M_ C. SWAMP HOPKINS 28 _22 TO FINISH WITH A DRAW PUNCH - DRUNK", SEZ", INHARD FOUGHT CONTEST The Fates which hn"e been spinning Western Mllryiand College came very Western ],larylalld College scored 35 the thread of Destiny of the Western near to subduing the Lions from Penn Cougrntulmious, for the baaketeera are Unusually nne weather lost wec.k cnus puiuta ngninst. Marvlnud University at ]'lllryland College basketball team only to State at the Westminster Armory Sat- in order. Certainly, they deserve a big ed tho baseball and faerosse enthusiasts to College T'nrk, Saturday evenmg, Pebru break it off whl'n it pleased them, but urday e"cning, February 14, but thc cubs hand, so 311 together, let's go! go through preliminary paces in prepaT ary 14, but this totaf, the highest scored not the Green and Gold cagers or their fought back with ("'errthing they had Team! Teaml Team! alien for the 1931 season which is just against the Terrapins to date, was not followers, cut it off opportunely 'I'ueeday and lHanaged to emerge with a draw. nround the corner. enough to win and the Green Terrors (>I'Clling, February 11, at the Westmiru;ter The Terrors with Pincum and Eknitis were forced to drop the deeiaion to the Armory, after the Terrors clinched their in the lineup were favcrttes before the College Parkers by a 45 to 35 score. Expectations of figuriug in the State first victory in several starts over a meet, but a draw decision gi"en in the it is also notun that V. P. 1. is going The Terrors took the lead early in the race areont of question, but it is still strong Johns Hopkins basketball team match between the 160-pound r('presenta· t.hrough its football paces, sc:rimmuge, game, gai'hing a seven point lead ou the possible to show SOUlC of the leaders which has figured prominently in the tives from each-school, precluded II win that they can be beaten, and that West 1111(1 e,-erything,' under the guidance of 'I'erraplns, late in the first quarter, but State Title Race, by u, score of 28-22. for the Terror ringmen. Had this match om Marylnnd can dc It l "Grea~y" ~eal, who is well known in the half period ended with Maryland on L,ed b~' their redoubtable captain, Karl goueto Western Maryland the final score these parts. The old adage of the early the long end of a 24-19 score. Welli.nger, who was the high scorer for would have been 4-3 in favor of Western 'bird is appropriate here. Bot.h teams fonght on prlletieally eveu the evening, the Btnhlej-ites displayed a llaryland, as the fights in the 175-lb. nnd in spirit of the team has tenus throughout the contest, but )Jllry' brand of basketball throughout the the unlimited divisions were almost eer- been during the last few games. lund's edge at foul shooting kept them in g .. me that they ha,'e hereto foro showed tain. Now that everything ill ironed out, let '5 After discarding the rat. rules, rat the lend. They scored 13 out of 15 shots only in spurts. Tuesday evening, how- Penn State showed their greatest go, on t.o Annapolis tomorrow, and take paddles and other accessories sug- from the foul marker, while Western ever, they started a sustained drh
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