Page 54 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE TWO lIntrr-illnllrgiatr llfarirty GOt One has frequently heard vcry cred- Students and Nrw.!! on the enm- A PLAYS AND OF BOOKS, REVIEW LIFE other parties the to for haviug ible lief out from a failed nnrrattves of food persons, over who ecnaider- pus are sent responding Centralia, appeal by aoutr-lb reo • EVA LB GALLIENNE to obtain nting useful donations. Collection of Instead Qf crossing town by I<'ay of able period of time and being \'ery ncar Ot'Jlciul newspaper of Western Marylalld College, published on Thursday during Ilppronching a atarvation limit, rushed offermgs has started in tile doecutortee, 4~nd Street into the heart' of the thent.rl the neademlc year by tIll} students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, greedily npon the carcass of a dog, de- Women's College buildings, and frater cal distrid around Times Square, board Maryland. Entered aa eeeond.etaee matter at the Westminster Poetoatee. nity houses. The condition of Centralia a southbonnd Sixth Avenue "El" at the vouring the eorpae wtth all apparent eel- Bnbscrfptton Price, $2.00 a Year ish, or of military men during a eam reeideuta is one of the most deplorable ~tatioll.i\lst behind the Public Library in exi~!ing in mining centers as a result of New York City and journey down to the paign, who were forced to imbibe of thedeprc!I'Sio'n. Dlvic Repertory Theatre on Lath Street, muddy drain water ito quench an un- :UANAGlNG S'l'AFF of Illany of the :fra· for here yon will fiud, pcruaps not the quenchable thirst, but "believe it or on the Bucknell campus attend- beurty but better-the milld of the fhcat- EDITOR-iN-CIIIEF • .Roy T. Edwards, '31 not," one of the visitors at the reeent cd a short mecting of the Y. M. C. A. rieal world. The dingy, gray, colounnd- Thomas W. Otto, '32 annual AlulIlni Banquet actually, in open last Monday in Room 105 of Old Main ed buil(lillg thnt was' originally "The M_>\NAGING EDITORS. '32 'I'heat re Praueaiae ' in 1866 now houses . . . . . { Robert L. Rodgers, sight of all present, raised a fingerbowl to suggest means of securing clothing for chilo BUSINESS lIIANAGER . . Paul L. Bates, '31 to his lips and drank Iil.c contents fher e- the dren 130 who women, in 160 mell, and need 550 of food the tre ' permanent the "CII'ic Repertory Le Then· Gal- Eva under of directtnu deeper-ate are ADVERTISING MANAGER. • ..... C. Robert Etzler, '32 of. We might construe such action as lienull. 'rhe buihling itself hna seen the. CIRCUloATION MANAGER Wayne W. Moore, '32 arising from pure fright at bcing culled and clothing in the mining to .....n of Cen- glamour of many brilliant suecesaes, but UpOll to speak, or again from such deep tralia. ASST. CmCULA'rION :MANAGERS regret at not being iuvited to present A large committee of women is work no dramutic productions have bcou. her- Maurice C. Fleming, '34 Arthur J. Downey, '34 his carefully prepared oration, that he nt. ing in the relief program at Centralia, alded more widely than those giveil by Lora 1\1. Outten, '34 David Trundle, '33 tempted to "drownuis sorrow." Well, which can usake orer much of the cloth- this lnst permaneut yenrs. acting eompauy wilhin the flve Wiggie, don't become disheartened over ing to suit the needs of the children of REPOR'l'ORIAL STAFF su~h trivial mutters, and just remember the ecmmunity. Miss LeGallienne had gnined personal the pleasant position awaiting you upon -TTI& B'Ucknallian. recognition as a star in "Liliom" and ASSOCIATE EDITORS "The SWll11," but stardom did not seem grndnation! An nssistantahip to the .ea- to satisfy hpr (lmbitiolls once she had nt- Thelma Reid, '31 Duncan C. Murchison, '32 sistaut Dean of Worneu I Student attendance at American uni tained it. As she says in "Eya Le Gnl· SPORTS EDITOR.'; \'er~itieB and e01lcges for the C(lllege year licnne's I was Ch'ic hap]))', Rapcrtor,\' Plays",-"at unknown first ill a hitherto upward Cathel'ine W. Cockburn, '31 John O'Leair, '33 1!l30·S1 the shows nil growth of trend receat that years ex' seenrity; that is, I could pay my rent llormat ceeds A recent biology quizz has revealed and the pereentnge of in· and Jive in lllodcmte comfort. Then the COpy EDITORS some startling informiitiOn in the follow· id~a of a perUlnucllt repertory comp"n}, l)ost·war :Uary Lee Shipley, '32 Stuart D. Sunday, '32 ing definitic}n of "symbiosis"; "a man crCllse stntistics the cOlltai.ncd period, the according began to fOflnlllnte ill her mind . .Ii. re- ill t<;) nllnual and wifc lil'ing together for mutual pertory compllllY differs from n stock REPOR'.rERS bCllefit." Rcally, if (lne considers it of Rnymond Walters, dcan of College, which was rceent1~· compHn)' in tllilt eneh play presented be Evelyn E. Collison, '31 .r. Wesley Day, '31 closely, lllflrrilige is a rilther aymhiolia l)ublished in Scllool (11111 Society. comcs 11 pcrmanentjlieceill thereper Margaret E. Hamilton, '31 George E. McGowan, '31 reliltionship, however, from papa's point loire, to he presented yellr after yellr, scason it's who Victoria D. Smith, '31 Howard .A. Bolton, '32 of dell' (it's alld p:lpn sometimes pays), soprophytic more tJlOugh each course this new was playa no are new intro- iden Of dncell. Ruth E. Woolcott, '31 Samnel G. '1'ownshend, Jr., '32 recei\'ing in8un\1l<.:e, etc.). in iTH:,Old World,evcrytown of aul' size Winifred S. Bush, '32 IIoward M. Amoss, '32 Oll the contincut 11115 its rcper· Sara B. RobillSOU, '32 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 lory rhentrc,-but t,ro :U. Snsan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst) '33 Wl,ile cngHging in more or less ramb- idea Betty Anen, '33 '1'homas U. Gealey, '33 ling reading in "\Voodworth's Psychology Martha Harrisoll, '34 William G. Pyles, '33 during the Pflst week, the author ran "l~rO$a the following statement, "im- Dr. G. Herbert Smith, of the UlliYer' Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. lJecilc$ are distinguished from idiots by· sity of Illinois, says, after an unome-ial nbo\'e--" It is true of this coun· of forty tollegos, that under· as of any olher, thnt the real intel the fad that they do learn to avoid the arc taking np racketeering. is uot necessarily of common dangers of life,.those somewhat wealth:-', hut on tl1econtr3ry more New Yorl, comes buck with the story higher ill the scale learning to pcrform of the al'Jl'st of two New York Ullh'er- oftcu found 1l1110ng the people of strictly a few useful acls under eoustllnt snper· sil'y students in a fake tiel,et ~calldal, moderato means, who cannot afford $4.40, d!!ion, but they IllllHlot be trusted to ]ler. (lnd the word of E. R. ·Merrill, president or e\'en $2.50 a ticket.) So with this Beer and There is a homeiy saying to the effect that Life is 1lOt of the National Student Federation, that radical belief, }'liss Lo Gallienne set as form any but the simplest Hud briefest Skittles aU beer and skittles. For the fact that this proverb shifty and el'tortionate practices have thetoppricc.$1.50j lind even in the fnee t9~ks without constant direetion," which failure in illustrates we may be glad. If life were all pleasant assertion at onee turned his thoughts to been the widely country. observed The in colleges through finds of hasslucktot.hlsstalldUrd. the beginning years, she federation out there would be nothing to anticipate and therefore nothing to live for. ward Smilh llill1 Chapel, where the fair that eoJlegc students of America earn On lIfonday night, October 25, 1!l2G, B" that as it mlly there still remains the fact that we must be ready to yeung eo-eds nre conducted to theirsents $~(j,OOO,OOO 11.:),eal'. Th~t's n big wnd of the Civic Repertory Thcatrc opened with loose moncy and educatou arc obsen-ing Bena\'enti's "Sflturday Nigltt," follow· do things thnt nre not particularly pleasant or interesting as well as in a manner highly indicative of their that certllin sluilents nre going nfter it ed tho next night with Chekho\"s "The inability to e0Il1,t.1·2·3·4·5·6-7·8, or to be r0ady to do those things which are decidedly so. '1'his can bc up- ina big, loose way. Three SiMcrs," so thnt u ronl repertory seat themseh'es respectabl.':" lit conse Dr who is assi~tnlll derm for s.\'stem \\,118 followed from the b~giuning. \ pliecl' to college life [It ,YesteI'n l\[aryland e\'en if this is but an infini- quence of the elosCI proximity of impend· hcshmen foreign studeat,. at the Mhs Le Gallienne hacl been playing in te'!ima 1 pal·t of the wodd. 'rake the poor meals with the good withont ~e\'eral n.seu prays Oil the rond and these ing (1anger (aeross lhe aisle). Of Ulli\"crsity of 111iIlOis, SUIIlS up his study gmmbling. Keep quict Instead of making a di~order in chapel when course, these statements ar(l meant to east of forty eolleges in tile Febnmry issue wrrc producl'd also. Sineethen there- of the sehool exeeuti\·cs' lIe lms growll b~' nt leasl four now you are bored. Go to the library when duty calls instead of Bon- no reflections, but-well fUCh nrc :facts finds a wide-spreading system of graft ench ycar. The (mtatllnding sne- nie's. This is all old advice but it is hoped thllt this is a slightly dif- and reality must bc.faeed in spite of the ing llnd extortion in athletics, ill college cesses lJiI\'{j been "Peter Pan,." "The eonscquent embarrnSlilllent. llowe\'er, let Cherry Ortlmrd," "The lI.[nst('r Build· ferent angle on it. No student is going to·,be able to keep entirely away entertaiulllents, illt'luding glee elubs 11lld lIS suggest rending the abo\'e paragrnph, plays; in stndent publications, and iu er," "TTcdda Gabler," "Romeo and f1'('111the seamy side of life after he leaves Western l\fal'yland College. Juliet," and "Alison's IIo1Ise." witll due respect to the definition stated various extra·curricular llc\ivities. In 1£ a student has not leu1'lled to take th~"bitter wit.h the sweet ail'eacly therein nad attempt some few logical de. llliln~' instunces, he finds 0ld·fashionCl1 'l'he most recent anc1 tho most startling "gas·pipe" methods applied to trades· sne~ess b:1S liccn "Camille." Bnek in hE' (0)' she) might as wen learn now. It will.cause less IJ.n- duction. men secking ealll[lus trudc, photograph the 60's ;rean Da\'enport, a famous trag guish. ers, 1l11lsicillnS, eugra\·ers Ilnd printers. cdialL of lhat day, was the first woman in ~\llleri~iI to plllJ' "Cumille" at tho old Yes, some of ns are enjoying rather ~:'~OO 1:~o:;~rl:~:l!~~1itil:~an:eio~r~~:e p~~:~ }'ourteenlh Street Theatre. poor fl'Clings as a resnlt of the reception lege of tllkillg pitturcs on tho grounds. ty ~'el1rs later, lfiss Le Galliennc pro· of comic \'ulelltines last Sflturday but ~lr. Merrill hns spe.nt two years out ducing this pla~' and acting the title The Liberal Arts When the writer of this editorial was graduated c\·cn that is bctter t.han reeei\'ing none at in the field, \'isitillg the 320 coltcgcs rep- role. Bnl morc rem:lrknble, the housc is College Movement from high school, the commencement address wa" :111, thut is from a very apccial friend. ll'e~e.lltC
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