Page 39 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 39
I -- The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westm1ns,ter, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Are Again State Champions CAPTAIN PAUL BATES RECEIVES PASS FROM KOPPE IN TERROR-TERP TILT UniversityofMarylandBowsB~fore . II RRrEIVING THE KICK" Illco.EO BASKET BALL ____ Terrors In Season's Gnd Classic Iih=ln=·=·~~~_~__~_~_=_=_~~=====.=-!JII GET_UJ~DER WAY_ (Uoutinued from Page 1, Col. 5) State Champions for another season I the Vflr~iiy machine started gonlward in Bask~tllaLl practice for the co-eds has Congratulations from the thousands the last play of the third quarter there begun in ~nrnest. The student basket- who watched the Green Terrors block, were thirtC(ln wunc markers to be erose- ball manager, Ruj-il Davia, together wilh kkk, tlltkle, punt, pass and toss tlle;r ed. And thirt.een plays later, after 113.w- Misa Parker ha~ urrnnged for each clas~ lD30 opponents into submission! An(l a renee booted ODC tllrougll the uprights, to practice twice a week. word of for a football cOllch our total was seven. Cheek them your hoped that the etasecs will under who nns II "renl fellow" to every self! tnke IhGfulfilling of the bn~ketbnll sched- one with whom 11" came in contact. uleenrnestlyaudsuccessfully,:lsthcyili(] Even in victory, ·Western Maryland the hockey schedule. Because of tile end. Lawrence added:; yards on two loses. Beven capable players competed number of ctass teams, the gwmos will ljlay~, and Ekaitis' spinner wns good in their last VuraH)' g:une in the Stnilinm have to be played when they nrc sched- for 4 )'lIroS. Clary hit left tneklc on 11 joust. Tllese same men played n most uled. croes-buek for two ynrds and a first import;lHt purt in tlie Marylnmj game It is urged that the Prcsh dcwu on the 'Perp ~l-yard llue liS the and can be assured that tile,\' completed 1Ml) tome out bnsketbal! as they did first quarter ended. Iheir eantpnign credttnbly, Captain Pnul for hockey. For the benefit of those who Bntea,end;WalterWilker,tuekle; Wal- have never played, thc first few ptaetleea Second Quarter ter Kohout, tackle and gunrd ; George will be devoted to lel!Tniug the'!:' USinger, center; George, lind The Terrors lost the ball on ~\1nr~'- mcntllis of the game, but nrter that, the W('lliuger and Hurry Lswreucc, blleks;- time will be spent in developing good these imporluut Ilog.~ in the Western teams to give tbe upper ctesees some ~rarrla))il maciline of the past three sea' liard battles. sons-nll will be graduated in June .. \1arsily bnaketbnll praelicewill beheld And this column will roll around ne"t (l1'err'l'hursdayoveui,lgnnd is open to season with new names in their places. all Ille girls. The mml'lger hU9 plonned n selled ule that inelutles $ome Sillcil Notre Dnme has eompleted their llnrd giuues. Show .yonr eol!ege spirit "suicide st:hednlc" wilh no apparellt nlld come out Ilud helll the gil'ls' \'nraiQ' los.~of lh·ea. intereM will be pcntcred this team equal the reeoTil made hy the foot week-end on tbe Army-Navy r<'newal. hall temn-IIl1defeated throughout the 'I'he winner will appear in Snnda~"s Benson! paper Thanks! 'l'hescheduJeofpractiees: Seniors Mond[!~'4:00-5:30 West.orn:Md. :Maryland Wedncsday7:00-S:00 Bates L.E. Pcns~ Kollout L.T. Fis.lwr Juniors Mondny 7:00-8:00 Benson L.G. Huyde!l 'I'nesduy7:30---8:3!l Usinger c. FlIl,)er Sophomor€8 Wedn<,~dar 3:00--4:30 Barnett R.C:. Krajeoyie Friday-l.:30-f.i:30 Wilker R.'l'. Cnrlis~ IDeinmn!! R.E. Norris Freshman Wc(]ncsday -1-:30---5:30 Ekaiti~ Q.B. Poppleman E'ridllJ 3:00--4 :30 Clary hR. Cllulmcrs punting out of bounds on Western down. Cllny of!' tackle for sllnrcda plIssfroUl T,aWreJlCe R.n. Berger Ynrsil.,· Thnrsday 7:00-8:30 weDt :,Iar~land'a 30. Wellingcr gained 14 )"nrda nnd Wellinger's 4 nt left (lnd 6 own 34·ynr<1 line. KOllpe F.B. Woods }'i1.rdsa.round left end, but on the next foiled np another first down Ekaitis ball out of hou.!' Suhstitutions' W~stcrH Ma.rylanrl- three plays tlle 'rerp9 held, so Clnrr mnde 3 yards on a spinner a.nd Koppe punted. llnrj:' "CO-ED VARSITY BLAZERS" punted to Berger just before the half j()ra right tackle OIJCUfor three more. andpunt()d. 1V<,llingc.rfor Lawrence, DOllght~· for ended. well away' Clary, Clliry for Doughly, Pineurn f{l! Wo.lUillgerWRS thrown for a loss of 8 Kohout, Lawrcnee for Wellinger. Mnry- "Houor" blazers will be ilistrib Third Quarter yards l)y Fisher :Jnd willi tl":l fourth tllt'll Clary la.nd-Evnns for Poppelmau, Poppelmull uted to the fi"egirls who have eurned Chalm!'rs ki.;ked·off to Bates, who ran down coming and 11 yards to go it PIISS aft for EV(lns, Koellr for Huydun, Keeuan roraa?· the bnll back 15 yards to his 2i-yard looked as if the Terrors were to ](Ise for Fisher, Mitehell for Faber, Evall~ th(,' n(,('I'S$ar~'1000 points sometime be· line. \Vellinger rounded the end for another scoriug opportunitr. Howe\"t·l' R.nd F for Popp!'lmau, Cronin for Woous. fore the holida~·s. 8 yards and Koppe picked lip 3 at cen- the unc"vected 11l~~:,_1 from Koppe to ~~~I' Touchdown-Koppe. ·'.Pry for point- ter for a fir,t down. After Dougbty's Ekaitis was good for 14 ~'anjg-r - Lawrenes (dropkiek). Official-E. C. pass was g:roullded, Wellinger agaill down on the 5·yard line! Ekni" Taggart, Bnehestcr. Umvire--W. B. },'ote: Statistics of ihe MarylAnd· tore around the end-tbis time for 6 hurt when he was nailed on tb Bieoek, ...Dm·tmouth. lielld linesman- yurds. BlLrnett reeovered Doughty's line, bnl resumed play after 9 0007-7 Mike Thompson, Georgetown. Fielil Western Maryland game Iilld other fumble to '&"nina tint down on Uary· Clary gained a yard ani' o 0 0 0--0 jndge-A. W. Palmer, Colby. Time of svort neWIiwill be found ill columns one land's 35-y rd line. l'igbt tackJe and tben Ekl' qunrtel's-15 minutes. and two ou page four.
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