Page 41 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COl DARTMOUTH COLLEGE SEMESTER EXAMS BOXING FOR HANOVER, N. H. JANUARY 22-27 SATURDAY Vol. 8, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 15, 1931 TONY SARG'S CREATIONS Co-Eds in Auto Crash College Calendar Annual Alumni Banquet FAMOUS COLLECTOR OF PLEASE LARGE AUDIENCE Slowly Convalescing "FRIDAY, JANUARY 16-- To Be Held in February ANTIQUES WILL LECTURE TWQ 'Western Mnryhmd College eo- Speech r~eitlll; Smith Rllll. TWO PBRFORMANCES HELD IN The annual mid-winter banquet of ~d8J Anna Ma~' Gallion, '31, and Care SATURDAY, JANUARY 17- the Western Maryland Alumni Asso- MR. NUTTING WILL LEOTURE ON ALUMNI HALL lYlle Tull, '31, who were illjurml in ')II Vflrsity Boxing; Western Mary ciation will be held;'l the Lord TInlti- ANTIQUE FURNITURE automolJilc accident on December 19, hind versus Dartmouth Collegej Friday February 011 Tuesday, Juuuarv 13, two marion- arc rueovertug accordlug- tc LlHI latest Ilnnovur, N. H.; 3:00 P. M. more, on Iuvitutions evening, alr('lHly been 13, is- have 1931, ette plays, produced under the direc- Miss Gallion is ncuperlltillg Girls' Basketball; Weste.rn Mary- Mr. wnltnee Nutting, tho well-known tion of Tony Sarg, were preseuted in home and expects to be back sued to the members of the Alumni As- Antiquo. colleetol' and humorlet, will ecels tion. Alumni Hnll under the auspices of tlre wit.h us the first pnrt of the second ae- lund College "crall!> St. Mary's Fe- givenn Illuatrnted Jecture 0'; American westminster Elementary School. "Rip me~tcr. Miss Tull, Wl10 was 1111('.011- male ScminllrYi away. Tho committee is endeavoring to Fllrniture--Th{l High Lights of tho Van "Vi.nkle" was g lveu at tho matinee setous for seventeen days has now re- SUNDAY, JANUARY 18- have every alumnus within reach of Periods, to the stud(>nts of Westenl tIle and the ever popular "Aliee in wonder College SUlHjn," A. xr. echoot, Bak..,r Bnltbuore present at consisting banquet. of var- An Mn ryland College in Alumni linll, ou 'Pueaday evening, Junuary program, nttrnctive land" at the evening performance. Chapel; 9:00 ioua forms of novel entertainment, is 20, He will Mr. Snrg is an artist and cartoonist Baker Chapel Services; 4:30 P. dwell l1l~inly upon the iute.rior deecra- arrllnged. Dancing of international repute nud has for 1\[ now being in the eveninp-s prcgva m. will All be ttcn of n rocm. 'I'htalccturn Ia eourpul- included some time been associated with the pro- tl'tstO"'1l road ns the girls were dnv- .\[QNDAY, JANUARY 19- $Ol'Y for Western 1\[al'.vland COllt>ge stu duction of nl.flrionQtte His dolls ing I10mo. for the Christmas Literary Societies; 7:00 P. 1\[. 9tudents to of attend tile eouege nre cordially in- dell1:'!l . 'I'llI.' college -hnd eoustderable vited nre complete to the Louise '31, who wns dnllnrs nnd lJ'oublo ill securing :Mr_Rutting, ua his three 'i'he is tbc ligllting effccts And propert.ies of the ~:\]", \Y~~ injured. 'I'U.E8DAY, JANUARY 30- twenty-five 8ul1~cription per prate. lecturing Pl'ogr:"n i$ ulwuya eompletc. cents the diminutil'e stage. nre remal'kabl(l ill Social Clubs; 7:00 P_ M, Mr. Nutting has written n short their liiUlilnrity to thos(' seen on the le- Lecture by Wll11aee Nutting; AI- sketch af his life in whiCh he provc~ five gitimate the:1Lres_ There are OWl' the CONFERENCE PRESIDENT \lmni Hall; 8:00 P_ M, MRS. MEADE LECTURES ON himSelf to lJ(' n h\1!1lQri~t, as well lla ,qn hundred strings in operation (luring Va I'S i ty 13aijketb'l.ll; Western 011 antiques. 11e \\'M })(Il'n performance of "Rip VOu Winkle" c.lwr- DELIVERS CHAPEL SERMON 1\[arylnud College versus Jolm8 "PREPARING FOR PEACE" 1\tllss'leliuRCth, Ho h"~ alone, Illld oftell thore rlre Be,-eral llopkius Uni"cl'sity; Ealtimore, lrn,'eled ver~- extensively, netora on the stuge I1t Olle time. U<1, in the Nell' :Englnnd stAles, lin'S;' "Alice in Wonderlnnd" is Sarg's la- Dr. L_ B. Smith, the President of tilt' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21- At, the ,ioint meeting of too Chris- tnlve!a he hll~ gnther(!d his [ll,tiques test and moat elnl)orllte There Mar.,·lnnd Mdhodist Protestnnt Con- Y. W, C. A.; (;:4;; P. i\:L tian Associations of Western i\[al'ylnnd and wit.iI tl,em a vast UlllOl1nt of infor- are U\'('r lwellt>'-lil'e ~nd ferellcc-, prea~hed in Buker Chape.l 01' y, !\L O. A_; 7:00 P. M. Collqge Wednesday e"el1ing, Mrs, Lucia mation alollg thNie lines. 8e"011 people nrc raquired tOj1ull the Suuda)' nfterlloon, ,JllnUIU',V the 1'.101'- Ames Mendo, anthor of ''Law or "\Var" He first becnmcinter{lst(!d ill s-trings. 'rhcre is I'ery little deviation cnt.h. Acting in this cajlncity, Dr. THURSDAY, JANUARY!!2- ~nd ot.her anti-,var works, spoke on and, "deterl\\;llcd to reeord, nnd from the original story by Lewis Car- Smith ellrried out thll anllual custom of Fir~t Semester :ExaminatiollS be- "Preparing for Pe,~ee". Mrs. Mcade pn'ser,e the beat ill old Americn," Il\' roll, and each elmracter portrnys its having the President of I.he Mnr."ll1nd gin; 8:30 A. lIL el~i\Ued tilUt our oountry is the aafeat began them. He 110"" part from the Ha.tter who Conference prench t.he first 13u)logy iustead of !1 wnr phyehol opera "Die 'Walknre.", givcn at the L~·- nnd l-InroW KOPl)e_ Qgy hnd ruled Europe in 1914, th" rie Thel1tre in Baltimore on Wednes- -~ World "Vor CQuid have been prevented. day eH~ning, Jl1llnnr,l' 7. "Die Wal- The World Wnr eame from university tim iudividunl meml'('ra of llle tla&s, kure" is the ~('cond of the fOUl" parts Voice Instructor Sings grntluAles who knew Il,·erything but in· elloh studt'nl giving two monographs on of the opera "Der Ring Des Nibelun- ternationl11 ~th;ea, eeouoimes aud pay- vllrious import:!!!t, battles. gen". in Baltimore Recital ehology, ill other words, how to gc-t Thcs~ 1nollogrul)h~ :~ro I{;;)turos, i\ll1.~ 'i'he 0Jlcrn Wl1S presellt~d by the Ger along with their ncighbors . .Tf Sir Ed· tra.ted with tactienl "'I1PS, whicll 1'"1'\' mnn Grnn "Do not be a sll1\·e to (l creed," said "Musie Deparhucnt of Western Mary- 1"ld wnnted pence, nnd could ha"e gat.h- ies the I)(!ttles tliorouglll,l', gl,iniug full present. ma!lnging director, has gath Dr. Smith, "Add to your creed. Give lund Collcge, par1ieipoted in n musie ered in Berlin to t111k things oyor, thc:v knowlNlge of :111 of the taditrd silua- ered some of Ihe moat eminellt Artijjr~ it meaning. CombiH~ I-hnrllder with recilal at the Maryland Casualt,y Aud.i- eould 11:1\'0 nve-rted the el1tnstrop1!1~, :O)(j nftCl" ori~n!i1\g hi~ ledun' of German,l' for t.hese perforllU1!lCOS. your l.Jelief, 'And besides this, giving tOriUIll in BnHimore, Sundny evening, They did Hot, but instead effected ,1 Among those taking pnrt in "Die Wn!· nil diligcnce, atld to your fllith virtue; ,/nllul1r.v1lth. "'lIoleSllle sloughter of innocent lives, wilh mOp, he pre~ellh it 10 til,> kure" were: Richard Gnas at Wntan, and to I'irtue knowledge; Ulld to knowl- The fPc;t.:d was devot.ed to composi· It is llOt a.lone the horror of wnr, bUI daSB. Jollanll:J. Gndski ns Brunnehilde, and edgc (.empernnee: And to temperam;e lions of Chnrles H, Boohan who ill a- the of it that l'flnkles ;n our '1'heeoursedcl1ls lI'itll the ,Tohannc:s Scm bach, as Siegmund. patienee; and to Jliltience godliness; "oil'e instructor at the Peabod,l' Consor· hearts_ l,nttles in whieh lhe Unitpd Ii~~ Those who went from Western :Mary- I1ml to god1ines~ brotherly kjndlles~; "All of th", grent nntions of Europe h(!ell invo]"ed, as well IlS ~onlC engage- lanel an,: Miss Maudl! G{'sner, 1\[i~s 6n· n.nd to brother!,\' killdllt:'SS ellllril"y.' _\li8s Jones, who is .'1 pupil of ]"Ir hal"e sgreed to the Kellog Pe:lce Pae!, rah'Smilh, ,\liss Ruth JOlles, MiBst'~ Thesc qunlities build lind build until Bo('h3,n, snng the following numbers: yet today the.v are nrming us never be" ~:tl:~:dofst:~:':,~":i!e ~~nslte;rli~\:':'O~~8:~'!r~ P('nrl TIrittingham, Catherine Hohbr, they I1rc lik(, a roof gnrdeu over life ""Ve Only Ask for Suushine", "Bng 0' fore. Mrs, Meade claimed, ''We Im,ve 100, Snrntoga, Gpttyshnrg, the Bnltles Thelma. Reiel, ('nUlerinc Downing, RULh itself. Still many people live a narrow Drenms", "Sunrise", and "My Heart's no nnemiea, yet Pratt says our tax-pay- of the Marne, nnit the Gel'lllnll OII\'II- Hobbs; and :!Ilargl.lret Hamilton, (('onlinu('d on Pnge 4-('01. ~) a Yellow Butterfly". (Continlled on Page 4.--CoL 1) sive. SCHEDULE FOR EXAMINATIONS TnURSDAY, JANUARY ~2 FRIDAY, JANUARY ~3 SA'I'URDAY, JANUARY 24. MONDAY, JANUARY 26 l'UESDA'I', JANUARY 27 Morning Aftemoon Morning Morning Afternoon MorIlin&" AfternoOIl Morning Biolog~" 1-2 Biolog,Y 5 Bible Biology 13 Home Eeo. 15-16 English 311 Education [l English 13 }'rench 5·6 Biology 'i English 3 Chemistry 1-2 .EnglisII1-2 Chemistry 1l·13 Home Eeo, ~1·22 GPTlllilU ]-2 French 9-10 Jl1stor~' 7 GNnlan 3·4 S Chemistry 3 Ednralion 1 Chemistry 1n·2a nome Eeo, 3 Engli~h 5b Ylilitllry Scie.nce 5-6 nome Eco. 23-24. Home ECQ, 1·2 History 13 German 3·4 C Freneh 7·8 Edueation 5, l' Chemistry 9-10 SO{'ial Scieuce 3 French 1-3 Militur,l' Scien~c 7-8 Logie 5 Home Beo. 13-14 ITome Eco. 11-12 liistory 9 History 3 Bngliah 7(1 Socinl Sdenee;; French 3-4 Soci:.1 Seien~<.' 1-3 Physics 1-2 i>fat.henmtics i nome Eco. J7 Home Eco_ 19 Ll1tin 34 Latin 1·2 Socinl Scieuee 7 History {; Military Science 1-2 Mathemoties 3 Socilll Science 11 Physios 3 Latin B Latin 7 1Iilitllry Science 3·4 Mathematics 5 Soeial Science 13b Mathematics 1 Geology 1 "lIfathemntiesla Stude-nt having conflicts in eXllmi!lations will IIrrange for the oxaminllUon with the instructor of the eonrse. The examination in the eoursn belonging to the closs or the ~-e(lT of the stude ~ ijhsll be. taken nt the time Mh~duled. The course out of the year or the clau of the stud{lnt is the eOllllieting course and tile student will arrll.l1ge for the exnminntion, No eon flict examina~ions IIrc given until lifter the regular examination in the CQ::lrse is hl'ld.
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