Page 42 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 42
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, ]Taddy GOt UG \ 2\.-UUU1ItJp.. (J1alllpull .. A l1EVIEW OF BOOKS, PLAYS AI\'D LIFE ochc fl'OUl chapel Christmas Au one spectator heard Little "yles, '33 An(1 fal'orell by tlw fntc.~. The WILo took W~s!el'llllf.:ll'.r1:tu{\ 's name afad is .1 ~O(lial gool1 fOl'11! '''Hong Gucssif)'o\lwill!it's-- Gcrllllll1 students. Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. Ihe modern '''hell:1 Louise Walters Werntz In the tragic death 01' ),Iiss Louise Waltet,>; ____ '\r0rntz, Ule S ..LJIGI CIa"" Hml the whol\' ,:;to- c\('nt body of '\Vestem lIIul'yhmd College is deprived of a member ~~"hom it. could ill aftol'd to lose. "\Veed'ie", I1S s.he Wlll applie11tion. 'l'hel'c has beell amI is too ll1UCl1 nping of the eiothing. Jnlbits amI attitudes of fhe gt'CHt or supposedly gl'elll. !\fast people have come to fame h~' "being themselves". 'J'he gl'eat mnn is 11]1 itlui\'iduHlisl. ('al- lege students Rl'e pOj)ulnrly eOllslitllting' II ··I.\·pe" 'l'h(>~' :1\'(' ;ll! ~t1P~ tigltlCHt of tlWIll nll-f t'nn gUlll'ill1tl'C its inll'l'est. ~o tll" next lime ~'1)1l IIrU in Ol(! posed to wear the same l;ind of clothes. lIfle the Sllllle slang. nncl llllv(' lime ill "i('\\ the same attitudes toward life . .An~'one who is ~\'ell aCfjlHlilltcd wit:1 bookshyOii college students, lmows that this is not true to llw extent 1'l1l1t magll- lI'ilh thc zuws and CHrtoonists would lend' one to hrlicvc, College students 111'(' lnt~81 if ."ou hnl'e 1111)'choice; but hn\" individualists and the spirit of .indiddllali,~m is gl'o\ying, Keell oh- iug .rcnd onr, it's eHtnin you \l'ill n·ad sene.!'!; everywhere arc pOlnting 011t tl;11t the mOdeI'll college llH'1I1:111. trcnting collE'ge more und 1ll0l'e af! lHl episo(le in the dl~\'<'lopmcllt of his illcli\'ichwlity. Ris college life .is fI part of 11is whole life il1lel llc is "Dad" SMELSER considel'ing it Hi) SHeil, Of eOllI'S€'. ('allege stndent.;; a.;; H ('Ins.;; hJ1ve e€'l'- ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, tiliH chal';Juiel'istics (hilt should be cnlh\'ilted'. 'rhe college Silltient is COLD DRINKS nent!'l', hetter-bl'('(l. bettel' iniol'lllcrl than the a\'Cl'uge and in gellC'tHl Open Every Nite Until J 1:30 will stand. '('his is IlS it SllOllld he, /lIld tlOl.'s not preclude Ihe deyelop- ment of 111l illdi"idull! chlll'actcr. A Ilep;on !!lily not Ilttl'flCt quite flS lllueh IltteJltion by the development of. \\·hoiesollle individual cllllL'1Le- ieristics as by aping tllO:.;e of' the gl'caL 01' near-grcat. but t.he attention The re- on ~uch :lll oC(':19ioI18. nlr. Tl,omas W:1S D. S. (iEHR &: SON L\,at Ile rec.ei\'cs will be of a hetter hind. \Umble t ~ puruhuse uQlorless Ii]) ~Iitk unil sllhstituted rea Olles, One d:I.I· the ~hif'f (Established 1866) of(lTicofthe]ribesi\l\'il"d him lodl'illk soured curds llcfol'c leal'ing a el\ln]1al'~' Wholesale and Retail The Magazine There is pl'ohably no part of the lihl'1l!'~' more useful to of trih{)~uwn, and he prct'llu!iously coal· HARDWARE cd his mouth while an iuterpreter cx· Rack the student body as 11 whole than tIle magazine l'ald;:, plninrd thllt this pro('o~8 wn~ nn honorNI ']'hel'e nrc fOllna therc a l'ather \\'id(' seleetion of maga- Ameriean '·U8tmn. It drlightCll !lle ehicf Phone 318 ,l'ourrntlienlremnrks. zini;lS of literal'y illterest as \\'elJ as a lllllllh('r of use ill speei;lI snh.iects. No\\' let us attompt OUT Wi'{'kly l'iddle, aUll he LJegge!1 .:\Jr. 'l'hOrll(lS to get him Westminster, \VId 'J'nat. the students realize the impol'j;lllf'1" of the magazines is shown h.l· Why is "Bohhi{>" .fnekSOll like a chell! SOll\(' lip sti,·ks, .\Jr. Thomas must han' tl1(o filet that most students who go to the libl'ar,\' slop und t;1l(> fI look istr;' Inboralol'Y~ Bllcause she is :l 11'0 seen to iIthntthc(·lIief reeci\'l'd II large at the magazilJes before they lell.\"e. These 111l1.g'flzincs fnrlli::;h i';tLlcl('nt.~ nmn of nwn~' retorts. But seriou~ly ~,~~~t;~e;;'lle~::at:::;:s,n;:ro/~.:,I';~SI~sdlnl:'~ T SUBSCRIBr: .. with tIll:' hest meilllS of ohtailling Il knowledge of ('ontf'mpOI':tl'," prob- spcnking, she is U !lpt chemist". 1 apt 10 rlo Dlosl Allton Yid\('zoli.Rus~inn explorer, ill- lems and trends of thougllt, ~llld 1l11ve 11l'0\'ic1e(1 morc than one inspil'!l' 13y the II"/l,l'of I'fl(l~rl Ihat ~a"le region he was hOllored TO THE T tion for Gold Bng ec\itoriRls. There if; little doubt hut that flll Eng-< II f{ast of wnrriors. ~1l (If wholll ..... lisll stndent ill seal'l'l! of a sllb,ject fo!' a theme would find a pel'll~Al of "So ::;il::l:lIt~l:\:~:II~~~~il!~\hnnge of (@ n 11) m 1t !l I tile magazines pI'ofitahle. Although 1i1el'e are !lot il largp numhf'r of f~et'8 ~Inrt the sodHI 8tonc rolliug and things dDC'sthc !leI\"glH to!l1i' old," as T magazinf's covering special fields such as tll(' Yariol1s s('ienees. fllmost eelehrMc the "old exnm~". FlIl·ike IIp )follll>llmed the lIrophet of All~b has snid"" TELL Y(, iR ... en'ry stndent e<111find !;omething of importance ill his major field . ..l.11- the band! Wllat do we wuuH Wh~'- ; FRIENL~! ill-all, the magazine l'ack 1'1'111he the SOllr/'e of much re<1ding fol' plra. what else-but "Swtngin' In A Ham· !~I'(~,~~r:is:~:;:~~~;.e~f 't:~:eer\ma:~!~ ; b====~r===~ sure and profit. motk~" naught."
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