Page 35 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 35
The Gold PAGE THREE TERRORS vs. TERRAPINS I SPORTS I I SPORTS \ BALTIMORE STADIUM SATURDAY. 2,00 P.M. Green Terrors Overwhelm Muhlenburg, \ \ Albright Ties Terrors to Break String 25 - 0, To Top Other Eastern Elevens- THE KICK-OFF of Twenty Consecutive Victories A green wave of versatile ability and powerful attack Oll the part BEAT MARYLAND! 'Western Mm-ylands Green Terrors were held to a 7-7 deadlock of the 'terrors overwhelmed the gamely-fighting Muhlenber-g eleven by Albright on November 2211d at Reading. It was the first time in We enn forget our Varsity's record, we with a 25-0 score at Allentown on Saturday. The Harlow eleven put cnn disregard the rest of the season, but twenty-one games that the 'I'errors have even been tied. Prior to this forth a. crushing attack and' a stoue-wau defense and outplayed the we can uot overtook this game Saturday. engagement ,Vestern "Maryland was the ouly undefeated, untied team Mules tht-onghout the game. The Muhlenberg eleven was IIbIe to Western Maryland lias defeated Uni· in the East . .Although the Lions stripped them of the last qualifica- register but three first downs in the whole game whereas Western versify of Baltimore, St . .John/s, Loyola, tiou, the Terrors are still upholding the title of the only undefeated Maryland rolled up a total of eighteen. and lift. St. Mnry's. Maryland, in nddi- team of tile East. tion to holding ctctertes over some of The strenuous practices following the Albright game probably ac- 'I'he Lions had concentrated' .for a long period on this game and these has bowled over Washington Col- counted fOI' the line defense and backfield coordination that was so lege and Johns Hopkins. There ean be went on tile field fully prepared t.o }iHrd the Terror team at its best. evident in the battle against 'Muhlenberg. The elusive halfbacks, the no doubt but that the winner of Batur- 'I'he 'I'errors were well aware of nHs preparation and were not _!U~~.,.,.. smashing fullback, nud sterling quarter- day's contest will be the 1930 State ==========' ~:~~:~o~lto:b~h:Ug~~~:ri~~~M~:ln~.nd;I;~ menace to the ·Uule's defense COACH HARLOW IS READY back of the Harlo,,' machine proved a Champion. Another Mayer Broening cnuetanc trophy will round things ont! PROSPECTS LOOKGOODFOR outcome was a mutua! victory iu that as well as thei,. goallino. At the same BEAT the Lions sueeeeded in proving, them· both tnok a fnll QUINT UNDER NEW COACH timo the rugged line refused to yie.lJ FOR 1930 BOXING SEASON MARYLAND! selves equal to the Tenor offense and ground when 11l.lekedat by the best Army and Dartumutrl Western Maryland retained its uude- Muhlenberg backfieldmeu. Coach Dick Hnelow will call the roll over the week end and as a result the fcatedtitle. forthel!}30-31boxingsqundonMonday, TerrGNIresumed their first place in the '1'lul flr~t call for enndirlates on the Koppe Scores East. 'I'hls time last season, there were Albright Scores Early \l'hi'll he will meet an except those on the Var-sity \,)askethllllsquad will be sounded Shortly after the gnme begnn, Wes· footbal! tenm,for thesensou's first work· a half dozen Eastern teams either un next. week. lnformnl prnctiees hfll'Cbeen The Liolls suceeedl'd in scoring first, tern l.[n"ylllJld ~wept. over Muhlenberg out. The gYlll will be rocking with bust· d:efented and untied, or tied but. nllde held by ihe non football men, in the way liatton ero~sing the Terror goal line in with a spectaeular marcll of eighty ling activity when those Terror "Ieather- f;ented. At the preBeut time Wcstt'fll of 1imberingup, but. the grouj) is in· the first qu[[\'icr. The Bcom wns made ynrds ill nn unbroken atring of first pushe,.s" start their daily workout.!!by :tI1:arylrllldis thQ OIl]Yeleven on the At· complete without the gridmen. on a play following Doughty's punt dowus.Koppe tot-ed t.he ball on the last lInntic Seaboard thnt has not been beaten from behind his goal line. With the Ordiunrily n two wut'k'a rest is given .first down whieh terminated severnl ~~i';J~:::: ::l:t:~~:;.t~;:~:OI;I:x;~:t r;~:~ ~t lenst once. That defellsi"e record of the players between the end of the fGOL' wind ag;linst him, Donghty lifted a ttur Varsity looks "err prominent, too. yurds behind tile goal line. During the with tI,a p\lgili$ti~ trnining perioll. 'I.'he \ ball BeR-SOnlind the start of the l)Bsket punt. 1.0 the 29-~'aT{1lino, n,nd on the fir.qt qnarter the Terrors made aigh~ ,·ara;ty roll-tall this year will find but BEAT )rAl~YLANDI lon!! emllJloign. Rowt'\-er, a gllme Illig next play Larry Hatton went through lirat downs. two members of la~t year's sqnad miss· Our own "Greasy" Neal concluded his bee,. scheduled ,with Na'''Y before the on a t(lcklc crasl), Hatton also scored The Jl.lules tiglltened up ill the sec· ing, Rlerae, twice intercollegiate ehnm ~rst season in the eoaehing field by holidays and the courtmelL have n 86arce tILe cxtra point on a placement kick. ond quarter null st:lrted out to make a pion for W. M. C., au{l Hastings, both of \~ntehing his V. P. 1. ele,'en cnrn a elean ten (]fI,Ys to prepllr~ afte,. lJuttillg pig· ,,,"[til n i to 0 lead All)right fouglot fight eut of it. In this period they sur whose ~xeelleut performnnees did much to cut. \'i~tory o'-er tlleir V. M. I. rimls in skin togs in the r050·,,·00(1. it out with the 'l'erro,· ele\'en. Pnllhl prised the Westem Marrland wurriors :::~~~:':e:e:::. thrQ.ngh a remarkably sue· tJ~ir lmnual 'l'urkey Day gume. Con- CGneh N~il Stnhloy is fncc(l with II wnrtl exchanged, plays were halted, by temporarily throwing them bnek as passes were knocked down, and line Gerber seilltillated in line.-(lrashing at- To the followers Gf collegiate boxing gr\ tUlatio;~,~ ~G:::~~AND! ~~:~~ltb~::~~ba~~heOl:Ja:I~ef~:\\~lea;~n~~ bU(lkBwere stGpped Ulltillh(llnst quar· t,:wks that \letted the 1\[ules twa first Pincura, Barnett, Ekaitia, Crosby, Bor- \ :~C~lt:i~~:U;;~ri:'.o~,~t \l:~:g~~~~~ ;:n~;~ and still Albrigl,t maintained I~ It we ~nnlyze the record m~d~ by our (lowns Hna pushed the pigskin np to the ehers, and Flate,. need no introducion. clc~'en Iins fall, we find thut In TIGpar- se,'an poiut lead. The part ellch plnyed this pnst seasou in ~O-~'ar{1line. Here the Green Terror~ Clary Scores for Terrors h~ld the Mules, fGrcing Curney to punt. ::l~:~p~et~:::\ ~~i~~t;:!nWil~:!~:Ja~:h~ ~i::~i:,~:;i°!r:n~.:e t~:~lei~,a~n~:leoi~:? ::eil:S:es:~:~:'sne~~n~!;:i!;.llifa~~Owed, in The second and third qllnrters and The. bull rolled out of bonnds On the Navr have gil'en them names .1S mittmen In sO\!l\egames the scorrng haa beeu eom· l\ ~9Ptl..the likrly canllidatC$ for the moat of tl10 last period W/).ll a t.errible 5-ynrd line. not soon to be forgottell. All of these pletelin the first. half; III others, all the :'LI'ot position th~rc. are five capable per hnttle bl'tween two determined elevens. The Terrors immediately punted out will be with the squad again .this year. POiU\r;'~hal'c been made in the lust q,tG.,.\ formera-. Hnmmill, Lamb, Wilker, Koppe Bid Otl tellms refused to gil'e graun ,lin d . ::O:~":~:: ;~~~e.1\l~~I:nt~,:r:':m~ll:~~::!~ du:h~o Int~i: ~;';~~ginW~~:iJ~a~k: :;~~~: ~~':ry~~i:~.~n~~~~r:8Sh~e \~::=dt~:~:~~°f~:li;;lSt'l'::Il:::: t!:~~~eU~~em:t$~!~ :~:/eemed to out-guess tIle other's :1:1~~:~ t~~~~::::;I:e~,:';,~;;~';;,:_cbW:;;;';:;ig;I";;"".;F;;'a;;;";;"rlentor. drop-kick. The depenilnble left·fGotcr through tho:!scrimmage and trGtt.ed 17 han, Puro, lIlurchison, Sprague, EI:-.le.r, Coaeh Stahley, or "Skip", was largely kicked the baU handsomely over tho ,YHrds for another tonchdowll. Aiter and 'l'immons will also bn contending tor BEAT MARYLAND! rcSPGnsiblefor our dafent nt the hands bar, und Western Mnryland em~"ged the t.onchdOl\'n l't[ulilenberg tried in positions on the "arsity. Sinec "\Veatern Maryland "udopted" of Prllll Stllte lust sea.son. For three from its toughest game of the senson .renr~ he was nn importnnt cog iu Swte'$ with 1I7-7 ~~ore. I'uin t.o get througYl Ihe Wt.'Stern lIlary- One o.f the most difliclllt 8chedules ever Baltill\ore Stnilium as tlH~ "mnmmy· fi\'c. During his Senior yellr lIe CalJtnin- l:lllrl line. M:lj()reik punted out of presented tG "'estern "ltlll'yland Mnfronts firld," the East Side sttluds have beell cd the quint in a most succcs~fni season. \feslern .\ld. Albright bounds (lIld Doughty ralurned the v unt the 'l'enor bo~ers for the eoming year. tllkeu by rooters for that ('leveu, aui! in Bl1tca(Capt.) L.r:. Karlip to midfield liS the quarter ended. Dnrtmouth, U. of Penn., U. of West Vir· the past fou.r yellrs not nn East Side fan gin.ia, ]'euu Stnte, Army and Navy are has gone homo moaning. So what do you Pincura L.T. Carney During the last quarter \Vestern lisle!l as the senson's fOl'S. Arllly being thiuk' We'I'e gone lllld done itl And 1931 BOXING SCHEDULE .Barnotl L.G. Scloneffer 1tfllryi:llul eased np their drive and the only newcomer un ..his string eomJlris. 1'l"S t.he East Side stan(ls for the Do· Lamb C. F.H.~ttOll lll:ln.r substitntions were made. It waH ed 0/ the BtrOngest teanilJ in the enst. cember sixth clash. 'fl'at's where we go, Beuson R.G. Kozlowski dnring !llis final period that :Muhlen· Boxiug I\'as introduced to ·Western thilt's \\'hereweullgo-tGwntch the Ter· Dnto Opponent berg wall thrown for many I[)sacs liS Mnryl'lnd Collllgn bnt. a eOlllpnratively rors fight for thnt trophy symbolic of Wilker R.T. Suydam they tried a pass attack. Sc"eral limes fe\\' years ago by Coaeh Harl[)w and has the Statt' Chompianship. .Tall.n. Dnrbuontll College Gealey R.E. "Dllnb Pnladino WOI!t(lckled before he could sinet' continued with rosults surprilling How do theJ' get Watth 'em- TInno"er, Ekaitis Q.B. Emmett throw the btll!. It wus during tIl(: e\'en to the most optimistiC, pilleiug third ii' Wellinger L.H. liaines 'BerS' pllSS nttnek lhat Bolton iuter- in the list of sehnols entered in 1928-29 BEAT Jan.3l .. .u. S. ?t!ilitnry AeHd('my Doughty R.H. L.Hatton cepted a forward and mnde n long rUll, I and surp:~ssed in the intereollegiate MARYLAND! WestPoint,N. Y. Koppe F.B. W~iglc c')rr_ving the bill! to Mnhlt'nbcrg's 35- matches of last year only by 1'elln State, rard line. Doughty, Bolton, nlld La,,-. outclassing Na,'y, GeorgetOll'n, Syracuse Feb. 14 Penn St,llte College Score by quarters: DOUGHTY MAKES RECORD RUN renee rolled up an;ther thst down, und IInd}.(' I. '1'. Westminster, Md. Welltern Mnryl:lond 0 0 0 7-7 theu Bolton Ileaved II forward to Law- ========== Parko H. Dnvis, compiler of the Feb.21 ..... Va. Polytechnic Tnstitute Albright 7 0 0 0-7 renee for I~ loueltdown. The try for sr.oring section of the Offiieal Foot· Touehdowns - Clary, L. Hatton. ]Joint failed. Score, Western Mary· Oome Ont and R..oot ball Guide, has seut word that BTaeksburg, Vn. Points aft l' r touchdowll-T"awrence Innd, ::!5;l'tfuh!enbcrg, O. for the Floyd ("Goose") Doughty. "\Veet Feb.28 ... University of Pcnnsylvnu;n (drop-k.ick), Hatton (plaeement). Sub· 'The "tules eOlltinued tht';r passing ern l't1n,.yland halfbaek, mad(l the Philadelphin, Pn. sittutions - W. ,,1. C.-BrGll-n for longest seoring play of the Sel)SOn :Jnd Boltoll again intereepted l' for· TERRORS when he duhed 103 yards to returll Doughty, C!a,.y forWcllillger, Kleiu- II'l\.l'd. The Terrors advnneed beyond Goldstein's kick-of!' for a touchdown :Mareh 7 ... West Virgiuin Uni'-ersity )),an for Geal.v, Lnwrllnee for Brubaker, midfield lind ns \\'ellinger eompleted a SATURDAY in the U. of Baltimore game. )JorgaIltown, ·W. \'a. Bolton for Koppe, .Tenes for EkaHis; 25-ya.rd ndvnnce toward n fifth touch- Alb
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