Page 34 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGg TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. ]iufil'ty GOt Professor Hall need not exPect such II \Vorry, Why Worry? enemy A .REVIEW AND LIFE BOOKS, OF PLA YS us, doctors assure is the large enrollment in econnmiee next term after his r(!(lellt statement that we would of good youthful spidt, an the uurelenfing m·il. foe Ilen- of "BERKELEY SQUARE" l.eaHh, uuplaeable and "end with consumption," for after all, eralteationa nre dangerous anywhere, but If one could only be twins! Such a Ol1leinl nuwspal'cr of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during college students must eonaider their it is probable that there is no more gen· week as tbis one threatens to be would the ncnderule year by the students ef 'Western Uaryland College, Westminster, health. erat truth than that worry is Sll unmixed certainly loring forth that ardent wiah. Maryland. Entered na aeeond-clnss matter at the Westminster Poatofflee. evil, beenuse it is its own penalty without The Maryland game and the dance at the eubecnntren Price, $2.00 a Year After hi$ reCClit trip to Berlin, Herr any compensating ptcescrc. Tn CRuse, Boutheru make a full week-end, hut, add Willis is reported to have come in 1'-011- process, and effect, worry is a miserable 10 this the two exceptional theatre per· tad on Bcyeral occasions with another lOBS, doing nothing but hurt and bringing formanees, "Berh·ley Squsre" and "In MANAG1NG S'l'AFP Einstein, however tue gentleman's last ill its train not wholesome repentance but t,hc Meantime," and you are faced with name is Beer. lle has advanced several EDl'l'OR-IN-Cl-IIEF' . .Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 theoricsas to tho eolorific value of al- futile regret. an impossibility_ :M,\NAGlNG EDITOR • C_ W_ Koockogey, '32 coholic beverages. - }'ear ha& alwnj-s been the eurse of man- "Berkeley Square" is a queer, roman- ASST. MANAGING EDITOR _ . _. 'I'hornas W. Otto, '32 kind and the measure of manhood, for tic pherc. play In with it, a one's strictly normal British sensa atmoe- of BUSINESS lIL<\NAGER _ Paul L. Bales, '31 SHORT-SHORT STORY how a mau deals with fear is the teat of J. D. is again the object of a startling how fate will deHlll'ith him. Worry is "time" is twisted and turned until one ADVERTISING lIUNAGER C. Robert Etzler, '32 bn'nth·taking UlJstery. This morning, the little sister of fear. It is the germ has the (1elightfully eerie ferling of ha,-· CmQULA'l'lON MANAGER. • . Wayne W. Moore, '32 str:lngling and coughing, straining and of cowardice that can grow swiftly and Jng no sense of time at all. 'I'he sincere ASST. CmCUI,ATION MANAGERS stretching, thc eminent hiolcglst, awoke, c.holleeouragein 11 man. 'We are nll ue- perfcrmauce of Leslie Howard a$ "Peter tugging at his covers, vainl)' attempting quainted with such characters as Nelson, Stalldi~h" of two generations, and the Maurice C. Fleming, '34 Arthur .J. Downey, '34 liJ arise, but no, eorne ulterior hand had clever handling of the plot by John Bal- wound admiral Lora 111_ OUttCl1, '34 David Trundle, '33 fastened llim seeurejy in his try as the an great British career by who having the up derston make this comedy intellectually honorn.ble REPOR'rORIAL STAFF he WQu](], he could not remove person 1I"0r1d's finest square named in honer of delightful. One doesn't laugh boister- from his crndle. But, ah, ha-! hal his grentest. battle. We are told that ously at this play, but mtucr, one smiles ASSOCiATE EDI'l'ORS while tho "ietim was thus in the hand of Nelson, as a little lad, eouid uel·er !Je twistedly and lCfll"es the thealre with a 'rhelma Reid, '31 DUllcan C. Murchison, '32 cruel destiny, the slinking-sleuth Nohody acared by ghost stories, nud Ihat at queer feeling. HOllle eame snooping down the corridor, school lIe tackled bullie!l literally tit the The plot of the play is tI clel"er presen- SPOR'l'S EDITORS smelli11g eaeh keyhole, measuring eath drop of a hat. With all due respect to tation of 111e life of "Peter Standish" Catherine '"'1. Cocl;:burn, '31 Doey Reiu, '31 footprint, ulltil awakened to conscionsncss Lord Nelson's gallant memory, a mau who as he lil'es in two generations_ Peter COpy EDI'I'ORS the frlllltic yells of the enl'ngectbacks as temporary. is cer- of nursing worry. CultitatiOll of a (llire mediatelrrushedtothescelleoftheae- eau see only lhe present-Ihe Pllst is i~ no tain e.ither to attain his goal or to approach to it. AndTew JaeKsoll tioll, jn~t in the nick of time to adminis· free worry; dispositioll the habitual1~' effective ant.idote in- hazy nnd the future unknoll"u. to carefree are had the reputation of being the best wrestler in SCl1001, in his boyhood ter some artificial respiration but-alas, variahl)" irresponsibl~. There is lin 01<1 When StalUlish of modern tillle~ days. due t.o tJle fact that he would not stay "tJ1l"own ". alack! In his inconsiderate haste, he ,-irtue that. iH effoctive in supplanting the I.las wishrd himself buck inlo the older grabbed a fir!' extinguisher unknowingly, rlnys, the fantllS.y trnly turns to comedy. What applies to iucliyiduals applies to groups. Nowhcre, can the lHternul ,rice of worry. It is pruclenee. remarks lind art the flll but tli~ory of tlle come-back be better applied t han to 'Yestern 1,1aryland ',,:; eminent. with physician deft. he nnd administered of a pre· the 'Phe prndent mnn or "-oman takes All se!'m his startling prophN'ies, (,!lsllal not stlltements consider- football tcam. The tie with AJbright was It disappointmcnt, of course. tube to the mouth of the unconscious thought regarding trouble or tbe possi- ing the fnc! that he is a man of HI~S but the vietory over )Iuhlenbel'g showcd that the teHm cuu come bo{l.'", when behold, the bod,\" began to bility of trouble; bnt he "I·oill.'I brooding talking to people of H84. The ladies of effcn'escc in the region of hi$ la1)i(ll H8 being in itself a form of troubl~!. the time flock around him and Ihe men back. Only a victory ovcr ]\faryland is neC'eSSIlI'Y to mllke the comc- plllps. But, being a "cl)' pre-dctermil1' Do{·tor Charles W. Eliot (If Harvard allow him to rnpture their sweethearts bncl{ complete. 'l'he tie nUl.l'S the rccord of a complete season of vic- c(! diaguostici:m, he a(hninistered the owes his long Clll'oer of cOllstn!cti"e work without protest. TIc is reaUy the social tori",s, but there is still m.uch lcft to aim for. An llllClefellted sellSOll is ehnrndcristie lime W(lter, which immedi- to an early eonquest of WOTl".'·. With liOn of tliat glittering age. The lines of It WOrn]), aim even if it does includ'e a tie. :!tely turned clondy. Indigestion, instant- many gr:n'e things to tux l1i5 mind, Doc· ihe l)lny during these scenes when Peter ly cQnt,lluded the I}raditioner, and pre tor Eliot had mllijtered tho teehnique of is back in the days (If Ids :HI~estor are scribed sodium bicarbollate_ 'l'he pa- cone~lltration, which permitted him to p(lrllcularl.I-elel·er. Activity The athlete gets his lettcr, the scholnl' gets his clcgl'ee tient reeol'ered, and llndo.;lliHble gratitude e:);~lud(' IJllythiug nnd overy thing froUi "The $un" reports that Leslie How· of the day Honors Onm T..ancle, but the nUlll 01' woman who tnkes Pfll't in fillel! his o~ ~1:.hillg two heart {lear for friends. priee1es9 lnentlil at McnputiOll age whellever he ~hOSl1. ard not is oue to the the stnge, few that actors his of one the ,tlllbi- Upon of uin~ly-threc, p:reat EI'en lhe his llorn :It- al'rdc('8 other aetiyities gets 110 officinl recognition of tim work his incomplete recol'er~', J. D. out of im- lacked by the physical disabilities of age, tiOll was to be 8 writer. Perl'Crsely, he that he 01' she does. This is the situation that is prevalent at JlH1Uy pure gra6ousnes8 donated to the slillk· he refused to worry Hbout thcm, and bas b~ome a marvelous Iletor; where/l.$ colleges including ,\restern .\Iurylund. 'I'hose who work on the Gold illg sleuth II "amoebll" of pedi· livcd to 111e last consciollS momcnt ser~ne Margnlo Gillmore, whose father is man· greed stock. Be"yie was very dis- nnd undisturbed in hiB eontemplation of ager of Actor's Equit~·, hl\s all r('aWllS Bug 01' AlollO., 01' Inl;:e pnri in debilting OJ' ethel' nctiyitics. must do this honorllbly presel1ted with (I \·er.,· fnmOllS tl'e world lind his duty in it. ,Jntelllgent tl) h!' a mni"clOlJs nclress but somewh('ro work either fo1' the expcl-lenre dcriycd or for sclf-slltisfae:tiOll_ In the pole·cat. on whom the biologist was ex- men lind women faee tl1~ facts of life falls short. Her po.>rformfince is m~dioere case of the Gold Bug, it has becn snggested t.hllt flll offieinl emblcm be: perimeuting with "enl·ironment a.nd its squarel.,·, whether plea8ilnt or not, with- ,'n(1 blundering compured to the finished llcbpted_ Any pet'son who ltas done a certain amount of work on tl,e controL" Dr. Bel'vie expressed hi/! moat out'surrendering in any degree to the delieate fl.eting of Le~lie llowara. Ould Bug \"ould be ent.itlcd to \\'('fll' tllis emblem. It must, howe·Vel·. be insincere Ihanksalt(1 sweetly Illcnlioned fear of living. Yon'lllike "Berkeley Squnre"! he purchascd by the sluclent. It is c11tirely possible, ill cnse this plnn that J. D. WOuld alwa.I·ij keep it ill lllelllory D. R., '31. atre_) (It's Jilnying at the llaryland The- of should be adopted, that persons entitled to \\"efll' the emblcni would not feel that they wel'e in a nnllncilll position to purchasc it. Tn the HIl\"e you heard aoout the nnti·shnviag "IN THE MEANTIME" ca~e of all athletic team, a similar situation would be considel'ed ludi- club f{'e~ntly org~ni~cd IIllHJIlg the men' 10 raise crous. It can be said, of COtlrSe, that no othel' uctiyity eoni"ribl.ltes as The [lu"pose is Maryland game Ihe school's in· In the lllCa1ltimc, the Theatre Guild of pledging terest in Ihe mucll to extending the reputation of
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