Page 38 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 38
~o The Gold Bug, Wes Maryland College, Westminster, Md. been chair on the and night is to our go to play the takes. ecnvieted, elee- 1111 UG A .HEVIEW .A.ND LIFE place. publicity Usually he hns reporters law so harassed BO Ilg" by is trie r-(!lollrgiatr c.iti- a calm, abiding has. been zen, ).1r. Weldon OF BOOKS, the received and PLA'lS by the. he that gra,·nted To>,dg",ctt~"~~~i"" cam- younger the (Linda plaecd nt stntegie points about ha"" been "IN THE MEANTIME" ('motionnlly daughter ,'cry unstable. Watkins Stella, plays hill pus of the New Jersey State College for this role), has sympathized throughout Women hy lhe undcrgmduate officials. I did not write this nrtlclc. It wrote the trial with tile WOlllHnh('r father con The reeeivors arc nmde of concrete. OP·I itself. In faet r was strcuunualy \·ietril, and on this night of the exceufion posed 10 diseussing another plar lind llatl she is several degrees more unbulaueed The Studer.t Council of American Uni s:l~e ,l:~::e~l~e \;~:~~)t:;:~~~~;~;:,h:rc:;~!'~~· G~e~~~l~:~1;~t6T~~~~a~0s~: ~.~;~:ii;I~;.~:tt:d versit.y has lnid a before the board ot trunteoa institution for It had been adl"crtise(l us a play showing out with nuotner woman on this already MANAGING S'rAli'F the Increase :uld segregation of the activo nie life of middte-class American people. eventful night. Arthur Weldon, the son, ltlcs fee. Tile petition was mndc through Now who would think that would include insists on going to a dance with his EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ..... Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 Dhnneellor his University. C'llnk l\L\NAOTNG EDITOR ..... C. W. Kocckogev, '32 student comptroller of the produced evidence Tho heavy tragedy, !!Ubtle rcmucce, it lind might clever he finaueee~ altllough rem!"n l~o"hel" iUllists that heme . the that quietly fen red strl.tegy~1 had at f:ltUll~- should ASST. :hL\..NAGJNO EDITOR . 'l'homns 'V. Otto, '32 which shows a ~ort of Aruertermized 'I'ehckcv-c-slmply neporlcrs u re eonstaottv llSSll.iling the Busrsnss lL-\N_4.GER .. ....... Paul L. Bates, '31 IIlllong 1 uaturallstte. to the utb degree. j_t was front door, the telephone riugs inceaSlIllt- AD\tERTISING .MANAGER . . C. Robert Etzler, '32 fees I nMuralistic life, but with a per ly, and .the son in-law irritates everyone section The ClRCULATION MANAGER. . .. Wayne W. Moore, '32 spective on I llced fl not fear cross will happen that in by Joe l'\;lymg the has nldio. lI.\) very srm-In-Iaw, act little .\,ou and done Biggers, Assr. CJHCULATION J\L\N,\GERS our own homes. of sllluggliJlg ill a news reporter ou thia Maurice C. Fleming, '34 Arthur J. Downey '3-:1: Sinee "In the Mennt;me" played ut turllulent scene, pretending he is II friend LOl"a U. Outten, '31 David Trundle, '33 Por(l '8 last w!.'Cl. as the second of the rudio·bug. Joc, of course, is ~-ery mnch Thentre Guil(l's contributions I o.'lln tell the rieher for this deal. Tho action REPOR'l'OlUAL STA.FF the cOlllpl€te plot without spoiling the thronglumt lhe play is swift·mo\·ing nud .ASSOCIA'J"F.l EDITORS play for nnyone who expects to gee it in highly drnma!ie. Though the first Mt Thelma Reid, '31 Duncan C. l\lurchison, '32 the .future. If, however, :rou expect to hns becn ~ritidz~d 0$ slow, I beJicve the later stop reading at Ihis plilY needs thnt eomparnth·c s](nvness to SPORTS ED!1'ORS of oourse, ro u hn\"C!I 't ::~:~Ituate tho swift pace of the lnst t\\·o Catherine W. Coel,hurn, '31 Docy Reil], '31 In the We1clon household Ulere is all Lindn Wntkins, Ill:! doc~ Ii vjJry COpy EDI1'OIlS ~reditabl6 of !lcting. mov Ilud Ruth E. \Voolcott' '31 Samuel G. 'l'ownshcnd, Jr., '32 other daughter who nlllrricd to the {'vory bit of pTllise should be giVOll hey. Winifred S. Bush' '32 Uoward J\I. Amoss, '32 unemployed son-inl:lw, and wit.h a.ll the 'l'he plot in l,ricf is this: )'lr. ·Weldon, Sara B. Robinson: '32 St<1nrord 1. Hoff, '32 fathcrtothisbrood,whoisll'.cryeou. nS forcm1l!lOf the jury, h:ls rClllly bet'll 111. SUStlll Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 ~\~ii:~~tiO,~~c :tncl 1~:~iZ~~:,e~~:::~:~; ~~ts~~n~~~~to~~r ~:~e ~J\:e)~r;:~!!O~:1:~c~·~l~: Betty Allen, '33 ']'hOllltlS III. Gonley, '33 Weldon, plnYlld yery (.apably by Freder. of her (leath, hut. in 1I'671U'(mli-m.e Marilla JTarri,son, '34 William G. Pyles, '33 if-ll l>~rry, hns hud to sen-() a~ jUl"y fore- goes ont WiUI her Jovcr, Gllr Boni, nWl1 nt thc trial of a WO!HllUwho murder. 3m] in II fit of bllle lind grner:!l unlllll· ber the ance, murders Worthy opinion; Model managemeJ1t~'Correct news.. cd inilucnell husba.nd, )'ir. !lnd lllrgely the through has i (COllliuue(l him. 011 Pago WcJa~Ol~L~~~~~~~b u~~g4~t~~_ ~ic~ ~rlll fail to be proud of sueh a team. At this t.ime, it is altog&ll}",l"f"fit- bug and proper to mention the llames of some of. tlle persons respOll- sihle f01" t11is strlllg or victories First of all, the coach deserves c.redit. Bichard C. Hadaw has eamed the right to be classed as one of the best conches ilJ the COUll- BILL FOLDS- tn'. In bis five years at Western ;,[aryland, he has a team that ean tal;c "its place with the best. In addition to developing the players of the team, he 1Ul.s plauned an immense number of pla)~s that DESK PADS- have bewildered every opposing d·efense. Besides developing H gl'enr. telllTI, Coacb Harlow has developed throughout his ell1"ee1' nt WestNIl CARD CASES-- Marylancl the fillest type or sportsmansllip in the men who have come in contact with him. KEYTAINERS- This space is too small to give the credit thM is dlle to e\"cl'y play- $60.00 Special er who has pal'ticipated in the past seaSOll. Tt will be necessary to Dis£ounl10 S!udenll mention o]lly tbose who will never phl~' anotllel' game in 'Vest.ern ASH TRAY SETS--- Ual'ylnnd nniform. Captain Panl Bat.l's st.anels at t,he head of the list. POI' two year.';, he has earned the replltntion of heing one of the best ends play-iug footbllU in tlle Enst. As it pass receivel' tllld as il When~- WRIST WATCHES--- defensive end. he has lcIt little to be desired. Jt i~ only I'ight that. he S1101.110"have bcen seleeted liS one of the team to represent the East ill '"\ PERFUMIZERS- the annual East.-\Vpst game 011 the Pacific Const. Doubt George Ekaitis, quarterback of the team, clesel'ves lilly thing of KODAK5- credit that can be said of him. 'Vestern Maryland has ncvel" lost a foot- ball game sinee he was given the job of directing the team on the field. TIe has mixed plays witll such good effect tl1at nn opposing team had to Give Her 'MB BRUSH AND MIRROR be prepared a.t aU times for anything. Cle-ver nt diagnosing plays at SETS th2ir inception und a tHIrd and sure tackler, Ekaitis lIas been fI towel' of strength as a defe1L'.ivc back Tn llis senior Y('(H". he has e!u'ned fI a Box of reputation as a bnll earl·iel' for the first lime in his college career. "''IT SETS Walter Wilker is one of the few mell at any college who call boast LEATHEh of playing in every game during the three )'Cflrs that he hns bcen PORTFOLIOS e:Ugible. During that time, his dependabil.ity has been his downfnll COMPLF as fax as a reputation has heen cOllcernecl. So stetlcly a plfl~'cr that his rC:;J1 worth was not. observed, he has been the bulwark of tht' TE DESK SETS line. Many a good play has heen sblrted well by fill opposing team =$5,00 ol)ly to find tlle \Va.y blocked by this powerful tackle. In 1 Ib,-2 Ib,-3 lb. nnd 5 lb. Karl Welliugel', hall-back and safety man, has proven himself pl,,)hnbly the most elusive rnnner on the team. He lms played a diffi- $1.O().........$7.50 WATERMAt Cult position alld played it well. His ql1ick thinking, l]il> ability at PEN AND FAND PARKER catching and running back punts, and his ability at brenldng tip long rOi.,vard passes combille to make him the best man on the team for his IN THEiNCIL SETS defensive position. Walter Kohout has proven his ability as a IhleSlnall b.v showing II]) We carry a complete Assortment DES.LATEST well at every position 011 the line. He has not always been a first string ma.ll, bl1t JltlS been a man who could be depencled upon in a pinch. There is not a harder, cleaner fighter OIl the tenln. Harry Lawrence, drop·kicker pal' excellence, is another who has sbone in the pinch. His ability as a runlling back. al]d his skill a.t dl'flp.kieking tIle ball between the goal posts, has stood ill good stead UpOTI severnl occasions this season. TIe has always been a man who ~ could deliver when necessary. George Usinger played his first complefe game in his career at $3.50 to $10.. Wpstern 1Iarylund against "}lal'yland Satul'da~·. Few would have I tliiso~r~:r:~~~·~ormanc.e. His showing was a worthy end to ~~$~~~Wl:~~ll~~~
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