Page 37 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COl ~erry l~apvy (!l:lrristmas NelU lear Vol. 8, No. 10 December 11, 1930 ORVILLE NEAL, '30 I UNIVERSITY OF MD. CO'llPLETES SUCCESSFUL ·BOWS BEFORE W. MD. YEAR AT V. P. I. IN SEASON'S CLASSIC GREEN TERRORS COMPLETE 29th FORMER WESTERN MD. GRID STAR CONTEST WITHOUT DEFEAT MAKES GOOD AS OOAOH Among tlJe honored guests, who visit Baltimore Studiulll, December 6_Dis· ed the Hill lnst week-end, was Western plnying II var-ied lind foreeful attack, Mnrvlund's own "Gi-easy" Neal, who the Green Terrors swept aside the hns just flnished u successful season aa Ilniveratty of Maryland, their Iaat op- head eoneu of rcctbnll nt Virginin Pcly- ponent of tho aeasou, to lind themselves State Chmnpions, with the Mayor technic Iuat.Itutn at Blacksburg, Virgfn- ill. Brcenlng Iroph,Y to prove it, for the aec- N~1l1 nrrtvcd here Thursi!a~' nrtec cud consecutive year. The 101000 yel- big the noon find wns the gnest of ''Dick'' Hn r- ling fnus wl,o had g:;lt.hered in to prove OI' trophy needed tow. He attended the pep 'Heeting that bowl, nl)i1ity of no cup Western Marytnnd the the ','IlS held in Smith Hali,}'rida)'C"('ning, end made n IJrief spccen before the stu- eleven to them, however, for although (hmt, body. Folh:I\dllg his tnlk he W:JS tho Terrapins fought stubbornly, th" Hnrlcw machine rolled up a total of 14 accorded an urn ticn that lasted for first downs nud gulned a total of 321 fully five minutes. At the game, Sat ,'ards before the battle was over. urdn~', "Greasy" wn~ on Ute bench be- aide his former coeeu. Among other things the vietory marked tho 29th game without dofeat Started a.t western Md. for the 'j'errore and gave Wcstern "Greasy" began l)laying collegiate Ma.rylnud an even footing with U. of football at Western Maryland College, M. in t],e number of games Wall by eacb whcra hf' made a splendid record as a in the twelve times that the two State hl!lfbnck. He was chosen on the All- institutions have met on the gridiron Mnryland team for twa eonseeufive Wcstern Maryland'$ customary Christ- since 1901, whan tho series was inan- s~asona, and eaptnined the team dUl" mas chnpel sen'iee will take place SUll'1 gurated. ing thnt period, 11eing tIle only Western ~:;;,,~~",mb",H, ,'7.15 P." j" Buk" g,;:,,'i'i'.::; t:::' :;~~7.t:,,!ai;,::::: Mn_ryllinder to receive that honor to The progrnlfi committee- 18 nrrlUlging found It impossible to erash thrOllgh the (or 1". ~""---,'~'- ~~,I' ),_ .. __ l.o.l ;"5, -.>1'''LI'~'~u~''y we'iJiaifmucont line~ ~n~:tlli~:iTl:n~1::t~;~:~~t~:;n6;';~Jr-[ii.,;rr;n~;';;;;;'-:';iii:;n:~,::.;,;:..j..\"""':~~!.S+'2~~-':" :llllcnburg Vilas .. This committee een· buek.irrg of Koppe, and aided by passes fomia, to pIny for lhe benefit of tIle lilsts of }.frs. Fnllme M. S~()ver, :Miss from Koppe to Bates and Ekaitis the f'lhriners' Hospital. a\\endolyn l\.f(llln, Miss Paulme 'Wyman, Terrors terminnted their sixty-five 'yard Upon the completion of his college eup. :;~:;r.car1 Schaeffer, and Dr. Clyde march with the only touehdown of the C:l.ref'r lit' nsainted "DiIlli" Harlow in AJthough Coaeh Harlow lI'as not pres· game. Hnrry Lawrence's elrj)ert left producing his ,...onder team of 192!) that ent, thc majoriry' of tile varsity squad B~kt'r Chnpel will be decorated by the too added the extra point. completed an undofcated and untied 'nlS then:! and all the club members. PIli Alpha Mu Club with OhriAtlllllS The only sad feature of the game, for season, eonsisting of eleven gnmes. It Urs. Faith Millnrd ReinhaTr Literary Societ~· won the an none yH(1 gain and when Chalmer's nual Inter·So~.i~ty debule with hcr trn· pass to Woads "'us knocked doWll Chal- ~\~. tOlI~1 t~:~ ~~ll~d o~::errp:~s:e~~oc~~::: CHAPEL S,EIiML',;;a~'after. 20- iug William and ]I,[ary College by n 7 -, the Rev. O. M. EI- ditioll(lj rival, Tn'ing Literar,v Society, ll\Cln pnnt~d to Lawrence on 3 the to 6 seore, a tram tlwt had seared two Tn Bnkl:'r Cil his acrmon on fhe on Friday, December 5, when the rep· )'!Ird lilJ('. T.awrenee bncked vnlds ~'esellt:~li\'es of the two societic$ met throngll left tackle nnd Koppe b~cked touebdowllS on Harvard !lIld emerge(} noon, Decen!,Oyalty of EstJlcr." 'fhis .n Snuth Hall to argue t.he question, the line for 2 yards ht-fore Clary punt. from the game wilh a 13 to 13 tie. His dcrdice _d,[t of the $!lries of sermons "Resol\'~d, that Nutions Should Adopt ed to the Terrapin (l5-yard line. next \,ictim wns Davidson, a comparn. 1 homeme liov. :Mr, Elderdiee has do· 11 Policy of Free, Trade". In' up· When Maryland got the bull, Pease ti\'ely unknown sehool but llaving 1l. wal!:d this fRll on tIle gelleral themc, helll the affirmntn'O or the question. s.nared one of Ohalmers passes nnd football team of slrong calibc.t. A 0 YHenus of God". Messrs'r Webster was represented Wood~ made It .first down out of it to 0 ti~ with Washl~gt.o~ and Lee; an "'J'h8 Book of Esther," snid Mr. El- Gttele~', Amos, and Werncr, OrOl!9 when he hit left taekle for 8 yards. ~!111~~ as nlt<'rnate. TIle Tn'iug deb~tors w~rq However, Marylnfld soon puntod 'again ~:~.l:e:;:~or~)~oot~~:: ::r!Ul~~r:Jnl: ~::1~:~\~l~~:'li;!:a:~:e.m~~t iSr::l~~i: 1\~eBsrs .. Truudlo, Evans, nnd ],[nrchison, lind the Terrora rau several ploys be. wuh Sllkcr liS 1I1terIlote. The judges of foro returning the punt. ::r: ~;~il~:& 7b~0:s s;:r~:tv~:~:g~~ ~':I,fi:~ea~iS,~g,~'hl:a~~~~~ ~:~aitl~n c~:~:~: the debate,. Prof. Isanoglc, Prof. liall, The first part of the quarter was, in- und Dr. Slll('cr, voted twa to one in fa- deed, It ]lunting duel between Clllry and ~~~~:,(a~'~d:l~ :o:~:~ll;la~e ttl ~:~S thut ~:t~I:~~:tl~eh~:;e::U;~'~~~:d~~:~, o~,:e;:~a/ vor of the negafive. ChullllcrH, but toward the latter IlJlrt either team, finislled his aten in the kooper; Haman, the ])rime minister; The affirmat.ive argued thu.t "'rhe Na. of the period Western Mardand start- hi~J,_ tc:BI:m:C~:ai~:~:l 6::e~:::i:l~' ~o;~~ 11,11(1 Vflshti, the rejected queen." tions SllOUld Adopt ~ Policy of Free cd a drivc. The drive began when Trade" for three princillal rensons: (Oontinued on Pagc 3, Co!. 1) State, and lost only to Y.t t t flr~ir~~,:d~~!:::;~;tr~;e:;sS~~a;:~7 ~:~ 1. Economic barriers mcnace world ~::;;~Ill~~:dot~::~::~l;:.n b: ;~\~~nW~; C/1nBC she rcCused to abide by his simI' pence. II tic. Mueh credit lllU4, Col. 2) mona to come to his court. Esther is 2, "Protective" tariffs decrease l'eOll' Seminary Students 'Will then chosen the queen. Having learned omie prosperity. (Continued on Page- from Mordecni of the plot to kill the Give Christmas Play flrC _____._ Found king, Esther r(!\'eals the eonspiraey 10 by 3. "Protective" tariffs peoples the are meAna e~- The Star Gleams, a very brief out· nnd nntions wllich A /umna Heip.ub ~~;i~~e:i~: 0:1~!~ea:,e~~~:8~~~~S r\!8!~: plaited for the benefit of small cla.~scs door nativity pageant, will be presented of "\'ested"illtorestB. a d
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