Page 36 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Md. aUtuUI.rn,aUubn, nUll ~nrtdt.rn Iff <1Dnlll 1!iIug 1BuHtugn f f Herbert. Smith, Dean of Freshmen at l&VING HOME ECONOMICS OLUB INTROSPECTION NIGHTMARE tI,e Uuiveraity of Illinois, gil'es some in- teresting viewpoints on tho "oollcgiate Splotches The usual meeting of Irving Literary Ou November 20, tlll! Home Economies of crimson and patches of green Last night type." He cluuna that this type is not Society was held in Irving Hall on .lIion Club llIet ill the Practice House. After charnctertstlc of colleges because it enn' Startle with wonder and pleasure serene] I dreamed I !Jad died, day, December 1. The following pro- the lmaineas meeting, Miss Horner gave Hot make the scholastic grade. Dean They fall on my eyes with such soft de Aud the gates of jjcaven gram was presented. a report on the happeuiuga at the Den Smit11 also gave advice to Fresbmen upon That light hnpfY I survey the (lolorful sight. Looked like doore-; Dormitory VN1/ul Brickbats ver Oonvention of the Stu(lent Clubs. As how to dress nnd on "dalillg." Resays Hernick VS. 'I'uekeruian n method of initiation, impromptu "No currioulum in soctnt usage is com And I stood and knocked I am Vocal Quartet- ~~;;e~l~esb:I~:::e~l:i~~der:~ those girls wish plete without a. study of the relationships But gold not alone with tho russet and Hard-hard. Saint Peter suid, '1'hen between young meu'and young women." Book Re~i~~I~gue, Lamb, Math;:;r, c~s:~i Miss Esther Righter was elected Of gray November growing old- "Sorry, you're too Intc-c- The dean objects to promisonous pelting Around me are. trees and eolcred rocks Too bad, Remarks' Evans :~;~~:~~:. representato-e of the program in public places. TIe adds however that Ben tt.cred at> if by a oareless hand The. door here. is locked Critic'~ Report he does not think it Js lHOllg to kiss a But seemingly plueed with Buell marvel- After ten c'elockl" Day )Iiss Ruth Heath, Director of t.he girl. Mr. Trundle ninde n few remarks on Home Eecnomtca Department of Schln oua eare Anonymous. the Webster-Irving debate. He urged dcrberg-Kurdle Co., Baltimore, Md., con . 'l'hat each in its place seems to be fitted the members to support the team OJ'. ::i'ri· ducted a demonstration on the prcpar- of "dllterecords" there. When grudcs como out of Minnesota. has And you hnve heard -c , .. ~~~r~f~::I.Jellkii~was present a~, ~!~~~C:~B~e~:n~ :~I:h:~:~~C~~::O~~~B at of the eo.eda of I look but my eyes grow dim witlJ thought I've failed in English, it's because were _P'_"_"_t._~_ Veiling with dreaminess the sunounding I forgot the "grnudma" of a word. ~;::~:c:c~::. remarks. Dr. Whitfield WIlS ,girls )'!ceuo; I bOlLst alleestry My thoughts go btlck to years ago :Messrs. Ola.rk and Wilson have heen ~ BROWNING Wheu my life for a while was a. dream- Bc~-ond l~obert of Cleye, aeeepted into the membership of the A beantiful dream that lasted for days But II little word like "man" 'I'be nwet~g of Browuing "Mendny Seems to go back to Eve. Society. The moeting was ndjourncd College T~ibrary has beel) But ellded with the usual ha~e night was yery un-literary. Broollls, In the Norman C011qnest with prayer by the ehapl:lin. sum of fifteen thousalld dOt mops, dust·cloths and fUrniture polish lars the Carn<>gie Corporation .of Of unsatisfied longing. 'l'llcre were forefathel's of me- littned the room, and !I domestic almos· R.obert Holder. But I find I'm out of the. picture phere l)l'rl'adod Browning llall. Cup- fi"e oun\101 i::';al~:~;:~;:. Wil~l~e C~::!~~: With alittleu-ord like "thee.". PHI ALPHA MU boards wero elenned out, und SQlI"! of the was founde!l under Ihe *i11 "Wife" hH a long, long histor,r Plli Alpha Mil wishcs to announce tlmt hrn.l"er mcmbcrs dung pre(,ariou&ly to the of lale An(lrew Carnegie. I lilw little things, light, Aud so has "bone" and "maid" Little sparks of .AUll Johnsou, Dorothy Billingsley, and window sills while they scoured the win· I LiLtle shafts of moonbeam But I can't rcmcmber History Mnrgatet Erb hlll'O been pledged to the doli'S. Needless to sa~', tim rool1lsimply So I get 11 low EngliSh grade. shines. One rel-el"ation of the meollt- Dripping i11 tl,e night. Anouymous. club. 'l'Q lop tlliugs 011', cider and ginger ing of the collegiate e{iitors ~t Little streams On TUe.!Idny, NOl'ember 19, the Club cnkes were seryed as a ju~t reward for 30 iSI,e rills LiHlo·ed 1\ hike to i\faple Inn for break· the College of Willi:llll and :MIlTY eOo~)).tl.l.~1~ ~:!,;~:~~~:s SEE l\obleatask. -~-- fast. ~~:t\l~'~~~!l t;~ltl~u~::;i~ ~;:~l;~' R. Mark Reed, '31 Ou Friday, NOllcmber ~2, Vil"a Reed, BLACK AND WHITE before Illlbhoati u, Little roads and little trecs, 17 LEVINE HALL and Mllry Orr Herring entertnined the with that failure to But not a lit.U(lo love, olub informally. comply witl, these will bring is. P1CI1$(l--please! OR The Frll.ternit~· takes vlensure in nn· Many of the Alumni and friends of the nouncing };fr. Gary Calvert, '3i, as n nstronsresults. Anonymous. E. N. HasselJ, '33 Club were present at tho reunion held on pledge. ========== ROOM 135 WARD HALL Thanksgiving Day. llo somll qnarters it is still a fa,'or· 'J'h(' Fraternity hns extended iuvita FOR Louise Stanley and :!!lllrgul"ot Hamil· tiOllS to the following persons to be its ilet~~~r the ili~~~~O~.~n.~~{~StL:~I~ ~he following .is cliJlped from the cdi CLEANING-PRESSING ton entertained the eluh on Friday, No· Guests of ilonor nt the dance after the lng of tho This i~, i",'idcntlnll' t.Ol"lltl columns of tho YcllolV Jac/.;fJt, the of vembl'r ~9, ill the club room. lI1ar~'lalld game: )lr. I)ud 1I1rs. R. C. or 61.'01l1~ be, the object of every 'nCl;:~ I ;:l~e~:~I:d,~~te wee};ly of Rllndolph·Ma Representatives Harlow, Colonel EGbert C. Gil~ Mr pubhcatlOn from the i\lnJ1C1H.,stcr(Guar. g U. \V. Miller Neil Stahley, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B n Y.W.C.A. Sprir, :Mr. Orville Neal, and~tJHi"g"adu :I:: ;~d~::~, Ei~:~;I:I~i~tCU~~:~lr~~.TI~l~(~ JUST GIRLS ating members of the Western ~raryland x.r~nge it is tl,at one institUtiOn,)I"I,ieh Girlsl God bles~ them all, Smith & Reifsnider On Friday I'ycning, No\"cmber ZB, at "ar~ity eienm. holds the disseminntion of tIle huU, Greal ~ Yes, nnil yet so small. 8 o'clock the Y. W. C. A. held lin infor· in high ~~J(l, ahoul(l forl)i(V ....anotl'er They uro frail little erentures Westminster, Md. mal ]»ITfy in McDIl.lliel RI1I1 parlor for DELTA SIGMA KAPPA to lI'arn un,] l)ubTitIi the truth. With dandy lit.tle features, "J J •• LUMBER, BUlLDING SUPPLIES Ilold l,ot air like U. S. blimps, that. the institL>th,r:-ci whiell impose such combined Cbristilln Assoeiation~. After :Urs. George Stooktoll Wills entertained Like a dirty little brat Testriotions are the colleges owned and AND COAL tl,o "Usual first greetings, fi short progra.m members of the club at a bridge-supper They tell yOll this and tllat. opel"Hted b.1' the Stnte of Virgini,]. De· consisting of n. number of playlets, rend at her homc on Longwell Avenue, Frit!ay They're never free frem fault; SASH, DOORS, BL1NDS AND iugs, and "Campus Croakillgs" was prc' \)\"~nillg, Noy('mber 2B. nOmi'l(ltionul and privat.e oolleges for They llCI'er call a halt. scnted under the dircetion of };[is~ Betty Delta Sigma Kappa announcCIi that the the mOBt pllrt impose 110 restrictions of TIleY just keep on :1·10I"ili'- GENERAL MILL WORK Cain. The remainder of the evening w~s ~risses Emilie Su~anna Cocke~', the kind. It is strange, UlOst Slrange, Some nggin'; some Sllo\";n'. spcntina good time. The Barbara Daskam Strow ha"c lhnt, n government whkh i~ sworn I.n a Soon or Inler they'll iall. "Grecn Gold Parrots" fUl"uished the been aeeepte{1 into fnll membcrship of Por they're human aiter all. thcclull. Weg~minster'll Leading Store Girls! God bless them all. GREEN TERRORS OVERWHELM GrenU Yes, and )'etso small. submittoa MUHLENBERG, 25-0, TO TOP \Vithout them, we would perish; ruling whiel, is so in jusiuulItio]1s EASTERN ELEVENS il1 l'egar(1 to lh{-ir 1)wn judgment. With them our ruecs flourish, be-- 'rl,,· Yellow Jrt~ket published in its Without them, thini, where you'd (Continued from Page 3, Col. 1) tirst i~su<' of the scssion all inten'iol\" ).!inus-youtnnClIsilysce. 11r. Riehll.rd Lco Ogburn, '25, was ao- Frni!! Yes! Dainty' Yes! ddenlally killed while working ."It his WestHn ~fd. Mnhlenbcrg a~ loud as a dynamite blnst, falher's lumber Summerfield, N. C. Bate!, L.B. GCl"nerd we Hecd thl'Ul all He is sun'ived by who WIlS :Miss Kohout J~. '1'. 1.nller Dorothy E. Hollnnd, his parents, Benson L.G. Wiener lind tI sister, 111ss )Jary Ogburn, ex- ......;.za;119>!-o-- Usinger C. Vincent ':!5. 13nrnett R. C. Parillo Miss Miriam Strange, '~5, is Regis· Wilker R. T. Mtltuska BARBER AND BOBBER Store Leading Westminster's trar at St. John's College, Annapolis, T/", Boo' },f",,, A" ",,""w, G'/t I K1einnwn R.E. Gillner Md. At t~e Forks Ekaitis Q.B. Carney ~~~ ~ .... Miss Vell'a I_cwis, ~5, ,,"us nlllrricd to Browll L.ll. 1.l.njercik RCI-. Kennet.h Burtows Grady, Oetober LallTence R.H. Bcrbnl" who(1isdainRIQrl'pl.ytnnn Z~, ]930. 1 .., Koppe- }'.n. Btltaliu "Ull8eaaol1cd c.olle::riate" but rCmurlf buggl tiM!;., tra\ellng mmstrels, pateut medlclue men, the IHustaehe cup the Western ~br}"land.UniverBily of SubstitutiollS-W. M. C'.-Llllllb for [lImper is thecollcetion nUtl puhlication and Ihl' falmlj album! )far~'lnnd football gume. Dr. Treadway Usillger, Brnbni
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