Page 44 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 44
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!J:Innnrn. (!J:lubn.null ~nrirttrn llutrr-(!1ol!rgintr \1\ L_ __ ~ ,- ~ NrUlll The Gettysburg Gettysburgian gives 'fbI'. following is condensed from an golf courses in the country. It has in BROWNING article by Henrietta Sperry Ripperger in creased the numbor of its tennis courts. the following solution of one problem of eollege Tifo. the Baltimore Sunday Sun and eut itled Polo is represented. The new gymnasium Phlfnmathaau Literary Society held its Last 1fonday evening Browning Liter· "The End of the Rah·Rah-Era." It is when ccmpletedy will be one of the great- mid-year cleetioll of ercAui, magazines, hllnd !lfr. Shanahan was a member of the Class of 1!l02, and wns ~ thousand of our people die every year made jewclry, Christmas juniors I J>rcsi.dent of t.he Alnmni Association ef Western Maryland Col· socks, cards, in aceidents. A statistician tells ns From "The Pioneer" of Cooper Union samplers, perfumes and lege III 192~. tlmt there ar'£! ten thousand peoplc is culled the following choice bit of poesy. "Furl)lel"lllOre," eontinues the News, It goes under the caption, "Tnternational You'll delight in these sketches of life ill Tidewater ~faryJand when alive in America who will be "~ollle up-and·coming havc gone" lllnrdered before the of the year!" V:.ssarish with their bicycles wllich they Ml's.:Meadeadyoeated that tho Unit· Hc put his arms about her, rent to such athleties:lslikctQ take their cd States join the "World Conrt, and Indulged in fond earess,- ex{'rcisc sitting down, even though they use its i.nflllenee to bring about a uni· Por he lI"a8 cxereising cannot sit down agaiu for a week ufter versal decrease of ten pcr cent in tho! His freedom of the press. Iheflrstexperienec." "lIrious national armament budgets un· She balked his kind intentions; I:~~~:~?~:~:;72:::..'! til the armaments were reduced into an She was a wise co·ed, effieicntinteruationall)oliceforce. And knew her ;"fonroe Doctrinc,- The Vail.'1 Studt..,.t from Indiann Urn· For continued information on this Hands off was what she said .-ersity contains the following statement. 102 S. FREDERICK ST. BALTIMORE, MD. subject, Mrs. Meade suggested that her He wai,'ed ller freaked objection, An eminent e.!lstern professor sa~'s that hearers subscribe to the Bulletin oftlJe Lawful to tbe core. the student must, whi'le in school come in BPI Shore romance, "1'hc Hallnnoncl Lot," is also illcluded in the N~tional Council for the Prevention of For the Monroe Doctrine contact with the opposite sex; this dnily volume. 'Var, at Washington, D. C. I~n't practiced any more (Continued in Preceding Colnmn) rIYrI'N.".IV ~ -.J'.y .
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