Page 43 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE BasKetball Boxing I SPORTS I I SPORTS I W. M. C. QUINT SWAMPS TERRORS INVADE HANOVER TWENTY·ONE GIRLS ARE BLUE RIDGE COLLEGE FOR INAUGURAL BOUT PUNCH - DRUNK;,; SEZ;;; HONORED WITH LETTERS Bnturday night the Terror Boxing Westorn :UnrJIIlR(1'siui\iaI1931 court Team lraycls to H;J.uover, New Hemp- girls were honored with Them thnr signs in the "Synagogue" !.'nCQunl first "wards presented by the recently Iu Tuesdar's grnuc was the uir-tight de· nhility hold dowu his same posttlon. orgllni~ed W, A, A, Miss Sara Smith, ill renee offered by our varsity. After the However, a bntt.le is being This skillful game of college boxing presenting the "M's" stressed the£act has gonc a long war since the ereation of starting quint \\'/IS withdrawn in ravor of for the other weight classes. thnt the girls deserve great credit for fisticnlling. Digging around lu history, therl,'servesthes:J.tlleeoll(litionprcl·ni1e!l. 145·lb. rcpresenmro-e has not been dcfin The record for the gr~atest number of winning the necessary fh'ehnndred points we find that the originn.l contest was not by participation in \'arious inter-class Hammill found himself lust night for itelj- ehoseu :IS yet. Crowthers and Bot- in bare.neted. rounils engaged in for one bout was thl' first tinH~ in two SCIlSOIlS, Ilnd walked ehera ute evelll), balanced. Licwcvur Bor indulged l'he contestRnts fonght ill 1825, Jnek Jones nnit Patey sports dUl'ing the past three years. This wore leather covering oil' I,ith EI~,eJl times ~hQfs holds tile advantage of fl year's sell. on their fi~ts, but Tunney, both of Englnud, fought each should be a great incentive to the Jess he sunk Raleigh Brown, soning under fire. the easing wns jutted with spikes. In other for ~76 rounds, or approximately fortunute girls. with nine field goals lind three fouls, The other stend of np, they ~A1t on rocks so fcur Jrours. The girls presented with "],f's" are: stage(llliru a merry battlp. nett-nrc dose to each illat they almost the Misses Caill, Coekb\lrn, Davis, Hamil· From the opening whistle "'estern touched noses, At a gil'en signal, tllcy ton, Hecht, Hogan, Longridgc, LyUcJl, lIftlrJl:md ,i'.'uped into lhekad ;J.uu from elns8, while B:nnctt has started 10 swing punehes aniJ the Ulun Puullh Druuk SOl'. he's glad 10 be back Ott, R!ll1111, Reed, Stanley, Todd, '1'1111, tl,en 011 the home quint WIIs never the llCllIJ'"weight rank$. Thns 115, who won wn8 the fellow who smllshed the again and iUc1(lcnta]ly-this year's box Crowthel', Ebaugh, :Mary HUlllphreys, h{'ailell 1130, (WId ]75·lb, r1il'isions mllst be filled other mnu's fore to a pulp 1111(1 killed ing schedu1e rends like a tour of the ,\Iarion Humphreys, MUrphy, TimmOllS, by newcomers, This sitnntion is not the him. All this 113ppened in nlleient Gl'oece, E:l~tCl'n St:ltcs-New Rumpallire, New nnrl';'i'cal'l)r, hest Ihatcould be asked J'Ot, blltn HM 'fork, )I3rrlllnd, Pennsyh'lInin, low-cO/lohe!l tellHl is neVllr ueaten before West Virginia. Join the see the mates was aulc to seore TIlore ihal' Oller. the final gong! TheagefLec, of Tililsos, won l--I~6 sllcces world; joiu the sqlwd ~nd StI,tesl ADVERTISE IN THE GOLD BUG Couch Rtnhle)' p"rmitt~d the 'lll'sity to stirk together 'in Ih(' g'lllH', rl'en :liter "ie· had been fls~ul'e(l, This prMtiCll ne(·ufl.l the will stand j]Le 'ferror (lribblers ill good steaa when tIle other stAte OPPPllcut& fl['e met lnll'r in the sell' Inn. thel'l'eslllliau s(juud wns tenms. Theil' THE ;favorite-whosc: COlItest kept the early nrril'(tls interested flashing hoofs have brought him pdor to the \·;.r~it:r {'ueollllter. This in ahead so many times! Again he g:ulle ('1llllll !leur to going an exh:l PCI" shows his metrle! Again he leads i011. but theF'l'eshmell 'Whites l.Jroke ill the final minutl'~ 10 dcfe:lt me field. Blueij, ~6 to ~2. Yar>!it.1' lin~'llp nml sllllllll;J.ry: \\'ESTERN MARYT,AND G. ~. T. \'oolley, , H 00 21 I. Brown, 1I1',rra~', I. 00 Callaghan, , 0·0 E,lgh·, f. 0·0 Hu",mill, ,. 11 00 O'L~air, 1. 0 0·0 Koppe, ,. [\·0 Well inger, g. 01 (,ln1')", g. 00 j,l,!lllll, g. 00 ONE L'II.-r('n"e, g. 0·0 Klcinnwu, g. 0·0 " Total$ 51 will always _H1,UE J~TDGE O. F. stand out/ Hurley, f. 0·0 Cltilrles, f, 0·1 ?llussellllfln, f. 0·0 Barr, e. KEEPING UP THE PACE ... LUmb, g. never letting down .. , that's what ~mi!h, g. wins on the track-and in a ciga- Tot~]s 16 rette, too. Chesterfield smokers stick to ~6 !!5-51 Chesterfield, because here they Blue HiIlg" 7 9-16 find those essentials of true smok- R~fer<,(L--M('ntCln_ ing enjoymenc which never tire. never vary: Basketball Scheduie MILDNESS-the wholly nat- ural mildness of tobaccos that are without harshness or bitterness. The llext g~lllIe for flle dribblers lI'ill be played in 13altimo"e l,('xt BETTER TASTE-such as only 'I'uc~d~y night with .1ohn.'! Hopkins a cigarette of wholesome purity l·uin·nil." ;]8 111.. {'pponen!s. The and better tobaccos can have. ,'est of the st'hc(lulc follows: J,-,n. :W~St. Joll11s at hOlllo .Jlln. BJ-Loyola awny J.'('h. 3-:'111. St. )1.ary's at ]10",e _Feh_ (j-H\)('knell :lwny Feb. i-Pen" State 1",,1,. lO-WII~hillgtl)), Colleg" al home l!'tb. 14-)1ar~'llIuu a\\'l,Y ~'eb. J7~Johl'S Uopl,jus n! home .I:'(>h, =':O-Fit. JohnH aw~y .Feu. !!4-Loyolll at lllllllE Fl'b. !!8~)1t. St. Alar~'!s )1ilr. ;--"V,~shington College away
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