Page 40 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 40
-- PAGE FOUR The Gold B~g, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md Intercollegiate News I a11nlUltll, a11ubll, nub §$ortrttrll I s~:,::":::"'::,::t~o~'i:',:::~,~tion,--f _f_~_o_l b__ i_u_!1---,----_ii_u_l!_l!_t_U_!1_ll_f_f_j IRVING w.w. of Notre Damets victory over Southern THE SPIRIT OF CKR1STMAS DESIRE California was nbrupfly halted by a The regular meeting of Irving Literary The W. W. Club has formally accept- suhccl prefect. About one thousand stu He was such a little fellow to be stand- May myoId age be like a summer's night Society was held in Irving Hall on Men- (HI into full membership :hlissesMillieent dent! bad gathered beiore n South Bend ing there On the street corner selling pa- Heavy with ccntentment ta dew, day, December 8. The following pro Allen, Elizabeth Andrews, Catherine theatre, preparatory to rushing it. A pers. He seemed to be pushed closer and Bright with the little st.-n!! of memory gram was presented. Baumgartner, Troy Hambecb, Kathleen poliee detnil armed with tear gas threw a closer to the lVall by the gay Christmas With deep sweet calmness through. Moore, Mary Ellen Senat, and Jane Wine. guard about the plnee, but the students shoppers, who were hurrying on their Serene with the breath of God's blessiug Current Topics Outten .Mr~. Faith Reinhardt, aponecr of the appeared to be getting out of hand when Like tho whispering of elms above, Reading. . Holder club, and many of the alumni were pres- the. prefect, accompanied by n number way, their urms filled with brightly cotor. May I hear in my heart the echo Impromptus ent. for the initiation on Friday, of officials from the school made his ap- ed bundles. I watched him from lin op- Of God's abiding love. posite corner for a few minutes. Each The R."lt Rules of Next Year-Rhodes ber the fifth. Decem- penrnuee. Mounting an improvised rOB" time, as a passer-by stopped long enough The quiet, the l1uBhof waiting Hoffa Field in the Moonlight- A group of the alumnae of the club trum in front of the theatre, the prefect, to buy a newspaper, II queer look of ex- Be with me the night along Zimmerman met at Hutzler's in Baltimore for lunch- in a few sentences, informed the gather- peetancy flashed over his face. He That my hlJ"llr~Ulay be glad in reeetving My First Grades Cairnes con before tfie game ou Saturday, De- iug tlmt "such things ore not done by watched each customer silently. No, they At its close . the dawn! Critic's Report eernber uixth. Notre Dame men." The gathering wouldn't give him fin extra penny-e-those Mr. Murchison expressed his appreeia- quickly dispersed. I p~op~ewith good warm homes to go to.-. Let me love the great sea and ships, tion for the support of the members at PHILO I ;"h~ good things to eat! He pulled the recent debate. The freshmen entert-ained Monday The stars and the open sky, 'Then is Man'.!! love proves deceitful Mr. W. Wright was received into memo night at Philo with a short original play, The Uuivereity of Nebraska plans to :n.~a~~:~~e~al;~sf~:~~:i(~~:'l:h~np:!:e~:a~ lsha11notdie. :~a\ra~~d~~:: ~!r~~es: "~~:.p:,~e:~:~~, bershtp. read br Jerry Parrar. Those taking part retrench its IlIllIetic department. finances his shabby sweater. His tbin little face There being no further buainess the were Dorothy Hull, as the hero; Louise ~~~na~:f n~:;~a:;:;Sn~i~t~:I:;a~ld!~e~ Let me rove- the blllzing quiet, meeting adjourned with prayer by the Needy, the heroine; Belen lIfcLaehlen, but allowance~. to all sport.s will bel reo and was jostled in andgout among the \VI,ere the descrt snnds lie lind hurn, ehaplain. the mother; May Russell, as Time, and duced. Tral·ehng squads 11'111 be sma ler, crowds. "'Papy" he caned in a shrill Then if my heart is broken Estelle Williams, as Morpheu~. After ~quil,menl purchases smaller and hans· I l,igh ,,'11 'b t b' d ,: I ha,'e II place to turn. tllis lHllltomime, Dot Hull and Louise u BROWNING portation hy ~l~tor instead of by train I Who t: re:/ ab:ut 19nlll~lrur::-~r Let 111elove the eool of evening, -_-- Ne-cdy ilanced to the tune of East Side, whe-nel'er pOl!slbe. when e\'errone wns filled with Christmns Tlle twilight lind the rain, Much wns learned about Edward Me· West Side, :lud Jerry Farrar and Dot spirit, and houscs were decorated with So if Illy soul is wounded Dowen, eminent American eomposer, (It sang "MomentB." A bronze tabled in honor of William holly find green leavesf A big limousine It will be healed again. the Monday night meeting of Browning. pm ALPHA MU Barton Rogers, Ihird professor of nulural dro\"c up 10 the curb, and u Indy, stylish· Jane Kriner told the story of hia life; philosophy at the Uuivcrsitr of Virgiuis, IIJ~ dressed iu a squirrel coat and wearing Let me 10\'eIhe world and its bell havebeeu aecepted into full memOership. ginin, commemorating Roger$' affiliation a beautiful lady stop and talk with him knowu song, "To a Wild Rose", after Marion Humphries and Mildred Hor· with the Univers.ity of Virginia nml the was like a Christmas story, in whieh which Evil. Dryden played this seleetion, sey entertained hte club informally on D. S. fiEHR & SON also, "An Old Trysting Plnee." Friday afternoon. ~:;:::h~:~~tsw~:a~it~~:m~:r ::c!~n:l~~: IlI"cnt- awa)",w~~~eg~~;,:nl~al~!:d~ln~:tl: ginia faculty from 1835 to 1853, went to "grecn note JJ thot she had giyc.n 1lim. (Established 1866) Abbtttottttl g,port NrlUll ~i~~t:el;s~:~q, ~:e:eer:ee afsO~::d~~s~l;r;s~: ~I~~:~V~(~il~)~o:~'i:~ ;:~;~~~e~;P)~':; ~~: Wholesale and Retail shrillness. dent frum 1865 to 1870 and ngnin duriug the yourH 1878·81. LYNN ''lOOD. HARDWARE Today's dediealien exercises, held in Phone 318 1930·31 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE STATE COLLEGE SCORERS IheCobb cbell\icallaboratory, oeeurred on the one hundred, IwentY'six!], annivcr· I THTS WU~T~BE TID] LAST ISSUE Westminster, Md. Deeember 19-Nayy-Away. Try for sary of Rogers' birth. Q}' THE GOLD BUG T. F.G. Pt. TL UNTIL AFTER THE HOLTDAYS January l3-Blue Ridge College- Berger, Maryland .. 12 o 0 Home. Koppe, W, Md 11 ~ ~~; An internationll.l drnmatie conference Smith & Reifsnider Turnbull, Hopkins .. 9 M:ERRY OHRISTMAS TO ALL! January 20--.Johns Hopkins University Armaeost, St. Johns 9 o 0 54 was lleld at Hood College, Frederiek, -Away. Popplema n, Md. 8 o 0 48 Maryland, December 5 and 6. The pro \'V'estminster, Md. ~:v~!:~l~l!;stl:e::l:l:: ~::::!: ~anuary 29-St. ,Tohn'~ C'!)l1eg""_lIome Doughty, W. Md ..3 7 o 0 42 gram was featured by Il-peeehes from C1Ullmeu, Md. January 31-Loyola, Home. Kirn, Navy 6 g ~ i~feer:;s "Dad" SMELSER LUMBER, BUILDIN~ SUPPLIES-- Garlin, Loyola 6 o AND COAL February 3-Mt. St. Mary's-A",,·ay. Oannon, Loyola 5 0 30 ed during the course of the meetings. The ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, Hurley, 'Navy 5 o 030 activities were eonc.luded by a formal Fe.bruary 6-Bueknell-Away. Ekaitis, W. Md. ., .. 2 o 1527 dinner in Coblentz dining lUlll. COLD DRINKS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND February 7-Penn. State-Away. Mll.eCartee, St. Johns 3 o 1 9 425 27 Open Every Nite Until 11:30 GENERAL MILL WORK Lawrence, W. Md. .. 3 F-ebrum'y 10-Washington College- Brubaker, W. Md... 4 o o 0.2,1 Undergraduate girls at 'Vheaton Col· Home. B. Lynch, Md St. John's 4 ~ o 0 0 24 18 lege, Norton, Mass' l are conducting Amer· EVERHAR.T Kier!lnH, February H-Univorsity of Maryland Brown, W. Md. . 3 o o 0 18 icanization elasaes in tho town. MallY of Westminster's Leading Store -Away. Woods, Md 3 2 o 018 13 the foreigners there are hllndicapped by BARBER AND BOBBER P. Loh" St. .Tohn's 1 February 17--.Johns HopkinH Univer· Delh,ire, Loyola 2 o o 1 13 an inadequate knowledge of English, a At the Forks COndition which the college girls hope to Hity-Home. Gannon, Navy 2 o 0 Ferne, Mt. St. M 2 012 alleviate. The professors of the depart· February 20-St. Jolm's College- Bolton, W. Md 2 o 0 12 menls of psychology alld eduealiOIl ha,'e Away. indorsed tile work, sinee it gives stu· SEE February 240-Loyola-Away. "GREASY" NEAL '30 MAKES GOOD dents an opportunity for tCMhing and R. Mark Reed, '31 lin exeellent chance for soeiologicalstudy. Februsry 28-Mt. St. Mary'8--Rome. AT V. P. I. 17 LEVINE HALL The elasses are lleld two evenings a Mareh i'-WaBhington College---Away. week in the Norton sehool building. Ele OR (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) nwntary English, spelling, and prolluncia· E. N. Hassell, '33 lion make up most of tIle schedule. 'fhe his showing sinee he was undcr the ROOM 135 WARD HALL GIVE THE HOME FOLKS A haudicap of introducing an entirsly students lire 01so offering high sehool FOR English for those who have had previous /lew system of football at V. P. I. !lnd CLEANING-PRESSING GOLD BUG SUBSCRIPTION it was not until themWrlle of the sea· training, and there are a few special Representatives of son that lIny drive eould be expeeted in subjects. taught also. Westminster's Leading Store AS YOUR his offenae. In spito of Iheso diffieul· U. W. Miller ties eonfronting him, he produced the ~hY.Y.V""h:-:;:::::::::~~.~..v.vNh! OHRISTMAS GIFT VARIETY best team in Virginia. (Contiuned from Pn"ge ~, Col. 5) Maryland- Western Maryland Football with the situaHon of his OWndaughtcr as The "good old days" ~~ Statistics a murderess is powerle8~. .A~ the good of buggy rides, tral'eling minstrels, patent medicine men, fhe muslllche citizen he rants back Rnd forth that j'us nately for the Weldon 1'amily, the report. ~t.:"olIt])nWn~ . tiee and law !Uust be preserved. l"ortu· and the fmnil,1"album! fUP ~ ~ 1.,0"t'I1l!J1 on downs. er, a elever cllaracter enacted by a clever You're taken hack t.o the charming Eighties ill ~ ~'orward PU""" . ,'o,"ward ],nMes, completed . man, Glenn Anders, takes commaud of the situation, and Mves the girl by pull· ~'orward pn"SEs, intercepted by O,"Th' L'"~!:t'~;:,""::'";:':h~:~:~I ,ards gnined, ~orwnrd pu"" •... 'ard. gamed, llltercepted pM_e. ing political whes with the distriet at· Lnternl p,..~u . torney. STEAMB~~~ ::::::::n DA YS ~ LHt~ralpas"es, com"l~ted .. f:~~:f~~~e~,;~~!r~l...=~.::.. Yards g~ined rn_bing . Yards lo.t rubing . Pennltie•............. "In Mell.nt" " shows ltll effeet on .Mr. Shllllnh~n was a member of the Class of 1!)0:!, and was ~ ~ r.:,~'l,i.;O~~.~~~Ifi"". Pr<,sident of the Alumni Assoeiution of Western "Maryland Col· ~ Heco\"ored br . ~ lege in 19:!2. ~. 'l' . Tot ..l ~.~d"lost . ;::i::~:~~£~'!;~;J",:,';:gth~~';,~!'!;,[,,· Yon'll delight in thesi' sketches of life Tidewater Marylnnd when ~~ in INDIVIDUAL RUsmNG REOORDS idiol eould sit· r v" ~ "Bte8luboat'u'" on the Chesapeake \Vasin its he,·(!ar. play IIlld commell{llllg capilal pUllishn: ~porl"r 111 Standard E(!itian, :J':!.OO, from ~'our bookstore, or or(ler rlireet from the "In Ihe Meant t capItal publishers. llUnishment give b'~"'O"tJI ~ Spccial De Luxe Editio.n, $,1.00, fi\'ailable from publishers only. ~ Ihrill that war ,,~ safer-it's a ma men ~ murdering onem It ;;: TEAM REOORDS dering another. Western Maryland Maryland Kumber of kickoff •......•. 2 ""mber of klck·off•................ ~~~·~ ..........R~;~.RNo~ .•b.•_.l.•i..S_.l.:l._.i.•n.__!..A•••LC.•T_.I.~••:NN'.·~R~M.C"""""~.~.~~~ Aveuge length of kick·all ..•..... ~~;t:~~:l:~~;~~:~~~;:~n':-Jd: '~~t~;~ ~8ternShare romancr, "The Hamm01td Lot," is also included in. floe ""II Average length. of Mar~IBnd return tlolwtle. NumMr of punt~ .....•. 10 Kumber of p"nt~ . Av~tIIgelengtb of punts ..•....... 42 ,\"erlig
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45