Page 33 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COl LAST BIG LEARN THE PEP MEETINGS NEW SONGS AND YELLS OF THE SEASON CHEER THE TERRORS TONIGHT and TOMORROW ON SATURDAYl Vol. 8, No.9 WESTERN MARYLANO COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, Mo. December 4, 1930 OIL BURNER STARTS FIRE Col. Leavitt Inspects College Calendar Annual Webster-Irving Debate is WHICH THREATENS HOME R. O. T. C. Unit Scheduled for Tomorrow Evening OF PRESIDENT WARD R. H. Leavit.t, R. O. T. C. Offiaar of THURSDAY, DECEMBER ,t- 6:30 On 'I'huraduy, November 20, Lt. 001. Pep Meoting; Smith Hall; the Third Corps Area, inspected the P. M. "RESOLVED j THAT THE NATIONS SHOULD ADOPT A POLICY CONFLAGRATION IS SECOND ON military unit ut Western Maryland Col- p.RmA Y, DECEMBER 5- OF FREE TRADE" IS QUESTION CHOSEN FOR DEBATE COLLEGE HILL IN LAST loge. Col. Leavitt is Ul charge of all Webster-Irving Debate; Smith THREE WEEKS R. O. 'I'. C_ units in ~be TI'iI'd .Ocrpe Ha.!l; 8:00 P. M. Preparations arc being made for the annual Inter-Society debate Aron, and is stationed at Baltimore. S:\TURDAY, DECEMBER 6- The home of President A. Norman After about fifteen minutes of com· Varsity Footbafl; Western Mary which will take place in Smith Hall on Friday evening, December 5. Ward w:ls threatened by fire 01\ Satur- pany drttt, ille battalion was reviewed land versus the University of It was Webster-a privilege to select the quest.ion for the debate this (lay, November 29, let about 11:30 A. by Col. Leavit.t, who expressed great hlaryl9.ud; Stadium; year. Irving was permitted to consider the subject and choose the )1:., which originated in the oil turnnec satiafaelioll in the performance. P. 1H. side that it wished to uphold lu the basement. The l.Ilaze was dis- Tha inspection was held merel)' to SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7- covered by tue maid, and thll fire de- note t.he unit's progress to date. Tilc College Sunday School; Baker The question for debate which Webster selected was one of the partment was immediately notified, the rnting of tho school is judged on the Ohnpel; 9:00 A. M. three t.hat were chosen by the Pennsylvania Council for inter-collegiate prompt tespanse of which prevented llnmw,1spring inspection, in whir." the Baker Chapel ~erviec; 40:30 P. M. debating at the annual meeting of the Council in Tlarrtsburg, Pennsyl- sertoua dll.mage. The bla ac was ext.ln vuricus phases of mi.lilnry wod, nte tao MONnAY, DECEI'IfBER8- vania, on October 11: "The nations should adopt a policy of free guished with chemicals. ken up more in detail. W. W. Banquet to 1930 Football tmde": "'flH~emergence of women from the home is to be deplored"; At the timo of the diseol-ery of the Team; College Inn; 6;00 P. I'lL lire, the flames weru aeverat feet in Literary Socicties;'7:00 P. M. fwd "The states should enact laws providing for unemployment in- height and were being fed from n pool SPEECH DEP'T PRESENTS TUESDAY, DEOEMBER 9- aumnee=. webster Literary Society of oiI around thc mofor of the oil fur- S\)einl Clubs; 7:00 P. U. CHAPEL SERMON IS BASED eetcctod the first of these three subjects. naee, the reason fortllis pool of oil, FIRST PLAYS OF 1930 Shakespcnre Club; McDaniel Hall It is a question of vita.! concern in this not being conclusil'ely known. The Parlor; 8:00 P. M. ON THE LIFE OF DANIEL country, ill England, and in other parba fuel t:Jnk had just been filled II few of the world at the prescnt tinlC. Mllny minutcs before the fire was dtsccvercd. Tho college players, under tllll direc· WBD.NESDAY,DECE:MIlER 10- arguments call be advanced on both By the t.ime the fire departmout ar· rlon of Miss Esther Smith, head of th(,l Y. W. C. A.; 6:45 P. lIL The Rt'v. C, 11[. Eldo.rdiee dcliver>.'d sides. The existing world'lI'ide finan· rived, tI'e IlltIues ,,'ero touching the cpil- Spee~h Depllrt.ment, presented two onn- Y. M. C: A.; 7:00 P. M. t.he regular Baker Cklpel scrmOIl 011 cial depression adus to the interest and Lngof the b(18(mlent,nnd the woodwork aet plays ill Alumni Hall, 'l'hanksgiviug W.M. IS REPRESENTED AT is an t)vidoucc of tbe t.imclinesesof tho had conllnence(l to burn. Dense smoke night. Duriug the intermission a doll" ~~;I~::t a:::r~~sol;er::;:~UI',I;e~s:~' D~~~ qucstioll for public discussion. It is ex.- from the oil nre made it impOBsiblefor ble f]uartet sang sevcral selections. iel 6:10-"Nol\' wIlen Daniel knew that pected that the coming dcbnto will lhe firemen to go into the eellar imlllp., The first play, "1Ifaizie", by Ruth EDUCATION CONFERENCE h, ",,,1,," provc olle of tIle most interesting in dintel)' upon arriving. Window panes Giarloff, depiats II struggle between two __ tI" "',iti"g ..." 'igoed .. reeent years. One of the primnry rea> upon his knees three times n day, anJ had to be broken ill order to release characters, one mercenary and mater· Bons for the selection of this question purt of UJCsmoke. As SOO]Ill$ the ialistic, the oti'er hard working and Doetor Wilb, head of the English D>.'., ]~~l\:YCd,nud gave thanks before his was tlmt it is el'1)ceted that the samo smoke had slightly decreased in den sincere. Maizie, dissatisfied witl, her partmCllt at Western Mnryland College, I God, as he did uforetimo!' resolution will be used by both the Illell ~ity, lhe fire was extinguished witl, husband and lit.t]e one .room lipnrtment, attended a eonfe.renee of "'floe Agso- ThC'R(w. Elderdice compilred the life and women in inter-collegillt6 debate. ellClllicals from the truck. evoked the $ympathy of tile audience ciation of Coll~gcs and Secondary of Dnniel with the life of Joseph. lie Irviug will uphold the affirmative. The only caaullity of the fire was sus when her child was takcu from her und Schools for the, Middle States nud said that Josllph was II Cal)tiV(l in Teams Selected tained by Norman Ward, Jr., who eut s]1e-was brave e-aong]' to Illeet the sit, Maryland," on :Friday (lnd Sntnrdny, Egypt lInd Daniel II captive in Baby- Webster be represented by Joseph elimbe.d from a state of NoYe1Ilbl'r28 lind 29 at Atlantic Cily, lou. untiol] aud fnce her b.rokeu hearted will l,is foot when kicking out glau pnnc~ Ilusband. Tile entire atmOSI)hem was Messrs. Oealey, Werner, '33, and during the early stages of the fira. 'rhil OHeof. tragedy, ~:~' :~:a;~~~ S:;:~~~~:t:~;~.~~c:~J~:~~~::;:!._~~oa~~ ~",,'~'l,W';f\' ~~.~ -- FfmlfipnIarmrngesW'€'i'efllosecaused by lIate. Irving will have as its repre' the oily smoke, wllieh filled the inter· The east- 111IdDaetor WU'Je,:t:lI chosen to rep- slavc.r." to Ii position next in rank to sentativcs Messrs. Tru:ndle, '33, Evans, ior of the hou~e ~nd left the "'nllB, Mniue Nelson MisB Todd resent Western :Maryland C6l1ege. Thir; bolll Nel.luehanezZll.rand Dnrins. Both '32,and MurehillOIl,'32, wit.hSliker,'34, furniture, and d'rapery in various de· John Nel~on Mr. Newcomer eonferenee is au annual affair, !Jell! on JOSej)hand Daniel were dreamers and ~s alternnte. Three of the eight debao grees of blackness. Tho ext~llt to which All1lieDonOl'all Mis~ Collis'on the Friday and Sn.tu.rdn.y following inlerproters of dreams, aud b~' their in· ters are members of the Society teams dreams lhey gn.ined $ight 1.0interpret Thanksgiving each year. The COlivall- the fu.rnace was damaged, is llOt known Tho second play, "The Travelers", 11 tion convened this year at IIaddolJ Hall the fllvor of kings. of last year and two took part in i.lI- at present. comedy by Booth Tarkington, was es· Hotel, ill Atlantic City, aud the atten· t<:,r·eollcgiatodobating during tl,.o for· U1nall of Daniel's di,'ersifiC(llifc, he pecially well east. One lost sight of dnnce II'as th.e largest sinee the orguni- IJurposcd nel'er to deflle him~clf, e\'on ensic season of last year. the fuet t.ho La Sera, Jessie, and Mr. JUNIORS GIVE ANNUAL Robert~ ,yere friends from the campns zation has i.JCCIlformed. thougl, it meant refusnl 10 ~at 1he On the first day, Friday, 0 goneral He purpos\'u iu W. M.· U. of M. GAME WILL PARTY TO FRESHMEN for they became Tarkingt.on's living meeting was held iu which the mnjor king's 1lIe.~t. He partieipal'cd ill noth· as the cllataet,crs, aetillg voluntarily ing that was unclean. problems ill the field of education were sit.uation al]owed. discussed. 'fhe ~ffairs of the first (lay hia heart n'H'cr to 'soil' his eltaJ':!l'lter. DECIDE STATE TITLE Por one evening a uight'elu!), the The cast-- eulminnted il\ a dLJlJJert]nl! evening, at Tn his old age, Daniel is tested again. "Junior", flourished (1lICollege Hill an(l Le Sent :Mr. Stillwagon which the United State!!. COlIlll\iB~ioller Tit\;f of Ihe annual Junior llllrt~· for the 1fr. Roberts :i'>1r. Sui1iYan address_ He had also spoken enrlierin fault "'itlt him e~llOpt to in\'olve him tho groatest gridiron seasons the State of l\far.l'land has ever witnessed will be Freshmen, which was held this year in Mrs. l~oherts Miss V. Smith the aHd was tho olltstanding sperd,· in his religious prineiplcs--u truly great given free rein on Saturday When Wes· .McDaniel Ilall parlor on Fridny even- Jessic Miss Myers e.r of cOlt.fereneethis year. SRtllrdny tribute 10 pay to allY human boing. So tern Maryl:ond meets the Univer~ity of ing, November 21. Luige Mr. Day was del'otetl to special mootings of tile thcy lwei Darius to decreo t]lfIt ever.I'· The parlor was (lecornt>.'dto r;_'pn)' Marin j\[isslIeclit "llriou!!.d~partlllellh of Education, sueh onc should worship tho king for thirty )'I.ilr.l'landin B:tltimoro Stadium. Since sent II (\abHret with v3ri·eolored crepc Salvatorel'llr. Amoss as Engli~h, History, (lnd 110forth. Thl!. dn.vs, tho violator of this dCl~reeto lw tht' teams of Ihase two institutions have paper strea.llINS and balloons. Yards Mrs. Slidell Ui~s Gallion preside1,t of Oro"o City College /Illd cast inro the 'Dell of Liolls'. Bul D:,n together subdued nil eollegillte football of scrpentine eonfetti hurtled through Jo'redS]jdell Mr. Weag!y the priucipal of .Atlantic City High icl \\'as JlO~reluctant to show his fl,l- opposition within the State, the yietor ill Saturda~"s contest will c>l.Iviously the air '.'lndentllngled the Cl.'¢W(1.As ihe I The mfln ill the doorway School spoke on various points of edu· ligious principles. Still he praycd tJlT~e ]lOSS('SStho right to WCllr the State cabnret guests entered, they were greet· )lr. Wendlandt cation in rt'lation to an HgCof ehnng· Championship crown for ]930. ed by the hostass of the Jllnior ~ight The LwOplays w(lre presented in ex' iug eivilization. tilhos a da~', opcning Ilis windo1\' til, wurd Jer\l.~aloJll,l\llowing that., as a re- 'l'hc!l.e~onfcrences are vcry valnable, Clnb; Pat Murphy, in her ~nhllltnlile I'Ct cOJltrast, tIm first slow and d('finite as the.\, permit tite lending educator's of suit, he would be t.hrown into the 'Den Crit.ics who have so('n both Ill.ams f(lsluoJl. Soft, man)' !lolorcdhghh, and iu lIlo"em'C'nt tragic in feeliug the this sectioa of the count.ry to get 10' Il()rform this season admit that each the lI\usic of the "Green nnd (l(lld Par- second ~wift :nO\'ing, light and h~lI\or. gether to exchange ideas nnd disenss nf Lions'. In snch a situnl"ion, many has an even break to win, with p~rhaps rots" (straight from Broadway, my ous--an excellent contrast ill dramatic the prohlems of El1ncation_ people would hOl'e prUYN! silcntl~·: a slight advantage in tho. strength of deM!) ndded to tho illusion of a cub· work. sOllie would have rntionalize(l for tho the Western Maryland line. However, Inct. Tha dOllblaquartet,composQd of Miss sllke of expedieney. But Daniel ]lnd the 1l0aChingstaffs of both institutioll.':l Like nl! good night·clubs, tile "Ju· Bnsh, ]fiss Hobby, Miss Rull, Miss Nel· "SINKING OLD MARYLAND" prnyed :;JI his life, und would not dis, are not taking things 50 lightly. Euch nior" put (In all exe(!llent show for Iha son, :MissStrow, I1fr.Woagly, Mr. \Vl'cr- contlnuo.tlltlprnctiee. With auill,fuil.h, rcnlil':es that the fillnl teat of whetlJer cntertninment of its putrolls. As the net, Mr. Whitfield, Ur. Hld~T(licc,sang T'ILnc: "Gillc y{)lJ/rsIJ1f " Pat OI~ the Daniel was less tronb]ed in thO)'Lion's either will have a successful season, {Hi performers eUl\le down the steps into the following numbers: Back." Dell' than was the bug ill hi~ palace far aa loen.l f!lns and Alumni :Ire eon· the rooHl,they were introdneed by Pal Moonligllt Eaton Faning A.rounl1 lhe cuds and bucking the Great was the rewl,rd of':l'af::t"ith· cerned, lies in tllis big p
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