Page 32 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 32
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!UanJ3pn,(!UubJ3,aUlI ~nrtrttpn Alumni News iug iuntugJ3 f f Peg Llnmiltou, '31 CEROLE FRANCAIS W. W. NEWS ENDURANCE The Tcguhu meeting of the Oerclc 'l'h~ w. gillHI. 1 wO.lldn 61,;<11 J 1:,.1'1' Hud Frallcuis was held in McD:1I1icl Hall par- thllt the ),li~sea lHillieent All('II, Elizabeth the revered vtunge \\"n~ m~rrring J::nd!U·llnceofOH'pr0l'erkind1 lor all Tllcl!(!ay evening, November JS at Andrews, Katherine BUlnllgartner, Eileen ?f] .. George Hansel! Philedclphiu. They test the utuletcts power ofstrcngth, 1.30. Aitcr thercadiug of minutes nnd Evans, 'rroy Hnmbsch Kathleen Moore, Fur a lonl\ time the groom hllil been the Thc plane ill ; Will, "pu/oUir,. /0 JOo!Ice 1{ilm,,·. Dr. BOlluottc T11~l"rrneh Countrysi!lc Alln Clough _\1 the "Dad" SMELSER ])l!S.cription of l~ouell Maric Tallllcr ,\rrival at Puris in the statioll 6:liot ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES. COLD DRINKS 'rr!lwders, C(lthorioe Lynch and Ann Opcn Evcry Nite Un'cil 11:30 RuHle Mr. Rissey Yi~w of Pads from u ta_~i, Smith & Reifsnider :Mildred Johnson .f<'il'ot dinner in Paris: gUl'ct \'{/"estnlinster, Md . Trnvelers, ~fadeline Murphy und lI[u- 1'iel Bishop LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES ·Waiter Mr. Dixon At IlLI" lIleetillg lIf l>hila Nf1\"~l1!ucr 17 AND COAL The meeting was closed with the sing· Ihe cntOl'tnilllMnl cOl11mittee presented ing of the ".Madelon" and "T,a. Mnr· the following iutl'rcsting l!l·ogr:nl1. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND seiU~ise." Poel1l "Gypsy Heart" GENERAL MILL WORK "!If1ll'iel13iflllOp t'jolo . . "G.,·ps~· .LOYC ~olLg" IRVING \Vinifrc,l Bu~h Pocm AN HOUR OF REAL lrdng Literary Soeiety he.\d its usual ).:\illlrl:d RaHill ENJOYMENT 1Il!'cting last l1OIl(lay night. The llleet Poem THE ing WIIS called to order by Presideut ColoniallDn Golf Course? Edwards, !l11(1 after prayer by ehnplnill the following very inter<'sting program DELTA SIGMA KAPPA 50 EA ST MA1.N STB gET wn~ rendered: \\'l~R'I':lrINS'J'ER, MAHYL ..\ND L Talk by EI'an~ on, "Yon l111d Sue. D\'lrl! SigllUi ~nll\)ll1IC(,S Hwl cess." t·l,e )'fisses J1rowII, Susnllll" Open Week Days ~. Current Cl"cnh, Outtl'.lJ. ('''ekey. Barbara Pask:ilU, nut! SUSlln 10 A. M. to Midnight 3. Novelty lIJusiclll seleetion, Rathbun, ~1~~I~.\\" ha"1' ltcCll form~I1~· lo],'dgeD jo the Open SlllldayS w. M. C. IS REPRESENTED AT 1 P. M. to Mldnight _,: .n-"~~~;~~~n~~l~ogue. . 'fhe. .\Ji~8e~ ("ru>:;~r. lloll;lI~OIl !l,)d JOINT "Y" CONFERENCE 5. "A downtown student Look$ at Col· I W:'ir entertained the ,·lu\) ut 11 l)ritlg~·tc!l (Colltillueu Irom Pagr 1, CoL 4) lege HilI," Katz. tlll~ ..tfternoou. . fn-h'b('(·lIll1enlllOT(·""i('kly"whitc .. \t Muriel :tnd U,ll·Y last the dO,Of 11";18oJl~ned, uud the groo]ll After pnlyer by ehaplain the meeting will ~ef\"C 10 lhe·elul" l1lld the best OHm, SOllH'whnt ruffled ill adjourned at 8.00. nWrnilll!". 7\'oYcmber :23. :t]JIJllara"ce alld 1111'[01' tilL' ga7.c of e,·cry- ollcinthechUI'ciL,w:!lk!·(ilotl\c,dtarfo. Iheee:relllony! CHAPEL SERMON IS BASED 'ON EVERHART DIVINE GENTLENESS (Continued from Page I, CoL 2) BARBER AND BOBBER Ar rhe Forks "Tho genthmess of God a~ 1'evesled througl< ellrist. is astounding. l'hrougll God's gentleness, David till! shephel'd SEE I,)<).}' heralD" tllo king of IsrHol; through R. Mark Reed, '31 GRIFFIN'S His gentleness the primitive Abram 17 LEVINE HALL llcc:Jmc f.he. fnith.ful Abraham, Jallob Goodie Shoppe I)(,[arael, :Moscs becfiUlIl II. lawgiv. OR er, the vueillatillg Peter became a nms E. N. Hassell, '33 t .. rful !"imOI1, the enemy Snul uecame ROOM 135 WARD HALL 59 West Main Street th" triumph,..ut St. Paui. :Morco"er FOR God's genncne~ij Ita lliilllifested in Dn whcn Kaplun T'egistcn'{j \111U CLEANING-PRESSING l'id made him great. It caused Davia fNIlIl ool$i(i,' tlj~ pl'unltr urea. 'l'hl' SODA,CANDY,TOBACCO Hn(] C~nl)i1~ w('re to spne Saul's life. [t mode it pO.9sibl\J finnl TC!Tur COuntel"S ~·lWle ill the lilSt l'nil<.'l1 Stllt('S :I~ "S(,rvie·c nnit$" and Hcl"iug' Representatives of KODAKS AND SUPPLIES I"CI ]1nl(,1o fUlIc- fo,· hill! to forgi\·e liis nnfltithf.ul SOil, '1llflrtcr: "Et~IC1", resllhstitlltc .for Nuhle. lill1(, re· U. W. Miller too AUs:dom. It (·tluscd his heart to be 6~OI'e{! the pllinl. liolling Ilwuj!hi. ns j)UI'H.'·OI'S of ligiolls s('nsitivc to every motion, to cry out The Greefl nnll (:01,1 t('WII ~1to\\"{'(1 for J'Ol'gil'l.'He88 when he hlld simlNI, 1ll,u·ked i]]jJlrO\"Clll~llt"vcr pnst pcrforlll- Ilnd to sing pr"i~es for God's !Hercy, and It''c·(JS ('speei:tll~" in telllH\\"ork on the fo!" A Book Every «Western Marylander" Will Want to Read t" re.joice ill tllllllksg;-'ings for Goa's ward line. The backfield sI1l),'·('d !,!rrat· gc."tlclless." cr Ilefcnsive sirength ~lId I1wre ubilit)' to Steamboat'n' Days "fel:(I" the fOl'wanl linc Uil·killSOll ,ho"'cd Hlorc tlnS!jthUn ill 11'(')Jrc,"iuus CO·ED HOCKEY SEASON CLOSES IJucounter, Imt S~(,IHCtl to lwn' ]'1)rn By John H. K. Shanahan simply ontcln.ssrd. (Continucl1 from J>/lge 3, Col. ~) Koble, with four goals, alh1 Hastings Mr. Shanahan WilS a member of the Class of 1902, and was Pres- st]"u~k b~' the following things: (1) the null L~itch" with fine (lefcnsi,·c Brown's Goodie Shoppe ident of the Alumni Association of the College in 1922. gener:1! good sporhmunship whi
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