Page 31 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE MI. ST. MARY'S BOWS BEFORETERRORS,33-0 TERROR BOOTERS DEFEAT Green Terrors Level Mounts '~'II in Annual Homecoming Game CEIVING THE KICK DICKINSON COLLEGE, 7-1 Before H ~ro\\"d o~ 3,000 fnus, gathered The Western Uarylun!.1booters jOllrH' at HofIal<'il'ldon Ba turduy, tne weerem HOCKEY SEASON CLOSES It is S\II'prising the 11'<1)' a fluul score to Car-lisle ou Wc!.1ncsday- where "\1(lr)'18n(1 GreL'u Tenors downed :\10U1lt call mislead the nverugu "ne\\'s[mpCr" met the soccer- teum of Di("killSQlI St. :\(aQ"l; by" score of :-13 to 0, The Inn. A gemc Uwt. was hard fought 'l'he j-csulr wna nu victory .\[ounla;ncerS played n good game on throughout the four quarters is not fl)ir Green and Gold with n line but were overcome b)' the CO-ED HOCKEY SUMMARY ly indlcuted in the final count-of tilo.:Mt. second 'Perrors" nr tnck. The Terrors did St. "\f:1I'J's tussle. We \\'011 contest between Ihe two ten11l$, Dickinson nil the seortng in the firsthulf,erossing perior football, but those o.f us wit- hm'iug last to the )_!ilryI8Ild team in 11 the Mcuntulueer goal stripe five times in nessed the coni est will agree t.hat it was pre ricua eueouutcr nt Westminster. thirty minutes of play. 110 "roul." 't'he Termr kickers slartc(l with" rush Passes were used Ullspl!rillglr both '"& if ~ ,UIl:] after ~c\-eral t]ll'lIsts at the PeIlnsy] 1<::l1ns, the ~'errors ILcu\'ing the Junio!' "'- ~ 1~00 Senior .-\ I 0 ZH ,800 8el'ell of Ihe ten vnrsily games have eleven times ,during the first and Prealuncu A c ~3 .600 been hundlcd thus far. A big the :?Ilolllll.s using the rune times. Soph. .~ o 0 .500 store tbis week-end jf tbat REA'!' ALBRlGHT It wns by this muthed that the Junior B o 14 .400 \\'('~t('I'n Mal'yl'Lnd haa 1I~~n mighQ' Freshmen B 1 7 .300 i~ to be kept denn, "Doggie" Ju' 'l'errors made all first. dowua up until the n linn's eleven up at Reading huven't Fared fortuuute (hi" season ill. the liluiteil11l1111' third quarter, and it was II pass that Boph. B C I 3 1 ,000 so poorty this season-in tuev tvc I,l,tof which the squad has hall. ,0,10 Presluuen "jther scored or led to each of their RIM of credit is due a bunch of fel I'UII oil' fiv\) consceuti\'e Look touehdo\\,11S. Rooke" cl\li;s aj'~ nllW 11W1!Y for lt1\\'~ \\'ho keep themsclns fit, half of the. at it- Koppe scored the first tQlli'hdoll'll Cllrly allothel' ';\'ca,-. All thc g.11lles nL'dit iij ilue a to/lt·h whn sees loi!. 'I'o\\-nshend, :lfter reC!)i\'ill,!; a p"as frOUl .-\Ibrighl, HI Conn. Aggie~, 0 when he snnred hnH il!:en ll11d iho CllIS~CS 'ltelook, Albright, 0 Bucknell,25 The 10 11'.'lI,liug is a sllort olle fOI' Herniek. Noblet:lllied the other Oll\) in pass from midfield. jllg bnsketblllJ. Albright, l~ ~lt, St. :~,b":r_'JS,7 st "dent hllil~'. \\"110 nre the finlll minute of lhatperiod, Ill:lkillg to make the rxtr:J poiut In redewing tht }lllst senson one i~ Alhright, -.12 P. M, C" 7. yon going with? ,,-h~n hi~ plaeemcnt kkk WitS bl(l('kud. It (Continued on P'.lge 4, ColI) Albright, 35 St. Joseph's, G. REA T .\ LBlHGR'l'! (Continued Oil Pago -4, Col. ::!) was shortly afterw[lrd 111:1\ Dought." again he:1\'eil n loug pnss, this time to Bntcs, and nUllough the left-ender was downed on the Wllll ALWAY;§) a~!'()ss fol' II the point 011 n l)laccmcnt. The seeol\d quarter "'liS ,.nothcr$corillg period for Ihe "Big Green" tel!m. Al- tlmugh the Mountaineers lle\d the Tcr tOl' pla.I·! to Sllla.!1 gains, ther sub, mitted to lhe rl!inof fOl'lI'ard 1nternl passes. Eknitis opened the s<:oring when lIe crosscd the goal line after a short -pa~~ from Doughty, By t IIro wing pa~sell fi rst. lIere ~l1ld t h('l1 \'i'estern :\[:Jryl:llld !llal'dl~d flown to cight yard jine, where they (k "eh'ed thc :\1.OlUltailleers to the extent of :l i,ouehdown. Exp~tiJ1g a line lilungc from Koppc, llleIllountaiIlcuswt're quite tl.ken owr hy the lot~rnl from Koppe to Uougllty nnd offered no resistance 10 the lmek liS he trotted off eull for the ~(;Qre. ~,,------:___~-.,__--- --,---- Whole-hearted, natura4 real! g~'l' clip-ped the safet," nllln l'orllo1lfbaek trotted on to ~cored thl! extra point. With theseorc 33 to 0, ihe 111i....l (!l1l1r· EQUALLY genuine is the re- IH result.ed in a dllel 1.JetWel~ll sponse of smokers to Chester- find Connell. eontinuall,l' got oil 5.~NIHl field's satisfying goodness, its (;0 )'llrd lll1nts, 'l'hr Mounts opcl\cd llteil ~trOl\gest aerin! uttllek during the period, wholesome smoothness, 1)1,1 of the St'\'eu ll~s~es Ilttellljllcd thl'cU wrre inl~reepted 11nd one i)lcomplctc. No one ever has to "acquire" COII,'II H~rltlw Ht'llt in his s<.'Coud ill the foul'til ~ml the firsL a taste for Chesterfields, You for the sh()wer~, 13roll'n's :III' don't have to learn to like them. p'II'enl touclldowH in the lMt few mill utrSflf piny WllS disqllulifiet1llcc,msc nf Smokers take to their pleasing ,m illegul latrr,,1 pn8s. 'I'h~ "\[ouuwill- I I'rl's fOllght Oll to the but were \In flavor instinctively • • • and nble 10 !.'ballge the 33 to score. here's why: Wesl'e"" "\[d, ?\[t, St. ~("r)"~ !lut,e~ (,'Hpl.) 1., e, \'a1ibu~ MILDNESS - the entirely Kohout I,. '1'. )l;ubl'is J3cns~n 1•. G. KrHll~d.l' natural mildness of tobaccos l.Illub C, (I·Hjlt.) H,I'sclImgc' Hnrnclt R.. G. Bogg~ that are without harshness -Will<r Using('r, lhufml,er for Welling-t'r, Koppe fol' Boltun. Patt!'r- LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO, Sfln fur I3CU~OIl, \\1cllinger {tir lhul)nker, O'Lenir for Nell'comcr for 'V~l1tlautlt, .-\ lbre~ht ,J01lt'~. )\o<1nl St. )Jl!r.I·'~, De"llllll"')' for Wo!fT, llop kins for 'lIlibus, EdC'lell for Feal'll, Chn' nOll'slQ' fOI' }.[attil', .\1ntlie for Chm\Ow ~~ sk.l'. Fearn for Ed~lcll, Rinker for De ,-nllney, De\'anJ1e~' for Fearn, Valihus for De'l"anney. _that's Why!
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