Page 30 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 30
PAGI~ TWO The Gold Bng, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lllttrr-QIollrgiutl' 1Jurirtu ~Ol k'r~sll1nl'n ero requested to postpone The Ladlea ' Home Journlll ta ofIering RE\'IEW AND OF B~OKS, \ i\rOl1ltll till' QImnpl1S Nrws LIFE YS PLA "$ .1 social tJJ(~ Iibrnry using par-lor the seniors finish their nl\·impartllut until pr-izes to college short story wrilers. Two GRAND OPERA Edn- arcofi'crcd,OIl(lofonethouslluil eaucn papers. forthcbestshortstorylUldnn With a splendid eoneert. ill the reeeut Uftic;nl ucwepat'cr of Western Maryland College, puhliahed 011 'l'buraday during other of five hundred d011ar8 for the best past mltl a Gilbert and SuLiinm cpcr the nendemie yeur loy ULe students of West.ern Unry!nml College, Westminster, We disdaiu puna, but 111lCOU' short short story. 'rJII~_eouteet is OP('11 dtn in the ncnr future the stage eeeuia Ma ej-lnud. Entered as aeeend-elaea mattor at the -Wcnbninster Puetojflce. aclcua wit ean tt be overlooked, as 10 all regularly IllnlriClllalt'd 8tU!l~nts set. for a discussion of music-or at when the Ireslunnn girl soid, "If I dijn't Sub&:ription Price, $2,00 a Year in the unrlergrndunte depnrtments of least, fl,e mnsi('ul world. Net jnz7. nor get u good 1111ltk on this Social Science of Amej-ican Colleges lind Univeraities. test, 1'11 e~rt!\inly rcei Hurt." IIlt'qlleerstllffcertain muaic call musk, but the l\l.ANAGlNG ST.APP Till' Chm-leetnn nnd the Shag j,an: 1H1.d their day: enter the Boxer's HOjl, the EJ)['rOR-IN-CH!E~' .Roy '1'. Edwards, '3] »ew step which some of the girls are re MANAGlNO EDI'rOR C. W. Koockogey, '32 duced to doing . 1.\58'1'. l\lA."",,AOING EDITOR. .'l'homas W. Otto, '32 Rlwke$pcare OlJeC remarked, "All the BUSINESS hL\JHGER P,lUl L. Bates, '31 worhlts :1 atngc," <\ll(l has been quoted ADYERT1STN(l :MANAGER. ..... C. Robert Etzler, '32 :Il\{l misquoted ):1<1Y we achieve fame CmCULATION l\[ANAGER . Wavnc 'Yo Moore, '32 Maryland ASS'l'. CIRCULATION lI!.\N.\GERS Maur-ice C. Fleming, '34 Ar-thur J. Downey, '3+ Lora 1\[. Outten, '3+ DaYid 'Prundle, 'a:3 HEl)OHTORTAL S'l'.AFF .ASSOCtA'l'E Ef)l'rORS 'fllelmll Reid, '31 Duncan C, MlIl'chisOll, '32 SPORTS EDITORS CHtilCl'ine W. Cocldml"n, '31 Doer Rein, '31 COpy EDITORS Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Stmlrt D. Sunday, 'a2 HEPOR'rlms Evelyn E. ColiisOll, '31 J'. Wesle.\' Day, '31 Margaret. E. Hamilton, '31 G(lol'ge E. l\Ie.GolI'/m, '3J Victoria D. Smith, '31 lToward A, Bolton, '32 Huth E. Woolcott., '31 ::)aInl\cl G. 'l'ownsJlCud, Jr., -Winifred S. Bush, '32 lfO\\'al'd l\1. .Amoss, '33 811ra B. Robinsoll, '32 ~hlllford T. Hoff, '32 1\1. Susan Strow, '33 C. Bussell Herbst, '33 Betty .Allen, '33 Thomas :!\f. Gealcy, '3~1 )fartbl1 IlarrisOl1, 'M Willimll G. Pyles, '33 IE-D-I-T-O-R-I Alumni Hall On(' of lht' il1"!-\,Ulll('lHS l)!"CSt'lltE'cl ; were hoth enjoyahle and instrllcti\'e. As long flS the lldminis- ('i>,T_,-i"g011 Ill(' tna!itilll'. tl'1ltion furllishf'S l)1'ogl"llmS or this IllltUl'C therc is no cxcns(' for stay- But (:Ililio GntliCa~H1.~" is still there ing U\\"H'y whether OJ' IIOt attc!I(bnce is t'cqnil'ed. The l'ontinuauce of ~s J"i~)l~I'''1malHlgrl" nftel' t II"cnty-!1lree the high standard set thtls far this ~'eat' is the best means of sectlring of ~.c~;~i;,OfiSs\~~e~'fth time 11J[lt Verdi'~ tl,(' coopCl'ntioll of ll1c student ill J"cdu('ing the tl\tlllh(»' 01' I1bsenees "Aidn" has h()l'n usp,l ns Ille ]Jr('miel"c, from such exercises. n wlIr-timc nud in Hl:;4 mnd{'ller \\""l"Ih dormitory. dclmt title All Eclucn(ioll Students Ill(l.'" get fl'ee :!. Sm!lldllg' 11111.'" be permitted in thc the role, 'I'llis ,\'ear Cio· of ]1:ln\1l A New Sport -In an ad(lress at the dedication of the new college for eOjliCSOflllisjloj)ularllit! ,,'omru's frnterllit.y lodges at the dis \':11111; ?,]MIinelli ~nug the ",\i!ln. role " "-lucile\" )lnl'i~ dC$;ll"! of ciI("hfraternity. Ulell at the t:nil"ersity of Rochestcr, Dl', HIl~' Lyman WllO killed Cock RolJin d;(\II'l bother ~rctiOl] 'rhcrl' Shllil he lJ() 81lwkiug 3t lilly \Y\,rt!~ ar~ s\) ll~eless to dc~nihe musi ... 3. '\'ilhlll'. Sccretar.\' oJ: the llltel"iol' lHJ(] a not.ed ecl"ueat'O!'. del;cribed lh~ the ,111;111(11 world h[Jlf so lIIu(·h as \\"ho other place on (,llIHPUS 01' in ,·iiJage. ex- The groat master.:, eh()~e music as their sui,l, "L'llitcd we stand. (li"i<1e,1 we gl'owth of endOwed illl;titution!; as a lIew spol'L of killgS. Financial fnll" \\"onicd all the cnlh'go. Wesler cepti]] homcs. ])1l'rlilln' 'Il\d "Il~' lo tranH- kings of model'll tillle~ have turncd in gTcnt Hum hers 10 flli..: SPOI'! 1)".'- IL!l(] to stud u bus S~'~IClllto 4. shn.1l be nO smokillg (It Imy nil..e 11".'ir f,'('lings to mediullI Edm'ation:11 psychOI()gists fails which is no le~~ exciting and 110 Ie!:>:,;costly thiln many othe]" faillolik S~'kesvill() :III t1,c ~tudellts e(lll~gl' function." tell u~ the method af teachillg nJl "sports or king;;", but far 1ll01'e ccrtain in it" constl"llcli\'t' {lOllfl·ihu- ],~ l'ru7.e,l h.' OIlt' sillgle lju('slioll. !l1'l',",,,1 i(ln ig cXjlosurc, so thHl i~ the onl~' .Ul tile In' <"IIImg,'1I W ibnt the m!l~ic is "outinuf\lIs ~u]'ed of ple"sa\\1 jobs ("'itll the Wal- I"'illg gin'" hy Ill', llrber Jlnrprr. for fortb,' stich a Slll'Ver mHst llllye certain lllate]"ial~ to \\,01,1, \rilh. 'l'Ile I'Nlne,;t dorf J'ajwr Co,) am'Lag the CI,rlatlilaB s"ts rotl' "(1reell h"slllaile h()ti,jn.l's (stop crllw(ling!) most of lllerJy prl)fesMrllt Bostou ulld th.'\l ~tudel1ts register lhc !Jou!'s of tlleil' elltel'illg and lellying tile li- fo]')mr ehanee!!Ol' of tlir (If ~O\l'" ,'xt r;ull·.! ~H;ll'." Stt'np~ fo I" 1he "pera ]]~ He Ih'lnkflll to know that we have· "jo':\ust" hr;n-y lind Hl~o tIle nature of tlieir l"1'1Hling whilc th(:l'e, will in COll- nOt rr~eived grade!! for the first Drill-cl', 'l'he course is sclw!lulr!l for the The tlWlllre ~l'n"OIl in B; 011"11intel'cst "inte fhere will be 110issue of the "Gold bJ the UniYErsity oJ' :i\li,'hig:lll to two 3ud only dreaming nlld :l!Id that lIe will do it cbeerfully. ]Jug"! (Contillued on Pnge 4, Col. 1) storts,
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