Page 29 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COl VARSITY FOOTBALL VS, VARSITY SOCCER VS, ALBRIGHT COLLEGE PENN STATE COLLEGE AT READING, PENNA, AT STATE COLLEGE, PA, SA TURDA Y, 2: 30 SATURDAY, 2:30 Vol. 8, No.8 November 20, 1930 MOCK COURT-MARTIAL Student Music Recitals College Calendar Alumnus Inaugurated as ANNUAl: HOME-COMING TRIAL IS CONTINUED Are Scheduled College President DAY IS BIGGEST IN THE BY R. O. T. C. SENIORS planned Depn ttment student ofjl,fusie recitals nne for Western G, 1\Jary!alld i1\ the class of 'O::!, of HISTORY OF COLLEGE 'I'hc gl'llduate Dr. J. !'Iumphn'ys,,' of II !terie8 lite IlO]1ling months. The first of these, lln!I u frmucr pastor of Bethesdn Metho- CLASS IN MILITARY LAW CON· 011 Deeeniber Ot!J, will be composed of diat Protestnut :BALTIMOR.E CHAPTER OF ALUMNI DUCTS TRIAL OF "PRIVATE both vccnt and instrumental l\umb6rs. ASSOCIATION PRESENTS GIFT J, K. DAY" On J;)llllary 20th, voice students alone TO COACH K C. HARLOW The trial of Pri,·at.e JnllHlS IL Day will present Ihe llrogrum, while stu- L!IM R.\Y, lJJo]CE~1BE,R :]- the st'Uld to t('stif~' ill his o\\'n dcf.e.llse, f:iudal (,lul,S; 7:(10 P.!l1. He ndnliHed thot he hnd been absent l'ic{l n llerioil of tll'(>ll'o \\'eeks, While 3- WDDNBF;D.\Y, IJEOB-H8ER y, \\" C.. \.: li:4" P. :\1. ~:~~'::~:t!~r:~~t ;:~~JI~~riOd{, u u\· _~0:;,:~:~.a\2~:la;\~~Q~~,._::e~~~r~~~cil~'r;~ I . .H":- C .. \.~ l:tllr'P_ .\f. of[-Jrc,--\lm,,,ri;-\.;SIWl,ltiu-!l.-- to return. He would llU"e hnll returned some graduate eourse work at the Lab· pr,'srlllru Di~k Ilnrlow, sooner except for the faet tlHlt ho hall orator~'. )!nryluml conch, with been sick in BlIltimore. The' accused Prof. £<>uuighof ,·" to continue w:ls"sentmlcl'd" to fil-cmOJiths hnrd]a ],;s rCSl':1l'eh ncxt sUllllllel', givhlg hj~ 'l'lIe miniature p"e~cl't hor, with furfeitllre of two-thirds of cl1til'climeto tl,c reac.tiolls of both tllo of n regular desk llis ]la.,· dul'iug thnt periotl. h.rnl!' 11lid lltlult st'ages of the 1\(0)' flies. \V;\I l'N,ei\'I' sOl1letim~ Jlo is condueHng this c-xtcnsive re APPRECIATION seul'eh in 01'(1('1' to obttllu his Doctor's Prof. ,]"lll,·sB.llnllek, former d~grcc. I'j'(Jft'~S\II' of \\'~$tel'l1 .\11U_rI!]ud nlla this I'ccLtnl of ollU$uHI m(n;!. )lr. Hel Dr. A. Norman Ward,president"f jI1'cs{'nt Ilclld of the RiStoryDcpnrtnJcnt 1111'1' ulso dl'SC1"'~" s)lceial l'1'lli~e as " SUR.VEYS Westenl ;-'!:ll'yland College, has re- CHAPEL SERMON IS BASED '11 Hood ColJcge, spoke to the joint UIOSL ~1Jj)" Ille lind sYlllp:lth~tie :teCU1l\- c~ived Ihe following let.lar from Dr. "Y" meetillg ;n ~\fcDal1iel llall Parlor, ll! al'l,oilltlllCllt of two COll\mit- John T. King, Jr., SCHein]')" of the ON DIVINE GENTLENESS ('vcniug, NOl'tll1hel' 19. TIIO t('<'s of thr -I,'ncHlt.,· of ",VeaterH )[('dical find Chirugicnl }'aruJty of iI;~ dis{'o\lr~e was the "New W. M. IS REPRESENTED AT }'hll·~·lana. (·oncerning lhe l'CCCJlt meeting of that society at the col· Tile Rev. a. M. Eldcl'die(' preaehed ill Pl'of, naH.;k s1t;d tlt"t. tI,i~ !l()1\" ]_lao JOINT "Y" CONFERENCE \(~g('. Bnkt'l' ('lIul'cl on 80nd<1,\' ufh'rllOOU, No· il·;"i-iS1l1 w'u a n~w thing. 1~ is .1 crel~- mnlle n ('I'i, ;("11 8url'ey of I,he cour~~d DenrDr. Wnrd, "elllhel' lG, 01] tho subject of Divine (tfft'l'{·11. Tloi~ survcy w;1l eonsi(lcr Tlu're h:l"e been so many 1'fil'O\" gCUtICIlC'S8. He hase(l his reasoning ::,::1 ~~;'~;li:I:<~V:~.71::II:a7~,ia~;\~':~hsi~1~: ( 0" N"n:",1,,·), Stlt "luI !lllt;, y..\1. (J. nl-Ie "ommeuls on 0111' recent cl,icfly on the thirty·/ifth vcrSl' of the IllO"eJUe"t's fIJI' illtl'I'll>l!;onal ]I~ace, 1.11u1 \,-Y. \\'. C. \. {'onPercnct' 11-;lS heW (It lIt<-' l'onh'llt 1aul!ht. 01' tIle 'rite COllI'"CS "nil ho\\' COll ,trl' tQlll111iittle I Ill'," i,l Wcstmi118ter,tltat 1 feel l)Ou!l(1to Eig-ltt-cenJ-b PsnlllJ: "~'h,Y w'ntIClI('$B ('sl'('('inlly with tile I{(']logg Peace Pact, ,TOltllS l'"i\"C1'$ity ;" Balrilllol·C'. sl;')IA [\f Dell 11 SeJwl\eld, d"drll1l1l1, write you n brief try to eli:· hMh Illlj(l~ HIe great." \\'llr lias heen olltlnwml. Sineo it has \\'(lstMII ('ollog~ wns rCJ!J'~' press ill SOIll\) Illeasure the flppr.;ciu- 'I'lw He\-. Bldcrtliee used till} grilat I)c~" l)utln1l'ed to \)u a patriot is to iJc ~('l\tetl IJ~' .1·OUllg ItIL'" ",al j.III'N' J'I'(lft'un,' S~hllfl'<:r, Dean Taflnogle, tioll 11~' thL' Mellical and CI!irurgieal eh3ractCl', Dayid,:1s t,llil embodiment of Miss l%Iluglt, Dr. l;'ilclllt~, of ~'onr I·cr," gcneJ'uu8 hospi- Di,-inc gelltltm"s~. HI.' lIarrated Illany tality. of ])r«'id'll qmditicsj tlmt ns a warrior ~,0ll!lI1;ttcc Wc-llIlvL' ne\'cl' Imil II fall meeting he eOU'l!lered 80;(S io extenD tIle He· 11";11 tll:01'l' " ~UI-I'I·,I· of library coudi· ~o ,n·ll nttended find 1he arrange· 1,,'('1<' kingdom; as a king he r"l('d well t iUI1.~. ments were in c"er," """." id(>!(l. r fnr forty ~-cars; as a lllllsiei(l.ll ho plu)'ed ~<'('l1n' 1','1'111;\1 which the alll 10li! that a con8i(\rral)le Humuer n h01'pllcfore King Saul nud moved the "(,J\1ll1i1l.t.C 1>"lei1'l'$ will lend to ih,) of men wcrt' lurcd to the Illceting 1'~ nWl'hid king to ('OIJ1l'lacCllCY; a,~ [1 poet, lihrar." Iweom;ngOf more imjlort!lnce 111e g('Il('r,tl dloracter of the meet· "'rotc 11):\Il,\' of tlw P~nhns, one of which to ('n'r.'- st.l1d,"uL .-\ regi~(er has ing and ils setting. i.~the CXl]uisite- "Twenty·thirtl PS1dlll", I,t",,, in the liiJrtlr,r in which "'VI' lire much illdebted to the whieh psalm nlonc would makc his 1I1ImC ,·",·It .is ('''pcei1l.d 10 give Loth young Ill!'n who 1u:tod fiS guides and imll10rlal i"nd us a devout reLigious Il,,'limCSI)CntinthelillriIQ'l1ll(ltho to nll I"ho looked nfter onr ,'(HIl- mall ho was ill clo!!e cQllllllunion with i1l1l\lc,,~<.'I,I" wOrthl'·hill'. No olle III Ut~ fort. God. ('mlfo;r{,H~(! tried IQ foret' his opinion lI11tur~ cd' the reudillg he lUIS done \\'1' ~I) ]larti~I1".Irly cnjo,nd you I' ";\('eo,'dlnll' to 0111' conception of ~ Dr. Yount is Recovering "Ilon the resL El'erytlung auid was whi]" thnt;. tnlk lind only regret fllflt we did 8elf'llllule m:ln, David was tlHlt type of spokeH ill fri{·ndl.,· toues .11](1 presented, .\11 intrre~tinA" ft'Htur() ot the first 11fJt ]Jut. ,von on the scientific pro- resourcdul illdi,·idnul. Started 11-8 a From Il/ness ],ot a$ rtl' argullH'llt 1\llt us 11~tatem('nt (:IIJIIlJlittcl' is the fact t;hnt it will gl'll.1u to discuss tl'e "Physiological ],l1mlll~ shepherd, David developell in 1\1 \'{'I'"'llIitt~l', cOlllposod eHtiroly Tl·/IHl". 11 ,nll)\,} hayC been worth ly prlliBing alld glorifying God. Like J~illin llcparllllent, who has been kept 11 might lie ,,-ell to I1Icnt;on iJ f"'I' uf t)f ~\I1(h'lItS. in lllaki.llg its final rC 11('Ill'ing. P'llll, Dl1l'id did not eonsi(lel' himI>C1E a illneSlj, ia recovering. 111(' i(l(',,~ put fmtll 1,," ('('rt1tin indi\'ill Dr. John T. King, Jr ~elf-nJ1jile llliLn. On thr eontmry 110 was ill lleforethe coi· ,-::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;;,j " GOII·moile Ilwn. Many men gi~'e them· and liall t)~{'n UlI:!hle ='=" ~ch'es all tile praise- WIU;'lll God has gT{'ntl.l· aide(l them. Sueh men berome spiritual fll.ilure~, But men like Gla.(l ~Inur, PoJing', )roorl~', an(l others sought {;"d's ,Q'uidan~.e nlJd were t],erefore di- tl'('!.(·,1 through life. {'ldt'l1(1 tlieir lie"lrtit'Bt wiBhes for a I'm'l tli"t 'Ih'. CU1'ry rlellou1(red ''1011'" (C'olitilllled on P1!ge 4, Col. 1) sre~d.l' :lnd eomplete recovery. ('ontilllll,(l on l-';t~c '!, ('01. :J) IDl1r<&nltt iug urlll nhnrrur IDIFutknghllttg IDuy Next lillll1rSlluy. NOl1PllIhl'f27 BY SUSPENDING PUBLICATION ON THAT DATE
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