Page 28 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd Oollege, Westminster, Md \ <111n99.aUub. null ~nrtdy iJntttg9 \1 Al~'~II?m~lto~~Ws 1\ S. H. Stevens writes from Wilmerdlne Y.M.O.A. SHAKESPEARE CLUB THE END RUN Two thOllS1loi! crosses in a f,eld of two prospective 'Vesl.ern Marylanders. 'l'hllt held two thousand dead The Y. M. C. A. held its reguillr. A meeting of the Shakespeare Club was How many will follow suit! Ldnshed arouud the end, And in between tha ereu rows held Tuesd!l)' nigllt in MeDllniel Hall Mr. T. K. weekly meeting on Wednesday evening. Dr. Ward, Dr. Porlines, and Wa~ tackled from the renr. Are poppies blooming red. parlor. J. D. Stillwagon had sole charge of the HlIrrison motored LO North Carolina. The quarter and the halfbaek The meeting Willi called 1.0 order by This is a hill in Flanders group gather.lug. A_ rapid-fire discus- There tuey mn ac-ose some old alumni- Sat down upon 111)' ear. sion upon the valno of human life to 80- Mi$s Rnth Davis. There was an election Dr. G. 1. Humphreys, Rev. George R. A sad 'Iud dreadful place eiot,y, on(;l'S aclf, and to God, lasted the of officers. "Mi~s Dads was elected Brown, Rev. George L. Curry, Rev. L. W. .-\ tackle lind 1\ guard A tale of what the hand of Hate entire meeting time. It wua agreed president and Miss Collison vice president. Gerringer, Harry L. Price, A. G. Dixon Sat down upon my ehe~t; I'an do lI11tO the race. tiLat cneu individual lias a life that is A_ very interesting program ceutering and N. M. Harrison. 'l'hecenterandthccnd of grcae value, regardless of his eeonom- llround the Illay, Romeo and Juliet, was Amollg our alumni Wll0 were success Sat down 011 me to Test. '1'11'0 thousnnd years-e-uuother urose presented. Miss Susan Straw gaYe a re Was standing on a Bill ic pcel tton. Mr. St,i\lwagou brought out ful in the recent alcctlon nre r F. Murray aume of the play, Romeo and Julict, Miss The other end ani! tackle And Dealh ennte then nod brought in Life the filet that surely God must have VIII Evelj-n gave Benson, Baltimore City-House of Dele· Were l1ronl\dJl\yheHd, Whilc all the world Iny still. ned human life, otherwise llc would not Collison the background of; John J. John, County Surveyor hnve put the reeponeibifity of the rna- this play. Mi~s Victoria Smith talked on of Carroll County; ReI'. B. W. Kindley, 'fhe referee no whistle, This is a hill in Judah ns dead. t er.ia.l Universe iu his handa or tbat he "Modern ROlUeo nud Juliet." Miss Judge of Orphan'S Court in Harford 'Cause he figured me H.H.B. '32. A and glorious would not l\aYe seut Ilia "only begotten Esther Smith read three acenes from this County; "nd Clarcnce W. WhealtOll, of whnt the Son that whosoever might b~lieve upon play whiell VI'~re highly entertllining. Cnn do uuto tho rnee. Rouso of Delegates, from Wicomico him should not perish but have everlast.· Gount,r. "'e extend to them our sineer 1 W1111tto splnsh in the Milky 'IVay -AnonYTlIOUG. ing life". BLACK AND WHITE est eOllgrll!ulntions. Sprinkle star·dust, in my l1"ir, Ail tllose who would like to contrib- Throw II kiss to the roeking Moon ute to the support of the Y. M. C. A. The Fratarnity hold its aJllllllll For· Word has ju~t been receil'ed at West· And dalltC with the little Bear. EVERHART please see Howard Amoss, treasurer. mal Initiation I:,st 'l'nesdHY evening. ern hlnrylnnd College t.hllt G. Edward The "Y" is having its finanee campaign Plcdge~: '1'. W. OUo, '32; C. R Ward, Shriver, '29, Ims be"ll successful in VMS' J wllnt to hunt with bright Orion BARBER AND BOBBER this week, and eontributions Rre need- '33 j C. R. Berbat, '33 j SheJdon Brown, iug the qualifying examinlltions for the Look on Venus' beauty fair, ed. 11 lllUst be remembered that the '33; Q. G. Carrarra, '34; E. J. Ma· Ikgre(! of Doctor ,)f Philosophy at New AmI drink from the little Dipper At the Forks '1_ }"I. C. A. is supported wholly by vol· honey, '34; Frank ;\litr.hell, '34; L.I.J. York UniH!rsity. Mr. Shriver and Paul Sit in Cass<:'ol)C(L'S chair. nntllry contributions and that therefore Wheeler, '34; and B. O. Boyd, '34,wero H{JInml '29, have been pursuing gratlu "Dad" SMELSER its existence as n fuuctioning unit de· admitted into the Fraternity. The In ate work in chemistry al the Uniwrsity 1 want to sail down h"nrid(llUn~ pCllds IIpon the wholehearted support forllllli Initiation will be held after De· sillce the fall of 19~9. 'rh\')' havc been And talk :twl,ile with )Jars, ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, Qf the frknda of the Y. M. C. A. cember tenth. Y('r,Y successful, both in basic work nud Oh, life would be so different COLD DRINKS Pi AJpha Alpha will hold open house lI'hHtcvcrrescarchtheyhavenndedaken. Tf we liI'ed ~loser 10 the stars. Open Every Nite Until II :30 during the Homecoming week·end to all We :lre expecting umny alumni back -AnonY1l1OUs. WEBSTER alumni and friends of the College. for the Homecoming this Saturday. The aoUege has invited all alumni alld all On Monday evening, Webster I.Jiterary Smith & Reifsnider IRVING Society held its usual meeting whieh 11'1l8 pllrl'utsof the stndents nolV ill college "~I8JI- to a buffet luncheon in McDaniel Rail featured by se"oral impromptu slJeeches. \'V'estminster, Md. Irving Litcr~r)' Society held its uflulIl 'rhe program opened with a pra.rer by meeting on la~t Moni!IIY evening. The parlor, just. before the gllme. the ehaplain, lifter which Mitchell gave Societ)· was called to order hy President Tn eDnneetiOll with Homecoming the LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES a review of the leading news of the PIISt Edwllrds und after prayer by the chap· tl1l8S of '~£1 ar~ holding their first reo week. Hall next gave a spleudid talk IIIin, the following program "'liS render· unioll at College Inn. 'rhey expect n AND COAL on "FriendBhip," after which the im· ,d' o!lehnn(\rp(j per cEnt turn·out. promptus started. Whittington dis· J. Plano Solo, )]ason Sprllgne. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND tilignislled himself by t.alking 011 the "Frnj-ernities," Jlleger. GENERAL MILL WORK CUfrellt eJections. Brown an(l Boyd gave 3. "C0!l1puI90ry Chllpcl" "Bill" Wil· WOMEN'S CLUB OF WESTMINSTER their ideas of the diead\'antages and nd· MEETS IN SMITH HALL liams. nlntages of the television, and .Rnth of 'ho Wom"', Brown'sGoodie Shoppe 4. Preslllnrm·SopliOlllore Football a "hashy" talk on "Chop Suey." 'n, I"t ",,,U'g A« You T,king Adv,n"g' of Tho GAme," Borchers. 'fhe meeting was then tUl'ned Ol'or to One Cent Sale Clut. of Westminster was held ill Smith Ridgeville, Maryland b\l!:liness, (lUring whie], Lester Wheeler W. W. CLUB H"n, 'fucsdrl;r, November 11. :Mrs. A. AT THE WI\S tllkpn iuto onr membership. Noi'1nan 'Vanl had charge of the pro· First Class Colonial I"" Golf Course? ___ ~T_h_O"_"-,o'=;"=<="::;;';:":;:"'="="=' =-",_,_. --i-;;o~f :~ecg~:' ~V'a C~~~~I:~'t:~~lIi~'~~e: i~IU;;I::~ ;:;~I~~I~:I~~C~r"~~: d:~.otCd to the Classi· S_ODA SERV!_g_________ club room on NOl'ember tlle sevcnth. Sev· }"riss :'Iuude Gesner gnvl' a brief talk LUNCHEONETTE 25c first round Ie to repeat eral of the alumnae were alllong tho~e ~~lp~:tl~":~T[:~li:';'I:~~~::I;e~o~;~!~::s,SI~~:~ DANCING s~:~:a;,n~0~~~!;h~5 )Jonday night at Browning a program present. waa presented that was both in~trueti"e W. W. Club wishes to ILIIIIOUllce that it >mtt, Bach, Beetho\"clI, and Rnndel. Adjoining the "Rinky Dink" NEXT WEEK :llIdenjO)'lIblc. It consist.ed of rel'iews will hold opeu honse nfter the Homecom· Then, thcre II"IIS a selection given from Golf Links Special Prizes Will Be Given of three modern plays-t.he first being ing gume on NO"ember the fifteenth. t.he works of eMeh of these lllusieian~, "Elizllbeth the Queen," reviewed bJ hegilllling with il BA.el1 ''Fantas),'' Catherinc Hobb.,·; the second, "Strange playtld by :Miss Hirons. Theil \vinifreil D. S. 6EHR & SON ]nterlnde," by Enl Draper; lind the Bush sang an aria from Mozart's "Mllr· Saturday Only third, "Dellth Takes a Holiday," by )Iond"y night a ~llor~ l)la,r, "HeQrts tinge of Figaro". OnemoVClllent of thn Ruth Ellen Woolcott. i:llIl01l" "Eroiea S,rlll]lhollY" by Beeth- (Established 1866) Enduring", was presented, t.he charac, Candy Special tel'S l){ling taken by )[nrian HUlllphries oven, was plnyed as a duet [>n the pinHO by Miss Gesner aud Richard Weagley. Wholesale and Retail DELTA SIGMA KAPPA 3nd Calherine lIit.che.ns. The play which Handel'~ work wns iIIuslrllted by II WtlS I'ery well·aeted held the i!ltere~t of HARDWARE 1 Lb. Lowney's Chocolates thn "All!l The. Dclta Sigma Kappa Club enter earh spectator. Humber sung culled l:l~' the College Glory ehoir. of The thfl 60, Lord," tained a numlJer of gnests lit II dinuer then adjo·urned. Phone 318 party nt the College Inn, Frida~}' even Y. W. C. A. I LB. Cbocolate Cherries lng, NOI'ember 1. J\[r~. l1auriell Unger iR I".e~ident of Westminster, Md. 50, iho OrgHllizlltioll. The Club will haye lin "at home" ten At the "Y" meeting \\'ellnesdny night Both for 99c for alumnae lllalllb~rs and friends Satnr· lhe program llelilt with tlle In'dinu girl. SEE dH'y:1fteruoon,ufterthegllllle. Kathleen Moore sang "From the Laud RECEIVING THE KICK of tlw Sky Blue Walers," and MHrgnret R. Mark Reed, '31 PHI ALPHA MU Bamilton IIdke
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