Page 27 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 27
The GoldBug, W"tern Maryland College,Westminster,M':W PAGE THREE FOOTBALL SOCCER \SPORTS I I SPORTS \ GREEN TERRORS SINK JOHN CARROLL, 27 0 Western Maryland Emerges Victorious ~ BABY TERRORS BOW TO in Colorful Intersectional Contest I RECEIVING THE KICK, GEORGETOWN FRESHMEN 'I'he Green Terrors of Western Uf]l',vlll11dtraveled out to Cleve- The Prcalunau foot hall team ended its Tlli~ Saturday Flouteecuriug Dny l laud to meet .Iohn CI11"1'01lUniverait o in n fast game of football that the day (,f reunions-grollPs of nlUllmi is ~a]labl~ ('Je\'('us putting on the contest. {,uncut season lnst Saturday when it mllt Knute Rockne suggests putting a picked defeat hands powerful a at U'e of ended with a 27-0 victory fOl' the Westminstel' team. 'I'he Terror team uturnin,g to the Hill. And it's liofl'1l. line in front, of his famous "}'onr Georgetown Proah eleven on lloll'a fleld. sbowcd up well in its mid-west debut aud' succeeded ill pushing across Horsemen." Has be cverleoked three Quite a few spectators were on hand a touchdown in the first quarter. 'rho Gr-een and Gold aerial-attack or forn- elel'OllS at South Bend that have to see thn game which wa.a featured by functioned smoothly and accounted fOl' both the second touchdown not. been used this senaen t the hard of the Hillt0l)pcr backs sports writer :lHd OUt' Vl'ereutlmsinstle which came in the third quarter and the third touchdown which DC- prominent unrl punting for the Green Univeretty cur-r-ed early ill the fourth period', 'l'he final touchdown wns made on Of:l his Alma Mater rOt· rcfuaiug aggregnfdon. a 20-ynnl rnn-baek or u short punt. in It ehnrtty contest. The fnlcns "';IS leas thnn :1 minute old einimed thnt when one of Ihe Georgetown ball om-nors Terrors Score Early couegc nrc two ind~pendellt hroke loose :lull caeca no ~·"t(h £0" a Colle returned the western Maryland the wri.ter retnlinted, score. TIlt' try for point was successful. "bout annual drh'Os for funds on The two teams played on fnirl,Y e\'l~n Lung's pUll! went out (ff bOll11d~ on nl11",ni1" That.'s not ~Ilnrity, \Jut ap· terms for the remaiuder of the fir~t hnlf, ('nl'roll'~ 40:"ard line, Aflel' two line preci:tl.ion. We "sk, II'hrre would the n,c llilltoppers IIwrcltes il1to the l'rOSl1'~ for short g:Jins, Bl'uhnke1' rmmded toitl'ge bo without its alumni I 0,' conld te,-vitor.,- being turned back 10,"rlint of Jollll Carroll end for ,\ touchdown, th~re be alulIlni if there w~re no colleges? deions lil1e I!la~'. Examples of this line Bkaitis plnce·kkkcd 1'01'tlw extrn point. ~\'I,o abll'led the nrguml'ntT pIny ",as showl1 wlten uttempted pusses Carroll agaill punted nfter receiving till' -BEAT .~rr. s'r. ~.r,\'RY'S- \\'''1'(1 smen,'e,! brhiml tile lines before th~ kkk-ofl', T.Jong's kick goiug out of Tho fiell1 goul nnd ]ll"~r kick ~~e11lto Imll ('ould he thrown, The hnlf en(led b0111ldson \\'est.ern)Jar.l'illll(l's hl' with the .a001·['7 to 0 ill fUI'or of the ds;' liH(L Dougltty gol oft a thnt put the hill] ,,-~ll behind the gonl line. Culottn broke away 'l'hethin\ \\'''s.fcatnreubya t'or 36 ~'lHds but the '1'errors hell! on long dril'C Georgetowl] t~am deep into Green territory \I'here it was repuls· ed On the Baby 'ferrors eight ,yar!l linc, 'l'hcsuc(,ecdingpuntlr:ll'elednhun(lrcd the HilItopl'H safety [ll1m being to (J:II'tlt on hi~ 011'11 :! lurd of punts the Tl'r· barely Hli~sl'd making n first down, which cmled only Dou;:hty punting to Cnlle who WNS down -lm.\T "-IT.ST. ?IAHY'S- theOl'ulin cd on his own 43-ynrd line. Colle and hll'iolate The Bab.\' 1'error;; 11111'0COllllJleted their for punt nfle!' were thrown for a total of IS benefit of 1111" .~dl"'1\lle<1games. Of tho~e p!aye(l, two howcn:r w:,~ unsuccessful and lOllS and fhe latter punted \.0 Ltis (Colltinued QIj'Pag<' 4, Col, 3) Ihe G~orgclown aggregation still led by line. Brubaker and Koppe theeountof7to6, ii1nashcd through for It first down N~ the =======",-=-=-=·~=-=--~-========",,,,=~~~....~j~",~,m"~""~'~,.,",,,"-''''''''"''';;;;'''1",,,,.-.,;;-0~ -.,wlrter ender.--i3e~ Mary=- Co-Ed Athletes Receive Awards "'''''0'''' l:md 7, Carroll O. tl"i, 'ppo""'" I"a 'r f",· wnrd pUMing prol'cd their undoing a~ John Carroll Holds oTle of U,e heares was intt'r(;l'ptea b~' 11 'l'he Rfrenks held the Imll within the Georgetown tlcfcnder :tlld conl'eftcd iulo 'rfr1'Or .'lO-Ylm1 line so Doughty punted, :.I Hilltoppcr score. '1'1';1'for point \\'as LOllg returned the punt from his lO-yard u"sucrcssful howerH, Ii",.! to m.idtleld. Bruuukn tore through The Georgetown buJ's put th(, game for two eonl;.c<:uti\'cfirst downs, bringing ill the Frigidnirc h)' Bcorin):!;their bst the bnll to rest on Carrolf's 3,.,)'aril tonchdown as tlw elll'nin~tioll of n (!ri\'c line, The try Thr game end ed shortly thereafler with (' fin:l.! 20 to lMll who do not know the npJlro.ximnte Position \Y. :Un.r)'lnnd distances. 6 seore. fal'()ring the Hilltoppers. J",E. Bate~ The followi,J'g girls arc 10 retci'l"c W. ~L }"'osh 000(;-6 1,. '1', Pincnra hlnzNS for out.standing pcrformnnces in Georg-etl/WII Jo'rosh ? 0 0 .13-~0 L 0. BC1Ison Athletics !luring their fuur ~'e:lrs at col· {)\'ening-shln'cbern C. T,amb l<'ge: Christine Rogr'n, :Ruth DI1l'i~, lInd Thurs(1Il~'. (I~illeul' on Pngl'..I, Col. 3) just- before the seeonil quarter ~a,"e JI. 0. Barnett close. H. T. Wilker li. E. Kleinlllan Q. Ekn;tis L. H. Wellingcr lin(' ~hort g:lins W('re nUH1f by DongMy and Dillon follo\\'~d b:''~ 1<'. Koppe punt, which Brubaker returned to West- Less talk and rru ~Iaryland's 30·yard line. JOl'es "a 1.0e,;"rroll's 3:!·ynrd line. 'fIll.' (i J.f.-:27 more linc heW nnd I,o-ng pnnt('(\ 10 Brubaker (I 0-0 who returned the pigskin to mid·field. On tlte s~on(\ play KOJ'po threw l( for 1\:11<'8, 'fry fol' point "'nrd pnss to llntes who Ihe bnll cd: .Ek:oitis3 (1'Incen1l'llt kil'ks). on Carroll'~ Z5·~'nril Jille rail on to fo,' poin" mi~sed: Rl'ul.l1Iker (plncemf'at the IH$t stripe. Brul}nkcr's kick llliBsed kick.) ihcposls, SubHtilnlioll~: \'i'estern ~.r'lrylnnd: better John Cllrr()11 re('eil'e(l, 1),,1 "'ns uWll)t<.' L~ft taekl~: Kohout. Ccnter: Usingcr. to gaill, so LOllg punt~d out of bound~ on Tlil!ht l'IH1' 0'1~ear. Qnart,erhnek: tIlt' Tcrro)r 3ol·yurd lillI', A lateral pass ,rl'lnes. Ldt lutlfh:oek: Lawrence S, Brown to Bnlhnker made tIlt' first down Bf(lWH. hnlflmck: "'''e.llinger, ,j ()Il the.f.6. With .Jones,K()ppc lind Bru .J<'ull1)llck: Joha Garroll: Left I,,'ker I!f>tiing gains, ",Veat, 1'1\<1:Vinl'e, l,eit /!uar<1: Br(J"-H, ("en· el'1l "':lfylall(l into Cnr- ter: YllssR~'lle. Right cntJ: taste roll t€rritory. to Bnt(:s, ]0:.. Q,wl'lerbnl'k: Lung, L~ft .-\mito. Fum,nck: Eridicks.
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