Page 26 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, lhril'tl! GOt UG !Arnltllll SIEGE tlrr fcDaniol he ha~ made n special s.hldy, further entlowmcnt of small clilleges. As MANAmNG S'l'AFP Strode six Georgetown Prosh. long AS the enltlll colleges wrre strh·jug E!}l'l'OlHN-CIlIE~' ... Roy T, Edwards, '31 II. Northfield, 'llinu,.-(IP)-Enginecr· separately toward the goal of a large eu- "For\Ynr(1. ~ix Georgetuwn Proshl' ing testa :for Oartetou College'S radio dowment the task was (In i..usurmoun!-llble l\IANAGING EOlTOR C. W. Koockcgey, '32 station, resulted in that station being Was there n )1l(lIldismuyed'i nue ; but since Dr. 'iVnrd began this Or- Assr. MANAGING EmTOR .Phomas \V. Otto, '32 Kot though a "freshie" knew beard from and lIS far ;)1I'ay us Kunsns, ganized, concentrated attack on the prob- Texas. Oklahoma, BUSINESS MANAGER. Paul L. Bates, '31 Someone had blundered; j(,111, the movement nas gained strenglh 'I'heirs nol to make reply thut was undreamed of AOVEIl'rlS1NG lIIANAGER , C. Robert Etzler, '32 'fheirs ljut to do or die Amherst, l\Ias~.-(lP)-One o:f the Tt is 11 truly grent cnuse for whieh Dr. ClRCUh~_T10N lIIANA€'ER . Wayne \V. :Moore, '32 Inlo the "dorm" of Mc'Dnnicl large8t and moat unuauni ell(iowmeulB Wnrll is working nnd Weatem Maryland Strod!! six G('orgetowu Trosh. nn American College of lUay loe well proud that he h~s used our ASST. CmCULA'!'ION lIhNAGli:RS rrL arts sciences has been lIeecptc(l college lIa his lauorntory, Ihough the )Il:mrice C. Fleming, '34 Arthur J. Downey, '3.J- "Ka.I·" to the right of them ll.l' the eorpor:l.tion Amhcr~t College seope of his present work iJ; natioll"wide, Lora 1\[. Outtell, '340 Dllvid 'rn1l1cllc, '33 "Dot" to the left of them here. !lferger1 efforts hal·e to be "Soplile" in frollt of them 'rheiJequest, prodded for ill the will o( IHOst successful, so nEPOR'l'Ol~IAIJ S'l'AFli' Shollte(l /lud thuu(l~redi the lille lIemr Cln~' Folger, of Now sll~ll a large Olleit must be nc- Storlllecl ~t with mop nnc1broom, York, vrol'ides thnt the trustees of Am· (·01l1plishec1. ASSOCIATE EDl'!'ORS Boldly they ndnmee,1 to the room, herst Concge 8h~1l n()Hlini~ter the 1l~\I' A brief summ[lr:' of the article will 'rhehna Beid, '31 DlUlCtlll C. Murchison, '32 lnto the room of "Conner" SlmkespeRre McnlOrial Librnry in Sllm~C to show Ihe llutionnl importsnce SPOR'I'S EDITORS .Illlo the room of "Bowdle", D. C., I1mlshall JlIlY the enl· of' the Liheral A rls College hlo\·cment . Cathcrine W, Cockburll, '31 Docy Rein, '31 Strode si_~ Georgetown Frosh. lege one qunrtcr of Ihe Hnnunl net income Dr. Ward first tells tho modeI'II trClI{is in TV. of Ihe fund of $10,000,000 left for the educiltioll und mnillt.aius that COpy ROl'rOR!> BIH~k('"e(l, lIll their ('~'e~tllerc, maillLenunce of Ihe buililillg. free eduentioll may be extended Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Stnart D. Slllldny, '32 Bluek('neley Di.lY, '31 All Ihe College wondered; Amherst uhelldy I,ns .-ht,s College. As Dr. Wnrd snys in his E\"elyn E. Collison, '31 George E. l\ICGOWflll, '31 PlllHg~(l in the rlormitorr smoke Illilteeof (1i.8t\ng-uishe(l iof'ormu nrtic1c: the line they broke_ mght lIIargarct E. Hamilton, '31 JIowarcl A, Bolton, '32 Blonde Brunette Inlc pl,,,,s for Ill", op('r~tiou of tlc(' n~\\" "J., The (;oll~ge of I"iberal ,\rts hilS Victoria D, Smith, '31 ~11ml1el G. 'l'mn1shelld, Jr., '32 Swiugiug willI mighty whack ~r('morinl Libl·ary. lueluded un this all rl'lnti(ll1 to higher eduea· Hulh E. Woolcott, '31 1J01I'fll'd M. Amoss, '32 Dril'ing them buck, tOllm,ittec is Scnntor-Elcet Dwight. "\\'. t.iO,I, shonld be pro\'ideu for ill It impor- formn <\Illbassndor to Hexico mnUlICI' el11cc. V Sara B. Hobi.nson, '32 C. HnsselI Herbst, '33 "Dol" to the right of Ih~lI1, and to be completed in 1931, will bc sit· -:'II. Susan Strow, '33 Thomas 1\1. Gealc~', ';"1:1 "T~n~'" to tho left of Ihem, unte(l il( the l"ieillity of the COllg"essimml of ]il)CflJIart~ woult1 menn un Betty .Allen, '33 Willimll O. Pyles, '33 behind them Library, on a sjlt.t diagonally across t.he andthulldcred. street from the blO(;k on whieh tlce new "3. The SllWlJ college, in Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. Siornlf"d at with mol' Hnd hrool1l Ulla~d States SU)lI'eme Court B\iilding has bOnle the burden of to present. It will in~lurlt' a small tio11 frOIl) the early is 10 be localed. While }'rosh upon Frosh fell A -LI They thnt hall started so well Shnke~Jlcnrcan '.rhNltre, nnd e(Jll,~tiou hold ilf anti figures shOll"fhll!' small college is will still cnrrying " i1(!(lv:'pur! of the t'duca- Folger's famous ;oil', D-I-T-O-R-I- Cnmo haek frolll the dOl'lllof l.IcD"ni('1 Shukespeareflllll of more thnn 20,000 vol tiollalload. Back from thClllout.h of--! All Ihat WliS1eft of them, "4.. '1'('u institutions hal"e in poss~s3ioll about onc·l,ali _ ...Tue GOld Rug j'nlipf< this n,npnrtlJn.ity to weJ!;Q)J1P.,....{lIL __~~..?! ~ G<,orgetowlI }'ro~l._ their UdJltc:,/ftltct.,Jl!llci-';';irm+l;l.'-- of the 1\!±I\" J-laITl1,"L'Oiiu. (IP)-ur. Wl]]:'1 bcllalf of the body, the ahtul1li Hnd friends of I When can their g~~r~' fadef L. Gross, el...ct{'d the first Democratic. 'Western 1\Ial'yJaud College who will Iw_ Oil ,the hill for OJ1,Ihe wild eharge Ihey mude, g,)I'e-rnor of Counecticut in twent)' )'ears J-lomeeomhlg' Dn:v Satm:dny. W~ ]qlOw tlun ,Ill of yon ave ~\;: \l'L ~on~ge wondered nt the electi01l lnst week, is demL c111Cl"it· \I!! of tlce Ynl¢ Uni'-rr~ity graduate fOI'ward' to f;ceinrr the t.\\·en!\·-£o\ll,th "iCtOI''\'" of 1"110footllf'lll Honor the eharg!. thny ll.wde It is our eal:,i.est ~1:PI'::thnt. YO~1willllOl Ill' clis'IPPointecJ. We Ht~~~I:,h:i;0~1~;~!::~'~ro8h The college professor, known interun certfliu that ~'Otl will enjoy the otlH~r events tlHl!. h/ll'o been Whut l",~t thou nttempted lion"ll)" in edueatiOlwl e:ircles, defeated pl>l!111cd fm' )'OIl1" entertainment. ci'lle student borlr \\"ill contrihute ill Til tlcroe11linuto3 timc, his Republieull opponcnt, 1.,1. Go,'. Ernest Hast lle'er e'en enterC11 E. ]~owgcrs. wllfltevcl" way it can to )'0111"clljo,I"1..ncnt or tIle da,\·. Sllllllllinf_!: it up, we 'l'hislllindof m;nel hope you have 11roraJ1y good time 11llClrest fli'll)lIl'Nl thnt \I'e \\'ilI do OlH' -"The Dut~h 'l"r"u\)noollT," bE'st "Qucc'u J::liz;)loethlwd ,10 time 10 con sidur lh~ of ])wrriuge, lJeill.g a I'ury W(11):111," sAi,l Dr. 'V ills, Alleged Evils A ]Jl'omil1eut .JilpaJ1CSt~ Ilfls ris('11 to tri"[i(:i.~(' tJle spread in un dTor1 10 1'l"!)I'ehis I)nint thnt ex· l'N'i<'ncc i~ ]' great teaehcr. of Education of highel' cclncat.ion in llis C01111t!·? He (·ite:-; several Bishop lo.f"j[·olf. in !Jis lrtlest work on evils of the edllcnlional expfllwion in .Tnplln. Pil'st, i,; "l,o\"e .AJl'.1i)'sI Hal''' Experienced" 01' th,~ hardship ou tI1C student of tIle elahOl"ll1"c sel"ies of cntrance exami- "j,(l\-ictl to Y()ung J,,(j\'{"l"S"stnlrs that llahollS which he must tmdergo. Seeontl. is the diffieulty of' finding "lon~ is a decoption practiced employment fOl" Ihe gr3cllllltes. 'PhiI'd 11nd fonri'li. tliis \\'1"iter cites ll~' nron~." rortll1wte ill tllnt fal'siglltec1 ed'U('lltors II11H' IH'f'll that cdnc11tion is The third fluor frnllt uf ~lcDunicl, "11. Ts it possil!le fOl" the sl"all eol- mOl'C tb"tl mere prepal"lltion £01" exnmiJlafioJlS. 'l'his ill\'fllidlltes to !l h~I\'('r; 111"('aLpl'ol)ll'llL I'orrobofllti\"e Jlfoof 1I11.1I's mnl1'of-th' Hut Ihe jun.ior in a r1cI'cl- "Bh-vy"-Lm'ine It looks as thollgll some will hove to he Sllli"fic"'(l \\'itll .ioh~ oih('l' tll(lll llll(·crfain-faee. He lIon~t(lod,why Ol'n elln d('ll\' that l?(hwatiOIl shmil(l he more l111h'el'!wl in tlli;.; countr\' tho trHil oi the offender, First, there st!lll~tion by tllt'- Princeton Unil"ersitr not :1p]Jf!ll1 !o the wealth of AllIerica. to l!t"n it is. 1'he eyit seems to lie in 111(,fap! that the 1'1llpha;;is in ecJllC..;. ::::~ ~:I:/::,~':~o~~P:l ~:o:::n:~e:m::~ Press of [l linotype lDlichine eomplet"'ly prol'hll' U minimnm endowment 01' at equipped for printing Arabie characters, lenst.'!<2,OOO,OOOfor(.'aehinsti!utionthlit tion lJ3s been toward makinb,3 hettel' 1ivinr; than toward liying het'l ctcr, belonging 10 J. D. Bowcr~, who work tiS in progress here on the publiea- i~ rightly ]O<'utl'il." tel'. rrlleSE' IlrobJerns lirE' problem<.; of {)1I1'Renel'ution and it i" not too cnrri~d ille instrument in Ius poeket nnd iion of the first series of Oril'nhl texts In conclusion Dr. W(lf{l gi"es the earl.'" to begill thinking of them. ' (Continued on Plige -to Col. 2) to be\printeil ill Arabie here, (Contin\lcd on Page 4, G(JL g)
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