Page 25 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COL MT. ST. MARY'S OOLLEGE HOMECOMING DAY VARSITY FOOTBALL VS. OLD GRADS AND FRIENDS INVITED BACK TO THE HOFFA FIELD HILL SATURDAY SATURDAY, 2:30 P. M, Vol. 8, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 13, 1930 Western Maryland College is Recipient College Calendar Many Old Grads Expected to Return of Famous Lee Collection of Minerals FIUDA Y, ~Ovr:;.MBER 14- for Annual Homecoming on Saturday Curtie Tllstitute Rceitul; Alumni MISS GRACE LEE MAKES GIFT TO COLLEGE; COLLECTION 11a11, 8:00P. M. TRADITIONAL GRIDIRON CLASH WITH MT, ST, MARY'S WILL BE USED BY DEP'T OF GEOLOGY IS AMONG EVENTS SCHEDULED SAl'l.ilIDAY, NOVEMBER 15- }Iollleeo!!ling Day; Varsity Foot- i\fiss Grace Lee, the sister of John \V. Lee, the noted minernlogist, Lnll: Western Maryland College Homeeomiug day ut western Xlat-yla nd College will be observed left :"l. valuable collection or minerals to western Maryland College "S, Mt. St. ]\[ary's College; Hoffa Sutut'day, November 15. Hundreds of. foruter students and parents of several weeks ago. The collection belonged or-iginally to -'h',Loe but Fi"ld; 2:30 p, ll. present students arc expected to be present at this gala affair. More upon his death he left it .in the ebarge of Miss Lee who 111t(lJ: be- Soccer : wester» :--'furylllnd Collage than two thousand invitations have been sent out, and already many Uui\"e.uity quoathed it to Wester-n i\ftnyland College. 'l'he collection is a very va. Philadulllllin,Pa, of Pennsylvania; replies have been received, not only trom Maryland, but f'rom IlHIllY valuable one r-oprcsentiug species of almost. every known minerai. :H1'. Diuucr for AlulIlni end Pa reuta ; other states. A clay of \.Il1l1S11111 entertairuuont is ill "tOI'O for ;111 who Lee selected each specimen to repr-esent some point in miner-alogy and nrc on the Hill this Saturday. Collcg!' Dillillg Room; 6:00 P. M. took extensive pains in his selections. He WM a wide traveler, as his 'I'hc opening event of the day will be the Iootball gallic between SU~DA }', NOVEJ.lBER 16- assemblage or stones Indicates that hc 11,18 visited most eycl'Y part of \Vestern MUI'ylund's undefeated eleven anel the team of lit. St.1I1ary's Coll~'ge Sunday Sehool; Baker the earth in his selll'cl, for specimens, College. Mauv of tho parents n.nd ulum- Dhnpul; 9:00 A. M, ni lmve notse.oll the prescnt t.eam in AC- ;~~I~~b 1~~f~l:Of::!~~~~~~e~:r,n~_~~o iil~l~:~~A lumnus Joins Johns Bnk{'r Ohapel Se.n-i D"y \\'a8 ccl~brlltcd ill a 1I1nHIlli :lnd tI,e parents of studellh,Tllis fore it finally W(lS given to W('stern l"eturnrd to his Hatil'e State this foll 801,inl Clubs; 7:00 p, 1.1. I'cr," imprcs~j\"c nnlnlln by the.R, 0, T. reception is desiglleil to erellte Il great- Jlfnr_vlalld College. 'rhe collection repre· whenh(lcalllcto,TohnsHopkiHsUlli\'er- C. lwttldioll at Westerll Maryland Col- "" fellowllhip bet,IH'cn those who have sents between t\1"!l.nt,r-fiI'C hnnc1rcd lIit.y, to HccCpt tho llrofessorship of WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1[)- I~ge. A cercllIolI,Y II'llS 1Iold on I.Jcellllllll nreeonneetec1with t.heeollegc to th.rC{! thonSlllldspeeimens, 'Modern European lIistol".Y. Dr, Green- Joillt ''Y'' meeting in McDllniel Hoffa during tile regular drill per· in one t"pacily or ullother. At six 0'- Onl' of the-uniqlle features of the Lee field eOIll(ll! to Hopkins from Yule Uni- Hall Parlor, 7:00 P. )I.; Prof. J. iotl. The hfdh!li(lll "'as formed (Ill t.1,C (,Jock uillnnwill be served t.o thevisi· eollection is thnt carh Blloeilllcn has a ,·t'r~it;>, where ho ,I-ns :l~siM"ut, B. n:llIck will E]l<,nk Oil "The New hill ,I lid lIwrched to tllll field unilel" the tOI'9 in tile Collcg~ Dining Room. hay with fl curd explaining its sor of history from 19~O to Pnt.l·iotism." ('.1' n sl"Jrt Naomi loW her 'lbout Uu; Imrdshi]lS of TIll.\' dcs(ll'ted from his unit Oct(ll)(!f 1st liof''''''', world f"llIous i~ .Di- tors or Weber· College are desirous of '>Ilk by Miss Gesner on tIm nati"e, con :l foreigner coming into n Je\\ish stat.e. Inst. ;\1; tlnlt ,im(', he lind in lIis ]los' rt'eto!" of Ihc I,,~titu!(', ,,"a th~ st.rUc.tiOll, £Ol"m, bean!.y, lllld prevalence "But Ruth's dctermination w~s strollg $es~ion" wa!(lh brlonging to CHptlliu (·untnill~ ~n"h noi<'d 1H1111~8 us 7Il"ml'. ~~~:~'~:;1~'(~H~ IIi;e~~:~~H~'II~:~i t~h~; ~::~:;; ill cOllcerts of aympllonies whieh :lre a"d shr en me UpOIl the Ihreshhold of II .R:llph"H. Jleed, Dny l!,111 l)('cn en- Mnf('ellll Seml.Jrich, EmiliQ de Gogorza, Ens!" If a snit:lhlc arrangenwnl can simply elllarge(l nlld constnlct<:'d fOl" lie\\" world. Vittle did ~he r~ali~e the tl-nstell ",illi tho'duiy of getting tllia l~fl'~!l1 Zimbnlist, .lo~('liN Snl'!loIIIl /lnt! be m:1I1e, the from Ogf1cn, grollp playing or orllhestml sonatas, gl"~ilt\le8S of ller future r1)w(lr<1, that ,,"Hlch f"o]]1 !\ repllir $lwp hy Captllin others. ~\ill ";~it the Rill ~ome tillle ill !.loln'ver, IIInn~' sympllonies or move· she, a Monbitcss, should becolllc an tUI' ]l"U(1. A (.(lUIIHlS~, gO"orlllucnt, property 'fhe prug'alll I!IIHouncl'd fo!" lIext \llI'llts, of which sYllIpllOlliclI are com ccatrQS~ of Jeau~ Christ. issucd to Dn,v, WllS lat(lr fouud in tho Priday is to Ill' gi\"(,l1 h." Arlllllr 1.101111' 'rIm \It::bnting t(':)1118 of this yClll' pos~d, IIrc ])Ia)'od on singlo instruments. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) 1'001 I"OOnl t>f Gui$rpl'(' Mngaluseo, oth- gren, i\Ii~s C~li" COII!IH'rg, promise to follow ill the foohteps of 'L'lIe differCllee betweon sonatas and cr\\"i~c kllOWll :IS ({Jo~ Ih(' 'Vop", \\"11('re violini$l; Harlll~] ]IiJllli~t; :JIIlI the suecessful telilns of the la~t few <'Hutatas WHS eln.iing Billtimorc 1).1' First Sc-rgl'!llIl, Georg\.' H, pCHt'd in :J 1:lrge lIulllber of rolcs, a~ at Wesetrn Maryland College rallk~ us She (>l<]l1:litllld it as to move- TlIu girls' COllndl Uijing,'r. Thf' ne"used is now ulH1er Hr well 11S l)artit:ipnting in numerous reti II major :J.ctiyity find nttrtlets 11131l~' litu of:I!1. wishcs TO announce the following rest ~ml will be trira in tlu:> Hcar iu III Is Illld rlldio programs. 11 e i ~ eonlplet- ,1cn1s becuuse of the ":lhm1JI{' practical Thcr(' arc fout mO,'i!)ncuh in a sym· rulea a6 statcd in ita ronstitutioll: hlr". iug his tr"illillgwith HIII"ntill C'ullnell nl ()).l)oriclIee that participation in debates 1. A girl must l"lve :I seholast.ic the CUI'lis 11l~litl1tl·. )li,,~ (;omherg is pI lOll,\", rind elleh movement is wholly & TI,(' detail fOI' the <,onrt c{>lI~iijts uf giveR. '.l'lle teams are coa~J\ed bl' Pro ""enlg"t' of "C" in her work of the a student of )lllle. Lea 1,uboslI11t;" HlH1 distilletpieec tllllt forms the unit.. '1'ho _U'ljOI' L. Georg(' EIIBitis, H, O. T. C., f{'~s()r G, S. Wills of the English dC-purt- different mo\"enlenta such ns "1111egro" semester previons 1'1) her bidding to 1.f Pj"p~id('"t; Cnptnin PHul L. Bales, Cup- Iwsappeareilfre<]nelltlybeforethepub- mont. Professor Willa is vicc-prCRidrnf alld ":UHlfmt('o" wcre given some e"X]lla become n memher of any club. t!!i)1 Ralph )f. l~t'ed, First T"ientenanrs lie. "'illiam]:l>lrlUsiSll ]Jllpllof:'\lr, end ninde ~>f jJ\c Peullsyh'allill Debnting Couucil. !lati(Jn. illiBS Gcsllerllere Il:tlliiolled her lI",rk~ sl'eoud :Ire not semester up after at the pledging of CIlll"em'c 3IL Knox, \'"ulterl\ohout, Don· RoW",nn. fl".' alldieHee (lgainst npplauding betweell ~1tl"1t'D. Sc.ib;, and Jllmea R. 101nnll, Illepledgc is!lutollmtieall,l" dropperl. .JUNIOR CLASS lIlO"cmcuta of II sJ'mphony at a eoncert ::!. Fr,,~hlllen :llld Sophomores shall -\S$(,,'int~ memlwrs (If th(l ('ourl; l"irst ns it telHls to dratro.\" the nnit~, of t.he Li{,]ltennnt Roy 'I'. BdwHrils, TAl,," mCnI A. meeting of Ihe Junior CI:l88 wilt nO!' 1)1' bid to lIn~o club until t.hey tomposition. her of the ~OUl"t; Pirst Lieutenant Joe '1'1](' 1ll('Ulbers of the- Gold Bng be Iwld tonight ill Smith Hall at have attended Western :Ml)r),lall(l Quite ,I large j!Toportioll of Ihe ~tn C. New(:onwr, Trill I ,Judge Atlvocate; St.aff, 1I1H1 anyone ('I~e interested in 6:43 P. 10[, for the ('leetion of om- College f()r 0110 yeur. .1cnt body aud fllcnhy "':IS present at First J~ieut('llHllt Nonll A. Pelln~well, juurllali~lU, arc :lskcd to meet on ,·rrs for the 1930·:n term. The fol· :i, Junion lind Seniors lIlU,\" h!! bill lowiug oftieers will be vote{l on: tllis reeitnl, wlLieh provetl both euter- tu lWy club after a re8i(1('IICO of one Assist'all! Trial Juc1ge Advoente; Cnp· Hext Thursday night· :It 6:45. Pro President, Vice-President, Secretary, tHilling nlll1 highly iustrllr;tive in fnr- semester lit Wf'~tcrn )farylund Col- lilin Donald ,J. Woolley, Defens!! COUII- feSlior G, S, Will$ will lecture on 1're!\~urer, and Hi~torinn. ni5hing:l basis for the appreeiation of lege. sel: ,~"d l'~irst Lientenant George .Mc· "Gold Rug R(.lporting", t"],l~sical mush', Gownl1, A~sisla!lt DefeUB(- Counsel. Welcome 11"'0 Homecoming!
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