Page 24 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Alumni News (!lltt£lll, Ollub, nub ~llrtdy 1IilltUgB Peg Ihumlton.. '31 A question uf iutrrest 10 almost all of IRVlNG CERCLE FRANCA1S SPEAKING OF SOME PEOPLE- ('nrly, lind m:lrl'hed lip tll(J a_isl~ to the U~ is the whereabouts \Ii' the members of Tho usuut mectiug of Irviug was held Ll' Oc-cte Pranea ls met in .McDilllicl class. Beeuuse She was tortv yeara old, if a tried eeconrl row. ~1;lria's usual place W3S it! the 01(1 fumil,r pew in the lmek the of on Monday, November 3. Tlw fen ture Hn.ll parlor on 'Pucaduy, November 4 at 10 look thirt.,·, and uHlIInged to net church. J.'rOlll the mlnute she entered of the program was a debnto "Reserved, ;:15 P. 1f. 'l'he evening wa~ spent on list hns heeu prepared: tj'. Her mother had caliI'll her Mllria- thedcor,)larialleHrceasedtostareHt that the co-eds of Western Maryland tilt'S. S. D<.'Grasse em-cute for Frrmee. (COldinl/('d jl'Olll l..wi/ Wcck) lite vil!:!ge people "the gossip." Smee the man ill the pulpit. During the sing haec the saute rights nnd privileges us },[~Dalliel Hnll parlor wae tho. grand John wurren-c-Mauual Training, Cor- she was a "cry young ehtld. i\lnria hlld lug of the hymns, she kPl't repeating tho boya." The nffirmu Hve wall upheld saloon of the ship ;1n(l bore the pns~ell- felt )lers~Lf "divinel}'" uppoiuted to over to ucrscrr again and "Oliver I)y ::\ressrs. Keefer, Fleming and Rath- gel's enjoyed un enter lniuruent, ;;iven ilova,Md look and llsteu ' to cvcrvoue's SOlmding bUll, the negative b.,' :MOBsr~. Evnllll, for the heuefit of the widows :Illd or· C', H. Wel1t:r.---":l\[lllmnl'I'raiuiug, Hump- affairs. ~othing in tho town b"'>e,,,"-D,,"ty"two.I'cars o1(l slcad. "Rhodes and Joegcr. The nega.tive was of sailors whO hnd died at Sea, e,'or occurrcd that .Mal·ill hadll't by ~Olll~ -fl'Oll1 a good At tile end of uec.lnred tile winner by the judges. Mr. progmm, which "-as in charge of C)l1!rI(>~ W. WilliH-).[nlh, nnd Athleties methlld obtaine(l news of. (md h~(l broud· the ~erl"il:e, scarcel." waitiug reI' (ilc Rathbun cntertnined the societr witl! :Miss LylJ~h lIml 1U~B Riggin, was as nt AlIllnpolia. east as eagerly as n school·bo~· displays benediction to be pron, Literary Society rceently ,ulllounced \-nriIl118 lJCI'SOllnugcs II'hu happened to Clearspring. Lyna Wood. tllll.t the followiug men had been ellosen be on board wcre introdueed to the flU· Eli;wl,r1i1 A, Cloogl!-Engli811 lind Ris· to represent the socicty ill the aU11nal dieutC'.,uriee Chenllier (Prof, Tag· tor." at "ra"ylnnd Park. debate with Webater T~iterary Society: reillarks Irene Yirgini" L. }'ontaiuc----"English a't Snow APPRECIATION Messrs. Truudle, '33, D. G. Murchison. gart) illUde (.llis~ a few Snader) BIIUg. lIlul Refresh- Hill. Bordoul '32, and E-Vlln~, '3~, Sliker, '34, wm be ",ellts wcre served and lim meeting ElI('1I 8. Garc(,ltlll-P"illCipol of Dea.le's n's not the l}rlght blue morning, tllll alternate lllld will w(lrk with the dosed with !lIe sillging 01' "La. Mnr~eil Gramlllar Nor 111(' iridesc('utduwll School, firsttllre!l in the pl'ep/lratiOl\ of the de· iaise". ).1.':111(\ )fum. PllSqUllt werc spo" Hlith K Gleiehlllj'~~h.\"tl'ri:\11 'l'lle ~'' wishes to anuounce ])')l'oth." L. IrollillnY-}~lIglish, Snlis· to town, MUl'i,'!. nlnlost ll{'gleded to dj~· 1'hnt t,hore is no d(,l'l, on" BllOW.'cnight. all Mr. Benjamin O. Boyd, '33, as its tril)lltc hel' customary news. Instend, .)lI~t lovcly twilight tinges and tree 11 ".,.aps itself rou1lI1 hush pledge. Elizabeth D. 1I0WIHd-English, .Prenl!h she Kent to thc lQwn's finest sho]l ~1l{1 Ghnst·lill() making bir~h and o(lk The "Maryland Dauce" to be given i]l at KllUlicokc. SI,elll.1 few hundred dollnrs on a new AB l,u!llItiful n$ Eternity!' Baltimore on December 6th, after the AliM IT. TIll~ton-1<~"Cll"h and English white outfit. On lhe thc new Uni\"Crsity of Maryland football game, atllaUl}Jstead. lIlinist.erprcaeheli,Mnri(l ioallure.h Robcrt B. Holder, '33. will be held at the Southern Hotel this re1lsors, Webster takcs pleasuro ill announc· POETS' OLUB ing that ~fr. Mnllollcy Il[ls Ilccn l1lnde a 1l1~III_berof the Bociat)'. ~""" Pv~~s' -(1'1111) Lelu tis ti'm 1ll~- jng of the year on October 28, ill Mc· Darnel Ibn parlor. Miss Mann opeued ElktOlI. We qnote from pnragraj)h :Ill [I ItT- the program with an informal talk af- ,\lon<1ny night illrs. StOl'er School ticlc pnrports to hI' ncws: "ThO' ).Iatller-Latin, ter wbich the rcmainder of the time nt Pleasant Public which was devoted to the reading of origi.nnl Valley. dl'all of 1\"lIllC" lit tile University of sort of tlmc :lIfillll()$Oln prOllOSl.1sthnt:.o poetry. There were several applic.mts eloek he illstllllell :It sOI'ul'ity hou~c~ for mcmbersllip. ,"lizabe!h H. llitIllICll-:Muth., H. S. und l'()oming houses for eo-(!d~ who go I'3ti~IW"~' PIo.I'sicnl Education at Da- out on parties. Eacl! girl WOllW 'be THE VERDANT FRESHMAN? Ollligl'(l, lJcforu going out, to llIaJ'k dOWll on:l c:lrU the 1101"', tl,e place she wus An information blallk issued 10 some NnllC)' w..\Juure--1Iath .• 11. S, SCil'llCCS and t.hB IHtlne of her escort. 011 To "",'ke hl'!' ~I"ihi ~oon C:llllC to 1)(· misg\lided freshman disp1a~'ell tile fol- :It B,'I1(lersOIl ),." lowing startling stlLtistics: ed,W .T. I\'ord'nl.ll-L"ti", English lIt Born-Yes. 1I·"3t.miuster. Hcr l'rrUll Lh[ll itlolu'uful dis!,ositiOll. Place of Birth-Tn u hospital; I was ,\, Bel""'1 Pieklltt-Biology at Bel Air. very siek. ('Htherilll.' E. Rcail-Euglisll. \Vestmin Parent,s .......Two. ster. Parcnts' Birtl'lllllce (if foreign)-Ea~· )rari/l." E. Rcihnid(·]·-H. ,'S. Seiellcll' at tern Shore. }'linLStone, "I'e re(·l1l'T('IlU." tnkcll Your OWll NatiOllalHy-Grease monkey. .\udr«y R Repp--Publi(' Se,hu()l Mnsic lillit,." (If restrictions. Each young laITy Prcsent Address-We 1ll0VCl1. at Rising Suu. mils!. (10 thus ((lid so. 'rhcre nrc 110 ex· Previous EdueatlOll-Slim. l',dith E. flill-Mnthemnties at Ramp- c.eptions to tilO' I'lill's which domimlte CYNIC Conrses Wnnted-A La Carte. tile sO(,ial, morn I, alld spiritual life of Lauguage Spoken-English, Sh(lrt·h,tlld BI:ll1che ::'II. l~oIJies(lll-gllg)ish, Frl'llcll, "'''i,lclIlr lllulcrgraduatcs. Deans of [ \\'titc and J know 1I0t who reads. lind Sonthern Drawl. Physicl'JI Educatien at SII:lrptown. WOIII('ll Ita"c lukell it 111'0" l.h01llscl\'C3 You read lInd :'011 know not who writes. Den011lination-1 uBcd to hav(' one, but lTrith A. R,)uh,,"-Eiatol'Y, Ellicott 10 l1l't'lal'e that the to liege girl CUll.l10t "-110 Nlrcsf tllC buttons CIUlle off. • '1'],1'", w~r(J1II'1ll_Yo\lll'r Idl('r~, photo Cit.v. I,(J l1~el'lIt or $cnsil.lle unle~s she is re- 'l'll:.tist·h(l (Ifa 1II(11i Weigl1t-Hon~Jt, g,.,tl'h~ Of nhllost Eliza RU8~cll-;"lnt1I., JI. S. SdcncciI, 'luired to be, WctnkeitaSIl mcanre. Wholl] lo\'{) Ilescrted. Ghcst-I never brag. n('''·"p''lwr~. Tracys. 11""1;(111 un tIl{' c~~cllti"l ~harllEtcr of J fOllll(1 all of Ull id,)l of (lream~. Hips-Uh·Oh! ('o11ld gpentl n nutll Sn.rloriu:;--lloIiIC E~OllUlnies at our gencratioll, [111(1 ,'",~,)Ht the 1l1lIlCCC'S' Thc illl"g~' Calf-Just II little bull. 1(",lion nud ,iu~t fc\\ Gleu Burnie. cnforeemclIt of dHlstity :lud so- of mc worship alli! gifts. Allkles-Loose. 1':liwlwth H. 8~ott-H(\n'" l~"()lIomi,.a at QUI' g(lO(l·lwarted feminine Jt"rumbled! ]<;yes--'r\I'O; one gOO(1. Hij..(llland. 'rh:lt Do You Urinkl-T'm no came). 1.1. Shipley-J-:nglisll at F'rcdcr 'l'he G<.'tt)'shllrginn is tile ('nd of n dream Do You Approve of Promiscnous Neck- it:k. mgt-liow many 1ll0tC U(lW kinds are College Special 1\:nthr."11 A. 811cicllcr-Bistor." at Ae' Sill)!, ShoUl alld ho 11Iet'ry whe" ~'ou call they going to find' I ncver llcck~ cidcnt. Clut~h l'as~io", li\'~ pr"!I('ut. f(\qwt past. more thau one girl at a time. Rdwkl1h B. 8tonebrenkcr- Bnglisll, 'Tis hest. Previous Employment (if uny)-ln History (It Hagerstown. :~II this J!l'alillg of Ihe IIlOOU, Thut is Lhe spirit of n man 15c Public :\resic _\lId uf thc rOlllallt'e it ~nggcsts? C'ircus---I wss u bearded lady. i\LirUlic G. Strawhridge-M.ath. I1IHI Whom l(),"\: Ims d1.'sNteti. 8!'!'001 'l'hurmont.. nt __ ~_~Exchallge. )far.'· Cntllerinll' Str~et-Histor.v, Bng- ~lIch lllllWkish, ~cnlillleut;)1 stnff J. Il. U. Brcl),(.'kfwd Blue .ftly. BABY TERRORS SCUTTLE NAVY lis], a.ndLat.illat 'l'raC;I"s. Tutellig"lIee t[UllIOt i!;~~s1. PLEBES l\ffililda F. ThompSOll-Prench, Math. ]lothing the mooll, "Dad" SMELSER A delicious Fruit and Nut Sun· nt Ne". Willdsor. 'I'here's llkc ahunt ICE CREAM. SANDWICHES, (COlltinue.ll from Page 3, Col. 4) Glori'l J. 'l'horllbnrg-Mat.h. and II. S. As nil." Ill:ln of scicllec knows. COtDDRINKS W. "hld. Nm'Y da.c topped with Whipped Cream Sei('nces nt Seaford, Del. It's;llrlcs1l, uleak, [1 frigid plU(·e ShiUing hE. Murrny Njlfi V. W111Jrlce-Pllblie Sdlooi }'Iul;ic Where llolhillg lin~s !\]1I1uothillg g'·Oln;. Open Every Nitc Until [I :30 Wakely L. T, Daoenhowcr (It Randllll~towu. nestcr J,. G. DllttOll }'raU~CH C. \Vard-EIl).!:lish, l%sUand, 'I'll II! il ~IHJllld 1l1,lke UllU Ihink (>f hwe, Lee C, Harbold GRIFFIN'S 1'(,xae. A\lcelernte the eir"ulll!ioll. Smith & Reifsnider ~berl Jt.. G. l'fotenhauer lldeu Warren-l\:LuUI. UIllI Gencrnl ,]", me i~ 111e moat Hcnselcs~ thillg ~ailusky R. T. Stone Seiel1CI' nl Hurlock. To plltgne till' eadh ~i1l!'~ Ilwn'~ ne- Westminster, Md. Hnrlc~' R. E. Miller Goodie Shoppe ISl!)lol "lIf. Wentz-Public Sellool 1[usic McNall." Q. B. .Jones at New Windsor and Union Bridge. ~lioJJ. LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES DUl1n L. R. Chung·Roon 59 West Main Street ,Jnlin A. "\Villiams-M,'!.lh. ~nd H. S .\11(1 if' )'~1I think tllll! I'm it groneh, Willis R. II. Brelib ,\11<1hll\'c the temper of n churl, AND COAL .\leCormick F. B. Hampson SODA,CANDY, TOBACCO AmI RHII;.:hl~y-Emplo.\'e(] lit HOchschilrl, Th(']1 kllOW ii's thnt 1 gazc l.lione. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Tonchdowns: N~vy: Jones; W. Md., KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Kohu CO., Bllltilllorc. ¥c.i,\,ally; try for point, "Dulln, Snftey, F'mllcell RlIughle.l'-AS~islllnt to tho Whilc someone else is wi-h my girl. GENERAL MILL WORK Western }'[d. Rcgistra.r at W. M. C. ,f. H. V. Blaer. lin,; Bllu Jay.
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