Page 23 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Green Terrors Take AII-Marines 20 -0 iSPORTSi I SPORTS] Harlow Machine Comes from Behind to FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL Down Veteran Eleven in Exciting Game ECEIVING THE KICK FALLS BEFORE BOOTERS 'Vestel'n )i!H'yJaml defeated the All-l\Iarine eleven Saturday night in By tonight. onr Vnrsity will have left ruts uro due n ahnre of praise. Crippled Th~ "1'1'1"1"01"hooters madl' it tour 'Jut of Griffith Stadium, Washington. by 11 score of 20·0. Although the final 1111 rue longuat trip of the scescn-eto b~' injuries incurred ill previous games, score was the same as that of the St. John's eueounter, the game was a Clevelnnd. John Carroll Universfty will thf'~- jl)lll"lI~yl'iJ If) AIIlIllpolis ln~t Sntur- harder-fought cue, all scoring being delayed until the final period. The lre the opponents this weck end forthe Leatherneck eleven is without a doubt the toughest team tbe 'I'm-rru-s have 'l'ruvelin ' Terl'ol's. u small college like loam started functioning SOOIl Carroll, J'ohu met to date. The hall wna in Western Maryland territory the greater Western Alarylund, always presents n after the opening whistle, n, :1 part of the first tln-ee quarters lind despite the consistent Tenor delve it fOTLllidahle cteven to oppose uny team. in four seasons. lend which WIIS 110t to be relillqnL~hr(l. looked as if they would be held scor-eless. 'l'bey could advance the ball COllspicuous among teHllls which they "Korm'' Longddgc, a stellar performer At'1er 'JIJOlit five minutes of the on almost CVCI'Y play, hut ns soon as the Marines gained possession of have defeated ill the pnat few ycnrs are 011 the Western Mal'ylang soccer t earu the Duvls-Elkius 1\1111 the Uniruraity of De· n few years ago, lIns returned to the the pigskin. Robertson's punt would send it so far baek into Tenor re- u-oit. vtuanova awl Fordham contests of Hill us coach of the hooters. As "~n,Ei, eked ont gious that the Harlow machine was under eoustaut pressure ill order to olle touchdown vietorles in fhc soccer cleves has bel'!! fllring "1.'1'.1" keep the bull a"-ay from their own goallinc. the lost fi"e se~sons. sn~cessfuliy. "Charlie" Glick was tl. eoustant mOllnoe ======e= SineI' 1921, when John Canoll went ':rhei"rc~ord th1l8 far- the posts to gi,·!, th(! ,-isHors II 2-0 lead. tu the Terror men 011 both offensive und JUNIORS, SENIORS WIN the nnnlCof Sf. Iguatills, nil' "Irish" W. :iIf.--3 State XOflual-O Tn the second l)erio!l 1'owllshend boot<,!! and r\efensil·e pl:!)". This two hundred amassed 1418 to their op· W. 1IJ.-~ Dickinson-O thefhi.rdalldfilllllgo;t1of thnt half. twcnt~- pound elltl is IIbout the best cud IN INTER-CLASS HOCKEY poncnts 77S. That goes to show that \V. lIf.-3 i:it~!~ Nornwl 1 FrmLklin aud )lal'sllUli hall sc,.er:il swr ihat the 'l'ctrars ha,.e fl1ll lip :Igllill~t they Iwvc contraCted rI hubit of pnshing \\'.),r.-I }'. ,';: 11[. 2 ing opportunities but faircd 10 "eash- Sill~C 11arlow has be!!!! coaching for West· "~"(I8S I\\"o fallirs for e,'err olle seo"cd }'or thos~ of liS 11'1'0 \I'ill rrmaill on iu". ern :\larylnu~l. ITo was 1II.Ile to use his '1"he fir~t illtllrelass hockey gmll~ was ag~inst thelll. It's y(,!ry seldom that the)' liLe Uill thi~ we offel' a renl Jilthe third quurter the L:l1ll":lstt'r fnil 10 score. This gnme should lle II footlxIl1 bloLtlic. ()11 the new hoekey field last Mon t<.-iLm relaliafed partinlly it~ rC1l1 tcst for Western ),brrl~lI{l'$ ,11" nftel'l\o()l\ b? the Junior B nnd thl.) jir~t go:'l whcn Oshorn fOllse. B. teams. Thl) first half of the shot. The 1'hi~ cc>luHln h~~ COllfincd its~lf thus game, WllS bitterl.,· Ilolltcsted, the Sopha 1';\1' to YarB;!')" footbnll. 'l'hese Hnb~' Ter outdone, howe,-er. and "go1till the of the period in the few of play. The re· ",-cell Ihe uprights. lunking it ~-]. 'rhe throughout the first three periods it look IlInill(lcr(>f ll1eh1l1£ wnsa hardbatt1c tlnnl qunrter SUll' the 131uc Hlld WIiite c(l ns if th~se pheuoUlelHll plillts would bdweGll the two aides, with Ihe result Baby Terrors Scuttle Navy Plebes; lemn score ils sceoLld gonl, when Oshorn be the (lesrr .•. l'helil1c-up: :~n\:~,~'sf:i:t:~~~t~:O:;\:I~~k:h~h~:I;:S~:~ ;1:I:l~O1~;~~:~~):fOtl~eta~h:f e~~e O!st~::;~.;~~~:~~~n t~:'~CS:I:;I;~M~;;~~ :~o~'l~:I~~~o~~~~ W.1\1. C. .I!'. &; U. ~~:I~~;~~Dogs (luck 5Gyards to their ~'!~;~~~r!~\'~I~~~~~~\b~~otl:~S.S:.l'h~efe~I:: ~::d~~I~:~:~lo,~:.r~ll~:~:in~V;~i'::~o~~~~ ]lonta"" Goill 'l'aylor de!:r~n~~:~l t;;~~~d~~~nll1 Wt~Sel~~~:O::'t:~~ ~lisses Parker, Mnrphy ana Coek1)lIrn. ::.~,:'I;II~::~;PI:;~~ueCCSS1'lll when II pass Geurgu L. }'. Shnb. Eure ---,;"2~,,,,.'ar2<1-,!',,inc~"'c.:,,y~i":::''ii'h''.-'",''':,,·'''::' ","""'''':''';'' T-~--:---:- -_-_-_-_ ~~ ~!!!J~:iJlitilli qU'lrt!!I' s",," "r Ihir') o,,,,,r'pt. l'r"m (h~ li'·,w.t:; Cross fl. F. 11. Clark Leit,·]' L. n. H. DlIughly toling th(l l)n11 on a wide end· 'J'ues,la,r afternoon, th!! ~e<'olld iutef 1he Frosh in hot watcr wilen :.1 pllllt wua .nu-d lille Ihe }'ro~h tlro,-e IQ the five )'I1ll. ShGrtly thcTeaft(!r the Hurlow l11~ll ehlS$ game ill lil)Cke_r lJetwecn Iha &!n Llo~ked :llId stHrted a (hire from ,I':lrd mrlrker alld n Hat (XI!!:! scor~(l for '\hmill C. U. R took tl,e 1)11.11011 thl! ].farine -!4--yard line iOl" A llll(i Prcshman A teams was play \\"(')ste1'll iwentY-Ylirtl line. thrlll_ 'I'lle try for point "'n,, snc~essJ'ul. R.ll.B.(c.:!jit.)S. Clnrk :Illd mnrehod olLce lllorc to n touchdowlI, {'(I. 'l'hcre "'ere 110 stfLrlli~lg plays such Th" as~al1lt was a'-erred for a short lime, Xav)· l'cee;"c{] :mrl being held (}ncc N. Wooll~) O. L. 8margolU I\'ith Koppe ll1ggil1g the pig-skill across as "Iu\]"a~lel'izecl the game of th .... pr('I'ious how€l'er, when the Plci.)e~ were held f01" 11101'(" dcC"f' in GreCH blo"ked l'''\\,llsh~lId 1. L. Stine hll 11 r('I·('rSI). Ek!litis made the score nftenHlon between the Junior lind Soph dO"'115 un the R,lI',\" bunch "lid l'clri",'~ BARBER AND BOBBER stand 0 B~tes L. E. Ferrell At the Fol."ks PillC\lr:! L T~ 'I'rll,·ktllmiller Ben$oll L. G Crowe L,llllU CentH Pressley D. S. 6EHR &: SON Bllrllett H. G Rt anllje~' Wilker R T~ Cnmmings (Established 1866) _]{Ieinm0111:{ Phone 318 'J'ollthuOWIlS-D<.>ught..,-,· l{OPI'Il (~) . Westminster, Md. .Points after luuchduwns-Eka\lis. 2 (plun·-kieks). SubslitutillllK-GealcJ fOl' FOR Kleilllll:!lI. BillingslcJ for ~\kC:IITre~·. AN HOUR OF REAL !~;~~;t~~c~~~:~~.rr;;~. ~i~~:'l~~SI:;'~ ~:~_ ENJOYMENT linger for Lawrence. O'Neill for T"OIlj!'. THE ~,~.~::,,;:~;:~'";::"';;;;;;:"":J~;:'~:'Colonial Ion Golf Course (.'nmmiugs, Bellttic for 1101'. Gnnn for 56 EAST MAIN STREET .<:;1andley, Strong for (Hiek .. Tones for \XlESTMlNSTER, MARYLAND tlzey Saft·sfy Referee--J. Roppe. Brown for Doughty. Umpire-E. J'I Jl. Trimble (Dubnque). Open Week Days HY((II (Michigan). Field .iuilgn-Br:r~n 10 to~;l tSu~~~;!ght ~~:~~~~e~~g:;:::;'!~:to~~f~s~~.alin€s- ~=,,;l,,;P,,;.-\M,,;.,,;,o;.;;,M,,;id;;;n;§ig;;;h',== CIGA.RETTES ore manufactured by LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. CHEST~RfIElD (
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