Page 22 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 22
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt IAronnll till' ffiumpu!i our one of remarked "Yes," ensually eo-eds fuir dtacovered muu extra vouug arounHer froll! Hollywoou was. Ogden Evelyn E. Collison, '31 George E. McGowan, '3] from such Donai(l a suel'.essful run whoac York plllY New hall Margaret E. Hwn.ilton, '31 Howard A. Bolton, '32 lasloenson.1llissWnr(I'slctterhallhad Victoria D. Smith, '31 Samnel G. 'l'ownshend, Jr" '32 Ruth E. Woolcott, '31 Howard j\I. Amoss, '32 Winifred S. Bush, '32 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 Sara B. Robinson, '32 C. Russell Herbst, '33 nr. Suslln Strow, '33 Thomas 111. Gealey, '33 Belly Allen, '33 William G. Pyles, '33 IE-D-I-T-O-R-I nt the mCl'C of the Autumn Confucius says somewhere, "Autumnal weariness fol- dreadfnl dragon, what do you thiuk lows the ardency of s_nmmp.r." Conf'lrius was a wi'!l' ~[am"11l (jijl .i,·he!) Shi:...~A)LJl!.el11L - ~ but we believe him to be wrong in his description of autumn as a .-\ndnow,littlekilldies,lta\·cyOlllHade season of weariness. 'l'here is it sensation of peace about autumn that your dnil.I' brenk tud~,rl Because if you don't muke a IJreak CVt'rJ" {lay for the no other season gives but it is not the pencc of weariness bnt that or next week, Ihere'll be no .'l.l'uund lI]C work well done, Nature seems to pause i.n llel' COllrse to regard with Campus in the llext issue! satisfaction the consllmmation of hcl' \\'ol'ks of the year. She is not weary for if she was she wonW not deck ]lerseif iu th(' gaudy hues of TROM OLD VIRGINIA the. autumn forest. A person who wauders abroad throngh thc woods 01' fields at this Doubtless time of the year imbues something of the spirit of tIle sensoll. lIe feels bl'otherfrOlllthe Oll """""'1'","',""0" at peace with himself. He feels that life is worth liying, if he IIiIS ever the dedI \\'as hot trail 'fllUl's(laJ had :llly doubts on that subjcct. 'J'l'ue, the leaves are dying but they offheallllllni rose are offcring themselves as testimony to the fact that there is beauty (]ill1ll'r and j!'1!1'e II ("\l('{'r fol' (11111<"<'>8in eyen in deatb. Autumn is the forenlllllel' of ,,'inter but it also holds the gymnasiulll. O.l1e mighi, at first thoughi, labd it :1$ the prom.ise of spring. Shelly has e.xpressedit bette I' than auy other ~houting for n lost efluse, bnt that is )]ot man in "If winter comes, Cfin spring be far behindf" 1I1eease. 'J'h<)truthisthatlllctimeis The Soccer Of tile teams t.hat represent '1Vesterll hl,U'y];llla Collcge Team there is none that gets as little puhlicity in jH·opol·tion to what it docs as the soccer tealll. This team, without tOl1stnllt lltHllllJl'ring. S('utimcnt is j!row 11 eoae.h lmtil recently, hillS made an impressive showing this year {IS in illg f~sl 1wd strong. What is )lcedc
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