Page 21 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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COL VS. GEORGETOWN FROSH VARSITY FOOTBALL FRESHMAN :FOOTBALL VS. JOHN CARROLL U. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO AT HOFFA FIELD SATURDAY, 2 P. M. SATURDAY, 2:30 P. M. Vol. 8, No.6 November 6, 1930 FIRE IN COLLEGE INN Co-Ed Debating Team College Calendar Pupils of Curtis Inst. COLLEGEPLAYERS CHOOSE TdREATENS STRUCTURE; Chooses Question THURSDA Y, .NOVE~I.BER G-- To Give Recital TWO ONE·ACT PLAYS FOR STARTS IN BASEMENT lions The Should adopt a policy the of Nu MU3ieapprecilllionlectureb~'Mi8s G:45 P. 11. 011 Friday evening, November 14, a THANKSGIVING RECITAL subject, "Resolved that rreu, giveu Ral! Smith free G<'su"r, Curtis trlldo'· has Ihlen chosen by the memo Ulusieale will be from tho in Alumni lIta!"i- b~· three urtists PROMPT AciTION OF FIRE DEPART- SA'I'URDA Y, NOVE]'fBER 3- "MAIZIE" AND "THE TRAVELERS" ht'rs of the women's ,·nrsit;>' deba.t ing t.utc in Philadelpluu MENT PREVENTS SERIOUS teams of whom vtvn l~eid '31 is man- Varsit.\" Foctbalf, Western Mar~- WILL BE PRESENTED IN DAMAGE l"ud College vs. Jo1m Carroll Ijnt- Mally of us l](ll'c 1)ICilsant mumcrtce ALUMNI HALL ugcr. Member-s of the nffit'mufivu te~m vcrsttv. Cleveland, cute, s . 00 uf a ulruilar recital offered last year ure: Ault:! nbeGullioll, eaptain ; Gladys 1'.1\1 itlldwil1110(10ubtlookfoi"ll'nrdt.(lnt- Th~ Coucge Ptnvers "re plalilling to Pire hrok~ out at Coll('gt: Jnn on the Somers, l\[nr.r Lee Sllipley and Victoria eumpue of wustom "\farybnd College alternate. Those on the uegn- Preshman Pn o t u u t t, Western tending tho one on tllo fourteenth. present two plnvs on Thnuksgivtug Monday night "bout hAlf·Vast ten "M...11)"land }'rosilluen vs. George- Tho artists ineillde It ,·iolinist, n piau- night, ill Alumnl llall. The plllYs that arc: Ruth Elten Wooleott, IJ"n~ ueen ehosell HI' of contrasting when ~ large rafter running under 110(, town Freahmen ; lIoffa Field; P. ist, snd it vocuust, Their rapcrto'i rc :.\l.ildrod Rruun, Margaret Ram- xr tvpcs of drnmu. The first olle"Maizie", firBt floor of tho llUilding was ignited by has not vet been n nnounced. '1'11('111l.'1.Reid, nttcmntc. is short, but runs the complete g~\llUt the heat from thc Hviug-rooi» fu-c-placc. $UND.\.Y, NOv}}MBER 9- of truman cmonou. All of the sction 'T'he fil·1' had e\-i!l"lltl.\- slllouldcre{l all Collegc Sund'IY Sehool; Bilker until e\-cning hut ".:\~ 110t diseovered night. CHAPEL SERMON IS BASED Clt"peli 9:00 A.1\[. HALLOWE'EN CELEBRATION tnkcspluec in a Olle·rOOIll after the inn hlld closed for the P .. ;._r. tlte.Ellst York. the hy when oue of tho guosts retu.rning fronl ON THE LIFE OF JOSHUA Bnl'cl· Chapel Service; 4:30 IS AMONGBEST IN YEARS Nelson, plnyed dCIII·l1-t{)wn, reported tn )'lr$. Louise MOl\"DA Y, NOVEl"IfBER 10- .\Liss who i~ Il ]J('r8011 who ttav('s HlIlllrick, mlllmgt'r of the Tnn, that .Liternry Societies; 7:00 P. ]If. 'I"ltursdu~' night, e\"er.'·olle found at luxury, who \I-fmls d('spis('s her times, lllllllble and poai- tion, who th{'re was 11 fil·c in the bascuu:nt. ·I'l,t, Hev. C. U. Elderdiee prcuehecr was a selection ing throughout the alStion. is u resene lIud worked eue]"getiefln~' enrry· b~' so llllln.I' Divine I.>y ihe orchestra, thc members of whieh \'el-';· tine person ululcrneath her mater· ing hot coals from the fil"cplae(l, 1110'-· aeriticl,1 situatioll arose at hia Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. wel"e George :.\[(;GOII"All, Masoll Sprague, iulistie Uppe:l.rflnee anti in the elld sho iug furllihlTe nnd lIIal, coffee for the Bul Joshua \\"~s sure of hia Di· 'John George, ""Pete" Campbell, nnd rises nobly to meet a difficult situatiOl'. fire fighters. 11nl"old R,lIhbull. 'I'hen, as the custo· 1'I,e second play of the e,· i8 to Dr .. Howard A. Kelly, of Baltimore, 'rLe dtlllluge was (loufined to the liv· mar.\" rOllhibutioll of thl} freshmcn gil'ls be "'l'he Travelers" by Booth TArking· " distinguishetl surgeon nud scienti~t, ing·room where the rug and floor were :.\fnl·Y Parks /1l1d Editl, Goddllrd dnnced, tOll. It is very swifL-moving and and a brilliant, conservative theologian, burned aud 11 valuable oil painting Y. M. aml Dorotl'~' Hull Ilnd "Jerry" Parrar is definite [,dioll throughout. hallging onr til\' firo·plaee was i.njured spoke nt,:J joint meeting (If the SUJlg several ducts. Alter this, "Pnt" dcal~ with the e'·entful happenings by tl" .. slllok",. domitnblo faith and COllrllge in his he- and Y. ,\1'. C. A.'s on Wednesday, Nov- J\hl!"p"~· aud Ruth Davill gn"o n t:lJ).' " tn,ic!ll Allwl"ienn tourist fllmily ..~ --Mr~ -itmn"Fh:rwh!1lC~ -to ...(l,jJ"-(I-f_WU1....tWO 'l'it,~whG_m-Qtlg'ht cmhcr-fi ,1t·7 r. 1L h McDani..! ITall d(lllee, followed by silhouettes of prom;· nrc forced to rClllaiJl a night in a rural thnnk the eollege students for their back fll\-ornbll'- reports of ~he T"llnd of pllrlor. 1'hroughout his talk Dr. Kelly llent mOI·ie stars, directed hy Jiathleen Sicilian village hotel. 1'he east i~ as and willing aid during the fire Canutlll. In other test.!! he had Fro,-en emphasized the fact that the Bible is a :Moore. Amollg those represented were follows: faithful. Naturally ho l,nd n <1istinct "hook of knowledge" which tells as "JOlln Cl"~wford:rr 1.>)' Helen Doenges, ""La Scrtl, "rl·. Stillwagon; the eLauf personality of his own e\"ell if he could I\bout God. "The k<')' to the Bible is "Harry Ellrles" by I.ora Olliten, "Nan- feur, Afr. D. C. Murchison; Roherts, Mr. not till tho high place of .Moses. Bnt to kno\\" him who glll-eus thcae truths." c:-' Carroll and Buddy Rogers" by Bobbe Sullivan; Mrs. Roberts, Miss V. Smith; FALL R.O. T.C.INSPECTION he kuew Umt the God of IIfoses woul!1 "Tht" Bihle is a book of sci(l11ec. D"skalll (lnd Wilson )lurray, "I.aurel ,Jcssie, .Miss R. :Myersj Ling;, Nr. W. lois God the George Salvatore', SCHEDULED FOR NOV. 20 be "'1'lle tasks as well. Joshull had before Se.i(,nee is the is knowledge of and knowledge. f(!Rr We of nll(l Hard:-·" John DIIllC (lud and George Joe Moria, '\Irs. Miss Shidell, Hecht; ?\[iSM Gallion: which God Timmo1l8, him wore mall)'. Apportioning Ute (!"ain entrance of the Bible K. ArtliUl·" b: John O'J"ellir nnd Bill Ur. WcaglI. Lnnd of Call1Htn among the 'rll'clve by knowillg God. Wo lose the key W1'{ln Spal·ro\,-. The annual fnll ilwpection of Western '('rilles of Israel, establis1,ing a wander- we I(ls(' th(' l"aih<'I"'s llamlwriting at the '\[.1Ir.yland's R. O. '1'. C. unit will take ing people, and eslablishhlg It firm Jew· end." FORMER STUDENT IS TO pltl(·o on Novelllber ::0, when Col. Ralph ish religion, in spite of the fae! thnt Dr. If. Lea,·itt, tiJ{l COllllllllnder of the Third !\ell." said that prominent. seien- of 11~(lt·hcll gods \\"ero Oil that the? (Ire children COACH SOCCER TEA~i of Ctlllaall, were Joshua's ehief 1:)sks. Occasional moral lapses would prl'vllil eonstnlltl.l·. Joslmu called fiU gl'! at the ultimate cnd anything as Western ~Iar~'land has been fortun- 011 oue ocension, exhorting his stienccis"pI"OI!:ressiY,·:l1ldtlde\'elop- "l~ this y~ur ill securillg }.fr. Kernli!. Sl'rYe the Lord or io choose ing tllin~·. ITe \\"Q1lt 011 to say that lJouj!ritlge. of BUI·ton, M:lrylaIH1, (is its eyon nlOI"(' so is it hnrtier to get (It the ",oad' in soee<'r. Mr. Longridg·o was hl\sia of tlo(' more sul)tle truths of the fonuerl~· a ~lnd(]-nt, at ,Vesteru Mary- Bible." The BH)le is n book of iml'Oll- land, alHl whil" here WIIS a m,'ml)er of derables. Lovr is tilt lender of these. (i(lllllllt! Bt'll1 ('hi .Jo'rat(lrnity. HI.' nlso 10 show the inspeeUng omen the skill pla.,·(·fl ..;()~~er for tile college. :,cquircd Ulla Ihc progres3 mndc Along J~ove coming from Goll cannot he alla· pI"a(;ticalliues. lyzed and ~'et we pl"iz(o Illis more highly He h".~ hAd 11 Yery successful cn.-eer Every ~rear tl,t-rc ;[1"(' 1\'·£1 inspectiolls. than lllnch 1II0rc tangible things. We in thesport,nnuis well 'luulified for th<' position. Rc fur Burton one in the full UI1(l a lUuch lIIore C)Luct· :'::::d i;'Oi~ l~:~~;e '\;:~~s\~tle~or O(~ll~YS~::l:~~ school, which WOll t.he Champion· illg :llul detailed one ill the sl)ring. Up· 011 the Inst inspecHon depends the fin"l nrds nml idevla love. IIrc b:lsed upon goal this h of was:, l\lnr.l"land for of three years, Tude and meml.>er tli('-Barton 11 Olll" 'impondcr:,l.>lu', r~tillg thnt the individual eollegeil alHl thiukiJlg. '1~he masses or peo· taking thc dlillnpiOllship of \Illiversiti{'s ,,·ill r('ceil'll ill their CorpR ]'1(' do their thinking I.>~' proxy, UIUS scil'nce the nwsh'r \\~Jl IIOt. iOrt'e hi~ l",,·mitting u few great thinkers to do wa.v, lInt the Bihle will load us toward Connty for two a.ealiollS. Area. \l'1l:lt ~hould be their work. SOlne crowds Goti's love." "'a~ ruted Hil by the in· \\"ill follow any perular theorYi others, In ronduding Dr. Kelly olTlphasized tluded ill Hr. Longridge'~ inlerests. In an~' llllpO]lulur theory. l'cople like 10 tirc imp,,,·tanC{' of our r~I:ltiOllShi[l witll bUsl:i:>nll, he WlIS:1 member of th'l tcams specting officers last. spring, thus plac· he g-o\'erned by eXj)ediency rather thun God. of PotOlllnc Stat.e College and of tho iughciore thcmilit:HY stU(lOIlt!ia spl('ll h.l" prilli"iples. Bill !l,e man with deo]) l{e;l'ser B. &. O. lfR. tNlll1S. lIis bus- ,lid ~bllulanl to st,.j,·e to nwinlaill slo- FRIDAY IS DATE SET FOR seated con,·ictil.l1lS will govern hia own Ij:clbollsueeessesl,a\·eineluded t.WOSUI· life, ulld will not be worried by tlle .~ous with Potomac State College, Key Miss Hertzman Resigns g,in: 'E\"er.ybody their else place iu it.' tlm Com· INTERCLASS GRID CLASH !!Cr, 1\'. V"., aud will one take year up with his (I tealll is doing l'ronlise~ in J.'lorid~. TIc dutie8 hIJ\·e busi From Faculty ness issuC!l of li(signalion of Miss Violet Hu\7:man, fn fi(>ld Fridny afternoon. Both tealll~ ti\-c fn\"orit,'~. 'PhI" liu('urs 118 an- of the :Music d"purtrucnt, who is le(('·· MR. EARL LIPPY, FORMER STU- hnve been 1101ding- concert WIlS hold llresell!.inj! :1 \\"rll hal"nced liue IIIH} n Be:ll\I· C. 8])arro'" gf!rm will he the stud.,' of Olle of the Miss lIertzm:1II pluns to spend OIl(' :It tl'e Emerson Hotel. Ur. Lippy is:l fu~t Il,,['kfield, mnst of wllOm saw ser- C. J.[;\'~r:; R. G. Landis nt(,..;t fau'ou~ of Shakespeltrr's trage- month at her home in AShland, ,Viseon fOl"mH l$tudent of Western ?[nryI3na "Ileonnter. Little is Cumphetl R. T. Herbst dies, Romeo und Jnliet. 'J'l,c l'rOI."l"om ~in, I)cfore liN m~rriage to ·Ur. Alberl Collegt·. Sinco leaving Western Mar.'"· knl""11 lOf J.'re~hlll(ln tC(lm except 1\:illlmc,' H.E. [lelllney will 1)(' felliured by n reading hy Miss I{oehler, which will tllkeJ.llaee the first Innd hc h:ls utten<1ed the Peabody Con· thut it is raring t(J go, and promiaes Sliker Q.B. Murruy Esth(')" Smith. It will be remembered of Deel'mb("r. The couple will then mo- sernllory of Mus'e. He hns appeare<1 "peeuliUJ" football" for the SOpllolllores L. Wrigllt L.R. :.\fartin t.hl(t Mi~s Smith ga'-e SOlHe "ery en lor io their new 110mB in Los ~\ngeles, in a number of eoncerts and has fre- to eOlllh~t. 'I'l,e game will be- Ilbly ref- R. Loss R.R. joyable readings from this llln~- nt 1.10,' Cr! quently sung over thl'- rndio. ('J"ct'(l by Mr. Kermit Longridg:o ILnd ('ulYl'rl P.E. Borcners flnnuul tcnehers' recital this fall.
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