Page 20 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 20
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Co-Ed Athletic Asso. (!UU!i!i. C!Hub.attu ~ortd!J motuga Plans New Recreations I ' , ~OUI 1iug At nine o'clock last Monday night ill nrc girla' gY11l11nsilllll,R new form of Y. M. C. A. WEBSTER recreation for women stll(lcnts was in· COMPULSORY OHAPEL "BROKE" lt.iabed into the aetivitiel! of Western Yery attradil'e programs uave fea· I.llst Monday, webetcr Literary 80' U.nylnnd College. About fifty girls en- One HOUT- Such "fn ntastlc" ar-ticles (10 we Bee tured the Y. 1\L C. A. meetings the last cief y 111).da vrogram comprised entire- joyed the indoor sports. 1 like the way printed in our magazines: as, "How I two weeks. Wednesday evenng, Octo- tr of freshmen. The main fealuro of This recreation, which is in the form The sun $hine~ got to Europe and baek on a dime", i9 her 22,Mr. Hcraee Willinms,a mteeicn- the CVC11ingwaa a spir-ited debate by of indoor games t'hn t provide fnn uud. 'l'hrough that orauge pane, poor consolation to a person in dire nry lately returned form China, made freshman caudidntea 1'01' the society de- little atr euoua exercise, is sponsored by And tile purple bluo reflecl-lons need of a few peuniea (as we eouegc a unique n.nd verv interesting addrcsa buting team which will rs ee Irving's the- Women's Athletie Association. In On the wall students usually are). We haven't a on "Beggers I Have Met in Chinn." team ar0UI1(1tho first of December. ord~ring equipment for the Girls' Phy- And Iloor. dime, and ten cbaneell out of ten we Last night Mr. Howard Amoss spoke on The program opened with a current sical Education Depllrtment this year, eonldn't gilt to Europe anyhow on that "WIlY Spiritual Depression," demon- event review, touehiug 011 subjects from Miss Marie Parker, bead of the depart- The prnyer- ~um of money. We walk through the strflting till! uplifting ineplration of all partl! of lhe wor-ld, bv Jones. Thcll ment considered those girls who are not How very strange paselug by deheatessen stores In the Psalms, and showing how in the enme the debate on the question "He- desirous of engaging in hard pbyaleal Different shoes, our friends are eatiug to their Psalms, t he Old Testament ineldenta, soh'l'd that the U. S. Should ],:[aintnin exercise and ordered games thut eequtre Standing row on row heart's eo.ntent. The platc glass win· lind in the events of today, tile pres· a Na"Y Equal to That of Any Other little ndive eX{'rrlse yet {l.r(l lllllusing Ou the polished fioor, dows mnke us fcel as though we were enee of Jesua, the 8011 of God, inwtr· Nation find nu Army of 500,000 :Men," and interesting. Thore are enough Ap]l{'ar now brhind a window of "another kind"- iably lifts men from spiritual depres· ill which the :tffirmativc teaillconsisting games to accollllllodate R large number When the head $0 fnr arc those "goodics" removed from Ilion. of [(~smodel, "Rissey and Oross defeated of girlll R~ the equipment COllsists of Is bowed. us! Window·shoppers are never satis· Chinese beggars, Mr. Willialns in· Bcane, ]'[itc.llell and :!\[alkoB by tho deck tennis, deck quoits, bean bag, tar· fied. They have to go on to tbe next for1llS us, are to be fouud 6"ery,dlCre (:lose seorc of3 to 2. g('t throw, ]ling pong, bll.dmllnton Rnd a. Sieturillg ner. Thcr£"is n big roaflt turkey on the te!'ritor~·. Tileae oriental mcn(lieuuts Herbst. with Cross beiug- "ItHnatc. The Christ. and-what's the use' usc many devices, such a~ keeping rl\U· NAVY SINKS BOOTERS IN FIRST some pcoillc actually get ning sores open and free for observn, IRVING DEFEAT OF SEASON ,\ h.null- 1'Ilid for dccel'nting windows! It dOBS· Lion, to gai uthe sympl1tbr of the peo· Thl' ve,y last! n't seem as if any ullexpeeted nlalllla pie. III O\le <.'ity e,'ery aiulh llllUl i~ 11 Irving Liternry So1'iet.v held ita ll$I.HlI «(,outinued from Pago 3, CoL ~) Tn an hour is going to drop f.rom Heal'en to Itp· bt'ggnt. All this is ijespitc the filet m(l{'ting in Irving Urdl at lIeveu o'clock !h{' s~nre :::.1. 'rllc rest of the qU(lrter wus Di.nnerwillbcservecl- pense our Ilollege appetites. We ought that thr police Imye done lUllch to cut 011 Monday, October 27. The meeting .~\·o]'l'less.the uHll b{'iug in ~t(\·.,·,s terri Holls nnd (·old slked longnr, to be n1Jle \1) filld SOlhething e]so to do. dewn i·heir numbers lind nctivities. wall caned to order b~' Elman J. Rabert, t())·y ll108t of the tillle. '1'he una! p~riod No doulJt tt'a Thne's a good ]1]o"io ()n down town to· Lflst j!\'pning a lIong by t.he Y. M. C. Pr.,sident "llro·tclll·'. The fonowing pro· Aud spouge cnko night. Yes--but that takes wonoy. It's A. qu:!.rtet preceded Mr. Amoss' talk. gram WnS rI!lldCI·C<1: Agllin. not likely IYCcun smile sweetly enough 1Ifr. AmO~1Ipointed out ihat in our eon· Del)1l,te: o~"tTanrhat "ijitrhlli!l·aeprcssi(in is - Tile' nic!Huers 1!1Ht guests of the Lynn Wood. Ill'erUess. BrO\\'ning Litcrtlry Soeiety enjoyed n DOll'i forget: next week-a joint !:I(leialmeeting MondA~'night. The liglltll meeting, Dr. Kelly speaking. were exliuguishenn. :t!il,;s ,'nd nrc looking II"hell the n I P. M. to Midnight KODAKS AND SUPPLIES lUll! ymu'!:I graduuting elnss. Beeallsl' neu. R. N. ITi!l"htot.k-Mruoual 'l'rain· 1'1t[!1lrc al ut tile .\ull"polis :1\n\')" in Plrb,'s will Ill' of tld!! cvi(lcni curiosity tht' follow· ing in Carroll county. ~titllfi{)!l (Ill Sutu'rday cuming. in/.: list hn~ h,'~n J)\'epnred; William C. P{'lt.on-l~ootbnJJ, hnsket4all IY'.l'.·JY.I"rI!.~·rI'N.,.,..-..yy.·."'h"'.""''''''''''''·''''''yy.Ytl'.IYY.'''''''''' at Bethlehem, Pa. Line·lll', ~ld. }'ro~h :r':~~-"".~--~.-."NN.~.Noh"""""~./WW·~·d""'YW"oMod""~I'" l;ClJrgr C. Ba\llllgartllcr-'I\mching Gen- Branche H. Phillips, Jr.-History, Hl,~kIl('11 Frosh W. Ilral SCielle('~ IJt Lintllieum. Ellgli'32 land, Caravagleo, Kubaoki, IIBdrick, Baltimore, Md Campus Repn.:sentatlve \\"!~gl~~. Eaton-English at Union l_?1Jd. ~~~~~)~;,S~i~~~:'g,fe:;::. ~ y •............,.. ·N ·.·.~ • ~ Bridgl". .~~:.o be Continued Ncxt Week) W. hld.- .............. ...,.. _•• ~". V N.-N.~
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