Page 19 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE Tl-rR8B I SPORTS I FOOTBALL SOCCER I SPORTS I TERRORS TRIUMPH NAVY SINKS BOOTERS IN BABY TERRORS BOW TO OVER LOYOLA COLlEGE FIRST DEFEAT OF SEASON RECEIVING THE KICK, BUCKNELL FROSH, 48-0 WINNING 40 TO 7 The Westcrn Uarylnnd sceeer team met A well orgnuized end powerful Buck tlefent fnr thc first rime this scuacu when nell freshman aggregation ran rough next two games our football the Per GREYHOUNDS SCORE AGAINST the :\[\\'al hooters gntued a 3·1 team t rnvels ont of tile state. 'n.i!! week Bcst ou College. All of these tenma have shod over the Baby Terrors at Lewis by Mn- the dlhn been defentcd or tied TERRORS IN LAST QUARTER verdict OHr thelll 'Wednesday at Au burg last Saturday, The Western Mary- uapolis. Although the score seems to iudi- it is the All·1I.1rine game at Washing- rmes e"ccpt Bostun College. The Bean- lund Prosh, handicapped by numerous "ate that the vlaitors had plenty to spare, tun-c-next Saturdny they jour-ney to townors c\,ed out a one tnuehdowu de- injuries were unable to eope with thc S'l'A'J'IS'l.'JCS ON LOr-OJ.JA GA"?1E those who witnessed 'tlle gnrue realize Cleveland to tie up with .lohu Carroll cisionOl'ertLo1.l1ltineSLhisfllll. (Jnc'i- strong uud diversified attack presented that it was II close match after the first the Bisons and eouscqueutly fonnd W, xra. Loyola few minutes of piny. University. (lel1tall~' Boston College oeeupies n spot on the IHong end of a. 48 to 0 I:urd~ guinl'd ruahiug -t'i~ 102 The "BJue~" started off with a rush A wont about the Alf-Mnrine team and on the 1931 Tcrror aehedulel ) score. Yards guined passing nna before the quarter was half o'l"er Ihcirrccortl- The Bucknellinus who have flve strulght Total yard~ gained .l;i2 Cal't.Williamsoll hall tll'i~e booted tho The Lcnthcrneck SqllUTl cOltsisls Cl thir \'ietoriestotheircreditlhisseasollseored First dowlis ]6 ball into the net, gil'ing the a 2·0 For the past six y('al's thc~' hal'c lost ',I··eight men, reprcscntnlil'C of tw('nt.y Mrl)' ill the first !,]u:lrteJ' ~1ll1 contiuued Forward pass~s tried 21 lend, The Terror kickcrs to lluly len of fifty·se\,~ll coutests played. onc ~t(ltcs ill tIle Ullion, But wilh pla:y HI register with disgusting regularity all Completed "c)iuk" at that point, :lnd fo" the rest ers of their caliber,CI)!lch '1', Heady th.rough the rem'lindcr of thl! fnWls. Intcrcepted of the half the ho~ts' Con.sistcnily, they hal'e ruined a· John 1'h('ir touchdowns wcte ~eored b;r (lint of Lnternl IHlS!!cS tried eessfully thwnrted, W, 'M, se\·(.\nt! good senson for some of the eounh'.,,'s has found little difllcnlty ill Illonlding II persistent ruuning IJtf:ick iutersper"serl Completed chanecstoscOI'llbut,'oul(]u'tqllitemIiS leading college elevens. Since l!l:]~ the 1>.·ol'th, ,c.:outh, Bast and West into onc with SOUlCtimely passiug, Fumbles ler enough ]lunch to t:llly in that period. L~t1.therne~ks hal'C taken football serious great eleren. A stilt breeze made kicking during al· Own Hco\'ered 'riTe Green and GoM kiekcre st~rted tlte I~- lind their $chpdule rel',mls UH! follow· tCJ'I1lltcq\wrtcl'sad(lCidedhaudicllpt'or l'ards lrust llellH1tic~ 35 ReeollTl IHllf like a ncll' team, tl1ld after ing eltl'cns playea, GeQrgctO\l'll, Georgu \\'a$hillgton folk will sec n real battle onctenlnllnd a beneiiting factor furlbl.' senora! Slobs at N~I'Y's gO,'ll succNlde,1 in Unil·crsity )Jiel,ignn" Westminster folk? other, ""lIshington, West-nll.1lilTylalid registering a t.~llr, when 'l'ownslumd Vnndcrbilt, Villallol'n, of Indians, "nturt!n,Y· HoII' "hOIiI IIQt regret The Terror Freshmen were able only Get I'~ thllt game. J1a~kell olainthl'13nltitllorc OIlSaIIlT- (]rOI'e the bull I'nst the tender to make Unil'ersiry' of Detroit, Carnegie Tech and going! YOU will once to get within scoring dis!nuc~. 1'lli~ Oll Page 4, Col. 3) (Continued dny with fI 40 to 1 seore, 'I'he Grey- (Coutinued all Pngc 4, Col. 3) hounds wvre n(,I'el' a \'el'~' serious threat to tli~ Terrors until tile,\' began their un· expeded mardi up tim field agaillst /I team mnde up n\OJ~\I)' of S(leonrj·string Tnror·men. Thl.' gnmc lI'aa not sellsa' tional to any gTellt extent, the Terrors l'b.ying straigM football throughout [Illd the Greyhouuus l'caHillg THE favorite-whose Witll lliis l'ietory, the 'l'errol's th~ir Bl'I·t1.Utl.'cutllSl1ec~s~i\'e on flashing hoofs have brought him the gridiron. '['he goanle :d~o the in ahead so many times! Again be first crossing of the Terror geal line shows his meme! Again he leads since the L"}'olu elash of l!l~!" Sill~o the field. tlwt ~ontest Western )Iar.I·land has held opponents scorele~s, illClulling -;"farrlllud. !'it .• ToILII'S Ilnd Georgetown. 'WeSl~rll ?lar,rl:llld's score was llHl(le. by six tOllehdown~ :mil foul' suc~essflll Illae~ments, Wellinger scored the first tom:lulown ill the first q\l:lrll'f 011 a :n Ylml rUn nro\IIal left end, Koppe (01 lo\\'ell suit dllrinjt the se~und qUtll'ter ~~~g:a~I~:~_:~~~:le~l~tne~~10;:r~~u~~'- _ i1owns, Dought), s!l(lrlng one on 1\ long ('nd rUll and anolher 011 a split bllt'.k. Koppe "'ent {I'I"erfvr:l fifth touehdowu inlh('ellrlypllrtoilhclastljuarteralld L:nnence seored ~oon ,Ifler on n d[~h through t~nter. Terrors Score Early ONE IllmHldi:J!el~' a.fler 1.11mb's kid(·off for Western i\lnrylallll, illc Gre~·h01.11Hlsfum· hlerl. lind Koppe r('covered on HIi' 30·yard lino. 011 1he-third play will always J~\\'ed, W("llillgcr s(:Ul'riall Hround Il,tt elld nud l'an 2; Jilnls t{l the gOlllli11c, Ekaitis plAee·kicked ihcexll'tI point. 'rhe setQud quart~r broughl " second stand outl tUlI(·),dOWll witli Koppe lliepigskiu IUlll Ekaitis kkking' ihc poillt to briug rhe tota1 for the first lml.!' 10 14. Lorola held the 'l'errors for dOll'ustwiee, once on th~il' owu one·yard line and ~gain KEEPING UP THE PACE. olltheZ.'iy:mllinc. never letting down_,. d;at's what The Gre~'h()l\lIds scored during tlw lat· wins on the track-and in a ciga- IeI' ]lllrtof the fourth !']unrter, Egnn fore· illg TIlt'1!U1Iacross 011n fourth dOll'n. The rette, too. IOIlChdoWll eanw nftl'T a steady march aglliJlst HarI01l"$ seccmd string fr01l1 Chesterfield smokers stick to their own 40'J'ard lillo, Chesterfield, because here they Western l\1arylanel Loyol~ find those essemials of true smok- Batcs I,. 1'], ('urti~ ing enjoyment which never tire, Pillt'uta T~,'I'. Paluwi,·z never vary: Bonson T~, G. .lfeCormack J>IUlJI, C. ~'innertJ MILDNESS-the wholly nat- B'~rI1~tt l~,G. Kosdlillske Wilker 1\.'1'. Dllffy ural mildness of tobaccos that are Wille." R.lL Kalil' without harshness or bitterness. l~kaitis Q.B. Dal1l1ire Dought)' L.ll. l-'Ieurent BETTER TASTE-such as only Welling~r R.IL Cunllon a cigarette of wholesome purity Koppe Carlin and better tobaccos can have, S~ore u~'(jlulrterg: Western ~JlIfylnllrl .. i 713 J3-.iO Loyola. (T n 0 7-1 Substitutiolll!-W est e r II Maryland Brubaker for W('llingcr, Lnwr~"ec for \rillc.>, Gealy fot Kl~inmnn. Wall:l,'C f(>r 13l'lIs01l. KiemlJlal1 fOI' nealy, WelJiugel' for Lawrence, BClIson J'or \\'nlllld?c, Brown !'''r Dought.'" Lawl'el1e~ for '.vellinger, Kohout for l'incul'a, Bolion (or £113itis, Jones for Koppe, Willey for Kleinlllan, (le1\I~' for nidI'S, Brubaker for l.Jawrelleol, Wallat'.e for Kohout, l!ginger for LUmb, Hammill for Wi!le.\·. Loyola, Ellis for 1\:3ne, LCllane for Curtis, Plotyuk for Fiunert,v, Waidner for Palell'iez, Kane fnr Eni", Curri~ f(lr Lenane, Finnerty for Plohyck, Palcwkz for Waidner, Camp· bell for Gaunon, J.Jt'Ullflefor Cl1rtis, Plot· zy('k for Finnerty, Egan for Cllmpbe1J.
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