Page 18 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 18
P t. UE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I AruuulI tile illatUpu!l I \FEMINATAII ]Jarietn GOt Thelw_I'e~droJlpeI'Sfind thut l.woof our Llalloweten is in tile air find we can't ,-------------' A REViEW AND OF LU'E DOOKS, PLA \'8 tellillg ;md su~h, Spoakllig of fortune- at route, they n En I',wuli~' duabed off to Baltimore tee~n!Iy_ help but think of gypsies n11d fortune- omOAGO ruther lnuehed $wnnk~' iun. telling-that is It remarkable nrt. It is What's ~'onr rucket S On the tennis Ollieial ncw~]Jal'er of wustcru U:lr~'lalld Colleg<'., ]Jublished 011 Thursday during Hostess (to nforc.llIentioueol) "Girls, marvelous the things OIl<'can Ienrn . Take conrt, tile probable answer would be the the neudemlc year by Iho studunta of wcate m Maryland Colll'ge, Westl1lin~ter, I'd like you to .sign this autogrnph :!l- curds-c-one finTIl ~ big of of Sleell" a mtlgnificent p,'cst'Jlted, howevel', as ,'iomething that should l'eflllil'C 11 second rlH "T'lu ClIluing Bnd< t{l You, Kath- ;In' ~OIU~ IH'j,pll! who ",'cd lIvt h\lilding, ljUl Chicago is not sntisfied _\!enutlme thought. 'rhe '\Titer first states that the eommittel' round no case lecu"to ceas('cullceflling their tnlollts1 worr~- aboul lo~illg thl'ir hends for tlw,' with Air BUces, '\ wh~re a student received any subsidy above. college e.xpellS('S, He then .In V\'l'y wdl withoul 1111)'_ that \\'as ll1e world's g{)(l., on to compare college amateul'S \I-itll other lI111atenrs who receive One henrs a lot :ll,)out "Vice V('I'SII'j lnrgrst. the hold Lingle murder, the in- -Lut 110 one seems to know whiell "Vi~c e..XjlellSCS to the tune of h\-enty dollars a cla,v. Anothel' eompal'isoll is terrm! is Versa". nn).(lltnlion of Ihe Lindbergh heneoll, the made bctweeJI the amount of mOlleY th}lt a football pbl'yC'r of ahility Therp is howcI'eJ' IW nl:nOllt universal ''''W ~tat(' ,o;;ln'~t Bridg('--ench oue a Dr. ,/. JJ. How!'ts, thl' rlllin~lIt a~hiHrmellt Qf an ordinor~' cit,1' e'll'ns fOl' his nlmu mllter and what he recuivcf:; ill retm'll. l<'l'cqnentlya i"t, 11'110 ILns .inst rcturued from the illsirc to know the \lnkuuwn-f8pe~i:dl~' II '''alter xpen8\'~ Somelilllcli EYf'n if fl player rE'eeiye~ 1]('lp to the ('xtent disr:ll>lser.1 in the ('!e, '1'odny 1 look a sight." \I!.\cIHl'lO)'11Ient mob meeting and there 11'1\:0\HO l'iolcllt'C, _\rnrders urI! common, A PQlogi~~ to J,!dnn Rt. Villl'cnt )!iU(I~'. hut 1 did not lw~r CI'Cn a 'rel'o!l'er re DEFINITION ... The lightinj.! s~-stcm tl\l' cit)' ~\lpJ!ly is plentiful, Ihe Wl1ter stually, College The topic8 of the eom-cl'sations of colle!!e students has SUBSCRIBE ... food is abulld:llH, til(' s"hooTs nrc OjleU, Conversations been made the f;ubjeet of II l'ather c.xtendetl shld;">' by TO THE ... street ears cnrry working-folk !Jilek and two graduate ~tuclellts <.)t the Dnh'cn;ity of Ohio, 'l'he,\' for years, ... forth to SnlHlay finds the outl1our8 say. '''1'here is 11 rather ]Jopllhu' notion IIbl'011(1 in college eil'eles that Whoso remains dissolve ill a torront of' ~ ullI mug ... city museums-sO the parks or erowding Sl)it.e the goes 011 in life students lea1'11 as mueh 01' eYCII mOI'e from carh other Ihan fro111 lheit' tears, ... ... of g;mgB, and gUll pJ..1~'! ~tlldies and pl'ofess-ol'!;." 1"01' this to be hue the topics of eO!lVeTSlltioll OSCULATION ... life is the ~)liril of Chi<·agu----- mllst be ahoyp the tl'i\·inl. I,lot- thil'. ]1llrpose tllf' stlld,\' \I'!I!! in!lugllJ·;!lecl. TELL YOUR. .... "r bl'l\\'f1do, dllring, slrcngth, Roonur 01' lotcr you'll forgr·t with :111 the hU1U31l weaknesses illlll.gin· The topics of eonvcl'satioll were listed -in the Ol'dCl' of the )lumber All yon're lIfIying tonight, and yet FRIENDS! ... ahl~, LIen/led impossibly to mnke ]Jrogre8~ of times discussed. For mel! the nllll{ing ill orclcl' of frerjlllJlH.'Y is 'Tis !lWl'ut of tl,e stars tu Ids!! the sea, ~nd nc.hif'\'ement incl-it3ble_ Sundbnrg dates, fl'lItel'uities, sports, d,-lllcing Imd clothes. POl' \\'OllleJl the rallk- Hut Hot lwlf ~o slI'ooi ~q you're kis!ling rllught tlml spirit in lhe "(:hi~:lgo" we feci "iell!" ing is dates, clothes, somriti(>s, go!>sip awl food. The gn'titest topic 0-£ EVERHART h[l'-e :<11rcud :lnd can We nll knoll' Uw'beginuing lines, ionsl", Jt OOt'sn't IIlNln a thing I know, general interest was fonnd 1'0 be sc..,,- lIml t'ehtlec1 topics. TIll! illvesti· but 'hete's the part Ihllt renlly rings: But llil,(> to hear your voice and so- BARBER AND BOBBER gutors fonno that ~llthongh considerahle jntercst was found in iotcllec.- The moonlight aud stars It:ll'O a thou- "l"lingillJ! ml!gHet:e e\ll'Sc'Snmid the toil is job ou ,job, here of piling tur!.l and artistic suhjects student .., W~l>e little iIJt!'l'('J'aed in thl' I'olos"a~ saud charms At the Forks A tllll bah1 slugger 8ft vivid Ilgainst social experiments of the clay. A~ T lie riJ!:ht llte,e in ,I'our .voung warm SEE lh~ little sort dties," Many inferences cnn he (]l':nvn from tire l'Oll~idt'-l-atiOlI or the I'C- S'lltS of this investig-atioll. TIle illwstig:Hton; tl!('l1lseh'{,'i tonuludc Ki.>lJ my fiugers, lU~'hoir. Ill,\' 0Y<.lS, R. Mark Reed, '31 that "the bull session is II miJlOl' f'durfllional fOJ·ce. ,. III spih' of thi!'; \\'hbjJ('T 1\ thou~nlld llTcdous lies. 17 LEVINE HALL D. S. 6EHR « SON conclusion all~-Olle who is well J\{'(jlwintccl "'jth the hull session f('rl<: Ki:l~ my IUl.uda,and arm~ And tllen OR thut there is some educational nrlne. goorl or hll(t, ill it. A fltudent as Kiss m~' trembling lips oguin. E. N. Hassell, '33 (Established 1866) Hold me, 10\'0 me, ~ust. tonight II l'lllc 1't'8Cts to onl~' a small portion o[ n !1I'ofesso!"s IN'tIJre hllt that \\'hile II,e stars arj shiuing bright; ROOM 135 WARD HALL Wholesale and Retail does not pl'eeh:de Jlis much edncnlionnl "nlnr from tll,'lt, sanlf' But ~ooner 01' latH You'll forget FOR HARDWARE le('!nre. 111 a simili;!)' way although dis('nssiolls among students arc All you're saying t uight and ~'el.- CLEANING-PRESSING given up lDrgely to lllOI'e 0)' less trivial eonsideraUons the iime that is );'"ey('r ulind the by and bye, Representatives of Phone 318 For !!Ooner or later so will I, uiii given to reaUy serious matters is what makes the bull session a potent 1er Westminster, Md . influclwe. .r, H. U. Bli ek lind Blue .ray,
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