Page 17 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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SOPHOMORE VARSITY FOOTBALL HALLOWE'EN PARTY VS. U. S. MARINES GIRLS' GYM COL GRIFFITH STADIUM TOMORROW NIGHT WASHINGTON, D. C. aOME MASKED! SATURDAY NIGHT Vol. 8, Nu.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 30, 1930 TERRORS TO MEET BOSTON COLLEGEIN '31 REV. C. M. ELDERDICE Sophs To Give Annual Head of Biology Department Who HOMEAND·HOME SERIES DELIVERS FIFTH CHAPEL Hollouie'en Party in is on Leave of Absence in Europe ARRANGED WITH THE SERlYION OF SERIES Gym Tomorrow Night HUB-CITY INSTITUTION 'The ennunl Halloweteu !larty Ill. WESTMINSTER PASTOR BAS E S whief the Sophomores are hosts will be GAMES PENDING WITH SOUTHERN MESSAGES TO STUDENTS ON atven 1<'rida~' evening in the Girls' METHODIST AND BUCKNELL LITE OF MOSES G.vmu1lsimn. UNIVERSITY Pluns for a diverting prograUl ure In Baker Ohapul, on SU'l(lay urter. well under "'a,v, and the decoration and Westem ~\Inryland's urecn 'l'cl'1'or~ noon, October !!G, the Rev. I'has. M. El- refreahmeut, couuuit.tcca are working will clush with Ihe Eagh's of Boston Col· derdicc delivered the fifth of his aeriee hurd to ereate Ull ('njlJ~'able-evening for I(·gf' ill the Ba\linlOre StHdiulI' ,1('xt f;,ll. of sermons. II", used [IS hi~ text He- Uu'h guests. The Boetouurns I\'ill ecuro to B:dtilflore brewH ll;:lr-''For he (Mos(.'~)undurcd, 1'he eonunitfces are: Elltert1limucut; 011 November 7, ]0:0, to tho \v~~i· n~ aeeing him who is invisthlc.' Susan Stro\\', Kathleen Moore, Betty minuter tcutu end in return 'I'errors Allen, Rueselt I1erhst, and Joseph .4,1· will Invade tlro TIub Oity (luring the Importance of Moses breuht. Decor!lt,iOIl~; Troy Hrunbaeh, 1932 season. TIle greatest. ellUrautel' of rbe Ola .Ellznbeth Andrews, Glad.v8 Somers, Du 'J'hiS;l.nllOUllct'lIlcntw,ISlIII1(tetllul·l'I·· TC8talllcnt and, ll('.Kt to our Lord, the ,'id 'l'rundle, uud S!otldnrd Routson. ly part of tllis week b.l· Riehnrd C. :\l"ryIIlHd \\'{>~!HU Hnrtow, ccnee- most imporfnut d'Hra(·ter of the Bible, Ref'reslnnents: lielen Xluflinlx, Ruth ("Dkk") lllentor. Negolilltiona, ",hid, is Moses. The Jife of thisgrent-llUIll (1j. Carolyn Reed, wunam BIl"r. he.:n in ]ll'og"ess for time', some vides Ltscl! i1l10 three disttuet periods: row, Wtllinm P~·I('B. hun" completed lind tile the first period lueludes the fort y :..ears lurve {iuull.,· been of trainiug in 1:gn)t; the sccoud, the footuull fansil1' H1Iltimore and 'ic.init)' forty years of training in Media; thu HEAD OF MUSIC DEP'T arc assured It good mid·~eason gnn,~ third, the fort~' J'ears of leadership in ll('Xt year. the wildcrlU:~jJ. GIVES INSTRUCTIVE TALK Boston Rates Highly Preparation in Life Bo~toll Colll.II-:Mari!!c --l;:i:US~~e:\~hlir~~;%!;r::~ ~~:~0~3~::~~::~,~:~lf~~ I~U~~::l~~_. lenm, lind Dnrton; losing 10 F(ll'(lhnm, significance was lois religious education mel! wall compulsory, but those uJ)Pe\' 3 to 0, and VillanOVA,'i to O. which hc receivcd through hill own c];usmen who attended commented fav· The Terrors scem to be 1!rrilllging 11 mother. ACCording to the hlstorl!tn, nn th~ highly illtcresting und in· tough cal'd for 19,')1 and itnpVeal's tlwt ,]l'Isephus, l,e was educuted in all the talk. All wh" were present THE GOLD BUG RECEIVES their strength will bc tc~tcd to the arts known in Egypt at that time. Ho expre~sed their intent-iollS of heing pre~· COLLEGE CALENDAR 11l~f \I\'sree. Besides tIle Bost.Ollcollege even reeeivell military tmining, 11l1das ('nt at the succeeding lceturl'S. "(J_",~, there will be lhe (Iunual Gcorge· a prineI' 1f the /:tlne due sueh ment, when, by tile very llnture of hi\! to be given at eert-ail! times during the. Cllapel, 9;00 A.)L illl 1'11'1'1.'11. During tl,o pllst !:!(la.aenor tAsk, he was both tIll) WaShington find yuar. The next ODewill not be So muell Bakel' Chapel S~r,ice, 4 :30 P. 1If. t\\'o thr trlle strength of II Harlow the Lincoln of his poo]lle. And hy thot "len,"" hns lIevcr been I$Utisfaetorily Slime e1llrity of vision the world ean of a 1~l.ltureas it will be of 11 recital. ;'IONDAY, KQ\'EMBER 3- teste(l. but with the ]931 ltel'u.\I!lQ·llllhl ColJege-is at present (·ta~ij football. l)reparatioll fur his delltined t:lsk InlH in n~rlll"IlJ' (lUleal'e of nbsclic(' frOlllhis "ery similar to Christ's thirty years of \\,_i,;DNEBDAY, NOVE::\fBER 5- dul;l'~. Dr. Bertholf, who i~ h<'lldof the \\'hilt· ~penkiHg of tough gamcij, the yelifS of ministry. training for three His pe-uistent euduranee was ~il1lilnr to Date (or Annual 171ter- T .. \1. C'. A., 7:00 P. ¥. Biology l?epartuwul', wall' ,{:rnntL>da f~!· n,'1lI1liJld~'r of this lIellSon is not. to h~' lowship 10 Ihe Ulli\'rrsit~, o-f )1uoidl last Y. W. C. A., fi:H} P. :'II. Puul's driving spiritu:!l forees. But Society Debate is Set .~j1riJlg h.Y Illl' 7\'ationnl 11"scurch CtlllHcil forgoth:n. eSjleeially tj,e j!;lllll....on Sat· \\-ithol.ll.a dear spiritual vision we eal) in ~on$i(h'tntion of his brilli;lut series of urday with the All-Marine tellili. 'l'his not aee Goil, »ud mue111eas can we e-n· SOHEDULE FOR OO·ED HOCKEY rt'senr!'lws on the dsiull of tht.' honey· tel1111i~ OHe ot the strongest cleyeos dure hardness as a good soldier. There The ililnual lnter·socicty debutc bc TOURNAMENT IS OOMPLETED b..e, of tile .Enst, having lr>st ollly teu of 'lrl' colors we never see, s(lullds we nev· tWel'n the WeLster and the Jrying Lit· :\[anl!gcr~ for (':I-flhelllS~ have been At the- Unjl'cui1y of ~!uJlidl Dr. their g::l.lnesplayed during t.he pasl. six er hellr, stars which can be seen only crary Sol;ieties will take plnce on ille chosen and they toge-tlmr with the B~rtholf is working \ludu Dr. \'on Friach. ,Vllurij. They pIny most of fho lending lhrough the telescope. So we cun nev· evening of Deeemller 5. This is a enla coaehea and the oekey manager tire one of the most l'ro'1Iine1l\ j!h.rsiolngiste "oll"g~ icamsll1ld el>pefienee has taught e.r see the ever present God until we logued lH'ent 1Ind tllese annual forensic car('full,Y picking lie tCllms for the l,fEuropeHn(\"]liOllcrrinthestudyof thp oppO\leut8 to rfgard the -Mnrines a~ H I'ilrion of the hOl\l'r-lJ~l'. Dr. B(,T' II tl!l.l'd-figlItingeleven of grllllt. ability Qoil as ~eses." for (juite 11 J,umber of years. Irving tournameut-finc1 0 t whcn your ch\s~ tlwlf has done much to extend the know in the tou~hllo\\'n phase of football. ",,,s t.ll(.!victor in the last tll'O mectings, plnyli and if you Ill) not }Jarticipate, ledge of this. In his resel!r~h~s leadiIlg up to J,is d~~t<'ll·fl.ledegree he studicd but the Webster Litenlr~' Society has fome out and yell '0, it at tile games. OHANGE IN MUSIO DEPARTMENT E. A. LAMB '32 IS ELEOTED MAN- "held the etlge" in the AllnU(l1Oratorio :Managers will see hut their teams are the "cadiOll o-f Ill'~Sto "olor, l!siue from FACULTY TAKES PLAOE theeolnr. ofihelltHlree01' AGER OF MEN'S DEBATING ('nl Contest for /111C\'en longer perioo.1of dreased and plaeell on the field at 3:30 111(' it w~s ne~eSMl'y 10 develop 'To do TEAM lime. Pullowiug a reee.nt meeting of Hockey T urnament a refined type of /lJl\lar.~tu~. These reo Westel'll ),farylnfld College is glad to \\'ch~t('J' ihe following 1I)('nwen;- select· .Junior n va, Boph ~~:!reh"s w~re gO sUI'~l'8sf\l1 that Dr. wekollll' :\Hsa )Jar,jeric Herons who i6 Eugene- A. Lamb, '32, was elected ed 10 represent the societ~' in the de· Senior A "8. Fresh \ Nov, Bnfholf wns i'll'itrd to addrc~s the-meet· to fill thc \'aellucy in the :Music Depart· manager of the men's debating te-allIS, hat." ),IL'ssn. Gealey, '33, \\'erner '33, Fresh B V8.Fresh No". iug of the American AlISorimion for Thc lllent ereatNl hy the re"iglllition ofM,isi! following the meeting of the entire Junior A \·S. Soph A Nov. :\dv~neelllent of 8eieucl.' in Xew Y1lrkill Yiolet llertzman. on hl$t Tlmrsday ('veuing, At and Allios ':l~,with Oross '34 as alter· Fresb A '·S. Fresh Nov. 7 )!l29. Mi~s Herons received her eertifieat(l 'he same meeting the snbjcct, "Re JI(lle. [",ing's representative-s will be Junior B vs. }'reBh C Nov. 10 Dr. Bertholf's nelh--:ilk'~ at We.gterll in pilluo from thc Peabodr Institute in solvcd thllt the Nations Should Adopt a ~hoa~n in the near futU)'c.. This yoar Senior A \'S. Soph" Nov. 11 :\iaryl:llll Week program lmvc ]Jil;8 nerD-IlBas a member of out collegiat.e forensic eneouuters. AR far she prefers. It has been customary for Junior B vs. Fresh Nov.l4 forsew'tal ycarR. What.ever success.the faculty, 6he b~ing one of }dr. Talbari- a:6 prnctienl, theso debates will be con· tllC fWO~ocielics to alternnto in selcct· Soph A vs. Fresb A Nov.17 College Band has atTained is largely duo co's most tu.lented studenh. She-.rill fined to tbis one snbjoot. ;". tho "bj"t ')' th, ',bat<. Senior A \'S. Juuior A Nov.18 to Dr. Bertholf. begin her dutiCl! nnt week.
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