Page 16 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!llaaa, (!llub,atlll ~ortrt!J i01tl9a Princeton G~es Anti-II Gold Bug Buzzlngs Alumni News Collegiate Peg Hamilton, '3l (Tile fllllllll-ing items aro clipped from AT EVENING Arthur a-en, '29, formerly of Bnker, HOME EC CLUB WEBSTER watts, &, Co., is !lOW with Grace Co. 11 serie9 of essays written by Prineetou gradull1egiarism i~ imnmturo, Dr. ,uHl ).!rs. BOIUlotte s:dlrd from Le LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES the purpose of the Shakespeare Cluu. whieh IS.he eroonl){l sel·ernl numhers. ae whiel! is ~ g-fuvious fault. DaITe on thr "aoelmmbeau" on lll1gust AND COAL litiS/! Evu Drllper pluyed u seleeHon on (·"mplmicd 011 tho l'inl1O u~· nnth Dnl"is. Of eourse. all of tl,is sopl,isti"atioll :!ll. ilriQl Broughtl.ln hml left .for the U. !he piano, niter which Miss Vidori:l lHust iJrellk d[lW11 somol\"l'()I"~. It doos k. I,~' WHy of Cmadn nbout a week pre· SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Smith, gnyr a report of the lll"-," so exadl.,' whore you would cXjlt'Ct it GENERAL MILL WORK "Twelfth Night') which sho had aeen DELTA SIGMA KAPPA lo. CIl!ll"iviality O\"t'r a higlli)all is th~ recently. ~li~s Ohner gave. II. fCSlUnc of snl1!t' as it ahfay~ was th~ i(]~als and conceptions of lifo before Delln Fiigm[( j\:appll gurc (! m"de }Jart~· \\"ooJ1c~· the time of Shskcspcare. jiliss Rutl! ill Bnlliwl>re I((st Frirluy night, October l'hcmbtrr depHrlment Ht Georgetown "Ellen Wolcott talked on the question of Iill). By GERHARD P. VAN ARKEL, '29 l'nh·ersit)·. They ),etamc fnsl friends. Baeon and 8hllkespcnrc. ltuth l.hl\'i~ :lUd lialllltIh IIecht eute,·· When the Four CQursc Pilln witS ffr~t The \·o~·aJ..\"clIl'rllSS was un~I·~ntful. "I. The next meeting of tho Shakespeare juined the elub at it hridg'!' tea this a.fter- HHlHJI.!I1CI'd,itisn'J!orted lhl\LOUe alum· tlillugh Dr. Bonnotte eh:!rneteristie;!ll_l" Club will he hcld NOI'cmbcr 11th. An nilS stlid, "'l'hey're trying to make 1\ r~l'oJ"!sthat he had a ".Freueh t:lhle" invit:ltion is cxtendod to llillse wl)o :HC tlnmncl1 e{lllcufional inatitutioll nllt of ~on~i~ting of Ihree Fr(!uehUlCn, two Polen illt.crest~tl ill this work. iho plnce." There may be a moml in and all .\merieun. He IIrrived iu New tho faot that an nhllmms and uot an York II!! September u, alIi! affirmS thnt lmdo"l!"radnatolllade thtlstiliement; the ufll'r s]lI'HIIiug SIl('1! iI \·er.)" delightful PHI ALPHA MU '<'he Delta Pi Alpha .b'raternity t:lk..~ esselltial flld is thnt, willy-nilly, liko it plCMure ill ullllllunclng Ille followiug SUJHmcrinhishlllo'·ed.f<'rnnce,heisroady Phi Alpha 11111 wi~he~ to al1llllunCe that pl~(lg~s; lI1~~Sl"3. William Vyle, '31; Rob· or not, Ulllt aim is n1.Jllutto bo n.'"Uli,,~d tllnnclrrt:,)whisstrcuuQllSII"ork at W. thll :\Jisses Marg:l.ret Chamberlain Fon· t'rt Rodgers, '3~; "Robert ][o]dl'r, '34; ami lws nlrendy ueel' nth~i..!I()t1 ill largo )1. C. meH~llre. tllinc and .~:1argnrctLee Ncl$OIlhave beeu William K!.'l!nlod~I, '3~ ; l~llhl'rt 1.1l88, ·a·i, The undergraduate towlltd attitntle 1'lellge(l to the Club, and }Oliss ),faryOrr :mll \Vil1i~m Wright, '~.1. nthlcti<'s isch:mgillg. Thero is a slI'iug, ITering 11l1s been acceptlld into member- ·slowly aeeelernting, FOR HALF CENTURY orgnllh>;,,11 ship. tealll to intlividunl from sporh: This store has been serving many of the faculty and students gports On j<~rid"y !lHt'rllOon, Odober l'Uli, GAMMA BETA om tEjn:rUs,squash, felleing. gulf, '1'110 of Western Maryland College with suits, overcoats and furnish- 13ett]·Cainnnd 1Ilargluet Hamilton enLer handbnll, ings. In appreciation for this patronage we give the faculty taiued nt tea in honor of },fiu Prances (l:l1unw.Bela OJJi Fndnnity Inkel> tlemOJl(ls of Iln orgnuil'.cd sl'ort on un· and students 10% cash discount from our low prices, which are Haughlt'y. great. plClIsuro ill ,lJ1nOUl1uiuga~ pledges dorgrai1uates' lime, enUing for a regu· marked in plai.n figures. to tho frat{'rnit.v, 1\ressr~< 'rony Diks:l lnrn.ppoaral!ce o.t a oertain honrcacll ;1'11t! James )lunn. day, arc hea.,-~'; \llnlly nre finding that HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS W. W. CLUB NEWS the physical benefits of 8pO,.t oa.n bailS $25.00-$30.00-$35.00 roanilr ohla..iued, with less sucrifiee of The W. W. Club entcrtained a number fIot"dum, in lin infornwl sport wllieh OUR SPECIALIZED TWO PANTS SUITS--$22.50-$32.50 of gnests :It !lIe GOllrgetown gnme on Oc· can be indulged at tI,o whim of ihe Wirh one pail" pants-$"19.00 and $28.00 tober lB, having diuner :It the 'l'ally·llo 'J'he Fraternity takes plellsure in nt, i\Jcmbershill 0)' n. major Sllori THREE GREAT SERGE VALUES Inn nnerwardg. A numbcrof the nlum- notuwing as a(tditional p]('dges, Ur. still remains a distinct social a1ll1 Blute·x-il18.00-ShinetJroof-$25.00-Middishade-$35.00 ,we of the club were present nt the din· I,esfer "'''heeler, '34, Hull ]..[1".}'1"auk I"'l!lllur asseti at the samo timo tl,ere i~ BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES, TOP COATS AND ner, Hnd held a meeting after the rush ~litfhull, '~4. 110blilldhero·\\"[lfsIJ_ipof atl,lcties,lIud OVERCOATS pllTty. a JlWn muatml(I 10 his athletic abilities $12.50----$14.50-.-.-$18.50-$23.50-$28.00-$32.50 )fJss .-\nnn Moe Gallianentertaineil the 10% DISCOUNT qualities of'r and sUP1,lcr.,eu· dnb members informully OD :Friday even- tary :,bililies hofore he CUlloomm:mu a QUALITY FURNISHING GOODS ing' at II ft'etl in honor of :Mary .ilJ1'- TO jJo.'!itil'>namong his fellow!'!. 'I'll!' minor "Interwoven" The world's famous hose-50a--75c-$I.OO Clllnas's birthday. sports continuc to draw fhri)" usual Phillips Jones and Marlboro Shirts-95c-$J.50-$2.00--$2.50 STUDENTS number of l1evotees, but ull,l.)rJ:l"aduato B. V. D. and other standard underwear at lowest prices JUNIOR OLASS illterest ill them hgs; no knger can the Van Hellsen and Aratcx collars Plain and fancy sweaters, light and heavy weight. Rvernge ll\aU name the entire rost(>r of At 11meeting of tIle junior men, held Columbia the soccer tenm, for c..~lImple. As a re- HANDSOME NEW TIES in S.'luth llulll!lst Friday, lI.r. HJ)Trison sult of Uowspilper baHylIOQ,its imp[lr· Beautiful guality ties 50, and $1.00. "Beverly" ties-$1.50 Dixlln, '3"2, wns eJedeil to tll~ tna<'e as a social fl1n~lion nn(t ib ut· Pig Skin, Suede, Dress and Driving gloves in Ute Men 's Stud~Dt Council crellted Jewelry traefiou as a gamc, botbnll will prllb· the withdrawal from college of )'1"r. Gay· obi)' cOlltinue to maintllin for mnn~· lord Bsker, ex·'32. MT. Dixon joins Mr. years its position as a dOlllinant cumpus Starr, Gorsuch (5 Little l'in.cllra and :llr.1I.Iur<:hisIlD 10 rouDd out Co. inferest; .no longer, Iwwe'l'cr, do lnrge the (juota ()f the Juuillr Class in the bands of tho :faitbful travel to Un.iver- Carroll County's Big and Only ExdU$ive Clothing Store Council. sity Field for cae'l pral'.fiee.
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