Page 15 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 15
The Gold Br,g, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ FOOTBALL SOCCER jSPORTSj BABY TERRORS DEFEAT Statistics of Hilltopper Clash RECEIVING THE KICK, , , , ST. JOHN'S FRESHMEN W. Md. Georgetown the varsity A few hours before grid- First down dcrs defeated Georgetown, the Baby Ter- Yards gained ...... 162 139 Thnt game is ended, but there are lin· cheer for you, Paul.!" And when the 'I'er- rors took the St. John's Fros.h eleven iu· Yards lost on penallies . gering metuoriesof-}'umblcs ou the first ror cnptn!n snared passes, taekled the op to camp with an impressive 18-6 vletoty. Porwurd pusses: three p13ys... :lnd eaeu one a breath ba~ks, or ran interference for one Strnight foctbnll throughout the eutire Tried 11 tnker l Passes barely miss\'d, the success t\'amlllate~-chcer they did! of any of which would have changed the 'I'hings Hke that form lasting words. game Wll8enough to detent the Johnnies. Completed Intercepted whole atmosphere of the game ... Punt- Immediately ~ftcr the opening whistle I,atcralpaJlses: ing of the pigskin as impaae.ionntely aa Tllis coming wel·k, weeturn Maryland the Yearlings marched down the field on Tried pitching quoits ... Defensive liuemen who willug/,in pin}' in the Baltimore StadiuHl, f(lur successive fir~t downs and Duun Completed refused to be moved ... Things to be reo when Leycln College is met. And another ral'ried the ball ever the goal Hue. The Fumbles 11 membered. forward paee attack will be seen in nc- try-for-point went wiae. PIny during Own reeovered 7 A master stroke of strategy-the sub- tidn. Dellnlre will probably do most of tile remainder of the quarter was largely 0ppol1ents' recovered .4 stitution of T.Jnwreueefor n Jlla~-... tue the heavtug. His ability eaunot be over- in SI. John's territory. scoring of three poiuts ... Atlisk for lhe estimated in lhnt department. .• And (lun- The .lulmnies llmde an attempt to VhenWeatern l'Ifnryl;md gnine{llJos, the cud 1.0t.ndde tlte- ba.ll-toter. with a lIel1t 1'1111 byWatson,aIldthr.-gmne aession of the ball Oil GL"()rl!~t.own'a9· from Towson Normal by 3 -1 Score <"l(led with the bull about midfield. The line workea togerller as ,t group ..-ard line, Dick Harlow sent ill Bm· Clary Bucks Line ~nd g:\I'/!promise of prooueing eomegood ~~u:~;'~_a~:~::,k~~tl\::~ ~~:b~:l1l0tog~I~~ I:'~:k~~~gtl~:e~ilil~o~~:r~~alhi;~;=;::,~:;l:,:~.edi':f~~;\~~~;;;~i;l~o:::,,~:O~d;~'t::~ loe blllwn fOI' the thiril qnarter, '>V. M. f(Jotbali in tb.e rest of thl1 gumes sehed' llarybnd 'l'hl' Glnry replaced Koppl.l for the Terrors "bQoteu" Western ,'enter of the field; ~ntl when Lnwreuce wa..~ gIIlJlt..d :l penalty kick. Townshend uled. None of the baek~ were outstnnll· _ iu!?;. but tll~y nll 1Y~,·e_.±.bro.i~1,...~ ~:~ ~f,~~e~:s:U!.~:'::',:Itkeil~~,italr~~~~h~~~ ~~:,!!J;;~'-'l~:~e'~"-t"':l~".'~ll~J~,":~c... i!'~:':',itr"':"',;):'i-~~~'~~~I~:":~O!"j,:~:7~_"~:ffi~~",~"'t~"'I:~~'_'''''l~~M~(;e-l1~ti~';:~'~~~~~l~~:~:~ =:;~~~~;r.;:'.~~:'~Itl~':;;ee~:~;: 'L'ow~onteam shot what appt'ared to be Lineup nud sU!1unary: three pOllit!l. from It splelldid buck. EkaHis the11hit. Jine-up of their previous meetiug, wI,en a g!'nl, IJnt it 11':\8fouud one o.f thdr fit. John 's E'to~h Western Md. FrOl!b 'I'he RilItol'l.cra rcturnl'(l the iti\'~stcrn Marylu!H:lersOpelll!'dtJm sea !lumher h,~dmude:! foul. Willil\'us .L. K Dikl!n to their 33-Yllrd line and on the follow· :!O-yanl line. son wilh a 3 to 0 victory. Line'lIp: rl'lPl'el1 J~. T. Ba,husky illg plu)';'! Bordenu and Dnniell made GeorgetoWl\ took time out-as WeSteTlJ ],u1l1ond L. G. Ebert G"orgctown's initinl first do,vn. DUl'to 7Ill(r~'lfHldseemed to be in the mi(lst of Bolll i.enms stnrted slo,d.r and tl,e Non"'ll \\' . .'J. C. ., fumlJle on rreei,-ing a ]lun!, tl'e Hill- " drive, l,uI'ing made two succe~si"u first qnurtel' passed withonta seotc. Early Outside Ri;,!ht Bernick Gal1mw), C. I"ee tfJ]lpn~ rccoycred the ball ou the Te..- Jirst downs. in the ~e{;Oll(lqUArter the home tenm reg· "Nicodemus Inside Right Cha1H!ler R. G. TimlUon~ rCJrs' Sl-~'ar(l ilne. l'revious to this, Clary hit eontor for three yards. istrred tile first tall)' w!J~n Townshend H~ggcl't~ Center )JcCnl1ough H. T. Wnkley Georgetown lmd never really threat- Clar.\' wont eubide of Georgotown's left JIl.IIsen inside Left Townshend ,T~ekson It E. Shilling ('ued tlle Terror goul line, but when tackle for 5 yaTds as the gllme ended. H~mllllrg Outside Left ;i[. Woolley :\l/lcCnrtec Q. B. Willis Bordeau hrOke throllgl' the '.ferl'or wall Bryallt Hight llalfbl'ck B~llne for 1~-yards it looke(l as if they mo.'- Lino-up w,d bummary: {nllJer~ ('cnterUalfba(·k .\Lllrtin Sheffenachcr L. H. ).reNall~· seore. Wilker wus hurt 011 thi' U(·xt \Vrstern 71[(1. Georgetown TnJIOl Lett Tlalfhaek l.eitrll '>Vat~on R. H. lIfcCormaek pIny: but remained in the gallic. Biltes r~.E. T"ea\'e~' Tn tl,~ second half, the Terror "kick- lhose (Cnpl.) Hight ]'ullL,u'k Gl'orge Rilmore F. n. Dunn The lIilltoppers were halted in their Pillcura J". T. Katulin!ls ers" started wilh (t rush and scored Hli ~rozerlls invasion wI,en they nttelll]Jtcd a doulJle Barnett L. G. Dubohky other goal; '1'01l"nshendalso shot_ this Cross Western )'la!'y1:J.Il(1 6 6 6 6--18 c. pnss only to be lluolvn for I), l~':ranl Lamb :Morris Just ns the whistle was nbout to Bowers Gan! Routson !'it. JOhn'~ 0 0 0 6--- 6 loss \)~. the swift Terror line. Pnnt~ Benson R. G. 'frl'mblay were exchanged nnd the hnJI rested 011 Will,er R. T. Anderson the Georgr-town 4:!-Yllrd line when th" Kleinman R. E. Brennan whistle blew. Ekaitis Q. B. Seal:.!;i Doughty hR. J. Uozeek Aerial Attack Halted Wellinger R. H. Danieu "Promises fill no sack"- .(~ The second half opened fllst liS Se:\l- Koppe }o'. B. Gillis it is .TASTE and not words z.i took Lamb's kick·off OIl the ll-yard Score by periods: linc to run i1 back 30 ynrds. George- Western Maryland 7 3 0 0-10 you enjoy in a smoke tOWIIopened up their aerif\! attaek, but Georgetown . 0 0 0 0- (l olllr cOlllpleted two of thofivc.attclllpl'- cd passes. Sealzi kickml to the Ter Seorillg-,Vestern },[arylnnd, Koppe. "OtS allll for aome reilSOJ]Il1IknoWIlto 'I'r" for ]loint~Ekailis (placekick, the sped11toTs Georgetown WII~ give" \\,~llingcr holding ball.) Fidd goal- the 1m.!!. Sealzi passed to Boz~k fnt l.Jnwrcnec (Ilropkiek). Substilutions- U 9-ynnl g-:lil1,but th~ Terror line re- W\!sterll llnryland, Brubal,er for Wei· milder fused to coneedethr tenth y3rd. W{)ij linger, J.Jawrenee for Brubaker, Clory t~r!l 1I111ryluudtook jhe" Imll on its OWI1 for Lawrence, Wellingl't for Clnry, ~O-.l'nrdlin". Doughty pUllted he~'ou<1 ('Inr.'· for Kop~; Geerget-own, Danner mid-field ana Georget(n"11 {'·amehnck :1.' for Tremblay, Bordeau for Gillis, Leary p3ssiug. Koppc iuteracpted Leary's for J. Bozek, E. Bozek for Danieu, J. and ]1UBS alld ran 12 ynrds before being Boz>:
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